The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

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The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

Post by Jan Lundquist »

I am sometimes asked what I think happened to the Caroline Group.

I believe the original profit-oriented members of the group, who were at the core of a burgeoning telecommunications industry, were supplanted, by necessity, during WW II with a clandestine operation centered in the Bahamas.

I know that during the war, foreign mail to and from the US went through there, to be steamed open and read. I suspect that afterward, it was from this location that decisions were made as to which German technology would be parceled out to which of the allies, and which might be further developed, off book, so to speak, in other countries.

But until I have proof, this is just MHO.

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Re: The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

Post by Henry_Yang »

I found this on the TTBrown historical timeline page!

1951-1953, Los Angeles: Winterhaven begins. Townsend Brown Foundation reconstituted in Los Angeles with Bradford Shank and Mason Rose. William Lear ("Lehr") visits. Air Force and FBI eavesdropping.

And earlier there was this!

12 April 1945: FDR dies, TTB immediately called into occupied Germany to retrieve technology for Caroline/Nassau, Halifax bomber NA337, Accompanied by Twigsnapper/O'Riley/Boston as bodyguard (associated with John Godfrey's 30th Assault Unit?), Suggestion that the rumours of underground Nazi research facilities in Bavaria were true, Crosses path with Howard Campaigne's US Army TICOM unit, and Robert Sarbacher's unit working for British Director of Naval Intelligence, Shot in the lung during botched scientist retrieval. Unnamed German scientist is dead. Convalesces at a classified US Army hospital in the UK near Farm Hill, Sarbacher and O'Riley rescue Richard Miethe from Soviet internment camp with Hans Von Luck's assistance.

ANYWAY... The connection to William Lear was interesting because this is how Michael Riconosciuto allegedly learned about the Biefield-Brown effect...

John Lear (the son of William Lear) had a connection to Robert Booth Nichols as well. There was a photo on the internet (at one time, it seems to be missing now) of the two of them sitting at a table together at John's house. The caption was "Robert Booth Nichols and I discussing the magnetic field of the moon"... I believe that Nichols was interested in fusion research and thought that the atmosphere of the moon could be mined for fuels. Coincidentally, this paper is linked on John's site:

"WCSAR-TR-AR3-9201-4 - Isotopic Separation of 3He/4He from Solar Wind Gases Evolved from the Lunar Regolith; W.R. Wilkes and L.J. Wittenberg, January 1992"

Another one that caught my eye was this:

"UCRL-PROC-224777 - Chemical Identification of a Long-Lived Isotope of Dubnium, a Descendant of Element 115"

Of which I believe in turn is a tribute to Bob Lazar.

ALSO, this may or may not coincide with the historical time period that you are talking about, BUT it is known now that the Nazi drug cartel IG Farben had its very own intelligence unit, NW7... Warburg, its director, was known to finance and assist BOTH the Nazi party and the Russian Bolsheviks... Is all our history merely part of a premediated plan? I believe it was Ted Shackley who said that wars are NOT meant to be one, but are a deception by a secret third entity to bleed both of the sides for profit, as well as test weapons that would otherwise be illegal, in order to scare the rest of the population into conformity...

Wonder why chemical drugs are so popular in the United States? It was the Flexner report, which crushed out all other forms of medicine research by proclaiming that proscription drugs where the sole future of the industry... This was funded by the Rockefellers! Oddly enough, the Rockefellers also assisted in the escape of hundreds of Nazi war criminals and dangerous intelligence officers when James Jesus Angleton and the Knights of Malta paved out for them special escape routes...

In other words, IG Farben is responsible for more evils then "just" the rise of the Nazi party!

The Octopus is an intelligence faction led by FIDCO, which Robert Booth Nichols described as a NSC cut-out group. FIDCO's members included Robert Maheu (liaison of Howard Hughes), the man who Raymond Lavas said taught him everything about the TTBrown technologies. It seems as though William Lear spread it to the group through Maheu, as they where both FBI agents.

Lord Selborne, a student of Cecil Rhodes, was tied to the Rennes le Chateau mystery by several authors, had assisted Martin Bormann with reversing "Operation Eagle’s Flight", which performed economic miracles for the then war-torn economy of Germany. It is probable that the Rhodes society was involved in some capacity and that the mysterious treasure at Rennes le Chateau was unearthed by them as well. Bormann was a Rhodes scholar who copied his ideas from other Rhodes scholars with the proposed formation of the “European Economic Community”.

If this conspiracy is true then the Merovingian Mythos bloodline stories (written about by Tracy Twyman, who discovered the connection between the Papacy, Templars, and Mithraism in 2015) is actually just a cover story and a concerted effort to mislead investigators away from the true function of the group. Such as it is with secret societies.

I believe a lot of this Nazi gold found its way to the Philippines where Robert Booth Nichols guarded a large share that he and Sam Israel almost got their hands on... A company called Nippon Star was the last actually confirmed and known entity involved with the gold relocation efforts, started in Project Hammer.

I wonder if Paul knows that he and his research make an appearance in the midst of all this, published in the book, "Covert Wars and Clash of Civilizations: UFOs, Oligarchs and Space Secrecy", authored by Joseph P. Farrell.

I'm looking at in on Google Books and sadly I cannot link it because Google Books censors different pages for different geolocations and more than likely I would be sending out a dead link. Also, the page numbers are missing. I'll just type up and quote the whole thing that I am looking at right on here!


One of the most astonishing episodes to emerge in Schatzkin's research is his alleged secret mission inside of Nazi Germany toward the end of the war, to rendezvous with a famous German panzer commander, Hans von Luck, to get a German scientist who was a "high voltage" expert. Additionally, the mission was arranged by an alleged close prewar associate and friend of the German tank commander, none other than Dr. Robert Sarbacher, whom many readers will recall was the American scientist consulted on the subject of UFOs in the 1950s by the Canadian government via Wilbert Smith. Sarbacher informed the Canadians that the UFO subject was classified higher than the h-bomb, a classification not surprising given the types of physics we have speculated may have been behind the variable yields of such bombs. Smith in turn sent a memorandum to Ottawa which was classified top secret. Sarbacher was, in other words, closely associated with the UFO phenomenon. Therefore it should come as no surprise that he might have been involved in a covert operation designed to retrieve a German scientist with expertise in a subject closely associated with it.

Here we are confronted by some difficulties, for this component of Schatzki's reconstruction of Brown's life and activities is dependent on his anonymous sources almost exclusively. So again, the reader will have to evaluate this component for himself or herself, for the scientist that Brown allegedly entered Germany to retrieve was none other than Dr. Richard Miethe! Miethe was, of course, one of the names of German scientists and engineers consistently associated with the story of the Nazi development of flying saucers. However, Miethe was by his own accounts involved in the development of the jet turbine based saucers; to my knowledge nowhere in the mythos of the Nazi flying saucer development has Miethe's name ever occurred in conjunction with high
voltage or any other area of physics that would place him in the development of field propulsion.

Let it be noted that Schatzkin is simply accurately reporting and recording what his source has told him. So on the one hand, Miethe's name is now linked with Brown's in a wartime covert operation, but yet, in a context in which, in no other extant source, occurs in connection not with jet-based flying saucers, but in an area of physics much more closely aligned with Brown's own pursuits. This factor would tend to mitigate against the story's authenticity. On the other side, however, there is the wider context itself, and it should be recalled in this connection that as early as Igor Witkowski's The Truth About the Wunderwaffe, allegations were made that the USA was seeking to reconstruct and reassemble as much as the Bell team's scientists as it could. Since the Bell relied upon high-speed mechanical rotation, it is conceivable that turbine experts like Belluzzo or Miethe may have had either a direct or peripheral consultative role in the project. Additionally, it will be recalled that US Air Force General Schulgen, in the wake of the Roswell Incident, circulated an intelligence collection memorandum, one of whose stated goals was the location of certain German scientists (in this case, the famous flying wing Horten Brothers engineers). As final considerations in favor of the allegation, such activity would fit the wider evidence of covert activities on Brown's part, and given his areas of expertise, it is conceivable that Miethe, if indeed he did have any expertise in high voltage, would not have considered such a rendezvous without being assured of the bona fides and scientific interests of the American he was to meet to guide him to the safety of Allied lines. Given the fact that some scientists working on the Bell project were allegedly murdered by the SS to protect the secret of the project, it is entirely possible that Miethe and other scientists may have feared a similar fate, and sought some means of escape. In any case, one factor arguing for the event is that Brown apparently lost the finger on his left hand during the mission, and he had to recover in England prior to returning to the United States.

The Move to Hawaii and the Pearl Harbor Demonstration

It was after this period, in the late 1940's and after Brown's alleged covert operation in Nazi Germany, that another confirmation of his involvement with covert groups appears. Brown returned to his family in southern California, and announced that the entire family would be moving to Hawaii, where Brown would be able to establish a laboratory at Pearl Harbor, in the relative isolation of the island, and behind the security of a military base, a move Schatzkin quite plausibly believes may have been arranged by the Caroline Group.

It was here that Brown's equipment was moved from the University of Pennsylvania, and Brown once again gave a demonstration of his devices and conceptions, this time, however, to high Navy brass, which included the then- commander-in-chief of the Pacific Fleet, Admiral Arthur W. Radford. Two devices were apparently demonstrated,147 one incorporating Brown's emerging ideas about using his conceptions for communications, which would later be incorporated into his Project Winterhaven proposals, and the other for propulsion. It is with this latter demonstration that we are most concerned, for in the 1970s Brown subsequently told a family friend that some of his notebooks had been stolen. Some people, seeing his disc-shaped gravitators, had concluded that the propulsion was due to nothing more significant than an "ionic wind," i.e., the response of the atmosphere to strong electrostatic forces, and the resulting physical-mechanical motion of the disc. A third device apparently demonstrated was Brown's "magnetohydrodynamic drive," an idea that had first occurred to him in 1929.

By 1952, the Brown family was back in southern California in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, Brown apparently again demonstrated one of his "gravitator disks" to U.S. Air Force Major General Victor Bertrand is. And it was these disks that were subject to the accusation that they were propelled by nothing more significant than an "ionic wind." Unfortunately for this interpretation, Brown was subsequently invited to Paris to perform tests of these devices in vacuum in 1955, which would once and for all disprove that they were being propelled by an electrified wind. The tests were wildly successful, as Brown indicated in a letter dated February 14, 1973, and addressed to investigator Rolf Schafranke, who published them under a pseudonym, "Rho Sigma," in an obscure 1977 self-published book, Ether-Technology: A Rational Approach to Gravity Control. Notably, the letter itself was from Nassau, in the Bahamas, once again suggesting the "Caroline Group" had a hand in the French tests in high vacuum tests that were absolutely essential to disproving the ionic wind theory, and that indeed Brown's devices were demonstrating an electro-gravitic coupling effect. Brown's letter to "Rho Sigma" also indicates that his devices were undergoing much more extensive testing under all sorts of conditions than even the "Thomas Townsend Brown" legend commonly states.
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Re: The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

Again, a sumptuous feast in a medium more suited for tea and crumpets, but...
Henry_Yang wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 5:49 am I wonder if Paul knows that he and his research make an appearance in the midst of all this, published in the book, "Covert Wars and Clash of Civilizations: UFOs, Oligarchs and Space Secrecy", authored by Joseph P. Farrell.
Why no, I was not aware that Farrell was quoting me.

As I suspect he does not know that I have quoted him... no, wait, he's read my book apparently so... must be aware.

I listened to Farrell on a podcast a few months ago talking about how 'plasma' seems to bear some form of intelligence. I've got my head in about three other things right now (I think I may need a couple more heads), but if I can readily find it over the weekend I'll post a link. But that idea got my attention

Elsewhere another recent acquaintance has been going on about ball lightning, which is arguably a form of plasma.

In any event, I suspect Dr. Farrell and I should share some tea and crumpets one of these days.

- - - -

Also, Henry Yang, when you are citing elements from other sources as you do here may I suggest that rather then typing the word 'quote' as you do above, use the actual mark up elements. I have to type them out so they don't disappear here, but I'm talking about:

left bracket 'quote' right bracket
left bracket '/quote' right bracket

That will make your posts easier to follow.

And while you're at it, where does the Farrell quote above end??

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
"We will just sail away from the Earth, as easily as this boat pushed away from the dock" - TTB
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Re: The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Thank you, Henry.

Farrell is summarizing what he learned from Paul's original book, which was based on information from anonymous sources, often giving second hand reports of events they may not have witnessed. As more sources have come on line I have been able to add veracity to some of those accounts, and a reinterpretation of others.

I believe I have found the scientist who was killed in Townsend's WW II escapade. When I advance my historical Townsend account to those years, I will give the references that I have found that lead to my conclusion that he met with an obscure scientist was working on, among other things, a rearward impulse engine.

Back to the SDC process,
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Re: The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear Paul,

All of the text below the word QUOTE is the quote and I did not start talking again at all. The quote runs all the way to the end of the post and stops when the post stops. None of it is my own words. Sorry I did not add an UNQUOTE to the end there. I don't type in the forum textbox but in a different one and then I copy+paste it over later on. The forum still has the tendency to sign me out of my account and delete whatever I am writing if I attempt to do things the "normal" way.

Sorry for all the confusion I must have caused with that and also when I said that Bill Lear was an FBI agent. That was a lie and not true at all. My memory goofed up majorly as I typed that much to fast without proofreading. Bill Lear met with Thomas Townsend Brown while the FBI stalked them. Robert Maheu suddenly appears to have a whole team of scientists working for him trying to crack the mystery of the Biefield-Brown force. Maheu siphoned money off from the sick and dying Howard Hughes. The way he learned of the effect must have been through spywork or espionage of some kind. I maintain that that much is true.

I heard David Bohm was the one who discovered the "plasmas are alive" thing in his physics research and he coined the term "holomovement" to describe the motions of both fluids and electrohydrodynamic fluids during a formation of a vortex. The vortex is emergent and cannot be quantized. Because it is wholistic and every part is defined by every other part simultaneously. This is called non-linear behavior and is associated most commonly with Einstein's gravitational field.

I remember when Trickfox said somewhere that a Brewster window could be used to generate Mitogenic radiation and when I googled it I found it was true but only according to declassified documents in the CIA "Reading Room", where it was reported that behind the Iron Curtain, the Russians experimented with their "Bio"-plasma theory.

Michael Riconosciuto said that cooling of laser component glass with electrostatic cooling went beyond the experiments of General Electrics and Dr. Kibler, who only used porous surfaces like graphene or plastic. In the glass, it was observed that ionic wind was not the only force at play. Raymond Lavas also did the light bulb filament experiment to prove that ionic wind was not even a factor at all when the ions are drained out.

You might notice that Bohm's Holomovement, observed in high energy plasmas, rejects the quantum principle of the Planck minimum length. Photons are not discrete solid-ball entities. Willis Lamb wrote a paper called Anti-Photon with the same view also. In the Holomovement theory, and same goes for the gravitational field of Einstein, the universe is UNquantifiable because every piece knows what is up already with every other piece and acts in accordance with all of them at once.

Tell a General Relativist that gravity carries off and transmits energy, same as photons in the photoelectric effect, and they will agree with you. Then mention that all energy has weight because of the E=MC^2 principle and they will concede also that that is true. Then ask if the gravitational field carries a mass-energy field gradient that has a weight to it. Suddenly an argument may break out. This implies that gravity itself gravitates, because gravity having energy demands more gravity must exist alongside the initial gravity itself. If gravity gravitates, then more gravity is always being created, and the gravitational field can slow itself down, capture itself, interact with itself, and etc...

This is why I believe that Gravitation will never be quantized at all. A German physicist named Burkhard Heim gave many brilliant arguments along these lines of thought. Unfortunately, when he tried to unify gravity with all the other forces, he used an asymmetric tensor, which is a fatally flawed approach: He added the components of the gravitational and electromagnetic field together in a way that allowed them to be treated separately in spacetime and thus not truly unified at all, just two fields lazily described at once. A superficial addition like one orange + one apple = "2"....

The thing is, thought, that if gravity is part of a "unified field", then quantizing the OTHER forces into "force particles" may have been an ultimately useless endeavor... What we need to do then (probably) is study the Holomovenemt of physical systems... Where plasma may be of strong use here. Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamic Plasma breaks down immediately due to Rayleigh-Taylor singularities, as Raymond Lavas mentioned, and thus we need to sustain a "virtual plasma" in order to view the holomovement system. Raymond suggested himself to use Brewster windows with the Blomgren cooling probe. He also linked to a thread by Dr. Jack Sarfatti in which a solution of liquid mercury was devised by the Nazis in order to work for the same purposes...

Supposedly this "Nazi bell" involved either plasmas or this magical "virtual plasma"...
"I imagined that a powerful discharge of electricity between a cone-shaped anode and an annular-shaped cathode, spinning in opposite directions in a highly pressurized solution of Mercury, Beryllium Peroxide and Thorium. The idea being that, upon firing a high voltage current between the spinning anode and cathode inside the rotating central column, with the solution circulating down through the center of one concentric tube, a burst of ions shaped like a torus would travel through the length of the inner cylinder. Because of the extreme pressure under which the solution was placed, the Mercury solution could never vaporize. Thus acting like what I had visualized as a "virtual plasma"."
This is from the thread where Trickfox quotes content from the work of Dr. Jack Sarfatti. Here's that thread and more quotes for context: viewtopic.php?p=6925&hilit=nazi+bell#p6925
.. began opining some "vortexian" process that occurred within the column, tapping the ZPE in a manner suggested in the work of Viktor Schauberger of Germany back in the 1920's, 30's and 40's. That the ions had to "precess" in some particular way. I did not completely disagree with his idea, only in the manner in which it was carried out. . has described some of his work with Kenneth Shoulders that involved something I think were called "electron clusters" or something like that. He said they had experimented with high voltage discharges with cone or annular-shaped electrodes, wetted with water I think it was. I seem to recall his mentioning that when fired, these bundles of electrons would vaporize the material of any surface they impacted upon. But that was many years ago.

My idea was to combine both; a cone-shaped electrode and an annular-shaped one. I patterned my design, (or at least the one I supposed was utilized in the ARV) after what I had read in Nick Cook's volumn on "The Hunt for Zero Point", around page 192 (hardback edition). He described a secret project conducted by the Nazis near the end of World War II, called "The Bell". It used a solution of Mercury, Beryllium Peroxide and Thorium that was contained in two cylinders that spun in opposite directions. This was very similar to the description of a UFO propulsion system described to me by an individual back in 1989. In that instance, a Mercury-like metallic fluid was seen circulating upward inside a two to three foot diameter glass tube that ran from floor to ceiling in the propulsion system room. It rotated in one direction, while at its base, was a metallic disc rotated in the opposite direction
I shall post this as a test now hoping the formatting works but I am doing this blinded... Will fix if issues arise.

Dear Jan,

Did you know that Robert Sarbacher worked under Vannevar Bush? Bush had something to do with the "Tesla files" stolen from Nikola Tesla's hotel room after he died and/or was murdered. Tesla was friends with Charles F Brush, and for a time, Thomas Edison.

I think Thomas Townsend Brown also knew Charles F Brush in some capacity and got his "petrovoltics" ideas from him. Brush was very obsessed with the energy in rocks and harnessing it in order to scale down batteries and advance the field of battery technology. Thomas Townsend Brown, on the other hand, was interested in harnessing the petrovoltic "sidereal radiation" in order to create a communications system using the rocks as transmitters/receivers.

I know also that Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker was detained in Operation Epsilon (part of Operation Big of the Alsos Mission). Now that's definitely not the guy you where talking about although I am somewhat familiar with the general mechanisms of these kinds of plots due to predisposition.

I note also that the TTBrown timeline says THIS:

"12 April 1945: Shot in the lung during botched scientist retrieval. Unnamed German scientist is dead."

I heard initially that his lungs where damaged because of all the ozone he inhaled generated off from his experiments? And that he died from complications to his lungs later on?

Also, I noticed a German engineer named Otto Habermohl "disappeared" in 1945 while working on the Nazi UFO project with Rudolf Schriever... Is he the guy you mentioned that TTBrown attempted to rescue???

Returning to the topic at hand, Schriever continued to work Anthe project until April 15, 1945. About this time Prag was threatened by the Soviet Army. The Czech technicians working on this project were reported to have gone amuck, looting the facility as the Russians approached. The saucer prototype(s) at Prag-Gbell were pushed out onto the tarmac and burnt. Habermohl disappeared and presumably ended up in the hands of the Soviets. Schriever, according to his own statements, packed the saucer plans in the trunk of his BMW and with his family drove into Southern Germany. ... pter3a.htm

I will note that too, this was far from the only UFO project going on at the time!
The place is the Prag-Gbell Airport, and the time is September of 1943. There were three separate German projects developing flying discs. The Schriever-Habermohj Project, with Rudolf Schriever, engineer and test pilot and Otto Habermohl, engineer. They were located at the Prag-Gbell in Czechoslovakia. Next was the Miethe-Belluzzo Project, with Dr. Heinrich Richard Miethe, scientist, and Professor Giuseppe Belluzzo, Italian engineer. They had three facilities, Dresden, Germany, Breslav, Germany, and Letow Prag in Czechoslovakia. The third was the Peenemünde Project, on the Island of Usedom in the Baltic Sea. This is also the island where Dr scientist Wernher von Braun was developing the V-1 and V-2 rockets. ... discs.html

Here we get more into Dr. Richard Miethe's own projects. And I think Klaus Habermohl might be related to Otto Habermohl in some way:
During the early 1940’s Dr. Richard Miethe produced many different Flugscheiben (Flight Disc) designs for the SS in a concentrated effort to improve or replace Rudolf Schriever’s failing disc-fan Flugkreisel prototype. He was not alone as Schriever’s original design was handed over to Dr. Miethe, Klaus Habermohl, Dr. Giuseppe Belluzzo, and six other unnamed engineers - all producing several radical designs based on the emerging engine technologies burning alternative fuels the SS was pioneering which included experimental: grain alcohol fueled rocket engines, LOX turbines, hydrogen peroxide turbines, gelatinous organic/metallic fueled total reaction turbines, and coal-dust burning ramjets.

Also, here we have one Nazi UFO said to operate on electrostatic principles, echoing the research area of TTBrown himself:

C. Electrogravitic Craft Based on Currently Unknown Physics.

6.) RFZ-6 (Haunebu II). Work began before the end of 1942. Various shapes, 85 feet to 100 feet in diameter and 30 to 36 feet high, were produced. A 3200 knot speed is assigned, making for near-space capability. One plan shows a Donar Ray Gun (!) in a turret on the underside. Some had sleeping quarters. a deep-space variant was said to be 234 feet in diameter. At least one side-view drawing with data survives and it bears an uncanny resemblance to an orthographic projection which has been made from the famous Adamski and Darbishire UFO photographs.

Well I don't know if the quoting will come out correct and I can only hope this post is legible.
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Re: The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

Henry, you took me to literally re: the quotation tags I suggested.

This is HTML markup: code that tells the browser how to display the text.

I could not enter the actual code because that would have just execute the tags, rather than show you what the code for the tags is.

I don't think I registered that your are vision impaired (did I read that correctly?) so may not have got the gist of what I was trying to do.

Perhaps this screenshot will help (if you can see it)?
Screenshot 2024-03-17 at 6.47.40 AM.png
There you will see what I said in the prior message, which you entered literally, and what I meant for you to enter – the HTML markup which appears between brackets.

Is that clearer? If not, just go back to what you were doing.


Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
"We will just sail away from the Earth, as easily as this boat pushed away from the dock" - TTB
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Re: The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Henry, Here's another way to format a quote:

1. type a passage, 2. select/highlight it, and then 3.choose the " button in the formatting row above the text entry block. And, voila! Pretty formatting!

Also, getting logged out unexpectedly will happen, if you do not check the "Keep me logged in" box below your name when you login.
In the Holomovement theory, and same goes for the gravitational field of Einstein, the universe is UNquantifiable because every piece knows what is up already with every other piece and acts in accordance with all of them at once

I remember Townsend used this as teaching metaphor for Linda. I don't know if he extrapolated further from there to his communications set, which was the least investigated of the claims attributed to Townsend that Willoughby Cady addressed in his 1952 report. I don't know if it was you or was it someone else who described quantum communications as the quantum tug and that seemed to resonate with me.

There is a goodly portion of your post above to Paul that I would love to see on, if you would care to put it into paper form. You could title it something like Reflections on Connections: Townsend Brown and Michael Riconosciuto, and author it under your name or a pen name, with as much of your bio as you wished to give. I believe it would be useful to future researchers.

If you have an account, I hope you will do that. If you don't I would be happy to upload it through mine.

When you look at the Townsend Brown archive, It was created Nate (Bless you, Nate!) from Paul's narrative, created with the help of Linda's memory. We are continually finding, being given or led to stories that put more flesh on the bones, so to speak. Sometimes dates wobble, though. For example, the original date of Townsend and Jo's wedding was thought to be 1928. New old records show that it was 1927.

This is the narrative that I see in the records:

Ross Gunn and other NRL and Carnegie Institute scientists heard Fermi speak in DC in 1939 and they were off. Ross asked for and got special funding for a nuclear propulsion development program. and they were off and and running.

They chose the Phildelphia Naval Shipyard for their test program location, because it was the only location likely to be able to power the turbines. Townsend, who was still a Naval Reserve engineer, was to the Turbine power plant at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard.

Vannevar Bush decimated the NRL in 1943, stripping them of their prize research projects. He also demanded Townsend turn over his Philadelphia equipment to the Navy in Norfolk. Townsend rage quit rather than do that or stay in the Navy and risk court martial for his refusal.

He was next pulled into the Manhattan Engineering project. While he was a sailor at the NRL, his last assignment, in 1932 was to the Physical Optics division. I presume that was part of the reason he was sent to set up the Lookout Mountain/Wonderland Lab, which became the Film Processing and Analysis center for the atomic test program.

Townsend announced he was building a large cosmic radiation laboratory as a project of the Townsend Brown Foundation,in 1944, to be in the Temple Hill Neighborhood of Los Angeles.

This is where Wonderland/Lookout Mountain is. When Townsend gave the estimated acreage it matched Wonderland's. I believe his announcement was a front for the ongoing, quite noticeable MEP construction project.

After the war, "Atomic Energy Expert" Townsend Brown had his gas siphoned, according to the Laguna Beach paper, and in Hawaii, Jo told a visitor that Townsend had recently been doing some underwater detection of Atomic measurements. The reason I am telling you all this is that while Sarbacher may be the big name in atomic energy research, I believe Townsend was into it before MEP was MEP.

I am sure the ozone didn't help his damaged lung, but I don't believe he was ever physically strong again, after the war.

Last edited by Jan Lundquist on Mon Mar 18, 2024 7:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear Paul,

I never thought I had bad eyesight before, but I must actually, because I didn't see that clearly. lol. Thanks for the corrections you made to my post also. That was very nice and of great help to me.

Dear Jan,

TTBrown had an excursion into electro-culture which is also very fascinating and I believe initiated by Bradford Shank (or was it Mason Rose?)... Anyway, I have some thoughts that tie that into this thread here... And as for Academia papers, I don't believe my writing on here would be considered seriously be any physicists on the basis that I have not provided any equations or proof of concept. You are welcome to borrow whatever pieces you want, though I am much more comfortable leaving it to the forum here...

I would like to start with mentioned that it was HS Burr who discovered that Morphogenesis is governed by electromagnetic fields and not the merely resulting not biological cells. Meanwhile, Morphogenesis has a secret organizing factor of itself: The Epigenetic Geometry of CH Waddington, which later became the Catastrophe Theory of Rene Thom. As VI Arnold noted, the structures in this theory are all determined by the ADE Coxeter series... Which is some very exceptional math! So it's as if the entire electromagnetic field is as Willis Lamb described: not quantized. Why would it be, if morphogenesis relies on it for everything? But it got quantized by Einstein in order to calculate the energy transfers in the photoelectric effect. Lamb says it is not particularly useful to do this at all.

Is Morphogenesis the basis for TTBrown's electro-culture? Assuming it is, then HS Burr already had it before anyone else...

Anyway, Heim noted that the stress-energy-momentum tensor of Einstein's gravitational field lacks a gravitational source term. He believed that as gravity is a gravity-generating field, containing source energies, it must include itself in the tensor that defines gravity.

He drew up a new, super nonlinear tensor, and then combined it with electromagnetism later.

I think he went all wrong in that part of the approach. Another thing is the fact that electricity generates magnetism, and magnetism generates more electricity again. So just like the gravitational field, the electromagnetic field is self generating also! AKA, electromagnetism must source by itself a secondary electromagnetism effect! Heim did not revise the electromagnetic tensor in this way, which is disappointing considering that he was able to do it for the gravitational field.

But let's get back to the Holomovement that Paul (might have) mentioned.

In more technical terms, what Bohm discovered in plasmas is something called Bohm Diffusion. It starts with the work of John Backus, who noticed that the ions in the plasma did actively disturb an external magnetic field that was used to contain them.

Bohm Diffusion led the way to the theory of Landau Damping, which stated that the ions do not act individually, or "one at a time" with each other. Coulomb forces are NOT the governing forces of the system when viewed as a collective field!

Bogoliubov later unified this theory with another one called the Vlasov theory, showing that both theories where approximations of a single overarching theory. This new theory related the dynamics of plasma back to Coulomb forces again, through a purely statistical description.

A quanta of a collectivist plasma field is called a plasmon and Bohm used the mathematics of this theory to the electrons contained in metals. Think the photoelectric effect of Einstein knocking electrons out through photons. A collectivist picture of that was still missing.

Using electrons instead of photons to see how the metal would be affected, the Nazis where far ahead of us and had already performed all the experiments on it. Credit is given to Bohm (and his coauthor Pines) for it anyway. Bohm was the first to liken the observed affects of the particles in the metal to the particles of the plasma.

In metals the (quasi-particle) quanta are called solitons but in plasma they are called plasmons because they are still different entities. Just some mathematical overlap was noted by Bohm that advanced both theories at the same time. Recent experiments by Sue Benford point at plasma like dynamics in our DNA. Thus we have an excursion to epigenetics now...

The Lavas-Riconosciutio lightbulb, with only the two ends on, and the middle quenched out, might have operated through polaritons, which are another class of quasi-particles. There is a particular class of them (Bragg polaritons aka Braggoritons) that I am looking into for the viability of that hypothesis.

But I can never know without access to the pictures that Raymond Lavas posted to his now extinct "Danger Man" page on his website.

Note that TTBrown rejected the classical Couloumb law. We know that Coulomb's electrostatic potential is mathematically analogous to the classical gravitational potential. As Heim noted, gravity should be more nonlinear so that it can carry the stress of itself. Electrostatics was already started down this path by Feynman....
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Re: The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Henry, I have sent you a PM.

If I ever knew it, I had forgotten that Danger Man was the name Danny Casolaro gave to Michael Ricconsciuto. It's too bad that Raymond's page is gone forever.

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Re: The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear Jan,

I would like to note that many professional General Relativists believe (contrary to my own intuition) that gravity does indeed generate itself satisfactorily in Einstein's theory via its own internal weight (referred to as "energy-momentum" in their texts) ... but I never believed that General Relativity gets the final say on this particular matter at all. The nonlinearity of the Riemannian geometry is taken as evidence for the nonlinearity of gravity by these professionals. However, a tensor can mathematically never define another tensor so the feedback loop is kind of lost... only pseudo-tensorial calculations can give the value of this energy, and many people have noted that a pseudo-tensor does not conserve angular momentum! A valid theory must conserve all energies or thus it is invalidated by the First Law of Thermodynamics! And Einstein himself said that the first two laws of Thermodynamics where the two most ultimate laws man would ever discover!

So you might encounter a specialist or two in Riemannian geometry trying to counter your post if you include my statements about Heim in it. Heim had switched to a Weyl type geometry instead because he knew that pseudo-tensors robbed gravity of locality. I thought it was a great intuitive move, but unfortunately for Heim, his own geometry also does not account for angular momentum unless some extra dimensions are added in order to "smooth it out". These dimensions where taken as internal gauge dimensions that had no tensorial interaction with the imaginary-valued dimension of time. This means they don't really exist "in our plane of reality". Heim was a spiritualist in a way who sometimes placed metaphysics over top of what ought to have been real physics. This made him utterly impossible for me to fully understand and eventually I stopped trying to.

Anyways... I see that JM is big on the UFO angle to things. So for the record, I myself don't believe that the Biefield-Brown effect necessarily led to the development of a working UFO or aircraft. I believe that Trickfox was correct in stating that it forms the basis of a communications system, used for satellites and computers.

However, Trickfox stated that the B-2 bomber used the effect on its wings. It cools the wings off so they don't melt or break apart. I am not yet convinced that it is a sole source of fuel for any advanced propulsion system.

I think my most important discovery has been the relation of the J Eric Roskos story to the writings of Trickfox, who must have known something, given his sly references to Project FOCUS and the INSLAW/PROMIS scandal over and over again. The connection is rather apparent on his "electro-gravitic communications" page. ... x3t9D.html

Thomas Townsend Brown and THE ASERT PROTOCOL
The Protocol we are proposing will promote the creation of a vast intelligent dual gendered computer network to visualize, capture, archive and analyze certain "trigger events" by way of artificial intelligence. The system will be using an electrogravitic communication system based on the incredible discoveries by the late Thomas Townsend Brown which were rumoured to be classified top secret (Pyramider) in the early 70s. We won't claim one way or another, we just want to prove that we can use this simple principle in a modern transparent homeworld civil security protocol. We are promoting a paradigm shift away from fear based security politics, and closer to global awareness of the issues, and rapid deployment or resources to resolve future problems regarding violence and terrorism.
The hyperlink embedded on the word Pyramider is this: ... g/pp09.htm

Which is in turn, a page about Project FOCUS and the IDA. We have also a reference to the Puzzle Palace:

Despite the assertion of one official of the institute that IDA has always been "completely independent of the government" in order to ensure that the institute would be "able to carry out studies that don't merely support some preconceived idea of the government," the CRD has always had the most intimate ties with the NSA. Selected as CRD's first director was Dr. J. Barkley Rosser, fifty, a professor of mathematics at Cornell and a specialist in numerical analysis. Chosen as his deputy, however, was Dr. Richard A. Leibler, forty-four, a five-year employee of the Puzzle Palace and a chief architect of Project Focus. A former mathematician with the Sandia Corporation who had also taught, at various times, at the University of Illinois (where he became friends with another math professor, Dr. Louis W. Tordella), Purdue, and Princeton, Leibler was primarily interested in probability and statistics.
Trickfox said that these guys (NSA) stole the Phasorphone device, of which he was personally involved in. He said that the discoveries of Thomas Townsend Brown where either rediscovered in its operation, or combined in conjunction with it.

The very first TRUSIX paper was "Rationale for Selecting Access Control List (ACL) Features for the UNIX System". Now Trickfox's use of Kuhn's Role Based Access Control was inspired by some personal interaction with Dr. Kuhn himself, as Dr. Kuhn at one time sought comments from Michael Riconosciuto on PROMIS, whose original backdoor was through TRUSIX.

Quoting from Trickfox's page again:

Our protocol proposes three new and secondary processes called;

-"Innocence filtering"
-"biometric recognition", and
-"ASERT media distribution"
These Features are directed, archived and RBAC is ultimately controlled by the artificial intelligence "Alice and Bob"(a holographic neural network processed by twin computers). This secondary feature of the network is highly speculative in these early days of this project, however the end features of the Alice/bob neural network are also a necessary part of the future ASERT protocol and will be explained in several detailed and comprehensive project proposals.
The ASERT protocol will function by using an internationally coordinated and highly complex communications hardware network. This network architecture uses interactively linked remote sensors which communicate with cell towers and several satellites orbiting above the earth.
Anyway, the diagrams associated with it I found in the old archived papers of Ted Gunderson. How did they get there? Simple explanation: Trickfox himself was the secret author of many of Gunderson's reports, and this was his sign...

He used to work for Gunderson, as noted on his Resume: ... zy_dog.htm

83-86: Technical consultant in security and counter-surveillance matters as well as "Forensic Sciences" related to electronics for; Ted L Gunderson and Associates, 1100 Glendon Ave. Suite 1200, Westwood California, USA.
And on this very forum in which you read this now, I believe he admitted to writing up the "Finders" report by himself, which is actually another Gunderson document!

Sorry for rehashing a lot of the information I know you already know. I just wanted to point this out again in case JM is here. I cannot stress enough the importance of the J Eric Roskos case with the Danny Casolaro case, and the tie in to Thomas Townsend Brown that Trickfox drops his subtle but recognizable hints at.

Trickfox was interviewed by Dr. Peter J Osborne in 2004. Trickfox told him that he dated the daughter of Robert Maheu. So basically, it was his girlfriend that dragged him into everything. Later, Dr. Osborne was followed by a certain Robert Booth Nichols and threatened with death. He told him: "You will end up like Danny. You are making some very important Israeli businessmen upset right now".

Dr. Osborne backed off the case for a bit for his own safety. And then Nichols disappeared in 2009 following the manhunt and arrest of Samuel Israel III, an American hedge fund manager who tried to use Nichols to "join the illuminati", which consisted of the old Reagan "spook cabinet", still up and operating more nearly 20 years after Reagan. They where the safekeepers of Yamashita's Gold, and what Dr. Osborne did to piss them off was relate the CIA-based Project Hammer to the INSLAW case, nearly proving that the gold truly does exist. He found evidence of money laundering in the trillion dollar scale, which could only be explained by the existence of such gold.

The Israeli businessmen that Nichols referred to I believe are Robert Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein. They had everything to lose in this case. But I cannot prove it was them and please don't hold me to this assertion.

A lot of Dr. Osborne's research can be accessed here:

And these are for JM:

Here is one of the many interesting comments by "Raymond Tromprenard", who is actually Raymond Lavas. "Tromprenard" is French for "Trickfox"...

Darned it, I think I lost a Three HOUR
E-mail response to your question. When I tried to send it it just dissapeared.
I suppose it could be because it was too long and had too many historical details, so I’ll just say that it (the information) was all there in the libraries of Jet Propulsion Laboratories in Pasadena.
I had a meeting with some scientists who gave me access because Bob Maheu (EX CEO of Howard Hughes Aircraft company in Culver City)go me involved with the highest technology pursuit on earth in the early 80s.(after my polygraph test) I was a Canadian “Devo” nerd with a “Pink Floyd” Brain and a crazy intuitive challenging mind trying to re-invent Godël theorem in my own home brewed fashion. THEN I FELL IN LOVE WITH FIRST ORDER LOGIC, and joined the illuminati without knowing it I guess!.. LOL
Ya It’s a long boring conspiracy story, and I would rather talk about the future than participate in political witch hunts.
Can anyone else understand this?

Anyway, some years ago, I discussed the Yamashita's gold treasure with a member of the AVIANRY intelligence group. This particular member was receiving packages in the mail from the government containing "biological material" from aliens recovered in UFO crashes. These where hand-delivered by the "men in black". He ignored them, but they kept coming. That's not really my business but it's real and it happens A LOT in this particular intelligence circle. But anyway, when I shared some internet links to prove that the Yamashita's gold treasure was uncovered by David Guyatt (and not Sterling Seagrave), the VERY NEXT DAY, all those websites where shut down. I left with a suspicion that I was reported to someone (or something, lol) and decided to keep most of my material to myself from then on. It can be dangerous to share too much sometimes.

So based on that, I would love to talk to JM, but have always been reluctant to share my own information. I prefer to dump all my thoughts and findings on here where anyone can access them and (unlike Trickfox) share them with the public sphere.

I recommend JM look into Trickfox's electrostatic cooling experiments, of which all the good links I know of are on this thread already. I will rehash some of that material below.

Remember when Trickfox said the key was to reverse entropy by pushing back against the boundaries of thermodynamics? This folded back the noisy channel problem in the Shannon Communication theory and I believe was applied by the RASP computers of Michael Riconosciuto, which are suspicion similar to "Bob" and "Alice" in the ASERT-RBAC plans. Trickfox mentioned a (superficial) flow of information from the future to the past of which he called "A Priori Knowledge"... And this exact same term was used by Alfred Pfanstiehl when he laid out the foundations of that mysterious little Phasorphone device....

All of this supposedly possible because the Coulomb electrostatic force rule is wrong and does not apply to certain laser glasses aka Brewster windows and Brewster prisms (as used in the RASP setup).

Quote from Michael Riconosciuto:

Finally, in September of 1998 I received a partial copy of the Design News article on the wing pin cooling and the Popular Science article on electrostatic cooling that review the heat transfer technology that I had been attempting to describe.

What is significant in these articles is that:

(1) the electrical power used to cool the wing pin is an extremely low amount. So much so that there appears to be a Second Law violation;

(2) the determination that an "electric wind" is responsible for the instantaneous electrostatic cooling fails to account for the speed and the amount of the observed heat flow in the wing pin welding process and other demonstrations;

(3) the article on the wing pin understates the importance of the electrostatic cooling process in the production of the F-111 wing pins. The early versions of the F-111 were grounded because of a series of crashes attributed to the structural failure of conventional methods using clamp cooling bars and periodic shutdowns to cool the pins during the welding process.

General Dynamics had explored every possible manufacturing technique for fabricating the wing pins in an effort to save the F-111 project. In desperation, as a last resort, General Dynamics allowed the electrostatic cooling to be demonstrated on a actual wing pin. General Dynamic scientists, engineers, and executives were astounded by the structural tests on the sample wing pin.

(4) The Popular Science article does not go into any detail on the capability of the electrostatic cooling process to thermally stabilize high power laser components.

The PS article only makes a vague reference to "infrared optics". Neither of these articles make any mention of the capability of electrostatic cooling to control heat in "all" types of explosives, or the control of heat in electrical power fuses. Electrostatic cooling has enabled a whole new class of tactical explosive systems and high energy electric power systems.

Quote from Raymond Lavas:

Perhaps you are unaware of the impact that Thomas Townsend Browns work had in folding back Shannon's Laws for Communications, or that such work was used in satellite communications. I found the reference to the submarine cruise at JPL pasedena, and I'm here to tell you that Once Brown was cooperating with Beau Alva Kitselman, together they created a completely detailed scientific explanation which could make any physicist salivate for more, and there is a whole lot more still to be discovered. ... th_11.html

But ANYWAY, I don't think at the moment that I have anything truly groundbreaking to share with JM or can elaborate past what is on my earlier posts. I would probably end up asking him all the questions instead! He is a lot further along in his research then I am in mine. I may contact him anyway later on but I honestly can't promise more information on anything sadly. If he has any specific questions that need to be answered sooner rather than later, then I invite him to post them on this thread where I am most likely to see them immediately, and I am always happy to answer anything....
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Re: The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

Post by Henry_Yang »

From you somewhat concisive description of the JLNaudin image you described, I immediatly recognized that you understood the simplicity of these toys when compared with the precision of REAL experimental breakthroughs such as only few of us have been priveledged to work with.
I'm talking about Mil-spec Olive green hardware here.
You are correct Mark.... That was a very toxic clear type of transformer oil surrounding a multipurpose custom wound transformer 30 Kv @ 1Kw. but the equipment conditioning the input signal to the primary is nearly "out of this world" in design, and is synchronized on a super-accurate time base.
This is the "Olive Green" Version. You can stack these in series to build some serious power here.
Everything is sealed and there is no ark potential due to the ark quenching control circuitry.
The electronic circuit board that drives these units is not shown however I have shown parts of the Schematic to Andrew Bolland, I anticipate further discussions on the control circuitry technology with him.
It took a smart man like you to FINALLY SAY Thank you MARK.
More quotes from Trickfox! I believe these present a seminal clue that I missed beforehand... I had these saved in a Google Doc and just circled back on them today!

As you can see, he is talking about his entropy-reversing "quenched filament" setup again. We have two new clues based on these remarks:

1. Use of Olive Green Hardwares.
2. Ark lamp is used, and the "poles" are the ends of the filament wire.

I am thinking of hypothetically using a Jacob's ladder and quenching the spark between the poles instead. Using an ark lamp is cool but the glowing filament without a generated potential difference could easily be mistaken as a sign of a weak bulb.

A friend of mine referred me to a documentary called "The Secret Life of Chaos", which said any feedback loop caused by some ordering force, no matter how small a force that may be, quenches chaos and replaces entropy with order aka negentropy.

There is a theory out there by Luigi Fantappiè that relates this ordering force to the hydrogen bridge in the water molecule. He derived it from studying the d'Alembert operator and deriving the equation E = {MC^2, -MC^2}, which you can tell differs from the Einstein equation E=MC^2.... Is the negative term -MC^2 a way of accounting for the nonlinearity of the Einstein gravity wave field? We are taken back to the Heaviside step operator when computing the gravitational gravity-generated gravity field, as Fantappiè's math actually accounts for it in terms of a retarded Green's function.

I have many new and exciting thoughts on this, but I don't know if anyone here is interested as I have been banging around about Trickfox and this reverse entropy stuff for the past week already. lol.
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Re: The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

Post by Jan Lundquist »

I have many new and exciting thoughts on this,

Keep them coming, Henry!
but I don't know if anyone here is interested as I have been banging around about Trickfox and this reverse entropy stuff for the past week already. lol.
Most people who come to this forum are newbies, sampling their first taste of the story. Whereas, we few regulars are way down in the intestinal twists and twines of it. I feel that you, too, are right in the meat of it all, where knowledge is ready to be uncovered.

Paul was kind enough to set up The Rose Files as a place where I could post links and upload documents that shed light on the human side of the story.

Perhaps he might consider doing the same for you If you feel that you want to continue "banging on" about your discoveries. You have put out lots of food for thought already, but I would love to see it parsed into smaller bites.

Shorter posts with more descriptive titles (not that I always follow my own advice) would help your target readership to find you. But reading and writing is an old fashioned way to communicate now, so unless you actively promote your "channel," your views may be small. What is important is that they will come from folks who are interested. I have a feeling your musings might open up new vistas of thought for them.

If you ever want to "publish" you would have a gold mine of material available to in your posts.

In regards to another post of yours, I think AVIANRY was a typo for the AVIARY group, yes? It sounds as though you know something more about them. Could you refresh my memory on who they were or were alleged to be? Or, if you think it is appropriate, start a new post by that title. The reason I ask is because Linda always wondered if the name had any connection to the Bird Sanctuary property Townsend leased while on Catalina.

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Re: The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

Post by David Osielski »

Jan Lundquist wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:09 pm Most people who come to this forum are newbies, sampling their first taste of the story...
AVIARY group, yes? ...Linda always wondered if the name had any connection to the Bird Sanctuary property Townsend leased while on Catalina
Yes...let's keep talking! ... lWQ6aN53a7
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Re: The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

Post by Henry_Yang »

Well if you want to peel back the layers to the UFO stuff, I can get that started for you, although recently what I have been working on is the question of the design of Raymond Lavas's "Syntropic Arc" control circuits. He referenced the work of Claude Shannon a lot but I think the key to stopping the noisy channels was some kind of laser diode using glass. To reverse entropy is to reverse Turing patterns in themselves, so I'm seeing some connection to the RASP circuits that Michael Riconosciuto allegedly made.

But onto the UFO stuff:

.... From The Dulce Book by Branton:
Another researcher by the name [pseudonym] of Jason Bishop has revealed that 'John', to whom the letter was addressed, is non other than John Lear who himself claims many connections with people 'in the know' who go 'right to the top'. According to the letter, both the Nevada Test Site and Deep Springs are areas of conflict between a U.S. Goverment - 'Nordic' Alliance AND a Socialist - Reptiloid [Gray] Alliance. In this context 'Socialist' could indicate either National Socialist or Global Socialist. Both hold the same basic philosophies of tyranny yet different methods for bringing them to pass. Both have the same roots and are apparently twin pincers in a deadly Machievellian game that is being carried out by the Bavarian Illuminati [which backed the Communists by sending Lenin from Germany to Russia to incite the Bolshevik revolution] and the Bavarian Thule Society [which backed the Nazis by grooming Adolph Hitler for his part as Nazi dictator], yet most importantly it is being orchestrated by the International "Black Nobility" Banking cults that have kept Europe under their financial grip since around 500 A.D. These are the same bankers who claim direct descent from the royal families of the ancient Roman and [un]Holy Roman empires, families who have ties to BOTH Bavarian cults -- Thule and Illuminati... and in turn with the 'aliens'.

Jason Bishop also released some other information he received by way of John Lear, from the individual whose letter we've just quoted. According to Lear, the author of the letter was actually a Security Officer at the Test Site who had called-in to the Billy Goodman talk show [KVEG radio - Las Vegas, NV] on a few occasions, before Goodman went to Southern California to take over a more lucrative Talk Show position.

This person used the codename: 'Yellowfruit,' which he claimed was actually the codename for a top secret security division that worked at the site, with which he was involved. YF also sent to Lear a copy of the 'Benevolent' teachings.

The 'Benevolents' are reportedly working at the Test Site with MJ-12 and are 'Blond-Nordic and/or Aryan-like' people.

From the COM-12 lecture by Michael Younger:

(I have typed out the entire transcript by hand and this is just a small part of it)
What Norio was basically talking about when he introduced me, the COM-12 and the Aquarius group, what I'm going to offer to you now because I don't want to get into it in detail, we promise you if you have patience we'll take care of it, within a week from now I will be giving Gary or Norio or both of them a list, of about 500 different section documents that you can inquire about, which will prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt to you, with Government documentation, we will tell you how to request it under the FOIA acts, that over 3,000 top Nazi officers where shipped into this country, [and] if you read the flier that we sent out, you may have a hint at what we're getting at here, where shipped into this country, by one of Hitler's top spies, in the business for the East Block. [The] deal was made because the Nazis knew so much about what the East Block Russians where doing; they could easily come over, be incorporated into the United States, and with the help of Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski, who happen to work for the 907th, an intelligence group in the United States army, that Kissinger worked for at the time.

They where responsible for bringing the Nazis over here. Reinhard Gehlen is the name of the Nazi General that was in charge of this process. The CIA hid them, they put them in power. The Aquarius group that was mentioned earlier, is a fascist wing of this group in the government. They are known as Aquarius, they've been growing in the government as time has gone on. I'm going to read you a memorandum for the President, 25 June 1945.

The following information transmitted by the OSS representative in Caserta on 21 June was obtained from a French agent in the Sicherheitsdienst (SD, the SS security service), source declares that he attended a conference at Diessenhofen [unknown word], near Munich, in mid-April 1945, which was presided over by an SS Obergruppenführer whom he did not know. The latter indicated
that AMT3B (internal SD, or Sicherheitsdienst), and AMT-IV, (Gestapo, of the Reichssicherheitsdiensthauptamt, or the RSHA; the Reich's chief security office under Hitler's Regime), has been merged to promote post-war unrest. Trustworthy men, the SS Obergruppenführer said, already have been sent to live in Spain and Switzerland to handle distribution of monies for this conversion. The program will involve the organization of nationalistic movements under the guise of a Bolshevist front and should culminate in civil warfare. The program would be designed to complicate the Allied post-war task and to permit the Nazis to reappear eventually in a suitable disguise, in order to create a Fourth Reich. Signed, G Edward Buxton, Acting Director, Office of Strategic Services, OSS Report to President Truman.

This was taken from the archives of papers of Harry S Truman, White House Central files, Office of Strategic Services, Harry S Truman library.

If you'd like this document, as well as many more, about this subject, and how we help them, give the name to Gary or Norio, we will send you out, at our expense, a file of documents that is probably close to three quarters of an inch thick. It will give you all of the FOIA requests that you need to make, to get all of these documents firsthand that we've been able to obtain.
Michael Younger was a good friend of Raymond Lavas, who fed him intelligence on the Kosovo war that he used to wow UFO researchers into believing he was a real intelligence agent... but in reality I believe the real source was Raymond Lavas who was in contact with Marshall Riconosciuto (Michael's late father).

I have 26 pages of a transcript from Younger's video that I typed up but never shared with anyone. I came to believe Younger was mostly a fraud because he lied about the content of certain magazines that I found copies of later. But he knew about Kosovo in a way that convinced many other people that he had an inside source somewhere. I know he was spoon fed things by Raymond Lavas and Ted Gunderson, which later led to him becoming an enemy of Robert Booth Nichols, George K Pender, and Ted Shackley. Robert Booth Nichols kept a very STRONG eye on both him and John Lear. John Lear folded to the pressure I believe and the first quote I started this post with is when he stayed anonymous and felt free to disseminate more information then he was allowed.

Younger knew all about Gene Gilbert and the Cabazon murders. He also knew all about the Yellow Fruit Group and BCCI.

Notice "Yellow Fruit" is the codename of Lear's correspondent. Coincidence???

Danny Casolaro was murdered the night he went to meet Robert Altman. In his briefcase he had signed multiple checks proving BOTH the October Surprise and the INSLAW/PROMIS affair. These checks where signed by Adnan Khashoggi and I believe that is the man who ordered his assassination.

Danny's girlfriend the next week received an invitation by the Kuwaiti Royal Family to visit them and eat dinner in their mansion together. She never met these people before and had no reason to expect such an invite. So she believed (correctly) that they where after her because they just murdered her boyfriend (Danny, who was divorced and raising his son on his own) and they wanted to gauge how much she knew about him. A girlfriend of Ted Shackley was also sent to spy on her and was known to talk to Danny when he was alive.

The Yellow Fruit Group was involved with Oliver North in some way and went bust afterwards. Michael Riconosciuto claimed that Danny knew what COM-12 already knew and that he was set up to embarrass Aquarius, but Aquarius struck back on him. All three groups claim connection to UFOs and honestly I think that only the Yellow Fruit Group ever existed and the last two are part of a disinformation campaign aka a kind of ink cloud left behind by The Octopus.

Regarding the AVIARY, Michael Riconosciuto joined under the name BALD EAGLE but quit before the group got started due to his arrest and complicated legal matters. His arrest was coordinated by Michael Hurley and his court case by Peter Viednieks. Both sought revenge on him and even arrested his wife afterwards and kept her in jail too.

Raymond Lavas refers to Michael through his aviary nickname on this site. I spoke to a different member who was on the inside for MUCH longer. I cannot give out the name or the code name even though that information can be found on the internet publicly. He actually talked to me and was very nice and open about everything but I feel like the polite thing to do is keep that correspondence to myself.

As for Thomas Townsend Brown, I know that the Aviary set up one of their research centers in the Bahamas (near Brown?), and later Bill Moore JUST HAPPENED to taint Brown's entire legacy with disinformation about "time travel" and "the Philadelphia Experiment"... More deep black ink from the Octopus, attempting to bury its tracks, I say!
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Re: The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear Jan,

The Aviary was started by Bill Moore, and like the rest of everything associated with that man, is considered by many to be a disinformation cesspool. It had something to do with the Ray Santilli film that was released in 1995 depicting the 1947 Roswell aliens, as well as the Keckenberg acorn crash in Pennsylvania, 1965.

The followers name themselves after birds and 90% of their real identities have become uncovered today:

BLUEJAY - Dr Chris Green - CIA.

CHICKADEE - Cmdr. C.B. Scott Jones - psychotronics, Navy Intel, DIA

CONDOR - Capt. Bob Collins, USAF

HAWK - Ernie Kellerstraus

FALCON - Sgt. Richard "Dick" Doty


OWL - Dr Harold Puthoff – Parapsychologist, Ex NSA

PARTRIDGE - Jacques Vallee, PhD

PELICAN - Ron Pandolphi – Physicist CIA

PENGUIN - John Alexander - Former Army Intel on the board of Psi-tech

RAVEN - Dr Jack Vorona – DIA DoD

SEAGULL - Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D.

SPARROW - William Moore, USAF

PS: the person I was referring to in my earlier post is on this list...

PPS: note the name Harold Puthoff here... the same guy that JM interviewed regarding UFOs... These people are clearly STILL active in what they do!

PPPS: I sent JM a text but he hasn't responded but I saw the interview on his Twitter

PPPPS: Let's not forget BALD EAGLE - Michael Riconosciuto (Applied and withdrawn 1991)
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