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Elizabeth Helen Drake
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Post by Elizabeth Helen Drake »

Well answered AM and I thank you very much for that. Elizabeth
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Post by Mikado14 »

AM2 wrote:
Mr. Mikado wrote:There is NO FTM,.........yet.
I will bet my first born on it.

If anything, they were using what Beckwith talked about. Travelling in space, not time.
What makes you so sure?

It is what I factually know. Linda Brown did not travel in an FTM....period.

Why does it matter? Even if she did, and I know otherwise, do you really believe she would admit anything? Remember, she is a crazy lady from the desert and I am a delusional Lazarus.


PS: The Beckwith scenario is more plausible.
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Post by AM2 »

Last edited by AM2 on Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mark Culpepper
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Re: alive and out there?

Post by Mark Culpepper »

You are so great at pulling these things out into the open AM. Morgans words here are suddenly very telling to me and exceptionally interesting.

"The technology,” Morgan continued, more than forty years after that first conversation with Townsend Brown about saving his little sister, “is a time machine. A way of reaching forward, and back; Of traveling between dimensions that are available to us. Now you can see that it is also… above our capabilities spiritually.”

I remember that Townsend Brown had told him that such a technology was available "in his lifetime". So if we try to stay rational about this and we accept the fact that Morgan died just recently ( sorry, forgot the date Paul mentioned). Then we have from 1966 to about 2006 .... forty years. For something to be developed. Am I right here?

Only means to me that EITHER it was developed before 2006....OR after the present. And if it hasn't been developed yet... then according to Dr. Brown ... Morgan must still be alive and out there somewhere. What other conclusion should I be coming to? I realize that there is this big hole called the either/or but how else to approach it?

I sort of hope that you are right Mikado. I hope that the thing ( if it is a machine) hasn't been built yet because that would mean ... using some sort of primary logic here and you know how faulty that can be <g> that our man Morgan must still be alive.

So have you already thought this out Paul? I know that you are disconnected but when you get home I would like to hear your thoughts on the above. Am I off base? Have I missed something? MarkC
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Post by AM2 »

Last edited by AM2 on Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Elizabeth Helen Drake
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Post by Elizabeth Helen Drake »


Yes .... there is a hole there "big enough to drive a truck through"
You said:
I"f the FTM is something that has yet to be built then the Cutlass sticks out as a sore thumb. Why would it then be important to tell the story of this submarine and the events of 1966? The only explanation might be that while it was possible to observe time anomalies in connection with the Cutlass, which were intentionally caused by a certain kind of technology, the process itself was not yet under control."

Morgan was quoted by Paul as saying:

"Now you can see that it is also… above our capabilities spiritually.”

Is that what you are looking for AM? The idea that something could not actually work unless it was somehow matched properly with those SPIRITUAL CAPABILITIES.' Seems to me that Morgan has spelled it out rather plainly right there. So maybe some of it works ( for the Navy maybe ... for the Caroline Group maybe ... but the most important part of it still waits . Remember what Paul was led to use as his banner statement? " The Universe is filled with Magical things, patiently waiting for our witts to grow sharper")

My answer to the question " why was it important to tell the story of this submarine and the events of 1966?"
Because there is a big hole there that we still know nothing about. And the only way to " throw a red flag down" is to write about what we DO KNOW was happening trusting all the time that the bubbles that have been held down for the whole story will eventually break loose ( or be released?) and meet us at the surface .... with all of our sensors operating so we will know when it happens and not just miss it entirely.

There are many "holes" in Pauls story so far. Intentionally. What about the activities from 1958 ( when he stops writing in the first notebooks) and 1967 ( when he resumes) Paul has picked up some of those years but not all of them. Again a hole big enough to drive a truck through. Patiently waiting for us to "get it" somehow.

I would like to think that we are ready for that information now. We say we are but how would we really know? Like eating from the tree of knowledge. After the first bite ... there is no going home again.... I know, I know .... pass the apple. Elizabeth
Last edited by Elizabeth Helen Drake on Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mikado14 »


I said what I said and stand by it. Bluntly, since you like it, I don't have to disclose my sources of fact.

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Post by Mikado14 »

Here is a hypothetical for all you Sherlocks.

Stop thinking in a linear temporal mode.

No FTM at this present time of June 2, 2008 doesnot mean anything. Even if Morgan is dead.

What if I build one in 2015 and then go back to pick up Morgan in say....1986 and then take him back to 1936?

why does everything have to be black or white? If you have a bloody gad damn time machine you can go anywhere.

Morgan can be dead it doesn't matter and still he can go back to 1936, all you have to do is pick him up.

Last edited by Mikado14 on Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy
Elizabeth Helen Drake
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Post by Elizabeth Helen Drake »

No wonder we have all been saying we want a ticket to ride.

Up and down the "Avenue of Time." I love the thought. With our own special EXPRESS.

I wonder if you can get off anywhere, visit as long as you want and still be able to get home in time for dinner after only being gone an hour or less? People talk all they want about different dimensions. Alot ! but what if there were a FTM developed in say ....2020? What would the operation of that thing now actually mean?

And here is the rub. I don't know about the rest of you but if reaching a higher spiritual understanding is part of the ticket price, boy, do I have alot of work to do to earn that seat. Elizabeth
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Post by JZimmer »

Just a thought, but I would think that it would take much more than just a higher spiritual state. Like more importantly, how about a higher moral state as well. It seems to that throughout time, many have claimed high spiritual values while slaughtering hundreds, thousands or millions of people.

This is a dangerous path to walk upon!

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Fucking Time Machine tickets

Post by Trickfox »

Like I said.....
I already used-up my ticket!!!


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Post by FM No Static At All »

Elizabeth Helen Drake wrote:No wonder we have all been saying we want a ticket to ride.

Up and down the "Avenue of Time." I love the thought. With our own special EXPRESS.

And here is the rub. I don't know about the rest of you but if reaching a higher spiritual understanding is part of the ticket price, boy, do I have alot of work to do to earn that seat. Elizabeth
I would suggest that all who doubt there is a technology that permits time travel, to read Ong's Hat and perhaps you will discover for yourself that:
A. A machine can be made to traverse through spec/time
B. A level of spiritual awareness can make even the machine obsolete once one becomes aware of how it can be done with no external instruments.

When I first wrote here about Project Rainbow, it was Paul who called it the Philadelphia Experiment and thought that the Eldridge name was an irony regarding the Caroline Group. Rainbow was about radar invisibility and then it turned into visual invisibility. But obviously something went very wrong with the experiment and there are casualties and other evidence to be sifted through in that "rabbit hole" we have all trekked into.

There are many reasons why Mikado chooses to feel the way he does, and rather than say he is wrong or right, I will say only that his belief system does not allow for a FTM to exist in his reality of time. That is cool, however there may be others with experiences that have changed their beliefs, and they can now accept that it is in fact a reality, that exists today as it did in Dr. Brown's days.

And Ms Drake, I do feel we are growing spiritually be the very nature of our quests. Some just learn at a different pace.
JZimmer wrote:Just a thought, but I would think that it would take much more than just a higher spiritual state. Like more importantly, how about a higher moral state as well. It seems to that throughout time, many have claimed high spiritual values while slaughtering hundreds, thousands or millions of people.

This is a dangerous path to walk upon!
Raising one's spiritual awareness would seem to indicate a higher moral standard. I feel that higher spirituality is am embracing of love, honesty, an trust. There are of course lower spirit entities, but they haven't the propensity for such higher goals, and seem to rely on manipulation of others to fulfill their agendas.

Whether Ms. Brown did or not is a presumption by all unless she has told them otherwise, and has offered enough evidence for them to believe she is telling them the truth. My feelings about it are that Ms. Brown would not outright lie, but she may be holding back with reasons only she knows and can understand at present. In either case, it is immaterial to the discussion of whether it is possible or has been accomplished. By experiences in life tell me t hat it has happened, and an event that took place when I was young and still living in Philadelphia has an eerie memory in my life. I cannot explain it in words that would be adequate for others to understand, but I can say that something happened back then that dramatically altered the course of my life.

I am a teacher and student, I have much to learn and much to express. I trust that in some way I have provided an understanding to others as they have done so for me. Everything is possible to those that have no self imposed limitations. It is simply a matter of understanding what risks one is willing to take to achieve the goals they aspire to. There is always a price to be paid for the rewards we gain.

So before I build an FTM, or even agree to board one to take a trip, I must ask myself, "Is the rewards worth the price of a ticket?"
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Post by JZimmer »

Hi Fred!

I would tend to come to task with you on this statement.
Raising one's spiritual awareness would seem to indicate a higher moral standard. I feel that higher spirituality is am embracing of love, honesty, and trust. There are of course lower spirit entities, but they haven't the propensity for such higher goals, and seem to rely on manipulation of others to fulfill their agendas.
That is your understanding of "one's spiritual awareness", but I would bet that there are those who have as much conviction as you or I, but have a totally different concept of the meaning of that phrase.

I mean no disrespect, but who are you or I to define what “spiritual awareness” is? There are many books both religious and otherwise written by many wise men that attempt to define that phrase, and many, many more good men and women that are of high moral character and beliefs that may not think that spiritual beliefs are even important to leading a just and honorable life.

I guess what I am saying is that the quality you are talking about may be different in each of us, and may have varying degrees of the traits that you talk about. As an example, Mr. Twigsnapper professes to have taken the ride, yet does anyone think that he has always been totally honest, or trustworthy in the line of duty? Or more importantly, are those who think that he is not a person worthy of respect in what we term “the spiritual awareness category”.

I honestly do not know the answer, so maybe I am the one wrong here, but regardless of that I am not sure any of us really know the answer.

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Post by AM2 »

Last edited by AM2 on Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Linda Brown
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Re: words/words

Post by Linda Brown »

I am confused by words. I wish there was a way that we could communicate directly without having to break it all down like this because I really feel that as soon as we name such a thing as "spiritual awareness" we have diminished it. You said in your message Jim :
"Like more importantly, how about a higher moral state as well. It seems to that throughout time, many have claimed high spiritual values while slaughtering hundreds, thousands or millions of people" My response to that? Words are cheap and calling yourself a higher moral character with an enhanced sense of spirituality means nothing at all. Actions count. But it has always worked when you are stirring up hatred. Find someone who can be called " inferior to you"

And Jim. I don't really what you are pointing out here perhaps that there is a difference between spirituality and morality? You see I have a hard time recognizing the dividing line. Not as hard for me to differentiate between spirituality and religion. But I sense you are reaching for something else here that I am not able to grasp with you.

Maybe it was the concept of "lower spirit enties" that was your point of contention with Freds words? And I agree with you, how in the world do you come to the conclusion of where the dividing line might be between " higher and lower?" And also who gets to set that Mason Dixon Line?

In any case perhaps the best thing to do is just recognize that there are differences in the way we all perceive things and the way we translate our perceptions to others.

But thats the point isn't it? Maybe just reaching that realization? One persons Idea of helping another ( say a teenagers Mother) is looked upon by the teenager as outrageous manipulation and control. Who is right? Both of them? Neither of them? Something in between? This whole discussion can be said to be "Meaning everything, and nothing." ( Familiar words AM? Supposed to have been said by Saladin regarding the importance of the capture of Jerusalem) Linda
Last edited by Linda Brown on Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.