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Post by natecull »

FM No Static At All wrote: From the web site of Calphysics
Thank you very much for posting this, FM! Fascinating indeed. A mainstreamy-physics approach to a serious look at electromagnetic ether. Stochastic Electrodynamics. One to add alongside Boundary Institute, I think, in terms of contemporary working physicists who do the math and sort of have their feet half in the world of conventional 'real' physics and half in this fun Mad Science world of ether theories. Possible bridge-builders.

I see Hal Puthoff's name on a bunch of the papers they reference, which doesn't surprise me... but I didn't realise that Andrei Sakharov first came up with the idea! At least they mention him and so does Wikipedia.
Sakharov observed that many condensed matter systems give rise to emergent phenomena which are identical to general relativity quantitatively. Crystal defects can look like torsion, for example. His idea was to start with an arbitrary background pseudo-Riemannian manifold (in modern treatments, possibly with torsion) and introduce quantum fields (matter) on it but not introduce any gravitational dynamics explicitly. This gives rise to an effective action which to one-loop order contains the Einstein-Hilbert action with a cosmological constant. In other words, general relativity arises as an emergent property of matter fields and is not put in by hand. On the other hand, such models typically predict huge cosmological constants.
Okay, I'm not a real physicist so I don't understand half of that... but crystal defects and torsion? Rings a vague bell with some of the stuff Aspden was writing, I think. And Sakharov's name wasn't attached there, that I noticed.

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Post by kevin.b »

I used to cross the origonal bridge, now there is a new one installed, you can view them both from links on this link,
The weight of the lifted part of the bridge is dissplaced by an equal amount in the opposite direction pivotted on a fulcrum point.
For some reason I think that is important, this bridge was ever so important in 1944.
The planet does not weight anything, if you had a giant set of scales , and strode out into space, the planet would not register anything, as it has nothing to push against.
I consider that the only reason anything weighs anything is because an opposite force provides something to push against, answer is to remove the opposite?
Or dissplace the opposite, by field?
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Re: CalUtron/Tokomak

Post by Langley »

natecull wrote: Mmm. So that does make Brown right in the middle of the uranium refining scene? I guess that's fairly hard fact. I'm losing track of what's been previously stated in the book.
He was adjacent and subordinate to people who were. If they said to him "Go there and do this", he would create a stir if he said no. Something went on and there was some purpose to him leaving the Navy.

Now, the tension between the Navy and the Manhattan Boys is highlighted by the writings about Gunn.

Bradford Shank - was he originally Navy ? Anyhow there is a complex set of relationships here. Bradford Shank spent a lot time post WW2 warning against nuke weapons.

Maybe the Wounded Prairie Chicken routine maybe started in fall, 1942. And in the later Radiation Laboratory he set up with Shank outside Los Angeles might have had something to do with this facility: ... Experiment

That is, He and Shank might have been monitoring the contamination from it. Anyhow, Gunn was part of the Navy's reactor uranium enrichment program at a time when Brown was in the Navy and a subordinate to Gunn. Gunn's primary drive was to achieve a silent long range submarine at that time.
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Post by Rose »

Enjoy your break, Langley. Thanks for the link to the obituary. I'm wishing for empty walls and mult-colored stickies about now. A visual timeline would be helpful.

I see that from 1947 on Gunn was most interested in the atmospheric effects of electricity in thunderstorms. It seems to me that a study of electroculture might provide the opportunity for practical investigations such effects....

or not.

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Post by FM No Static At All »

Ross Gunn

U. S. Weather Bureau

(Manuscript received February 5, 1954)

DOI: 10.1175/1520-0469(1954)011<0339:DCOADB>2.0.CO;2


The role of ionic diffusion in electrically charging drops in the atmosphere is investigated. Space charge and chemical adsorption being neglected, exact expressions are obtained for the charging rate and the average equilibrium charge acquired by a drop in an ionized atmosphere. The augmentation of the charge by appreciable relative motion is determined. The combination coefficients for neutral and charged droplets are calculated and found to agree with direct measurements. It is concluded that ionic diffusion plays a vital role in determining the electrical equilibrium in the atmosphere.
You can find the article at ... O%3B2&ct=1
<EDIT> Added additional abstract

Ross Gunn

U. S. Weather Bureau

(Manuscript received August 10, 1955)

DOI: 10.1175/1520-0469(1956)013<0283:THORBA>2.0.CO;

The role of atmospheric electric fields in selectively charging raindrops is analyzed and compared with direct measurements made inside an active thunderstorm. Expressions are developed for the free charge transferred to conducting spheres polarized by an electric field and immersed in an environment in which the positive and negative ionic conductivities are different. Measurements in a wind tunnel operating with ionized air confirm the analysis.

Because the electrical conductivities inside a cloud and in the clear air immediately outside are so very different, electric fields acting across such a cloud boundary selectively concentrate ions of a single sign in a space-charge layer. Extensive regions are thereby established wherein the positive and negative ionic conductivities are notably different. Cloud and raindrops in this transition layer become hyperelectrified. Expressions for the mean space charge in the transition layer are developed. The estimated drop charges and space-charge densities are found to agree with earlier measurements made at various levels inside an active thunderstorm.

It is found that a large fraction of the free space charge inside a thundercloud is carried by the precipitation and is roughly proportional to the electric field intensity within the cloud-boundary transition layer. Since transition layers near the cloud boundaries play an important part in the electrification process, precipitating cumulus-type clouds developing in a clear-air environment are most likely to produce active lightning
You can find this article at ... 2.0.CO%3B2
Is this the "Gunn" that you are referring to here?

Fred a.k.a.
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Still crazy

Post by Griffin »


How about Both/And: Both crazy And onto something? I base it on personal experience, plus what I’ve learned about TTB’s research. Maybe it’s crazy wisdom? Tibetans might understand. So might Alice.

And, so might Paul Simon: "Still Crazy After All These Years"

As ever,

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Re: Still crazy

Post by FM No Static At All »

Griffin wrote:FM-

How about Both/And: Both crazy And onto something? I base it on personal experience, plus what I’ve learned about TTB’s research. Maybe it’s crazy wisdom? Tibetans might understand. So might Alice.

And, so might Paul Simon: "Still Crazy After All These Years"
I just started reading a rather interesting book called Pyramids of Montauk: Explorations In Consciousness by the same authors (Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon) that wrote The Montauk Project: Experiments In Time It is quite fascinating and while it may seem quite unbelievable, there are many parallels in their writings with many of the speculation we are making regarding TTB and his "tapping in" to information from somewhere else.

Fred a.k.a.
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Viktor S. Grebennikov

Post by natecull »

Following my random chain of thought about Sakharov and torsion physics, and remembering that it was 'big in Russia', I did a Google for 'torsion physics' and found this page with a bunch of Russian links.

Third one up was this guy:

I'm getting distinct Wilhelm Reich / Otis Carr feelings here... any ideas? Same kind of 'pre-steampunk' level technology. Nice pictures though...

("Flight" - V chapter from the book "MY WORLD" by Viktor S. Grebennikov )

In the spring of 2001 Viktor S. Grebennikov has died.
The eternal memory of this uncommon scientist - naturalist will remain in our hearts.

But I have no wings. I stand suspended in the air supported in my flight by a little flat, rectangular platform, which is slightly bigger than the seat of a chair. It has a pole with two handles onto which I hold and with whose help I navigate this device. Is this some science fiction? I wouldn't say so. The interrupted manuscript of this book had lied abandoned for two whole years because our generous, ancient nature had given me another something and again through my insect friends. As usual, it did it elegantly and inconspicuously, yet swiftly and convincingly. The thrill of discovery would not let go of me for two years, even though it seemed to me that I was mastering it at a break-neck speed. But it always happens this way. When your work is new and interesting, the time flies by at double its normal speed. The eye of the lake is already much closer. I can clearly see the highway beyond by now and the match boxes have grown wheels on them. The highway is about 8km away from the railway running parallel to it and if I look closer, I can see the power line poles on the light gray moat of the railway. It is time to turn some 20 degrees to the left. I can't be seen from the ground and not just because of the distance. I cast almost no shadow even in a very low flight. Yet, as I found out later, people sometimes see something where I am in the sky. I appear to them either as a light sphere, a disk, or something like a slanted cloud with sharp edges, which moves strangly according to them, not exactly the way a real cloud would. One person has observed a "flat, non-transparent square, about one hectare in size". Could it have been the optically enlarged little platform of my device? Most people see nothing at all though and I am quite pleased with it for the time being. I can't be too careful! Besides, I still haven't determined what my visibility or invisibility depended on. I must confess that I consciously avoid people when in flight and that I, for this very purpose, bypass all cities and towns and try to pass even the cross roads and footpaths at increased speed after making sure there is no one there.

I trust only my insect friends depicted in these pages on these excursions, which no doubt are a fiction to the reader but, which are already almost casual to me . The first practical use of my discovery has been entomological research. A way to get to and examine my secret places, to take a picture of them from above and to find new, still uninspected insect lands in need of protection and salvation. Alas, nature has established its own strict limitations on my work. Just as on a passenger plane, I could see but couldn't take photographs [taking pictures on planes was forbidden by law]. My camera shutter wouldn't close and both rolls of film I had with me, one in the camera and the other in my pocket, got light-struck. I didn't succeed in sketching the landscape either, because both my hands were almost always busy. I could only free one hand for a couple of seconds. Thus I could only draw from my memory. I managed to do that only immediately after landing. Though I am an artist, my visual memory is not all that great. I did not feel the same way in my flight as we do when we fly in our sleep. It was with flying in my sleep that I started this book a while ago. Real flying is not so much pleasure as it is work, sometimes very hard and dangerous at that. One has to stand, not hover, with both hands always busy. There is a borderline a few centimeters away separating "this" space from "that" on the outside. The border is invisible but quite treacherous. My contraption is still rather clumsy and resembles perhaps a hospital scale. But this is only the beginning! By the way, besides the camera, I have experiernced sometimes trouble with my watch and possibly also with the calendar. While descending onto a familiar glade, I would occasionally find it slightly "out of season", with about a two-week deviation but, I had nothing to check it against. Thus, it may be possible to fly not just in space but also, or so it seems, in time. I cannot make the latter claim with a 100% guarantee, except perhaps that in flight, particularly at its beginning, a watch runs eratically, now too slow and then too fast. But, the watch is at its accurate time and speed at the end of the excursions.

Nevertheless, this is one of the reasons why I stay away from people during my journeys. If time manipulation is involved alongside the manipulation of gravitation, I might, perhaps, accidentally disrupt cause-and-effect of relations and someone might get hurt. This is where my fears were coming from. Insects captured "there" disappear from my test tubes, boxes and other receptacles. They disappear mostly without a trace. Once I had a test tube crushed to tiny bits in my pocket, another time there was an oval hole in the tube glass with brown, as though chitin colored edges as you can see in the picture. I did feel a kind of burning or an electric shock inside my pocket on many occasions, perhaps at the moment of my prisoner's disappearance. I found the captured insect in my test tube only once, but it wasn't the adult ichneumon with white rings on its feelers, but its chrysalis, i.e. its earlier stage. It was alive and it moved its belly when touched but, much to my dismay, it has died a week later.

It is best to fly on clear summer days Flying is much more difficult when it rains and almost impossible in winter. Not because of the cold, since I could have adapted my device accordingly, but being an entomologist, winter trips are useless to me.

How and why did I make this discovery? I was examining the chitin shells of insects under my microscope in the summer of 1988 along with their pinnate antennae, the fish-scale microstructure of butterfly wings, iridescent colors, and other inventions of nature. I became interested in an amazingly rhythmical microstructure of one large insect detail. It was an extremely well-ordered composition, as though stamped out by factory equipment according to special blueprints and calculations. As I saw it, the intricate sponginess was clearly unnecessary either for the strength of the part, or for its decoration. I have never observed anything like this unusual micro-ornament either in nature, in technology, or in art. Because its structure is three-dimensional, I have been unable to capture it in a drawing so far, or a photograph. Why does an insect need it? Besides, other than in flight, this structure at the bottom of the wing case is always hidden from the eye. No one would ever see it properly. Was it perhaps the wave emitter using "my" multiple cavity structures effect? That truly lucky summer, there were very many insects of this species and I would capture them at night. I was not able to observe these insects neither before, nor later.

I placed the small, concave chitin plate on the microscope stage in order to again examine its strangely star-shaped cells under strong magnification. I again admired this masterpiece jewelwork of nature. I was about to place a second identical plate with the same unusual cell structure on its underside almost purposelesly on top of the first one. But then!

The little plate came loose from my tweezers, hung suspended above the other plate on the microscope stage for a few seconds, then turned a few degrees clockwise and slid to the right, then turned counterclockwise and swung and only then it abruptly fell on the desk.

You can imagine what I felt at that moment. When I came to my senses, I tied a few panels together with a wire and it wasn't an easy thing to do. I have had succeeded only when I positioned them vertically. What I got was a multi-layered chitin block and I placed it on the desk. Even a relatively large object, such as a thumbtack, would not fall on it. Something pushed it up and aside. When I attached the tack on top of the "block", I witnessed incredible, impossible things. The tack would dissapear from sight for a few moments. That was when I have realized that this was no "beacon," but something entirely different.

And I became again so excited that all the objects around me became foggy and shaky. I managed to pull myself together with huge effort in a couple of hours and I continued working.

This is how it all started. Of course, much still remains to be understood, verified, and tested. I will certainly tell my readers about the finer details of my machine, about its propulsion principles, about distances, heights, speeds, equipment and all the rest but, in my next book.

I have conducted my first, rather unsuccessful and highly dangerous flight on the night of March 17, 1990. I didn't have the patience to wait untill the warm season and I neglected to go to a deserted area. I already knew that night was the most dangerous time for this kind of work and I had a bad luck from the very start. The panel blocks in the right side of the lifting platform got repetitively stuck. I should have fixed the problem properly and immediately, yet I neglected to do so in my impatience. I took off right in the middle of the Agricultural Academy campus, erroneously assuming that everyone would be asleep at 1 after midnight and that nobody would see me. The lift-off went well but, I became dizzy in a few seconds time, while the lit windows of the campus buildings sank beneath me. I should have landed right then yet, I made the mistake of staying airborne. A powerful force snatched away my control over my movement and weight and it dragged me in the direction of the city.
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Re: Viktor S. Grebennikov

Post by htmagic »

The little plate came loose from my tweezers, hung suspended above the other plate on the microscope stage for a few seconds, then turned a few degrees clockwise and slid to the right, then turned counterclockwise and swung and only then it abruptly fell on the desk.

This is how it all started. Of course, much still remains to be understood, verified, and tested. I will certainly tell my readers about the finer details of my machine, about its propulsion principles, about distances, heights, speeds, equipment and all the rest but, in my next book.

I have conducted my first, rather unsuccessful and highly dangerous flight on the night of March 17, 1990. I didn't have the patience to wait untill the warm season and I neglected to go to a deserted area. I already knew that night was the most dangerous time for this kind of work and I had a bad luck from the very start. The panel blocks in the right side of the lifting platform got repetitively stuck. I should have fixed the problem properly and immediately, yet I neglected to do so in my impatience. I took off right in the middle of the Agricultural Academy campus, erroneously assuming that everyone would be asleep at 1 after midnight and that nobody would see me. The lift-off went well but, I became dizzy in a few seconds time, while the lit windows of the campus buildings sank beneath me. I should have landed right then yet, I made the mistake of staying airborne. A powerful force snatched away my control over my movement and weight and it dragged me in the direction of the city.

An interesting article for sure. I read this before, even before I came to this group. It is interesting you bring this up. If you read the article closely, Viktor Grebennikov discusses what he calls Cavity Structures Effect (CSE). The CSE from bee nests or wasp nests has a cavity type structure that produced strange sensations to the author when he slept outdoors above the nests made in the cliffs. He saw flashes of light and had a headache and had a metallic taste in his mouth. This author also had a bowl of old nests and when he placed his head above the bowl, he felt the same strange sensations he felt when he slept above the nests. He found that shielding the effect would not work and still produced the effect. He says:
It has turned out that this CSE, same as gravitation, can't be shielded.
Shielding does not work on scalar waves either and those generated by a caduceus coil. The CSE effect can be generated by a bunch of drinking straws closed off on one end. The size and shape of the cavities are important. The author goes on to say:
It has turned out that clocks, both mechanical and electronic, run inaccurately when placed in a strong CSE field. The CSE seems to have an effect on time too. All this is a manifestation of the will of the matter, constantly moving and transforming and existing eternally. It has turned out that the French physicist Louis des Broglies [?] was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery of these waves back in the 20s and that the latter were used in electronic microscopes. My research has gone well. Many other things transpired from my experiments and study, but they would lead us into solid-state physics, quantum mechanics, elementary particle physics and generally very far away from the main characters of our narrative, the insects.
Who is this Louis des Broglies? What are these "waves" he talks about? I suspect they may be high frequency and possibly in the microwave range.

This bears more investigation.

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Re: Viktor S. Grebennikov

Post by natecull »

htmagic wrote: Who is this Louis des Broglies? What are these "waves" he talks about? I suspect they may be high frequency and possibly in the microwave range.
A lot higher than that, I think. Electron-microscope wavelengths.
In de Broglie's equation an electron's wavelength will be a function of Planck's constant (6.626 \times 10^{-34} joule-seconds) divided by the object's momentum (nonrelativistically, its mass multiplied by its velocity). When this momentum is very large (relative to Planck's constant), then an object's wavelength is very small. This is the case with every-day objects, such as a person. Given the enormous momentum of a person compared with the very tiny Planck constant, the wavelength of a person would be so small (on the order of 10^−35 meters or smaller) as to be undetectable by any current measurement tools. On the other hand, many small particles (such as typical electrons in everyday materials) have a very low momentum compared to macroscopic objects. In this case, the de Broglie wavelength may be large enough that the particle's wave-like nature gives observable effects.
But this is interesting:
Recent experiments even confirm the relations for molecules and even macromolecules, which are normally considered too large to undergo quantum mechanical effects. In 1999, a research team in Vienna demonstrated diffraction for molecules as large as fullerenes[8].
A lot of quantum-scale effects thought to have absolutely no influence on the macroscale world seem to gradually be 'leaking' out into scientific possibility. Once you start talking about a quantum effect existing for a whole molecule, it's a short leap to seeing it as obvious that biological systems would take advantage of it.

I know I've heard the 'straws blocked at one end' thing before, years ago. Can't remember who. Reich is the only name that sticks, but I wasn't paying a lot of attention to specifics then.

Again I keep thinking of Buckminster Fuller, and also Christopher Alexander, who has a whole theory about 'life' in architecture (and all living systems) being linked to very specific, organic/fractal/recursive, geometries.

What is intriguing to me about all these people and alleged effects is that though they sometimes have very startling capabilities, they all operate within or in harmony with the biological-friendly range of energies. Compared to conventional wisdom in physics which is that though time, space or gravity modification is certainly potentially possible, it is only achievable by applying huge stresses and energies which override the normal functioning of electromagnetism and are massively damaging to organic tissue. So it's seen as self-evident that no 'spectacular' effects could operate in living systems without some kind of inorganic shielding.

Is there a whole new science, or physics, somehow based on *adding* or superimposing non-destructive energies onto our existing patterns, rather than our brute-force industrial/atomic approach of just overriding one thing with another? Somehow Fuller's idea of 'synergy' seems to make a lot of sense here. If there's a concealed power here, it's a very ecological, whole-systems sort of approach. It hides under the skin of ordinary life, it doesn't require moving stars or building black holes to get enough power, it doesn't give you cancer and burn your cellular tissue... and yet somehow it can move mountains.

Edit: Alexander on the 'Fifteen properties of life': ... i_81790169
Last edited by natecull on Mon Jul 14, 2008 12:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Viktor S. Grebennikov

Post by FM No Static At All »

htmagic wrote: <SNIP>

Who is this Louis des Broglies? What are these "waves" he talks about? I suspect they may be high frequency and possibly in the microwave range.

This bears more investigation.

MagicBill Image
Prince Louis de Broglie
—————( 1892-1987 )—————

In 1923, while still a graduate student at the University of Paris, Louis de Broglie published a brief note in the journal Comptes rendus containing an idea that was to revolutionize our understanding of the physical world at the most fundamental level. He had been troubled by a curious "contradiction" arising from Einstein's special theory of relativity.

First, he assumed that there is always associated with a particle of mass m a periodic internal phenomenon of frequency ƒ [ƒ, rather than the traditional Greek letter "nu", is used here for purposes of compatibility with web browsers]. For a particle at rest, he equated the rest mass energy mc² to the energy of the quantum of the electromagnetic field hƒ. That is,

mc² = hƒ

where h is Planck's constant and c is the speed of light.

De Broglie noted that relativity theory predicts that, when such a particle is set in motion, its total relativistic energy will increase, tending to infinity as the speed of light is approached. Likewise, the period of the internal phenomenon assumed to be associated with the particle will also increase (due to time dilation). Since period and frequency are inversely related, a period increase is equivalent to a decrease of frequency and, hence, of the energy given by the quantum relation hƒ. It was this apparent incompatibility between the tendency of the relativistic energy to increase and the quantum energy to decrease that troubled de Broglie.1 [footnote]

The manner in which de Broglie resolved this apparent contradiction is the subject of the famous 1923 Comptes rendus note [Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, vol. 177, pp. 507-510 (1923)]. The original note in French and an English translation are available here by kind permission of the Académie des Sciences and the Fondation Louis de Broglie. The assistance of Professor Sophie Papaefthymiou of the University of Paris in obtaining permission to post these materials is gratefully acknowledged.
De Broglie
Phase Wave Animation

The animation above illustrates schematically the relationship between the motion of a particle and the associated de Broglie phase wave.

The particle, which is moving to the right, is represented by the red circle. The "internal periodic phenomenon" assumed by de Broglie is represented schematically by the up-and-down motion of the particle. Note that this is for the purpose of illustrating the instantaneous phase of the internal periodic phenomenon only; it is not intended to convey that the particle is literally moving up-and-down. Rather, the motion of the particle is smoothly to the right as illustrated by the steady rightward motion of the vertical line attached between the "particle" and the horizontal axis.

The de Broglie phase wave is represented by the green sine wave, which also propagates to the right. Note that the speed of the phase wave (phase velocity) exceeds that of the particle (group velocity). In the actual phase waves of de Broglie, the product of the phase velocity and the group velocity is c². For massive particles, the group velocity is always less than c, and the phase velocity is always greater than c. For massless particles (photons, for example) the group and phase velocities both equal c.

Note that, in accordance with the de Broglie theory, the phase of the phase wave at the position of the particle always exactly matches the instantaneous phase of the internal periodic phenomenon associated with the particle, though (except for massless particles) the particle and the phase wave move, or propagate, with different velocities. The constant match between the phase of the phase wave and the phase of the internal periodic phenomenon at the position of the particle is illustrated above by the invariable coincidence of the red circle and the green sine wave. For example, when the phase wave reaches its peak value at the position of the particle, the internal phenomenon also reaches its peak value. Likewise for all other phase values.

Finally, the tracking of the red circle on the green sine wave is intended only to render the perfect coincidence of the wave and particle phases at the position of the particle more obvious. Otherwise, no meaning is to be attached to the amplitude of the internal periodic phenomenon being equal to the amplitude of the phase wave.
Copyright © 1997 by Davis Associates, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

Fred a.k.a.
FM - No Static At All
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Post by Langley »

FM No Static At All wrote:
Ross Gunn

U. S. Weather Bureau

(Manuscript received February 5, 1954)

DOI: 10.1175/1520-0469(1954)011<0339:DCOADB>2.0.CO;2

I should be typing this via a modem strapped to a peddle wireless out in the sticks.
Though you are addressing Rose FM, Ill break in to say it is the same guy.
Linda Brown
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Post by Linda Brown »


And the chains that are holding Pegasus down are breaking free.......

"Is there a whole new science, or physics, somehow based on *adding* or superimposing non-destructive energies onto our existing patterns, rather than our brute-force industrial/atomic approach of just overriding one thing with another? Somehow Fuller's idea of 'synergy' seems to make a lot of sense here. If there's a concealed power here, it's a very ecological, whole-systems sort of approach. It hides under the skin of ordinary life, it doesn't require moving stars or building black holes to get enough power, it doesn't give you cancer and burn your cellular tissue... and yet somehow it can move mountains.

ABSOLUTELY. A whole new science .... I hope that you are keeping your thoughts and statements like that in one place. One of the most important things that has been written here ( and there have been many very important thoughts brought to the surface.) I thank you so much for putting this out!

And now that it has been stated, do some of the other things make more sense? Linda
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Post by Langley »

Rose wrote:Enjoy your break, Langley. Thanks for the link to the obituary. I'm wishing for empty walls and mult-colored stickies about now. A visual timeline would be helpful.
It seems to me that a study of electroculture might provide the opportunity for practical investigations such effects....

or not.

I confess I was to be away from the net for a month. It has gotten extremely frustating - just me - entirely self generated.

Seems Im addicted.

A visual time line which is complete is very difficult. Even though things have been declassified, try for example to find the discoverers of each fission product and the dates of discovery. Try to find a pre 1945 Segre Chart. Everybody into the subject knows that Curie discovered polonium for example. But who discovered strontium 90 as a fission product? or the rest of the 200 odd. Now, if that can't be done not much chance of assembling a chart of who was where when doing what. What little is readily available shows an interesting nexus between Brown and Gunn. When you look at what both did in their youth, its interesting. Gunn lodged patent aps which unknow to him were never forwarded or acted up.

There seems to be a merging of interests. Even though the work of Naval Research Lab re stuff related to Manhattan Project seems to have been deliberately unacknowledged for years, it may be that by looking at Gunn we might see a more public face on activities which are a pointer for things Brown did independently then and later. The relationship between Brown and Gunn is an interesting mystery. The interaction between science and society in this specific situation is interesting.

Regardless of what Brown was working on, the mere fact that he was within the area which was working on fission means he may have fallen under the Manhattan Project security clamp.

Indeed his proposed method of propulsion for a silent submarine may have been compared to proposed fission propelled craft, and/or his method may have benefitted from nuclear power as a power source.

In which case Brown may have been in the loop regarding the theorectical specs of proposed naval reactors. Such things were covered by high levels of security from 1942. As Groves intevened and seconded the Naval resources and program for the bomb, the Naval project was put on hold. As Brown was in the Navy in large part as a means to conduct his research (as well as to enjoy being in the Navy), his sudden departure may reflect many things, including taking his specific work out of the direct reach of Groves. Reasons for leaving may have been to avoid the delay in his research staying in the Navy might have entailed at that time, and to avoid having his work tangled up in any way with weapon, rather than propulsion, work.

There is no reason why the applications as deployed on the B2 Spirit could not be deployed on a submarine. In fact, the benefit might be greater. The stealth might be greater, the propulsive effect greater, and the ability to use the field as an integral part of a sonar system seems to me reasonable. I know of no birds of the air which generate a strong electric field. The Moray eel and other water creatures however do. Whether such creatures benefit by way of improved movement through water I do not know.

On the chronology which impacted the NRL and Gunn, and possibly Brown, the world's first reactor went critical as follows:

"While arrangements were proceeding for the construction of full-size plutonium production reactors, critical questions remained about their basic design. The Italian physicist Enrico Fermi hoped to answer some of these questions with CP-1, his experimental "Chicago Pile #1" at the University of Chicago. On December 2, 1942, after a series of frustrating delays, CP-1 first achieved a self-sustaining fission chain reaction."

It was very secret. It enabled the production of plutonium, the second route to the bomb. The reactor as a power plant for submarines had to wait for another day.

If Brown had hoped the pre war Naval nuclear POWER program would enable the rapid uptake of his designs at an early date, he may have been very severely disappointed. Because Groves stopped it in its tracks.

Given the early date at which Gunn and the Navy met with Fermi, re nuclear propulsion, what Brown knew of this potential power source is moot. How much security he was bound by as a result is also moot. His refusal to be totally bound may have been a motivation to leave and take his own secrets with him. Once again, there is a critical issue of conjunction here. In any event, even if Brown was not involved in any way with the Naval power reactor program, he probably occupied physical and organisational places which resulted in him comming into contact with it between 1939 and 1941. ie at a time before such reactors were covered by the AAA status and security of the Manhattan Project or S1 Committee earlier.

Then there's this from the Ahern article:

"According to Gunn, “t was recognized immediately
[after the discovery of fission] that perhaps here was an answer to the submarine
propulsion problem
.” Nuclear power would simultaneously remove the oxygen
problem and provide the submarine with a long cruising range. Gunn’s division
had numerous discussions about the application of the nuclear energy to naval
but decided not to present a research program to the no-nonsense Navy
bureau chiefs until they had significant data to back it up.4
While scientists at NRL theorized about the use of nuclear energy, it was Enrico
Fermi’s meeting with Navy representatives in March 1939 that gave nuclear energy
research its start at the laboratory.

Fermi had fissioned uranium in the 20s, but didnt realise it until Ida Nodack pointed it out, and noone listened to her because she was female. Hahn and Strassman couldnt understand how come they got Krypton 85 and Strontium by bombarding Uranium with neutrons in 1938. That they were allowed to publish world wide in Nazi Germany shows that the Nazi's were in no hurry to credit what they saw as "Jewish physics". (The Japanese had not such reservations, having their own scientists working in Germany with Bohr. That was the start of the Japanese bomb programs).

But in 1939 Liz Mietzner working with her own and Bohr's ideas published that Hahn et al had fissioned uranium*. That is, while expecting to make a heavier element Hahn et al actually broken (fissioned) U into 2 lighter fragments. In response to that the Navy Research Lab's Gunn was talking to Fermi in the same year (a mere 50 years from the discovery that Uranium was radioactive) about using fission as a power source for naval vessels.

(*It took females to point out that while the boys were trying to make bigger and bigger nuclei, they were actually splitting them, resulting in "confusing" progeny products) (it is pretty confusing I must admit).

In there somewhere, with some sort of fit, is TT Brown and his work, vision, goals and applications. The Naval Research Labs were delayed by Groves. Would TT Brown be so constrained?

Its a fit, I swear its a fit, Ill go completely utterly bonkers declaring its a fit.

What exactly that fit consisted of I do not know. There's something else - a lot of Navy people were anti bomb and pro nuclear power (nobody is perfect). Including Gunn I believe. Including Barry Commoner. TT Brown associated freely with Bradford Shank, who associated with Linus Pauling, later worked with Commoner against the bomb. Commoner is still involved in the collection of shed baby teeth in order to study the uptake of Radio strontium. He started doing that in the 1950s. (Started in St Louis, current program is the Florida Baby Tooth Project).

Science and society. The sociology of knowledge. The constraints on the public knowledge and the reduction of science to mythology in order to encourage the blind following of leaders.

There is a clear bead to a tradition of scientists who buck control imposed politically. Where does Brown fit into that tradition?

Finally the problem of enriching Uranium potentially occurred to the Naval Research Labs 3 years or more prior to that problem excersizing the mind of Ernest Lawrence. In response he came up with the calutron. Had Brown been exercising his mind on items related to that problem in relation to propulsion (and not weapons) since 1939? Would he not need to know at least the characteristics of the power source for his own technologies if they were to be incorporated on a nuclear sub? Was Brown "extracted" out the Navy for this or related reasons so as to not impede his actual work when Groves stopped the Navy propulsion program? And despite the fact that what the Navy staff knew became an immense security issue to Groves from 1942 (and the S1 committee from 1941)? Ordinarily someone with that knowledge would not be released for reasons of national security. No matter what his or her predilictions, habits, behaviours, preferences, or actions. Hell, he could have married a male camel and still have been promoted.

There's another thing. Gunn complained that the Navy was delayed and its contribution went unacknowledged. That is the case until quite recently. Why on earth? Everything bar the dates of discovery of the fission inventory list was declassified progressively from 1947. Why keep the Navy contribution unacknowledged?

Was it to make following Brown in detail more difficult?
Last edited by Langley on Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by twigsnapper »


Its a fit, I swear its a fit, Ill go completely utterly bonkers declaring its a fit.

Its a fit Langley. Loved your camel reference. Understand that if a " Caroline Group" can get an individual assigned to the Naval Research Lab they can also have him " reassigned" to something else very important. And you are right. Without that kind of pressure the Navy would NEVER, EVER have let him go.

Watch the timeline. Seven years later he is meeting with Admirals in Pearl Harbor. Again, how does a civilian manage that? And secret? yes, very secret. Even involved a president. Long story, perhaps too long... but Langley you deserve it. Good work. twigsnapper