The dreaded UFO topic

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Jan Lundquist
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Re: The dreaded UFO topic

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Paul, bits of Townsend tech are leaking into the public, now. To quote myself from my old blog:
Professor J. Reese Roth of the University of Tennessess, published: Electrohydrodynamic Flow Control with a Glow-Discharge Surface Plasma in the year 2000, his work in the field of EHD was highly classified and he was found guilty of failing to protect his research and given received a four year sentence for (willfully) allowing secrets to fall into the hands of the People's Republic of China.
What the Chinese have done with said information may be deduced from the 2010 publication of Numerical Investigation of Plasma Active Flow Control out of the School of Jet Propulsion at Beijing University.

EHD has been the open secret of propulsion research for some time. This excerpt from an Air Force Research Lab press release, AFRL Proves Feasibility of Plasma Actuator, describes the applications of it for propulsion purposes:

AFRL is laying the groundwork to develop revolutionary hypersonic aerospace vehicles. Researchers are examining the feasibility of replacing traditional mechanical actuators, which move like wing flaps to control an air vehicle's flight control surfaces, with plasma actuators that require no moving parts and are more reliable.

As part of its Boundary Layers and Hypersonics program, AFRL conducted a wind tunnel test to evaluate the feasibility of using plasma actuators for airframe flight control. The Boundary Layers and Hypersonics program is developing the knowledge of fluid physics to facilitate future revolutionary aerospace vehicle designs."

Another applied variant of EHD principles led to an ion propulsion (IP) method, ideal for in-spaace propulsion (as opposed to hypersonic flight within the earth's atmosphere). Apparently this technology has been known to be feasible since the first working ion thruster engine was developed by Harold Kaufman at Cleveland's NASA Glenn Research Center in 1960.
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Re: The dreaded UFO topic

Post by natecull »

At some point I will publish as much as I can of the interview I had with Moore back in the 'aughts.
Ooh, please do! I feel like I have unfinished personal business with Moore, if it was in fact photocopies of Moore's Townsend Brown dossier that I read in the late 1980s or early 1990s. I'd really love to know how he felt about the Townsend Brown subject after being one of the first to (re)introduce him to the world in "The Wizard of Electro-Gravity". My impression had been that, sometime in the early 1990s, he sort of got burned out on the subject and dumped it (and his dossier).

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Re: The dreaded UFO topic: Townsend's final words.

Post by Jan Lundquist »

As the stories of early UFO crashes wont to go, the purported recovery team included a mysterious scientist known as Dr. Gee. When asked if he and Dr. Gee were the same person, Townsend denies it flatly. He also says he has no evidence that such UFO encounters have occurred.
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Re: The dreaded UFO topic

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

Yeah but..

Didn't Linda tell a tale about her father showing her a piece of metal of unknown origin?

I have a vague recollection of such an account.

But, then... well, you know... consider the source.

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
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Re: The dreaded UFO topic: Townsend's final words.

Post by natecull »

Hi Linda and Paul! Sorry I've been away from the forum in the last few months. Some annoying life/work stuff made it hard for me to "tune in" to this subject. But I got kicked back into it by the David Grusch interview, which I've just watched.
Jan Lundquist wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 7:21 pm Townsend denies it flatly. He also says he has no evidence that such UFO encounters have occurred.
Oh, that's a really interesting letter Jan! And I suppose it doesn't surprise me if he didn't personally have a UFO sighting himself. I put fairly low stock in tales of UFO retrievals myself, although I'm open to being convinced otherwise.

Though, didn't Linda say that Townsend had an orb encounter at some point when he was young?
Paul Shatzkin wrote:Didn't Linda tell a tale about her father showing her a piece of metal of unknown origin?
Paul, I don't know about metal of "unknown origin" as such, but I do know Linda told a story about her father showing her a tiny metal scale replica of George Adamski's "Venusian Scout Ship", I believe a year or so before Adamski had published "Inside the Spaceships" (so before 1953). Which suggests to me that Townsend was somehow connected to a Theosophical circle of the kind that Adamski moved in.

That's quite interesting, I think. Townsend might not have created the Scout Ship, but he was at least a very early mover on it. There were many other engineers in the 1950s US/UK UFO scene who obsessed over the Scout Ship design (Leonard Cramp for one), believing for some reason that it held the secrets to UFO propulsion, even though to eyes outside of that circle it appeared to be a painfully obvious fake.

Recall that many of Townsend's friends and admirers have a somewhat offbeat, mystical bent to them: eg Roger Babson and his near-spiritual fixation with Isaac Newton and gravity, Beau Kitselman with his Dianetics spinoff cult, Bradford Shank and his anti-nuclear activism, Mason Rose of the "University of Social Research", Charles Brush and his odd theories about thermal gravity, the Radionics and seance groupies at Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, even ecology-minded Ed Hull. In later decades, Townsend's tribe would start to be called "New Agers", though that term wasn't yet quite in vogue in the 1950s.

And in the mid-1970s, in his retirement, Townsend definitely crossed paths again with the next generation of that tribe: the Navy and CIA electronics warfare heads turned Russian ESP reverse engineers, at Carl Schleicher's Mankind Research Unlimited, and Jerry Gallimore's US Psychotronics Association. Christopher Bird (who came into the MRU/USPA circle though electroculture) seems to have been part of that link.

And then there's William Lear and what the heck was up with his son John? Linda wasn't a particular fan of John, since he seemed to convince himself that Townsend had done some kind of deal with Evil Forces. What led him to that idea, or made him choose to seed that idea into the UFO community?

While this "woo" stuff might be tangential to Townsend's harder scientific contributions to the Navy, CIA and/or NRO, what I'm saying is I don't think that recurring pattern of acquaintances happened by accident. Something about Townsend's particular set of personal interests and personal funding/support network led him into making those kinds of connections. It might be worth tracing what other groups (or private industry CEOs) aligned along that path.

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Re: The dreaded UFO topic

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Nate, it is so good to see you posting again. I was getting concerned.

Paul, I think I recall Linda mentioning a piece of "space metal, but I don't recall if she was told that if was extraterrestrial or human-made.
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Re: The dreaded UFO topic

Post by natecull »

Jan Lundquist wrote: Mon Jun 12, 2023 5:35 pm Nate, it is so good to see you posting again. I was getting concerned.
Thanks for the kind thoughts! It's good to be back.

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Leonard Stringfield: Alien body and craft retrievals

Post by Jan Lundquist »

This was quite a big deal in certain circles in 1978. If you missed it the first, or fiftieth time around:

Mufon Symposium Proceedings - 1978
Retrievals of the Third Kind: A Case Study of Alleged UFOs and Occupants in Military Custody
Leonard H. Stringfield ... gfield.pdf

Reading it almost fifty years later, I am struck by the notable cluster of reports that arose around the Kingman incident. The definitive expert on that event, Harry Drew, passed away a couple of years ago, but I am hoping to track down his research.

Totally Off Topic (TOT), but trivia in response to a post above from Nate: Mason Rose and L. Ron Hubbard both had degrees from Sequoia University in Los Angeles, which was shut down in the eighties, for being a degree mill.
On February 27, 1953, Hubbard cabled his associate Richard de Mille (a relative of the famous filmmaker Cecil B. DeMille) to instruct him to purchase a Ph.D. in Hubbard's name: "PLEASE INFORM DR HOUGH PHD VERY ACCEPTABLE. PRIVATELY TO YOU. FOR GOSH SAKES EXPEDITE. WORK HERE UTTERLY DEPENDENT ON IT. CABLE REPLY. RON" Shortly afterwards, Hubbard received a "Doctorate of Philosophy" from Sequoia, along with a "D. Scn" (Doctorate of Scientology) which he appears to have bestowed upon himself.[26]
Hubbard was soon calling himself a nuclear physicist but was eventually forced to disavow his "degrees".


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