Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

"The Man Who Mastered Gravity" was published in March, 2023. Use this space to share your thoughts, comments, praise and/or cries of outrage.
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Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Henry_Yang »

Hey everyone! Sorry if this is the wrong thread for this, but I'm new to posting on here... although I've been lurking on here for some time and reading all kinds of threads from the past... I'm also having this weird bug that signs me out of my account whenever i click any button... so i hope i don't lose this post to it, but here goes...

so this was long before the book was published but a member of this forum named Trickfox posted about experiments that he did that where inspired by Thomas Townsend Brown. He said that he had a light bulb filament cooled off through an electrostatic probe that consumed less energy then the bulb itself took. This light bulb was taken into the University of Colorado to show some scientists who where tragically uninterested in it. The light bulb was vacuum sealed so "ionic wind" or "boundary layer diffusion" could not affect it! Thus some new and undetermined effect was causing the heat and light energy to disappear off of the filament with no known explanation!

Trickfox posted some photos to the web but all the links are dead now. He also claimed to have sent data to members of this forum, but in a private way that excluded outsiders like me when i was lurking here. NateCull posted the original post on here that called my attention to Trickfox's threads.

Trickfox claimed that Oscar C Blomgren cooled off parts of a light bulb filament, and then Michael Riconosciuto cooled off the entire thing stimtuansely to the same degree the original Blomgren probe succeeded on with the segmented parts. And then Trickfox and Riconosciuto discovered that if the entire middle of the bulb is cooled off simultaneously, leaving the ends still on, disconnected, red hot and glowing, then the thermodynamic miracle happened and the effect flipped back the entropy of the system.

Trickfox also said that the TTBrown effect, as showcased in this experiment, was responsible for revolutionizing the communications technology field and that some satellites and submarines where outfitted to make use of the effect. He said that the Shannon limit was reversed along with the entropy, and that the Coulomb electrostatic force law did not apply in certain dielectric materials at all.

Anyway, I am commenting this to ask all the researchers on here as to what degree you think you believe Trickfox was correct about all of this. I would like to know also if anyone has saved the files that he posted. he posted .jpegs and .gifs on his "psychopropulsier" website, which where deleted before I found the links that used to lead to them. If anyone has any of Trickfox's research material, I would love it if you reposted it onto this thread or otherwise shared it with me. i will be cite some fragmented quotes on this post here as reference material as to further describe what it was that Trickfox/Riconosciuto/Blomgren was doing with TTBrown's work.


#1 = Michael Riconosciuto explains his early experiments with Blomgren's electrostatic cooling probe and how he upscaled it
#2 = A post from this forum where Trickfox admitted that if the sides of the light bulb where isolated by a probe designed to target the middle, then the effect reverses thermodynamic energy expectations.
#3 = A comment on Paul's main site wherein Trickfox aka Tromprenard aka Raymond Lavas admitted the details of the 2001 experiment demonstration he gave to the University of Colorado, having built the technology himself and showcased the effect to be absolutely real.


"Oscar C. BLOMGREN, Electrostatic Cooling" on Rex Research
"Electrostatic Cooling: Science Fact or Fiction?" - by Michael Riconosciuto

QUOTE (Michael Riconosciuto)- "Oscar Blomgren Jr. had succeeded in cooling spots on the filament of a long display case type lightbulb. I was asked if it were possible to cool the entire length of the filament simultaneously, to the same degree as the sections of the filament had been. The answer was yes. Then ONR wanted to see the numbers on probe energy versus the electrical energy input and thermal and convective heat flow around the filament. Vacuum and inert gas backfilled lightbulbs were used for this set of experiments. The experimental results were immediately classified and all hell broke out around our project. I suddenly had immense resources in money and personnel made available to our project through DARPA, ONR, and USAF PRAM Project Office."


The TTBrown Forum, "Re: NOTEPAD for RANDOM IDEAS"
Post by Trickfox » Fri May 30, 2008 2:26 am
LINK- viewtopic.php?p=15011&hilit=filament#p15011

QUOTE (Raymond Lavas)- "How about calculating the force necessary to reach over unity? Are you reversing the second law of thermodynamics?Sort-of pushing back ENTROPY ITSELF A BIT!!! What if we decided to put on a REAL INTERESTING show of the energy control aspects of this High Voltage science? What if I could turn off the center of a long light bulb filament while it shines red on both sides of the exact spot where I am cooling it. (Through the glass) What if the calculated and measured energy used to produce the high voltage of my cooling probe is lower than the energy required to keep the bulb lit."


"Were Tesla and Brown On To the Same Thing?"
By Paul Schatzkin, January 25, 2006, The TTBrown Website

QUOTE (Raymond Lavas)- "Let me tell you about the two demonstrations we performed at the University of Colorado in March 2001. Take a look!! [...] [...] We demonstrated “a fan with no moving parts” SOUNDS FAMILIAR DON’T IT? That was just a warm up to the more important “cooling” experiment in which we managed to cool the center of a light bulb filament while it remained lit on both sides of the area being quenched. REMEMBER we did this THROUGH A GLASS LIGHT BULB in which THE AIR HAS BEEN EVACUATED.(so much for the “ion wind cooling effect” right!). Some science experts that we demonstrated this to just scratched their heads and said “well that’s impossible”. HERE IS A PHOTO OF THE ACTUAL EXPERIMENT UNDER WAY. [...] ... LBDEMO.GIF [...]"


Anyway, does anyone know more information about this, or possibly have the data from Trickfox's experiments? The electronic control circuitry from his own design of the probe would be a really interesting thing to see if anybody can get it, or has it saved in a downloads folder somewhere...
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Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Welcome, Henry.

You are certainly engaged in a worthy quest.

I missed the early days here with Trickfox, but was on the Cosmic Token forum when he passed. At the time, he was mentoring a younger man in math, and it was he who announced the passing. I am sorry, I can't remember his login, but I believe he was using his actual name. Perhaps you can track him down and he will be able to help.

The best source, if you can find him and he will speak to you, would be Michael Riconosciuto, who is featured in the Netflix film called The Octopus, linked in a previous thread. I have to warn you though that the feeling I get from the film is that he may not always be truthful.

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Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Paul Schatzkin »


That is a lot to digest in a single post. It can get a bit overwhelming at times.

But I think you.. we... all of us are beginning to circle something important.

I have recently been reading/recording an audiobook version of my Philo T. Farnsworth bio, The Boy Who Invented Television.. It has been very... interesting... for me to return to this source material, most of which I have not revisited since the first edition was published more than 20 years ago. It see it all rather differently now after having spent so much time marinating in the T.T. Brown story.

This week I am in the final chapters, where Farnsworth is developing his fusion process and reactor, the Fusor. I also run a website – – for people who build and operate replicas of that device, and the general tone there (regrettably) is that the Fusor will never about to anything useful.

But I sincerely think Farnsworth knew otherwise.

In fact I think he knew a lot more than he was letting on, and in that sense his and Townsend Brown's stories seem like parallel paths to the same forbidden destination.

Today I read this passage from the start of Chapter 20 - That's All I Need to See:
That the Fusor worked—that it produced fusion—was indisputable from that day in October 1960 when deuterium fuel was first admitted to the reactor chamber. Whether the Fusor was ever effectively reconfigured to produce a self-sustaining reaction remains a mystery.
This time I read that against the backdrop of all that's been discussed about Townsend Brown over the past few weeks (Was he a quack or a genius?) and wondered, "what are the odds that I would be writing about two 20th century scientists – born within a year of each other and Einstein's Annus Mirabilis – both of whose stories remain shrouded in 'mystery' '?

There is more. Something resonates in your reference to the things the late and lamented 'Trickfox' wrote of (though his verbal paths could at times be infuriatingly hard to follow).
Trickfox claimed that Oscar C Blomgren cooled off parts of a light bulb filament, and then Michael Riconosciuto cooled off the entire thing simultaneously to the same degree the original Blomgren probe succeeded on with the segmented parts. And then Trickfox and Riconosciuto discovered that if the entire middle of the bulb is cooled off simultaneously....
Cooled off the entire thing?

I might be on the wrong track but something here reminds me of Farnsworth's Multipactor, the 'cold cathode' tube that magnified 'secondary electron emissions' to produce inconceivable levels of amplification. That is the phenomenon that ultimately led him to the Fusor.

So there is this idea brewing that.... these guys knew things... and it's the same 'anomalous force' that Townsend Brown identified, something deep and mysterious that ties all these narratives together.

That this 'anomalous force' exists seems to be verified in several ways. There is a segment of Jesse Michels recent video ( that summarizes the times that 'anomalous force' has been verified. I think the next thing I am going to do this evening is extract that segment from the video and post it by separately.

Anyway, I guess I've violated my own mandate to "not put too much into any single post" so I'll stop here.

But I really do think we're all on to the thing that ties all this stuff together.

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

I have taken the liberty of renaming this thread.

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by natecull »

So there is this idea brewing that.... these guys knew things... and it's the same 'anomalous force' that Townsend Brown identified, something deep and mysterious that ties all these narratives together.
So one of the things that keeps circulating in my brain re the so-called "Biefeld-Brown" effect is.... if there is some kind of weird anomalous force involving electrostatics, particularly manifesting in rapidly-changing or asymmetrically-shaped regions of charge.... then plasma physics is one place we ought to see this manifesting. Because it would maximise all of these qualities.

And I don't know anything about plasma physics except to know that it is a Very Hard Problem, that very smart people have spent multiple decades trying to get highly energetic plasmas to behave in certain ways. And that the plasmas keep not behaving.

One might well wonder if the reason why the plasmas don't behave as our models tell us they should, is perhaps because our models aren't modelling everything about how plasmas actually behave.

And that's where one starts to think about the US Department of Energy, about atomic physics and nuclear proliferation, about "born secret" Restricted Data, and about whether, if there did exist a "corrected" physics that accounted for anomalous forces in high-voltage systems, whether it might make modelling plasma much more achievable. And if an immediate result from the unclassified science community learning about that might be a nightmare scenario: a world where anyone could build a pure nuclear fusion bomb out of a nine-volt battery and a bottle of water, no uranium mine required.

It's a nice idea to think about, because it would be a very rational explanation for extreme secrecy.

Unfortunately, while I like that idea -- that there's a super-secret group who have put a guardrail around a piece of planet-destroying physics -- I feel like it's probably ascribing too much rationality to those in charge of the world. I feel like things mostly run on money and power and fashion and that the powers that be just ignore things that can't be reduced to money and power and fashion. And that if someone anywhere in the US weapons establishment did figure out how to make cheap pure-fusion weapons, then those weapons would be in everything from warheads to pistols to ice-cream cones by the next Thursday, consequences be damned.

I mean, look at how Silicon Valley is rushing untested AI into all products right now: they know it's a highly dangerous technology distrusted by its users with massive social downside and reputational risk to any company that deploys it, and yet they just can't help themselves. Investors smell money, so all the CEOs jump.

But I do like the idea.

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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear Jan,

I get the feeling that Michael Riconosciuto has been very truthful but also has been too far ahead of his time. Danny Casolaro said the Octopus formed with Kim Philby's betrayal of the MI6 operation in Albania. His source for this may have been James Jesus Angleton, of whom he knew through his friend, E Howard Hunt.

Angleton died long before Casolaro ever discovered the Octopus, but at one time Casolaro was chasing an older and different conspiracy related to the Nixon administration and the Watergate break-in.

Some journalists in DC thought Casolaro himself was a spook because he knew so many people! Every story that they ever worked on, he always knew more, and always came out ahead. But he himself was no spook. A little too open and honest for his own good, probably.

I think the first Octopus murder was actually Buster Crabb.

See this photo from Trickfox's old website? ... ts_801.jpg

The man to the left of the cartoon fox with Thomas Townsend Brown had once made the comment that Buster Crabb was not killed but taken captive by the Russians instead. The date of this photograph is actually just a few weeks before that happened!

When it comes to the INSLAW/PROMIS case, the first murder was J Eric Roskos. This was the primary source for Danny Casolaro. It baffles me that NO ONE even knows about him.

Let's look at Trickfox's website again: ... x3t9D.html

See where the "Top Secret Pyramider" link is? That is a hyperlink to this page: ... g/pp09.htm

Wherein we have a full explanmation of the NSA PROJECT FOCUS that J Eric Roskos was working on.

I believe that Trickfox was trying to tell us that Roskos worked on the TTBrown technology. But it was ultimately his involvement with the TRUSIX papers that led to his death, which was the same as Casolaro's death: Hotel room, secret meeting, drugged, stripped naked, etc, etc, etc....

Here's a link to the digitized yearbook that contains the only proof that J Eric Roskos ever existed... ... C884&cv=89

I could say more about all this but I think this might not be the most appropriate place for it. I will try to find that person on the Cosmic Token forum, which if I remember correctly, is the forum that went more into The Octopus conspiracy in greater detail, before all the threads got pulled and shut off the net...

Dear Paul,

The main central electrode in the Farnsworth fusor needs to stay hot in order to function. Do you think its possible to stop the central electrode from melting? The electrostatic probe would do so but only by robbing it of its temperature... Thus stopping the fusion from happening...

The high temperature is absolutely essentially for the fusion to occur in the first place. I'm not sure there is any material that can be found that can withstand it. The fusor as we know it is destined to destroy itself, always...

Dear Nate,

Trickfox said the same things! He said that the effect was so small that nanotechnology could harness it, and at the level that we exist at, we would need high-powered plasmas...

I think the work of JB Rhine with Beau Kitselman ultimately lead to the work George Spencer-Brown, who, before Trickfox, rejected physics based on random probability theory and tried to reconcile logic with thermodynamics in a more natural way. Maybe there is a secret cabal of scientists advancing these secret fields... or maybe not, and they all just left stuff like this in plain sight...
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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

Well, damn, again, that's a lot and I'm not sure which of those fresh rabbit holes I care to do down, but for now I will address this:
Henry_Yang wrote: Sat Mar 09, 2024 9:34 am The main central electrode in the Farnsworth fusor needs to stay hot in order to function. Do you think it's possible to stop the central electrode from melting? The electrostatic probe would do so but only by robbing it of its temperature... Thus stopping the fusion from happening...
Yes, I host a website for people who build fusors, but I have to confess that my actual grasp of what's going on in there is pretty thin. I will say this for now: no, it is not necessary for the cathode "to stay hot in order to function." It only needs to be 'hot' enough to spin off electrons. The point is to keep the cathode from getting hot to the point of melting, but that's hard to do when there is a super-hot plasma boiling within centimeters of the grid.

I will also say that, as I understand it, cathode design was an essential element of the Farnsworth approach to the fusor, which I emphasize here because while the design is based on Farnsworth's concept of IEC, the fusor being built by the people at is actually what I call the "Hirsch/Meeks" variation – the model that Robert Hirsch wheeled into the AEC in 1960-something to demonstrate that IEC was a viable alternative to giant hot whirling Russian donuts (aka the 'Tokamak'). That model was never intended to anything more than demonstrate the principle, and it excels at that and not much else (other than teaching a growing legion in the arcane verities of fusion science).

I don't think anybody has built what I would call a Farnsworth fusor since ca. 1965.
The high temperature is absolutely essentially for the fusion to occur in the first place. I'm not sure there is any material that can be found that can withstand it. The fusor as we know it is destined to destroy itself, always...
Again, I may be speaking way above my actual knowledge base here, but I think that assumption is also incorrect. It does not require high temperature for fusion to occur "in the first place" – that is a prerequisite of magnetic and laser confinement. The point of the fusor is: If done right, electrostatic forces overcome the Coulomb force, the ions fuse, and that generates the heat, and a plasma environment in which more fusion can occur.

I have visited Richard Hull at his lab in Richmond VA many times and witnessed his fusors in operation. I asked him one time how the anode shell remained cool (or, at most, warm to the touch) if there was a miniature star on the inside. Apparently, that is part of the magic of the fusor: it's hotter than Hades down there in the plasma core, but the heat drops off so quickly that it's non existent by the time the radiation reaches the walls of the chamber.

I will add because it is newly fresh in my mind this morning: I have just read for audiobook recording purposes the chapters on fusion in TBWIT, and am reminded that PTF never had the kind of "high energy" facility he felt he needed to do what the fusor was genuinely capable of.
TBWIT Chapter 20 wrote: To produce more fusion, Farnsworth needed better facilities. But ITT would not give him better facilities until he demonstrated that he could produce more fusion.

In a conciliatory gesture, ITT relocated the fusion lab to new quarters at the rear of the first floor of the Pontiac Street plant. This was still not the kind of environment that Farnsworth felt he needed, but it was an improvement, providing an exhaust hood, residual gas analyzers, and a power supply capable of 100kv (kilovolts). To shield the workers, the Fusor itself was eventually placed on a hydraulically operated elevator that could lower it into a fourteen-foot-deep hole that was dug through the floor of the basement. Farnsworth had wanted to operate his Fusor in an entirely separate location; ITT put it in a pit.
I contend that PTF put up with the inadequate facilities long enough to build what he needed to prove a principle, and once he'd seen what he was looking for, he walked away.

What intrigues me now is: can any correlation be drawn between what Farnsworth was chasing and the 'anomalous electrical effect' that manifests in the Biefeld-Brown effect?

There is something going on here, and we Joneses have yet to figure it out.

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Henry, I am giving you a standing ovation for your research. Rothskos is a new name to me, so I would be interested in anything you find.

Re MR's truthfulness. He may be 100 percent reliable, but I also know that people who have used hard drugs over an extended period of time, often develop distorted or inflated ideas that do not hold up to scrutiny. Consequently, I will always remain skeptical until further proof emerges.

For historical background to what was happening during the 1957 confab at Arlington Hall, a new age of intelligence collection was beginning. Richard Bissell of the CIA's scientific directorate, spoke that year about new surveillance methods that were now possible, though, um, maybe not exactly legal.

Until that time, the only data we had from the U2 overflights was collected on film. But, as of 1957 the Blackbird would soon be collecting electronic signals, and this, along with all those floating in the air around them were to be captured by the "Wullenweber" listening posts" around the world, built under the NAVSEC umbrella. Some of the NSA planners may well have been aware of the GRAB satellite mission that was under a veil of secrecy so tight, only 50 people in the US were read into it. CANES is the acronym that was given to the security protocols created for its protection.

The man in the photo that you mention is the man I call Twigsnapper and Paul calls Boston. IIRC, Twigsnapper later dropped a hint that Crabb ended his career at the Black Sea base where the USSR trained their special forces divers.

When I looked into the event, it seemed weirdly staged to me, from the Pathe footage of Crabb's last dive, to the elaborate payment of his back rent to his landlord with the date of Einstein's death in the numbers, and the closing of the case with a body with its head and hands removed.

Twignsnapper also implied that the secondary objective behind the Crabb affair was to contribute to the negative press that would eventually take down the government of Anthony Eden, the Prime Minister at the time. Apparently he was not popular with his intelligence services or the Royal Navy.

If Crabb did not die, was he taken aboard the Ordzhonikidze as a captive, or did he go aboard voluntarily, as a defector? Or was he a double agent defector? We may finally know when the renewed Secrecy classification expires in another thirty years.

And finally, a third item. I believe Casolaro was beginning to tug on some of the offshore banking/ shell company threads that were documented in the Paradise Papers and the Panama Papers, but I would date the origins of this dark financial octopus to the Savings and Loan crisis of the Eighties. (another gift of the Regan era).


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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear Paul,

Forgive my ignorance but I was always under the misconception that the Farnsworth fusor achieved fusion through heat, which accelerated the electrons, and then the main electrode confined them to the center of the cage, wherein they where forced on a single trajectory that forced them to collide and get smashed apart, generating even more heat and etc...

If heat is just a byproduct, then you are absolutely correct that electrostatic cooling is a viable method of removing that byproduct and protecting the fusor at that.

If you want to cool off a part of the electrode, then the Blomgren probe will do. If you want the entire thing to be cooled off simultaneously, draining all the heat off at once, then I think only Raymond Lavas and Michael Riconosciuto know the secrets to achieving that.

In this video by Raymond Lavas himself, he says that Riconosciuto applied that technology to the Brewster window, cooling off the dielectric glass itself.

Raymond Tromprenard

When he holds up Michael Riconosciuto's "final theorem", this document can be accessed in full here: ... 0Oklah.pdf

It was collected by Ted Gunderson for his larger report on the OKCBOMB investigation. It starts on page 152 and is entitled: "The Separation of Nuclear Isotopes Using Laser Energy". It is indeed in Michael Riconosciuto's own handwriting.

Regarding the Hercules Inc patient that Raymond Lavas held up showing the Brewster window cooling, the same kind of technology was written about by Kibler in this report, which cannot be accessed right now due to some server error:

"Electrostatic Cooling of Laser Mirrors and Windows"
Accesssion Number: AD0780103
KG Kibler and HG Carter Jr.

You can see mention of Kibler in this magazine as well: ... 710930.pdf

On pages 24-26 of that pdf is the relevant article, titled:

"High-voltage ionic discharges provide silent, efficient cooling", by Jim McDermott.

On page 24 we have this quote:

"The cooling effect of a high-voltage discharge was accidentally discovered by Blomgren when he tried to use an electric field to keep an acetylene flame from touching the inside of a pipe. He was attempting to solve a burner nozzle deterioration problem. Blomgren says there is still much to be learned about the precise mechanism that causes the increased rate of heat dissipation. Kibler describes the action as a corona discharge, or electric wind, that creates vortex columns in the air adjacent to the heated surface. Normally a thin boundary layer of air clings to heated surfaces. The layer acts as an insulating barrier, inhibiting the rate at which adjacent, cooler air can carry away the heat. But with the action of the electric field, vortex columns are created, Kibler explains. These pull in cooler air from regions outside the normal boundary layer. It is this swirling action that apparently provides the transport mechanism by which the heat transfer rate is increased. "

I'm not convinced that Kibler's explanation is the full story.

Regarding this again:

"Were Tesla and Brown On To the Same Thing?"

Raymond Lavas tells us this in the comments section:

"At around the same time, we were trying to set up a meeting with T.T. Brown on Catalina island. I think we were unable to so because of Brown’s health problems. What strikes me as odd, is the fact that several independant researchers had managed to approach this type of science from several angles, and several shadowy government types kept tabs on most everyone, however they (government)never bothered uniting anyone who did independant research. They just grabbed a lot of the math formulas from their “inside sources” and dissapeared without leaving as much as a Thank you. It happend to one of our founding organizations- a company called “Interprobe” located in Chicago. This was during contract negotiations for a military application of an exotic “weld cooling technique” for special aircraft wing-pin joints. We showed them, and they just copied us then claimed that they had originated the technology by themselves. I have a copy of a non-disclosure agreement signed by an Air force official who ended up stealing the technology to help build the next generation aircraft hardware. There is just no end to shamefull events surrounding the actions of SOME self described military representatives whom we dealt with in the past. We could not even contemplate trying to take them on legally without spending millions in attorney fees."

Regarding the technology, he says this:

"That was just a warm up to the more important “cooling” experiment in which we managed to cool the center of a light bulb filament while it remained lit on both sides of the area being quenched.
REMEMBER we did this THROUGH A GLASS LIGHT BULB in which THE AIR HAS BEEN EVACUATED.(so much for the “ion wind cooling effect” right!)."

And this:

"I’d like to invite ANYONE to try and figure out how we quenched part of the lit filament THROUGH the light bulb using our probe and the METC unit!!!!!!"

Well I don't know how he did it but he left a large clue about it here:

"An METC unit (Modular Energy Transfer Catalyzer) is a DC high voltage power supply which has specialized pulse width modulation control inputs, and a precision current feedback loop control circuit built in.
It’s the “electronic control circuitry” which is connected EXTERNALLY to the METC unit that performs all the “magic”."

I wonder if this "magic" is really just the Biefeild-Brown force....

Dear Jan,

Only two authors have ever covered the Roskos story. The first is Virginia McCullough. The second is Andreas von Rétyi.

Here is a link to an old article on Virginia McCullough's archived website about Roskos: ... 3,3,00.htm

Meanwhile, Andreas von Rétyi wrote about it in his book, entitled, "Die unsichtbare Macht"

The pdf can be accessed on this German website: ... da982a_pdf

The section on Roskos is on pages 94-96.

It is all in German, unfortunately, so I will provide this translation a la Google Translate:


Exitus at Exit 95

Only around three months after the murder in Chile, a man who was even a direct informant of Danny Casolaro was killed: Dr. Eric Roskos. He was pulled over on Interstate Highway 95 at the Imporia exit. Dr. Roskos, who showed exceptional mathematical talent as a child, received his doctorate from Vanderbilt University and soon found himself in the ranks of the CIA, NSA and one of the most secretive agencies called IDA. There was some confusion with the abbreviation and occasionally it was said that it was the International Defense Agency, but in fact it was the Institute for Defense Analysis. It arose from Project Focus, which envisaged the creation of an interestingly private, independent think tank that would help the NSA solve difficult cryptological tasks. In addition to Stanford University, which was heavily infiltrated by secret services, the notorious Princeton University was also involved in the activities. Within the IDA, the Communications Research Division, CRD, was created as a "think tank." Since 1988, Roskos worked at the National Computer Security Center on Savage Road on Fort George Meade, the headquarters of the NSA, and was there on a three-year program.

A program called "The Trusix Papers." This was supposedly about security systems for large companies, but apparently the real task was to use this secret backdoor, once installed in the company computers, to get into the to penetrate systems and spy on them for the NSA. And it was precisely in this environment of “Trojan horses” that PROMIS moved. In the spring of 1990, Roskos should probably rationalize itself away. His employer had riddled a document he had written with a whole series of errors and demanded that the scientist still confirm his authorship with a signature. Roskos was beside himself. He had already encountered some covert machinations and had probably quickly made himself unpopular as a result. Then everything happened very quickly. Dr. Roskos called his parents late at night on June 27, 1990 - around 2 a.m. - and told them: "Strange things are happening and I'm going to get to the bottom of them. I know what I have to do."

Those were the last words he exchanged with his parents. He was found dead three days later, again under mysterious circumstances. He had been seen wandering around the fork in the highway that night, completely unclothed. At around half past three in the morning he ran into the middle of a car. However, whether that was really what he intended to do remains very questionable. An American computer scientist, who is in the process of uncovering secret machinations, runs naked along the highway at the crack of dawn and runs in front of a car - of course: a clear case of suicide! Dr. The day before, Roskos, who appeared to be a completely sensible person, had checked into the Comfort Inn to attend a meeting. Strangely, there were no documents in the hotel room, nothing that was reminiscent of Roskos. His clothes had also disappeared without a trace, his shoes were missing and his glasses, without which the researcher was almost lost. Had he misplaced it and gotten lost, completely helpless, on the highway during the desperate search? Hardly... When the parents picked up their deceased son's vehicle in Virginia and wanted to drive it home, there were unusual noises. An inspection in the workshop revealed that the front wheel must have been tampered with. They immediately reported this suspicion to the FBI and were only told that they should stay away from the state of Virginia for their own safety. Virginia, actually a dangerous US state...


Regarding Princeton University, I believe it was President Woodrow Wilson who set it up with the intention of leaving the liberal arts to the elite and wealthy classes of Americans, hoarding all the resources with this institution... and reserving manual labor and grunt work for all other Americans who were attending most other institutions...

Anyway, when I saw Trickfox mentioning PROJECT FOCUS, the IDA, and the NSA, it dawned on me that he definitely knows something about Danny Casolaro and John Eric Roskos. Was Trickfox not the man who held onto Michael Riconosciuto's computer tapes after he was arrested???
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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Thank you, Henry.

I will look up the linked article, and appreciate the translation. Does Andreas von Rétyi ever reveal the Mysterious Power behind Secret Societies?

Trickfox shared a wealth of information over the years, even toward the end when he was on daily dialysis. But, as brilliant as he and Riconsociuto were, they were severely hampered by their naivete and lacked a few things that would have positioned them better to see their projects through, such as degrees, publications, scientific afiliations, and connections with more established companies.

They were young and inexperienced and thought good ideas were accepted on merit and rewards would naturally flow to those who generated them. There were better ways to achieve their objectives, but they had no one to guide them through the labyrinth that was/is the Defense R&D acquisition system.

And, did you know that one of Townsend's last projects on Coronado was the development of a fogless shaving mirror?

Princeton, by the way, also hosts the Institute of Advanced Sciences. Einstein was the first of the, many illustrious scientists who passed through there over the years. I imagine it wasn't by chance that the DIA chose that University for their home.

Paul...about the Farnsworth story. I vaguely remember hearing something about him leaving an invention in a cave in the desert, toward the end of his life. Was that in your book?

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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Jan Lundquist »


The Virgina McCullough article is frustrating to this historian. First, it is riddled with minor errors: RossKoss for Roskos, Imporium for Emporium,VA, Roskos' death date (1990, not 1960) and finally this:
The last person to see Danny Casolaro alive was a man named Bill Turner. I interviewed Turner many times over the phone before he was arrested and jailed on phony bank robbery charges. In one such interview, Turner told me that the only time he had seen the reporter depressed was in January of 1991, about six or seven months before his murder.
Perhaps she meant June or July of 1990, as Danny was murdered in January, 1991. I also wish she had gone into more of Turner's background. How did he know Danny? Did Danny connect her and Turner, or was it via someone else, later? Where was he arrested, and what happened with that case? Why was she sure the charges were phony?

I also wish she had given the source for the reported information about the wheel of the car and the FBI remark. Did she get that directly from Roskos' parents or hear it second or third hand?

The story of Roskos running naked down the road indicates to me that he may have been given LSD or something similar. If he was driving under the influence, it is possible that the ran over a curb or hard object which damaged the wheel.

But to drug someone, and mess with their car and hope the combo ends up in their death is a messy/iffy way to do it. As Twigsnapper impressed upon us, when "they" want you dead, you will be dead. There are no near misses.

I'm not saying that Roskos wasn't murdered, just that this version of his death certainly seems hinky. I would like to see the police report and to see if charges were brought against the driver of the car that hit him. If there were none, I would want to know why not.

And this about the second murder:
[Alan David ] Standorf oversaw the repair and distribution of electronic equipment at Vint Hill.

I wish she had sourced this information. Employees at such locations are given a cover story, with a fake employer who will vouch for them if they receive a call. They are never to reveal their true employer.
It was later confirmed that Standorf and Casolaro had been meeting and copying documents in a hotel room in Martinsberg.

Another story for which I need a source. If it was confirmed, who confirmed it, were they in a position to know, and did they confirm it to her, or is this hearsay?

But, since the Octopus murders are not related to my main interest, and probably not to yours, either, we will have to leave it to other investigators to find the kernel in the corn.

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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by natecull »

Hi Henry
Danny Casolaro said the Octopus formed with Kim Philby's betrayal of the MI6 operation in Albania.
That's interesting, I hadn't heard that before. This claim seems to vibe with "Morgan's" argument about the private corporate beginnings (and post-WW2 underpinnings) of the US/UK intelligence system, and particularly his story about Townsend Brown and his possibly-private-corporate backers getting spooked by Philby in particular.

When one remembers that the entire ideological conflict of the Cold War was between Capitalism and Communism (or "World Government", which was seen as the same thing as Communism), it doesn't actually seem beyond the pale to think that it was the literal capitalists - and not the elected politicians, or the career officials appointed by the executive branch - who were actually running the Capitalism side of that War. That the bosses were the actual bosses. Certainly the Communists made no secret of believing that the West was run by and for business, and loudly proclaimed it. It was considered tasteless in the West to believe this (because the Communists believed it). But being unfashionable doesn't make a belief incorrect. Thatcher and Reagan finally came out and said it out loud, but from the 1930s to the 1970s, the conservative/business/private faction had to keep their heads down and try to pretend that they were all on board with the New Deal and WWII social consensus of Democracy and Government over business, even as they were playing a different game under the table.

From the politically conservative perspective after the 1930s, everything government did was suspicious and corrupt and probably Communist. They saw democracy as a failure mode of Western society that would lead to disaster. Therefore a lot of business people - the William Stephensons and Eldridge Johnsons and Howard Hughses (and today the Elon Musks) - and many others... did their very best, decade after decade, to set up alternate systems that routed around the government they distrusted. And this conservative sentiment was concentrated most strongly in the defense industry. This tendency continues today, and we see it very strongly in Silicon Valley, which rails against "government" and for "freedom" with all of the standard post-1930s Libertarian talking points, while becoming a central surveillance apparatus and sharing everything they gather with the actual military.

Against this backdrop, it would be strange if off-the-books, quasi-criminal private defense/intelligence entanglements like the Octopus, "The Carolines", "Nassau".... (and I want to say... Wackenhut/Group4, just an update on the old Pinkertons), *didn't* emerge. But I'm sure these groups not all the same people, and not all playing on the same team, even though they're interlinked in complicated ways. Eldridge Johnson's Carolines and Stephenson's "Nassau" *probably* weren't ordering private assassinations, and Morgan *probably* wasn't murdering journalists in hotel rooms in the many "smoking bolt operations" he bragged about to Paul. Probably. I wish I could be more sure about that; war and espionage do heavy things to people's moral compasses, and if you're already part of a group that sees itself as above a corrupt system... well....

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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear Jan,

I am not sure if Andreas von Rétyi reveals the forces behind secret societies. From a glance, I see his work is more about detailing the connections between many of them, from the Illuminati to the Skull and Bones to the Bilderberg's and etc., etc., etc... But I can't read German and haven't gotten into his other works that much... I can state however that there was a research team consisting of the author duo Tracy Twyman and Alexander Rivera, who got into the hidden forces aspects of reality though, as they realized that the Cult of Mithras and the Cult of Cybele where actually intimately related, as the legends state that Mithras was the child of Cybele. Twyman subtly hinted Mithras and Baphomet where the same and that they had an ulterior motive that propelled ALL secret societies into doing everything they do. The skull and bones symbol in fact represents the birth of Baphomet, who is a severed head and is represented by the skull. The bones part of the symbol are the legs of its mother, crossed together. The goal of all secret societies, according to the Twyman-Rivera hypothesis, is that they want to destroy reality and build a new universe over top of it. Historians have always refuted the connection between Mithras and Cybele as conspiracy, although Twyman was slowly proving it by dusting off old artifacts (disturbing artworks) in the British Museum archives.

I found her name in connection with Ted Gunderson a while back, but never pursued either her or Gunderson's research in detail. A lot of it can go off the rails at times.

I am not familiar with Thomas Townsend Brown's shaving mirror so far... I read all about the Sharper Image Ionic Breeze Air Purifier on Paul's site, and got hooked on that a while back:

Also, the fact that Philo T Farnsworth invented the television as a teenage boy doing farm work outside, when instantly in his head the image dissector invention came to him, and he created it through playing with electron tubes... lend a LOT of credibility in my mind that TTBrown could have also made a discovery with his X-Ray vacuum tubes around the same age, with the same creative process!

I think the fogless shave mirror could be related to the Lenard effect in physics, in which the breaking apart of water and water condensations releases negative ions into the air... ?

Also, I am not sure how Virginia McCullough met Danny. I know that Bill Turner only had one leg and hobbled on crutches everywhere, so the bank robbery charges came as a complete shock to everyone who knew him because he was convicted with no evidence other then grainy security camera footage of the actual culprit running away ON TWO LEGS.

Here is a quote from Virginia McCullough detailing the aftermath of the Casolaro murder:


In August of 1991, a friend and fellow investigative reporter, Joseph "Danny" Casolaro, was executed at the Sheraton Inn in Martinsburg, West Virginia where he had gone to meet a source in the infamous INSLAW case. Within days I made an appearance on the television show "Inside Edition" and I was quoted in many publications. In each and every case, I stated that Casolaro had been murdered because of the stories he had been investigating.

September and October of 1991 were spent following up the leads Casolaro had been sharing with me. During the confirmation hearings for Clarence Thomas, I was in Truckee, California meeting with the parents and sister of Fred Alvarez. Fred Alvarez and two of his friends had been tortured and murdered in 1981 because Alvarez was meeting with the press and distributing documents proving that the CIA had used the Cabazon Indian Reservation to support black operations involving what later became known as the Iran Contra fiasco. During these meetings I was given access to information known only to the CIA controllers of the reservation revealing horrific details involving drugs for weapons and money laundering for biological warfare weapons. I stayed at a motel outside of Reno during the time of these meetings. While at the motel, I received three death threats that necessitated the motel stationing a security guard outside of my room.

When I returned home at the end of October 1991, I was still frightened and nervous about the ongoing investigation. My document stash involving the CIA operations now numbered in the thousands and increased daily.

Late one night, surrounded by paper, I received a phone call. At the other end of the line was a male voice unknown to me. The man asked if this was Virginia McCullough and I said, "Yes." What followed was one of the strangest experiences of my life. The man began an angry monologue addressing some unidentified third party. He stated that he was now my protector and if "they" didn't like it "they" could come and get him and "they" would die like a dog at his feet. He finally stopped talking and asked me if I knew who he was. I said, "no, I'm sorry I don't, but are you mad at me too?" He identified himself as Eugene A. Tafoya and told me to keep a lower profile and he would protect me. We talked for an hour and I found out that Tafoya had worked as an intelligence agent under the direction of "ex" CIA operative Edwin Wilson. Tafoya said Wilson had been in jail since 1982 because of lies told in Wilson's trial by CIA officials and federal prosecutors. Tafoya told me to read the book "Manhunt" written by Peter Maas. He told me not to believe Maas's conclusion about the events in the book; he stated that Maas had never interviewed him to confirm the facts.


SOURCE PAGE: ... ticles.htm

I believe that Danny Casolaro himself was about to interview Edwin Wilson, and investigate the PAN AM 103 bombing, which was detailed in Lester Coleman's "Octopus" affidavit.

But let's return to the subject of the Biefield-Brown effect technologies. Here I have some anecdotes regarding Raymond Lavas again...

Raymond Lavas hinted at some personal involvement with the Pfanstiehl-Nicolai "Phasorphone" invention, which is used purely for cryptography, as far as I know...

He then also went on to say that Michael Riconosciuto invented a new programming language called RASP ("Random Associative Symbolic Processing") that made use of the Biefield-Brown effect in computers.

RASP worked with two lasers that where polarized through two Brewster windows, electrostatically cooled off by the Biefield-Brown effect? Then the two lasers colliding at orthogonal angles, probably inspired by the Phasorphone in some way. Raymond Lavas commented the connection to the mathematics of vector fields in this context.

Looking at his website (again) ... x3t9D.html

He wants a set of twin computers, just like in the RASP setup, to execute a program called, "Role Based Access Control", from the 1992 work of Ferraiolo and Kuhn.

I note that Kuhn's 2003 thesis mentions Riconosciuto. I think Raymond Lavas singled out the RBAC program then based off of interaction with Michael Riconosciuto after he himself was interacting with Kuhn. In Kuhn's thesis we have the story of his run-in with Riconosciuto.

"Compromising emanations: eavesdropping risks of computer displays"
By Markus G. Kuhn, December 2003

Unfortunately, Riconosciuto did not share any enlightening information with Kuhn in this instance, as detailed in the footnote on page 15.

Anyway, I will quote Trickfox's threads for the information that I have referred to above:

--------------TRICKFOX QUOTES LIST--------------------

Now Paul can you tell us again what Dr. Brown defined Sidereal radiation as? Elizabeth is correct, and we are all just having a lot of difficulty accepting the inevitable truth of the matter. Has anyone ever heard of the expression "in for a penny, in for a pound". Perhaps this whole book is a pile of lies and nonesense, or perhaps we are simply beginning to circle the wagon folks.

For those of you interested in pursuing the understandingof this technology further I would recommend that you read the following webpages:
(BTW My friend and mentor is one of the "Seattle Foursome")

This is now all public information so I do not feel as if I have compromized any on-going projects, in fact, All I have done is tried to justify my need to continue to pursue my own path in this direction. That is why I am here with all of you.

SOURCE THREAD: viewtopic.php?p=1801&hilit=phasorphone#p1801


The above "intelligent Noise" article is a Science Fiction Magazine article so important to the security of the world that the article itself is quoted in an important book called "the Puzzle Palace".(click link below) ... B000BPG27Y
Go ahead and do a search function in the Amazon window click on "search in this book" and put the word ANALOG in the search box.
Item (2) is on page 448 of the book. There is more about this that links me directly with the incident described in the book, see this link:

SOURCE THREAD: viewtopic.php?p=14245&hilit=phasorphone#p14245


Random Associative Symbolic Processing (RASP) was invented by a man name Mike Riconosciuto "code named Bald Eagle" (a member of william Moore's Aviary).
See: viewtopic. ... 649#p16649 for historial perspective (look for Lavos)

RASP is a computer crunching program for a custom modified set of DEC VAX 11780 processors (which was in place in 1982) The twin vaxes were set to crunch out a very special spread sheet, and the output from one computer was fed into a laser by way of a Brewster modulation window. The lasers from the second computer was also modulated by another brewster window, then the two beams were collided at orthogonal angles. The rest is a bit more complicated but involves high voltages and the BB effect. This whole deal was a set up to explore Hilbert space for a crumb trail...... Remember Ong's hat? This was a bit like that.
I'm not sure I understand all the details because I figured this technology out later after the Bald Eagle was put in a cage. :(
Water under the bridge......

SOURCE THREAD: viewtopic.php?p=20230&hilit=rasp&sid=99 ... 399#p20230


Now comes the intriguing part. If LIMITED Time Travel is possible in FRACTIONS OF SECONDS only, Then it is possible to cause "time hiccups". These are minute "shuttling" of first order logic. The preconditions require that a dynamic process of any kind be reduced to a binary string of logic which is shifted in phase. IE: a zero becomes a one, or a one becomes a zero in Euclidean geometric time intervals. This can probably be done by modifying the local gravitational constant at the Euclidean inertial Cartesian reference point.

SOURCE THREAD: viewtopic.php?p=1801&hilit=phasorphone#p1801


Light works with Electromagnetism so it's description and practical use is based on a "Sine function".

What if we had another function called "SAL function" instead of the "sine" function". Instead of using a polar coordinate system we use a cartesian coordinate system.

So.... going back to "Orthogonal Shift".......Instead of being Sine waves like the ocean waves, we end up with SQUARE WAVES (digital signals)
That is a 90 degree shift just as Mikado points out.

The information does not undergo any motion whatsoever in a "electromagnetic domain". The frame of reference (Cross-points) have simply shifted differently because of the seperate scalar potential or "displacement".

SOURCE THREAD: viewtopic.php?p=14245&hilit=phasorphone#p14245

--------------------END OF QUOTES----------------------
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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear Nate,

Is Morgan the same person as Twigsnapper? And do you know where that 1956 photograph of Twigsnapper with TTBrown came from? Perhaps it was provided by Twigsnapper himself?

Did Morgan say which journalists he may or may not have encountered in those hotel rooms?

I remember reading somewhere that Bill Turner used to work at Hercules Inc, but went to work at Hughes aircraft later on. It was probably the former company that he was spilling secrets on to Casolaro.

Michael Riconosciuto claimed he got knowledge of the Biefield-Brown effect through Learjet corportaion. Raymond Lavas claimed, to Dr. Peter J Osborne, that he dated the daughter of Robert Mahue, and learned of the Biefeild-Brown effect through Mahue at JPL Pasadena. And then somehow, Raymond and Michael meet up and both have some done research work already independently, concerning a force and a discovery that the rest of us cannot yet figure out...
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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Henry. I am galloping to keep up with you. I am going to need another horse soon!

The original photo came from Linda Brown. In pencil on the back was written "Bergier, series of numbers, and the date. It was taken on Townsend's 50th birthday. This photo was taken near Jacques Bergier's Paris Office. The sailors appear to be in the uniform of the East German navy.

Jacques Bergier was a man greatly admired for his bravery by Townsend's friend from 1945, Linda's friend from 1953, former SIS AU-30 Royal Marine, Twigsnapper. The series of numbers were Bergier's (codename Verne) French Resistance ID, number. His book, the Morning of the Magicians is linked in this forum. He was a devoted student of Alchemy who understood it in terms of nuclear physics.

Bergier, who was described by his co-author as a "little Jew," does not appear to be in the photo unless he is the small man hidden behind the sailor on the far right.

Twigsnapper once asked why Bergier was in Washington in 1953? I have no proof that he was, but that is the year Sarbacher received a permit to continue his atomic research in a residential area. The Browns were in town, then too, bu most assuredly NOT doing science, said the FBI.

Sarbacher would soon announce the he was "Director of the National Labs, Inc." The National Labs were the top secret atomic energy research labs, though they were not Inc., AFAIK.

(As a side note, and because we must have some Nazi's in the story, the French supposedly received a disabled NAZI Bell as part of the post war snatch and grab. One source has claimed that the Bell was a thorium based nuclear generator. The Navy was operating a thorium refinery in 1943, before Vannevar Bush stripped the NRL of all atomic work. You can see where I could go with this, but until there are better sources, I will leave it there for now.)

Having gone through some of the family archives with Linda, it seemed to me that Townsend had culled the letters, papers and photos he left behind, as if telling us a story of his life that we could have to decipher, if we looked more deeply. Consequently, I believe this photo meant more to Townsend than just a celebration of a big personal milestone.

I think these three Intelligence masterminds had pulled off some coup, and, from something Linda once said, or Twigsnapper said, or Linda said Twigsnapper said, it may have had something to do with the Crabb affair, which is why I looked deeper into that story.

Last edited by Jan Lundquist on Wed Mar 13, 2024 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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