Chapter 67 (Sidebar): Flying Saucers in the Bible

Use this section for any discussion specifically related to the chapters posted online of the unfolding biography, "Defying Gravity: The Parallel Universe of T. Townsend Brown
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lived alone?

Post by ladygrady »

Doggedly pursuing every mention of "Dan Marckus" in the Hunt for Zero Point ... so we can actually see the pattern. See anything yet?

Faint echoes of a signal)

Page 117

“ Begin with what you can see, then search for what you can’tâ€
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missing papers? again?

Post by ladygrady »

Drats, this has already been mentioned but I can’t skip it or I will lose the continuity that is important, so here goes again. Maybe its important for us to
see this again .......

Marckus apparently had to go turn the music down so that he could hear Cook on the other end of the line.
Page 133

“ The mans’ an idiotâ€
Victoria Steele
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Post by Victoria Steele »


You are really on a mission aren't you. I really appreciate what you are attempting to do here because its helping display something that really I didn't see before. I didn't realize how persistant this " force" ( and Marckus) was in trying to get Nick to see that there was something so entirely special happening here. But he just can't see it , can he. He comes close . He can feel it. Read this again and you will see what I mean. He admits that SOMETHING is there......

"As I sat behind my desk, calling contacts and sources in an effort to plug holes in the incomplete and still highly secret history of stealth I could hear the faint echo of a signal. It was almost impossible to decipher , but the cold side of my training, the part that I kept separate from the muffled wing beats of the creature let loose upon my thinking by Marckus, said anti gravity had something to do with the shared origins of the two most powerful weapons of the 20th century ... stealth and the atomic bomb"

And thats exactly where we have all been here folks. You especially Langley, all of you! We all have been linking these thoughts but the difference with us is that we recognize the existence of that " faint signal! "the muffled wing beats of the creature let loose by Marckus/Morgan??"......

I am not sure I like the phrase " antigravity" because I took a serious note when someone a long time ago on this forum said that Dr. Brown did not like or use the term " antigravity" so I am watching that little errant seed, hoping that we know better than be distracted by the use of it by others who don't know any better!

Really interesting grady. Thanks for spending the time you have spent on this. Victoria
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Post by greggvizza »

Since it is now becoming common knowledge that the B2 uses a high voltage charge on the leading edge of it’s wings, it seems they are now pushing the idea that it is for lowering air resistance, which I am sure is one of its byproducts. But the folks at Wright-Pat call it a plasma drive. Does the word drive connote a passive air resistance lowering mechanism or propulsion?

I say drive means drive. And quite a drive at that. I have read that they flew B2 missions from a base in Missouri to Iraq and back, round trip without landing or refueling. Somehow I can’t picture it holding that much jet fuel.

I even wonder if it has the same time shifting capabilities as the Navy ship MHC60 Cardinal, which (according to Robert Beckwith) was in the Persian Gulf on a Friday, in Tampa on Saturday and in Japan on Monday. When he personally toured the Cardinal he said he noticed a small indicator light on one of the panels labeled Teleportation Mode.

Elizabeth Helen Drake
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teleportation mode?

Post by Elizabeth Helen Drake »

I must ask you outright Gregg if you honestly believe that a US Navy vessel would have that written out on an instrument panel? Where a person who would see it and then talk about it?

I have to admit not knowing very much about Mr. Beckwith but that one statement alone leads me to question why he would take that seriously or even promote the idea that he had seen such a thing. I am beginning to sound like someone on a very fine mule in a very fine state, declaring SHOW ME.

Of course my mind is not closed to the possibilities that such a thing happened but it just does not ring true for me now. Do you really believe him about that? Your opinion means much to me. Elizabeth
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Post by flowperson »

Hi Gregg and Elizabeth...I remember that I had that same impression of time shifting capabiilities for that class of navy vessels when I read through the Beckwith materials. and further my memory serves that special booths were also emphasized for use by individual personnel. Maybe the entire vessel doesn't have to do the dark dancing when only a sailor or two will do. I've always held that his materials were a key to all of this.

In fact, Elizabeth, I believe that it was you who mentioned that this class of vessels were all named after birds. Birds fly. You know my thingy about the significance of names in all of this stuff. Hidden in plain sight is the phrase that Mr. Twigsnapper has used quite often to explain the significance of what we're all after here. Gregg if "teleportation" was indicated on the control panel of the Cardinal, then we've found the key to much of what we're after, at least as far as the Electro Hydrodynamicas side of the equation goes.

And with the B-2 systems we are looking at the Solid Dielectric side of things ?

Where is that link to the Beckwith stuff anyway. ?

Flow.... 8)
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Post by Mikado14 »

kevin.b wrote:Just a little five cents worth, litterally.
What happened in 1956 that lead to E PLURIBUS UNUM been removed from your monies , and in g-d we trust been stuck on it?

I was sorting some coins toady , and found some five cent pieces , 1916, 1925, I have never bothered about that before, today it sort of drew me to it.
Did G-d have a word with someone?

Kevin, I really wouldn't expect you to know this but let me help with what I do know and others can tighten it up before we start seeing phantoms or going on a snipe hunt.

"In God we Trust" was first used on coinage during the Civil War and I believe was brought about by President Lincoln due to the situation and the upsurge in religion at the time. Others can fill in the details if you wish. Perhaps you are referring to an Act of Congress during the Cold War (Don't remember the date) where the national motto became "In God we Trust" seeing as the thought of Communism was believed to be atheistic.

"E Pluribus Unum" was first used on a gold coin from the late 1700's and before 1800 and it has been law since the late 1800's to appear on all coinage, last time I checked it was there. The latin term as well as two others: Annuit coeptis and Novus Ordo Seclorum appear on paper money and appear in one form or the other on variations of the different Great Seals.

I am sure there are others here who can elaborate further for it is what I remember from playing at numismatology but there is no mystery, no conspiracies except if you are talking about the recent George Washington that was misstruck...<g>

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Re: B2

Post by Mikado14 »

greggvizza wrote:Since it is now becoming common knowledge that the B2 uses a high voltage charge on the leading edge of it’s wings, it seems they are now pushing the idea that it is for lowering air resistance, which I am sure is one of its byproducts. But the folks at Wright-Pat call it a plasma drive. Does the word drive connote a passive air resistance lowering mechanism or propulsion?

I say drive means drive. And quite a drive at that. I have read that they flew B2 missions from a base in Missouri to Iraq and back, round trip without landing or refueling. Somehow I can’t picture it holding that much jet fuel.

I even wonder if it has the same time shifting capabilities as the Navy ship MHC60 Cardinal, which (according to Robert Beckwith) was in the Persian Gulf on a Friday, in Tampa on Saturday and in Japan on Monday. When he personally toured the Cardinal he said he noticed a small indicator light on one of the panels labeled Teleportation Mode.

Watermelon seed

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"Dan Marckus"

Post by Paul S. »

ladygrady wrote:Doggedly pursuing every mention of "Dan Marckus" in the Hunt for Zero Point ... so we can actually see the pattern. See anything yet?
I might be able to save you some trouble, grady.

Page 229. Last line.

"They were trying to build a fucking time machine," he said.

That may well be the only line you need to remember from "Dan Marckus."

Thanks for reminding me. I was having trouble seeing "the target" this week.

Paul Schatzkin
aka "The Perfesser"
"At some point we have to deal with the facts, not what we want to believe is true." -- Jack Bauer
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Hiding In Plain Sight?

Post by Paul S. »

Victoria Steele wrote:Marckus, said anti gravity had something to do with the shared origins of the two most powerful weapons of the 20th century ... stealth and the atomic bomb"
Well, yeah... that we know of...
I am not sure I like the phrase " antigravity" because I took a serious note when someone a long time ago on this forum said that Dr. Brown did not like or use the term " antigravity" so I am watching that little errant seed, hoping that we know better than be distracted by the use of it by others who don't know any better!
Especially when the mere use of the word, for the most part, obscures its own most obvious (and compelling) implications (see previous message).

Paul Schatzkin
aka "The Perfesser"
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yes that too, but

Post by ladygrady »

Hello Paul!

Yes I remember that particular conversation. (One of the sentences that I marked in orange highliter long ago.) The root for your famous FTM comment in Vegas!

But, forgive me if I persist in following through with this page by page recalling of what Cook reported that Marckus said. I still think that hidden in those sentences and wrapped around those sentences are meanings that maybe we have all missed to this point.

I promise I will try to be as brief as possible and I am , looks like, more than halfway through the book, so please be patient with me.

Sometimes ideas just sort of come across my desk and you must know what thats like. Its just much simpler to go along with the program than to resist it. Perhaps there is something else out there that is not quite that easy a choice and perhaps still hasn't been noticed yet.

Perhaps there are more than one points of focus? This is what I mean.

Victoria Steele wrote:
Marckus, said anti gravity had something to do with the shared origins of the two most powerful weapons of the 20th century ... stealth and the atomic bomb"..... and when I look at that I see something different that maybe others. I see the words vibrating " something to do with the SHARED ORIGINS of the TWO most powerful weapons of the 20th century" Those are the words that I see, matched with your recollection of Marckus' words " They were trying to build a FTM! "anti-gravity" a diversion on one end ...... "stealth and the atomic bomb" on the other and I am reminded, remember, according to Elizabeth and Flowperson that the important place is the middle. Whatever and wherever that might prove to be.

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Post by Langley »

flowperson wrote:Hi Langley...Now that I think on it, the presentation that I saw did seem overly staged ( of course that is the definition of TV ) as if the presenters wanted to present a picture of extra hard work and safety, when the truth might be that fighters and bombers were flying around with alpha and beta emitters all over their exteriors fully exposed to the airstreams over all of our heads, and all of the incident scenarios that these facts might imply.

After all, there's more than enough strontium in our milk already. Just the kind of mis-dis-information we've been fed for oh so long to ease our supposed anxieties. Hey...I'm old...I'm cynical...I've eaned it mate.

flow.... :wink:
Hi Flow, please don't worry about radio stronitum in milk. There's very very little if any in it these days, there is a faint residue in soils, very faint. The last deposited in 1963, its into the period of its second half life, and is no longer on the external surface of pasture leaves.

Though if the pastures are downwind of nuke power plants there will be trace amounts. But whether that's harmful or not is debated.

Greylady mentioned Stealth and the atomic bomb. That's interesting. Getting back to the movement of air from the speaker/fan that Teller saw, OK it the ions are accelerated by the charged mesh of the speaker/fan, that using electricity to produce thrust. And the air is moved by the moving ion flow. Now if the plane leading edge is emitting ions, and the air is moving, the ions at the interface of the boundary layer and the first layer of laminar flow, they will be moved to the trailing edge of the wind, forming a circuit. If the trailing edge was charged in reverse polarity to the ions emitted by the leading, then, the ions would accelerate toward the trailing edge - so the ion field produced at the leading edge would lower drag (by maintaining both the boundary layer and laminar flow) but could maybe perhaps be used to produce thrust. In the same manner that the speaker/fan produced air movement (Newton's 3rd law).

Stealth and atomic bombs. Ions. Negative ions - beta particles (high speed electrons). Positive Ions. Beta plus particles or positrons. (high speed protons) Protons bound together in nucleus by the "nuclear force" excerted by neutrons. To create a beta plus particle, the proton has to be energised to a level exceeding that excerted by the neutron's "nuclear force". Energy level of beta plus particle must exceed energy level of nuclear force other wise called "binding energy. When binding energy exceeded, proton is liberated becoming beta plus particle. Neutron ceases exerting nuclear force, which snaps off and neutron gains mass. (E=MC squared)

question: what role does zero point energy play in the causation of binding energy (the nuclear force). Is the conventional arithmetic describing the energy balance of the nucleus pre and post positiron emission accurate?
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Post by kevin.b »

mikado 14,
Thanks for the history of what is upon your coins.
But remember, history is not what you may have neen TOLD.
As I don't believe in coincidence anymore, I will pay close attention to the money of America.
The flip side of that coin shows a native indians head with the word LIBERTY.

Whats liberty, it can mean many things , these words are sent to tie us up in knots?
Is it the liberty of the native indians?, seeing as they were almost wiped off the face of the globe?, or the bison, oh no they too were almost exterminated.
Or is that the meaning litterally, freedom of life, liberty of the spirit?
So it can return to the one.
Is this the liberty that your president keeps waffling about in connection with Iraq, well he's given a million such liberty, and rising.
But he says he trusts in g-d, but again what is the meaning of that word to him, as opposed to many others?
There used to be many g-ds, handy just having one , then anyone can say they believe in god, and not be lying, because the g-d they worship is not the same one .
As we are going towards VISITANTS, are they g-ds , and as with everything, there is good and bad.
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Post by Mikado14 »

kevin.b wrote:mikado 14,
Thanks for the history of what is upon your coins.
But remember, history is not what you may have neen TOLD.
As I don't believe in coincidence anymore, I will pay close attention to the money of America.
The flip side of that coin shows a native indians head with the word LIBERTY.

Whats liberty, it can mean many things , these words are sent to tie us up in knots?
Is it the liberty of the native indians?, seeing as they were almost wiped off the face of the globe?, or the bison, oh no they too were almost exterminated.
Or is that the meaning litterally, freedom of life, liberty of the spirit?
So it can return to the one.
Is this the liberty that your president keeps waffling about in connection with Iraq, well he's given a million such liberty, and rising.
But he says he trusts in g-d, but again what is the meaning of that word to him, as opposed to many others?
There used to be many g-ds, handy just having one , then anyone can say they believe in god, and not be lying, because the g-d they worship is not the same one .
As we are going towards VISITANTS, are they g-ds , and as with everything, there is good and bad.
kevin, you need to stop looking for phantoms.

"In God we Trust" was added to the coinage during the Civil War and was first proposed by a clergyman from Pennsylvania, if I remember correctly, and this was sent to the Treasury Secretary. The Clergyman was concerned that if in the fullness of time and if the Union lost at least the currency would survive for further generations and that the Union would be remembered as a God fearing nation and not heathens. That was the impetus for it to be stamped on our coinage.

I believe you are addressing current thinking to a decision that was made during a time of strife in our nation were brother battled brother. Gettysburg is not very far from where I live and they have started a process of clearing the area to portray it as it was at the time of the Battle.

You mentioned coins from the teens which are referred to as Buffalo nickels ( also referred to as Indian Head ). In the early 1900's Congress passed Legislation that protected the American Bison (it really isn't a Buffalo) on Federal Lands. This is why the nickel displays the Buffalo on the reverse and the heritage of the Indians with the Indian Head on the obverse (let's not get into that all but genocidal era). You need to read a little more and use the Internet for more than just "you tubes" and stop interjecting current ideas and philosophies for decisions made in a different time. Try understanding the situation at that time. Learn from history, don't revise it.

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Post by kevin.b »

Mikado 14,
I consider that those coins were placed in my path, my reaction and interpretation of them and why they were put there is mine.
I see very little difference in history as to now.
I see a force travelling the globe and killing in the name of G-d, not in my name.
I see that force targetting those it cannot control, it eliminates them.

Place yourself in the position of an observer, a far off observer, perhaps able to watch through time?
The force I talk of came from Europe, where it has resided for a long time.

Have you ever wondered about sacrifices to the G-ds, I do, especially the precise alignment that this was carried out upon.
Sorry if this does not sit comfortably , especially about the native indians, but remember, that has happened world wide, those that could not be controlled have been eliminated, usually with a priest claiming to be saving their souls, that is what has happened in history, very very recent history.
The exact method this occured and why, we have been painted a picture of, and TOLD that is what happened.
On the 7th of July a couple of years ago in London some bombs went off, and we were told what happened, a picture was painted, I am an antique dealer, I check pictures carefully, they are very clever those that paint fakes.

This will not be an easy pill to swallow, to look back in time, it will be a strange view, I promise you.
Dont become annoyed at me, I dont sell fakes.
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