Still thrashing about in the Hawthorne Weeds

Long-time Townsend Brown inquirer Jan Lundquist – aka 'Rose' in The Before Times – has her own substantial archive to share with readers and visitors to this site. This forum is dedicated to the wealth of material she has compiled: her research, her findings, and her speculations.
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Still thrashing about in the Hawthorne Weeds

Post by Jan Lundquist »

I need to wring this Hawthorne topic out a bit more before moving on. ... like-to-me.

Building a recreational resort during the middle of a prolonged depression? It was an optimistic plan, but profits were far from guaranteed.

Townsend put the club and two more parcels from the Hawthorne Estate into a receiver's sale immediately after the 1936 season. One parcel included two buildings that had clearly been used as research facilities in the recent past.

The building with the "special cement floor" was set up to serve as a theater. complete with balcony and stage, though lacking permanent seats. I have a strong feeling that this location was where the reportedly delightful special lighting effects that were a proclaimed part of the 1935 Revue ) were tested.

While stage lighting might seem to be frivolous work for a serious scientist, the military, as well as the Caroline telecommunications pioneers, would have had a common interest in furthering research into cinematic illusions, FWIW, or perhaps, IIIWAAA, Stereovision. and holography were still over the horizon, and were the subject of future research papers to be authored by James Butterfield, the director of Brown's Lake Securities in LA.

The mention of the open air "Nudist Colony" floor reminded me that metaphorically and otherwise, sand permeated Townsend's entire life. He grew up in the sand molding business. The Atomic Bomb tests were conducted at the White Sands Proving Grounds. His work on Kaui would have made use of the Army's former Barking Sands base. Even toward the end of his life, he kept vials of sand from a variety of places hooked up to his electrometers.

Was this enclosed space, open to the elements, used for similar research? And was this the planned construction described by Jo, in her 1935 incorporation comment?

I don't know, but we can be certain that there was was a high powered radio set somewhere on the grounds during that time. I suspect that James Ervin was involved in some aspect of this.

From Kettering, Ohio, Townsend had been transferred to the State Emergency Relief board in 1935, replacing Dean Laurence H. Snyder of OSU, who had joined the Federal Emergency Association in Washington. Snyder's 1935 textbook, The Principles of Heredity, had five editions and was widely used in genetics courses, but his support for eugenics was generally disavowed.

When the Great Ohio Flood struck in 1937, the disaster was met with a patched together, multi-state telecommunications network, that was augmented by Zanesville's Boy Scout volunteers working around the clock for days.
Around January 18, Huntington, WV radio station WSAZ (1190 AM) began hourly broadcasts of flood related news. On January 22, the station received permission from the Federal Communications Committee to broadcast around the clock. The studios and offices in the downtown Keith-Albee Theatre Building became a regional communications center. They established direct telephonic communication with the city's general relief headquarters in City Hall with Red Cross, the Naval Reserve, the American Legion, the police and fire departments, and the Coast Guard. Messages of inquiry concerning the safety of friends and relatives, warnings of rising gasoline-covered waters, appeals for help from marooned victims, orders to relief agencies and workers poured into the cramped studios and quickly broadcast. Staff and local volunteers stayed on the air and provided information and support for nine days until 8:00 o'clock the following Sunday night, Jan. 31, when the station's regular schedule was resumed

If Townsend was not the mastermind behind this whole operation, he was certainly the Naval Reserve link, albeit a wounded link with a very fresh amputation, in January of 37.

The Scouts were recognized for their efforts during the flood and Townsend, for assisting them in moving 3 aged people. ... 129419389/

Stopping here for now....
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Re: Fairy Tale Cottage for sale.

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(1st draft taken down for rewrite)
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Re: Still thrashing about in the Hawthorne Weeds

Post by natecull »

Stereovision. and holography were still over the horizon, and were the subject of future research papers to be authored by James Butterfield, the director of Brown's Lake Securities in LA.
Wait, what? Did I know this? Oh right, the photo over on the "Sidereal radiation" thread. But this stirs a memory.

That would be this James F Butterfield, right? ... B/abstract
Recent developments in three dimensional displays
Butterfield, James F.


Holography and stereoscopy are two optical techniques of achieving three dimensiional displays. Holography can be used to produce relatively small monochromatic images within certain technical limitations in taking and displaying the picture. Stereoscopic techniques can provide full color large screen displays. Three dimensional television equipment for closed-circuit applications is now available.A stereoscopic video microscope for industrial and medical purposes has been recently developed. However, both systems require viewing aids. The Stereorama Projector now displays panoramic three dimensional color slides without glasses.

Publication: AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 65, pp. 227-232 (1980).
Pub Date: December 1980
Ah: the National Stereoscopic Association (great acronym)'s "StereoWorld" magazine lists a brief entry: ( ... _WHOLE.pdf )
James F. Butterfield, September 25, 1920 - June 26, 1983 (Obituary)
Edit: Found Stereo World Sep/Oct 1983 and the entire obituary: ... _V10_4.pdf

If this is the same JF Butterfield as the one who was running "Lake State" in 1948, he would have been 28 at that time.

The "steroscopy" JF Butterfield was filing colour TV patents for Batelle Development Corporation (hmmmm) in 1963. Age 43. ... utterfield

Yeah, this feels a little familiar. Does this trail go back to Lookout Mountain and the nuclear film scene, or am I going a step too far?

From the Kirby Museum, 2020:
James Butterfield was deep into the nuts and bolts of the industry. Even as early as the 1950’s he was producing a 3D TV show down in Mexico. He invented several 3D set-ups to improve the quality of 3D pictures and films. In 1979, he started a new business called 3-D Video Corporation in North Hollywood. Ostensibly to transfer 50’s Movies into 3D films for TV showings, he also had plans for other 3D concepts. In 1981, he created 3D Cosmic Publications, a printing division of the parent 3-D corp. One of the first things he did was hire David Starkman for his sales team. A week or so later, he hired David’s wife, Susan Pinsky.
Please excuse the diversion, but this is what I love about Townsend Brown: the man's a walking snapshot of American 20th century military, espionage, science *and media*. Try to make sense of him and his friends and you find random gems like this: Susan Pinsky's web page. ... ut-the-3-d

Only thing is: Are we absolutely sure this James F Butterfield is the same one as the Lake Securities one?

(I'm continuing this on the original thread: viewtopic.php?p=22119#p22119 )

1980 Jim Butterfield, Allan Lo, Bruce Lane, unknown, and Susan Pinsky by David Starkman
1980 Jim Butterfield, Allan Lo, Bruce Lane, unknown, and Susan Pinsky by David Starkman
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Re: Still thrashing about in the Hawthorne Weeds

Post by Jan Lundquist »

"Yeah, this feels a little familiar. Does this trail go back to Lookout Mountain and the nuclear film scene, or am I going a step too far?"

I don't think it is at all too far, Nate.

Townsend's last assignment at the NRL was to the Physical Optics Division, but what that was to encompass, I don't know. Would that be related to what he was doing with a film studio set up at Hawthorne Farm in '36?

I also don't know how or if that work gave him a leg up when the MET film lab was being planned, But I am almost certain that is where he met Shank, another with unique photo-optics skills, and Butterfield.

I haven't ferretted out where he met Mason Rose, yet.

Last edited by Jan Lundquist on Sun Jan 21, 2024 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Still thrashing about in the Hawthorne Weeds

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

TTB's last assignment at the NRL?

Let me check the records they sent after my FOIA req....



"Never heard of the guy."


Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
"We will just sail away from the Earth, as easily as this boat pushed away from the dock" - TTB
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Re: Still thrashing about in the Hawthorne Weeds

Post by Jan Lundquist »

I believe Linda transcribed dates from her Dad's military file, that she received mid project from some source.
I saw the papers, as well, but this date had escaped me until I saw it in the Timeline.

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Re: Still thrashing about in the Hawthorne Weeds

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

natecull wrote: Sat Jan 13, 2024 7:24 am Please excuse the diversion, but this is what I love about Townsend Brown: the man's a walking snapshot of American 20th century military, espionage, science *and media*. Try to make sense of him and his friends and you find random gems like this: Susan Pinsky's web page. ... ut-the-3-d
Good grief.

How'd you wind up there??

Don't answer, that's a rhetorical question.

Or it has a one word answer: "Internet"

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
"We will just sail away from the Earth, as easily as this boat pushed away from the dock" - TTB
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Re: Still thrashing about in the Hawthorne Weeds

Post by natecull »

How'd you wind up there??

Don't answer, that's a rhetorical question.

Or it has a one word answer: "Internet"
Yep! I love it when the Google algorithms actually produce something useful. It's been getting worse over the last couple years - and great personal sites like that one can vanish overnight, leaving oral histories gone forever - but the amount of data out there is astronomical now. As an 80s kid I'd have to trek to the library, look up the card index in a big wooden cupboard, find one book from the 1950s that was checked out, try an interloan search, wait three weeks, and then there'd still be no footnotes or sources...

And now I can punch in a string of keywords and find out almost anything. Almost.

But yay! I'm almost convinced that that James F Butterfield really is Townsend's sidereal radiation investment partner. Maybe he ran away to Mexico to escape the SEC and got sucked into the dark, violent underworld of experimental 3D TV broadcasting, from which he only escaped by building a 3D surgical microscope and sonar imager in a cave from a bunch of scraps as his buy-in back to the US intelligence services. I'd watch that movie. "3Fast3Dimensional".

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