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FM No Static At All
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Post by FM No Static At All »

I found this while attempting to link Dr. Brown to the work in Philadelphia regarding the atomic stuff

T. Townsend Brown
Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a New
Propulsion Methodology
Edited by Thomas Valone
First Edition, April, 1994
Second Edition, November, 1995
Third Edition, April 1999
Fourth Edition, January, 2001
"The U.S. Antigravity Squadron"
Copyright © 1993 by Paul A. LaViolette
Cover illustration Copyright © 1993
by Paul A. LaViolette
ISBN 0-9641070-0-7
published by
1220 L Street NW, Suite 100-232
Washington, DC 20005

by Elizabeth Rauscher, Ph.D., Professor of Nuclear and Astrophysics, University of Nevada

Electromagnetism is bipolar, i.e. it attracts and repels. We can shield X-rays, gamma rays, radio waves, etc., but what about gravity? Gravity appears to have only one polarity — attraction! We have balloons, planes, and rockets that overcome gravity but can we build a shield against gravity? Roger Babson, a good friend of Thomas Edison, established the Gravity Research Foundation in 1948 at Edison's suggestion. So what would anti-gravity "look like"? Let us explore these issues:

Standard physical models include four fundamental forces in Nature. They are the nuclear force, the electromagnetic force, the weak, nuclear decay force, and gravitational force. The nuclear force and the gravitational force have the similar property of being attractive only. What of anti-matter ~ does it rise in a gravitational field? Such an experiment was attempted at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford, CA without confirmed results.

In 1971, I published a book and several papers on a ten dimensional geometric model of quantum gravity in which I treated the four major force fields on an "equal footing" in such a manner as to consider them as bi or duel polar, having both attraction and repulsion.

T. Townsend Brown, who I met in 1981, led me to replicate his research on some properties of electrostatics, capacitance and anomalous current flows on unique materials. Unlike the current view, electrostatic phenomena are very complex. How does this work relate to the ideas of UFO propulsion (an early interest of T.T. Brown)? Certainly he has presented the scientific community with many questions we need to investigate.

I have also theoretically examined a five and eight dimensional geometry which includes the Kaluza Klein geometry which is an abstract formalism relating electromagnetism to the gravitational field. This model interested Albert Einstein in the 1930's. There is a long path between theoretical concepts, romantic wishes and preliminary experiments to detailed experimental verification and actual designed technology.

Let us re-examine Brown's works and rethink some of the issues which he has suggested to us. Science is an ongoing process, not a fixed set of facts, ever changing and developing.
Prof. Elizabeth A. Rauscher, Ph.D.
This is the forward to the paper that I downloaded called Electrogravitics Systems

Fred a.k.a.
FM - No Static At All
'The only reason some people get lost in thought is because its unfamiliar territory.'
Linda Brown
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Post by Linda Brown »

EVERYBODY......I have to say, Reading these posts has been an exhilarating experience. I have stood back because all of you are doing far better than I ever could at bringing things to the surface for all of us to see and discuss.

And thank you Fred for this last little piece.... too good for me to resist.

Again I say. Elizabeth R, would you please join us on this forum. You represent a wonderful intellect and I would really love to hear of your experience meeting with Dad and what particularly he had to say to you , what you took from that meeting and how it has colored the fine work that you have done since, So ..... Please join us! are quoted as saying...

"T. Townsend Brown, who I met in 1981, led me to replicate his research on some properties of electrostatics, capacitance and anomalous current flows on unique materials. Unlike the current view, electrostatic phenomena are very complex. How does this work relate to the ideas of UFO propulsion (an early interest of T.T. Brown)? Certainly he has presented the scientific community with many questions we need to investigate."....................( I personally know a few people at the moment that would love to talk to you, especially about " capacitance and anomalous current flows on unique materials"........... and you continued then by saying "Let us re-examine Brown's works and rethink some of the issues which he has suggested to us. Science is an ongoing process, not a fixed set of facts, ever changing and developing.
Prof. Elizabeth A. Rauscher, Ph.D".................

I personally invite you again to join us here. And I thank you in advance.
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Post by htmagic »

FM No Static At All wrote:I found this while attempting to link Dr. Brown to the work in Philadelphia regarding the atomic stuff
by Elizabeth Rauscher, Ph.D., Professor of Nuclear and Astrophysics, University of Nevada

Fred, Great job! "Look at the women', we were told... And look at this one! E.A. Raischer may have been part of the University of Nevada in the 1990s but it appears she isn't there now.

Electromagnetism is bipolar, i.e. it attracts and repels. We can shield X-rays, gamma rays, radio waves, etc., but what about gravity? Gravity appears to have only one polarity — attraction! We have balloons, planes, and rockets that overcome gravity but can we build a shield against gravity? Roger Babson, a good friend of Thomas Edison, established the Gravity Research Foundation in 1948 at Edison's suggestion. So what would anti-gravity "look like"? Let us explore these issues:

I believe it is purely electrostatic in nature as Dr. Brown theorized. I read of workers encountered a strange "invisible wall" in the area under a fast-moving sheet of electrically charged polypropelene film in a factory. This "invisible wall" was strong enough to prevent humans from passing through. A person near this "wall" was unable to turn, and so had to walk backwards to retreat from it.

T. Townsend Brown, who I met in 1981, led me to replicate his research on some properties of electrostatics, capacitance and anomalous current flows on unique materials. Unlike the current view, electrostatic phenomena are very complex. How does this work relate to the ideas of UFO propulsion (an early interest of T.T. Brown)? Certainly he has presented the scientific community with many questions we need to investigate.

And look what that influence had on her! I wonder if she met with Dr. Brown just once or a series of times? ... her-CV.pdf ... AR-QGC.pdf

Her work is rich with studies of plasmas, University of Berkeley, and the study of radionics.
And she came to the same conclusion that Dr. Brown did that the universe has consciousness... :mrgreen:

Her studies also appear to follow Tesla's work as well with the Earth-Ionosphere Cavity.

Great work in digging up this material. It is quite a bit food for thought...

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Post by FM No Static At All »

ESD Journal wrote:In August of 1980 in the southeast United States, problems were being experienced at a polypropylene plant. Strange things were happening around a film slitting machine.

David Swenson of 3M Electrical Specialties Division in Austin, Texas was called in to investigate. Little did he know that he was about to enter the final frontier. When Dave asked what type of problem they wanted him to look at, he was told that he would have to come to the plant. They could not explain it over the telephone. They did tell him that they were experiencing problems with contamination of wide web film as it was being run at high speed, converted (split) into "film jumbos" with a width of 3' x 5' for coating with adhesive to make tape. Dave didn't see what was so unusual about film being contaminated by dust, flies, other insects and... birds. "Birds"?

Now they had Dave's attention and he didn't hesitate to go to the plant to see for himself how birds could be caught up in film.

The Polypropylene web was 21 feet across - almost the width of three lanes of traffic on the interstate. The film ran from one roller up 20 feet to another roller; across 15 feet to a third roller; down 20 feet to a splitter; and was then wound onto two rolls. It formed a huge dynamic "tent". On the morning that Dave intended to measure the static electricity inside the web tent , the temperature was 80°F with a relative humidity of 75 to 80%.

As he walked toward the web with his field meter in hand, the machine operator said "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Strange things happen inside the web tent this time of day."

Dave paused and thought about what the man had said but he was there to do a job and that was what he intended to do. You see, Dave is a very brave guy. Besides, it was just film running on a splitting machine. He had seen that many times and nothing seemed particularly unusual that morning. That is, until he looked down at his static field meter.

With a 200kV @ 12" measurement device, the voltage measurements were off the scale and he was still 20 feet away from the web! For the meter to be pegged at that distance, the amount of static electricity had to be in the Megavolt range. He thought to himself "Van de Graaff would be proud!"

Since he had come this far, Dave decided to enter the web anyway. As he did so, the hair on his head, arms and entire body began to stand on end. Even worse, he began to feel like sparklers were hitting him all over his body. It felt like burning sensations at hundreds of points all over his being. (brave? - hummm?) At exactly one-half way into the web, David slammed into a wall that was both invisible and impenetrable. It felt like he had hit a force field like he had seen on Star Trek.

Although he knew this was Coulomb's Forces - the law of static attraction and repulsion - he was held in place for what seemed like ages as he tried to grasp what was actually happening to him. It's one thing to know about Coulomb forces, but it is quite another to feel them with such gusto. When he finally came to his senses, he had to literally "peel" himself off of the invisible wall.

As he backed out of the web, he saw a fly drawn right up into the film and wondered if conditions ever existed inside that web that could actually draw a person up there as well. Dave hurried to talk with the Plant Manager and excitedly explained what had just happened to him. The Plant Manager agreed to go to the web to see for himself what was going on. By the time he was able to go, however, it was later in the day and the temperature and relative humidity had risen. He was able to walk into the web and from one side to the other without experiencing anything at all unusual. He told Dave that he thought he was simply hallucinating. When the machine operator corroborated Dave's story, the Plant Manager agreed to meet early the next morning to see if the same conditions would exist as they had experienced earlier in the day. They met bright and early the next day. As the Plant Manager entered the web, his curly gray hair immediately straightened. As he strutted toward the center of the web, his confident gait suddenly came to a complete stop as he hit the wall of invisibility.

Once he peeled himself off of the force field wall, a shaken Plant Manager came out of the web and exclaimed...

that he "didn't know whether they should fix it or sell tickets".

They decided to fix it.

Conclusion Static Electricity can cause some very strange and often difficult to explain phenomena. It is easily controlled if a commitment is made. This nuisance can be reduced to a non-nuisance level by proper analysis and installation of suitable equipment, at a very low cost.

Corrective Action An induction static eliminator was installed across the web at the unwind. The static electricity was immediately reduced throughout the process to less than 50kV (from MV's). It was then possible to make measurements in the rest of the area. Additional induction units were also installed at the jumbo wind-up areas which resulted in less than 5kV at conclusion.
Isn't amazing that such a marvelous effect is reduced to nothing more than being a nuisance? I wonder what they did with that charge when they induced it? Seems to me that it could have been put to useful purpose. MegaVolts converted to hundred (115V) at a decent current? Just a thought.

Fred a.k.a.
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Post by htmagic »

FM No Static At All wrote:Isn't amazing that such a marvelous effect is reduced to nothing more than being a nuisance? I wonder what they did with that charge when they induced it? Seems to me that it could have been put to useful purpose. MegaVolts converted to hundred (115V) at a decent current? Just a thought.

This is the recurring problem with static electricity. It is DC. DC has to be pulsed or chopped before it can be used in a transformer. In the old days, they used induction coils with a vibrating type buzzer to convert the DC to high voltage AC. Then they used vibrator type supplies to generate high voltage AC from batteries to power tube type circuits. What you are talking about would almost be in reverse to this application.

Remember that Tesla experimented with pulsed DC and I believe this is where he started to study radiant energy. Tesla also talked about a "force field" for protection for a city. Could this be what he was talking about? Tesla's experiments were in the Megavolt range.

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Post by kevin.b »

fm no static at all,
So given the correct natural conditions, what happens if you hit such an area in a ship , or plane?
Whats at the other side of such a parallel force?
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Post by Rose »

Fred, from what I read yesterday in the links about NRL and the MED, the Philadelphia explosion was indirectly the fault of the Army, since the NRL could not get enough nickel to build the Plutonium container properly. The statement was also made that when Gunn ask for the calculations that had been used to develop the safety procedures, the army rep replied that he could not release them.

So the story of this explosion was probably squelched as a CYA on the part of the army. We wouldn't want to besmirch the history of their greatest triumph, you know.
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FM No Static At All
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Post by FM No Static At All »

This is the recurring problem with static electricity. It is DC. DC has to be pulsed or chopped before it can be used in a transformer. In the old days, they used induction coils with a vibrating type buzzer to convert the DC to high voltage AC. Then they used vibrator type supplies to generate high voltage AC from batteries to power tube type circuits. What you are talking about would almost be in reverse to this application.

Remember that Tesla experimented with pulsed DC and I believe this is where he started to study radiant energy. Tesla also talked about a "force field" for protection for a city. Could this be what he was talking about? Tesla's experiments were in the Megavolt range.
Magic Bill
As you read in the piece I posted the measured static charges were in the Megavolt range. Unknown to most Tesla enthusiasts, he did use spark gaps and rotary “switches” in his earlier published works, however he also discovered that the “radiant energy” has a resonant frequency. Once that frequency was discovered, Tesla then design highly complex LC circuits to pulse at those GHz frequencies. That enabled him to use wave guides which is what his phase conjugate mirror and magnifying transmitter were doing. Keep in mind, that Tesla dealt not only with “normal” electrical waves (transverse waves) be also worked with longitudinal (FTL) waves. If you are to comprehend what Tesla really was doing, it is necessary to get out of the classical electrical theory box.
So given the correct natural conditions, what happens if you hit such an area in a ship , or plane?
Whats at the other side of such a parallel force?
Possible to shift into another frame of reference? An alternative reality?
Fred, from what I read yesterday in the links about NRL and the MED, the Philadelphia explosion was indirectly the fault of the Army, since the NRL could not get enough nickel to build the Plutonium container properly. The statement was also made that when Gunn ask for the calculations that had been used to develop the safety procedures, the army rep replied that he could not release them.

So the story of this explosion was probably squelched as a CYA on the part of the army. We wouldn't want to besmirch the history of their greatest triumph, you know.
There is an abundance of CYA throughout the military, which feeds much of the conspiracy theorists their brand of fodder. There is always a bit of truth hidden within the deceptions and cover stories.

Looking at the dates, it leads me to suspect that may have been a possible reason for Dr. Brown's resignation from the Navy. My “sources” told me that he was at the PNSY as a consultant for diagnosing an “unrelated” problem. Yet this unrelated problem would be related to the alleged mishap aboard the USS Eldridge about a year or so later, when according to records, Dr. Brown was in California and working for Vega Aircraft.

On August 12, 1943 at Men-an-Tol, Aleister Crowley performed one of his magic rituals known as the Babylon Working, according to his illegitimate son Amado, who was both witness and participant to the event. According to Amado, Crowley opened up a portal that was in direct line (ley line?) to Montauk, Long Island, New York. Perhaps he was working to prevent something else from occurring that was part of "Project Rainbow" taking place in Montauk and Philadelphia? Now it makes sense that given there was a mishap nearly a year prior at PNSY involving a naval vessel, it would seem clear how the US Army was able to wrest control of the uranium enrichment project there which eventually led to another mishap.

Fred a.k.a.
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Post by htmagic »

Rose wrote:Enjoy your break, Langley. Thanks for the link to the obituary. I'm wishing for empty walls and mult-colored stickies about now. A visual timeline would be helpful.


How about this one?

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Post by Rose »

Oh, my, Bill, when they said time flies, that's the timeline they must have had in mind! Give me a nice stable wall, with years across the top and below the places/events that can be identified for Dr. Brown and his known acquaintances, all on different colored stickies. And a big red pen to flag those that seem to be either completely contradictory or mysteriously coincidental!!

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Linda Brown
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Post by Linda Brown »

I picture you with your wall and stick pins and notes, much like a crime scene investigation. I would not be surprised though if you run into contradictory statements. For example, I have seen people argue that Dad could not possibly have been involved in a certain project because he was involved in " electroculture" in Hawaii at the time. So it seems on the surface.

But if you go deeper and study harder you will learn that Dad was there for a VERY short time and in fact left us alone for most of the five years that we were there in Hawaii. I am sure that Mom knew what was going on because she put up with the absences ..... but thats what I mean. I personally still have no idea where he was at the time but I do know that he had established ties already with Beau Kitselman during that period and possibly also Brad Shank.

Remember that at the "Pearl Harbor Demonstrations" the FBI made the note that " Brown was given a laboratory out of which to work and which ONLY he was allowed entrance. The two men who introduced him to that situation were never named by the FBI but I have had my strong hunch from what he mentioned in " Hello Stupid" that Beau Kitselman was at least one of them. Could Shank have been the other? I don't know.

I am just positive that the further we go the more information will come in our direction. We just have to be cautious that the new incoming information is valid and not generated by someones bid for attention and maybe notoriety. I remind myself all of the time about the people who have stepped forward claiming knowledge where actually there was none at all.

Andrew will laugh perhaps if he remembers a conversation I had with the fellow who was speaking at a UFO conference. The name of Linda Brown came up and this fellow actually stood there and said that he was in correspondence with her .... all I could do was blink and say something like, "Oh, how interesting" as I walked off ( never ever having spoken to the man in any manner). Its that kind of claim making I think that we are probably going to be subjected to so its wise to be on the lookout for it. Actually I think that this forum knows enough to be a pretty tough critic.

And where I know who has spoken to me (or not) I know that many people had interactions with Dad which I have not heard about yet. And you know that Elizabeth Rauscher is right on the top of my interest list ... especially I would like to know what they spoke about regarding the " conciousness" factor....... Please respond Elizabeth! So much we need to ask you! Linda
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Post by natecull »

Rose wrote:Oh, my, Bill, when they said time flies, that's the timeline they must have had in mind! Give me a nice stable wall, with years across the top and below the places/events that can be identified for Dr. Brown and his known acquaintances, all on different colored stickies. And a big red pen to flag those that seem to be either completely contradictory or mysteriously coincidental!!

I wonder, given how well that new 'Soundtrack' forum seems to be working with one thread per subject, would it help to have something like a 'People and Places' forum as a sort of virtual sticky-note wall where we can list one by one all the people we know with links to Dr Brown? I know for my part I need to reread the first draft all over to get a sense of what is established and what's still speculation, and I'm thinking I ought to read the whole forums from 2006 or so but the size is daunting.
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Post by htmagic »

natecull wrote:I wonder, given how well that new 'Soundtrack' forum seems to be working with one thread per subject, would it help to have something like a 'People and Places' forum as a sort of virtual sticky-note wall where we can list one by one all the people we know with links to Dr Brown? I know for my part I need to reread the first draft all over to get a sense of what is established and what's still speculation, and I'm thinking I ought to read the whole forums from 2006 or so but the size is daunting.

You asked, I provided. Check here: ... 547#p16469

Now it is under the Main Folder, Just The Facts, Ma'am and under the Subfolder: People & Places & Dates

That way, we might be able to piece all the people, places, and dates for a timeline like Rose suggested.

Or maybe not. I imagine the Caroline group (TCG) would be p*ssed to see some of their operatives with places and dates in black and white. So if this timeline doesn't come to fruition, you might know one of the reasons why...

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Post by Rose »

Oh, look! A clean wall! And a pile of blank stickies! Thanks, Bill!

I know what you mean about the reread being daunting Nate. The book alone would not be so bad, but then we dig up names like Eisey and Gunn here on the forum that appear nowhere in the book. And we have discussions, like that surrounding the Epilogue that are longer than the chapter itself. And then there is the other problem that the early chapter-by-chapter discussions did not transfer over to the new forum.

In the time between sitting down to write this message and now, I've dithered over the different ways (chapter, date, name) to best approach this humongous task in a somewhat orderly manner.

Any thoughts, anyone?

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Post by Langley »

Rose wrote:\ The book alone would not be so bad, but then we dig up names like Eisey and Gunn here on the forum that appear nowhere in the book.

Any thoughts, anyone?

Gunn is in the book Rose. At the time of Brown's enlistment, Gunn was Hulbert's assistant. Brown worked under Hulbert. Pdf page 89 of the draft. Chapter 26. Gunn's role and importance expanded rapidly.