
A place to engage extended discussions of things that come up on the website. Anything goes here, as long as it's somehow pertinent to the subject(s) at hand.
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Post by Mikado14 »

skyfish wrote: Let's consider the aether. Qualities: a medium that is finer than matter,nonrelativistic, the quantum probability ocean...that from which everything, all matter and energy arise from. All is connected. If we just saw the tops of the ocean waves would we assume there is no ocean? As the material universe is manifested, it is the paralell in quantum mechanics of the probability wave collapsing into a particle giving rise to the universe we preceive. Observer/observed intertwined. We are in space...we see height, width and depth...more and very tiney if you subscribe to m theory. Some have called time the fourth dimension...that is a good way to look at it. If you accept multiple dimensions, and you accept the Dr. Brown was communicating across dimenstions then this medium is common to other dimensions. I think they are just other universes...and all universes and all time meet in the aether. The quantum pressure of the aether/time/brahman/zpg/dirac sea/alpha&omega creates what we perceive as gravity....Dr. Brown's shading idea. The aether is what exists before it is manifest in the material...I see it as the dimensions of space interacting with time/ produce the universe we see. To say that the universe is space moving through time...pretty common idea. My main perspective in vedic.
At the risk of did you put it to Ms Brown..nonsense? ...non-sensical discussion, I have reread what you have written and I am still trying to figure out where the answer is to Mr. Vizza's question. To ensure there will be no misunderstanding, I am referring to the following:
skyfish wrote: time=gravity
and then ....
Gregg Vizza wrote:How do you see time as equaling gravity?
I just am having a difficult time seeing an answer when you begin with the following:
skyfish wrote:Let's consider the aether. Qualities: a medium that is finer than matter,nonrelativistic, the quantum probability ocean...that from which everything, all matter and energy arise from.
What experimental data are you deriving your answer to how "fine" the aether is and that it is non-relativistic, what do you mean by "quantum probability ocean" and it's association to the aether and as to the creation of matter from it, I myself am only working based upon a theory and if you have concrete sequential proof and/or reference than I would truly appreciate seeing it, so long as it would not violate any agreements etc. Such data would greatly help in certain areas.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy
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Re: Downloads

Post by skyfish »

Hi Mikado,
This is the download section, so I don't thnk scientific evidence is necessary. I am trying to answer Greggvizza's question to the best of my ability. What I am trying to convey is from a vedic perspective, and is much better described in the upanishads. They were much wiser than I and describe it quite will. I am just trying to translate it into some modern ideas...and surely not perfectly. What can you share with us about your downloads? Any vedic experiences? Are you a sanskrit fan?
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Re: Downloads

Post by greggvizza »

skyfish wrote:Time is more than just a unit of measurement. What name would you give it? The vedas call it brahman...and they really described it quite well and they were so much wiser than you or I. Sanskrit was an interest for some reason! lol
I am sure that on a scale of human wisdom I would not be near the top.

Just trying not to confuse the unit of measurment with the thing being measured. Sort of like measuring a peice of lumber as 4 inches and then assuming from here on that inches refers to wood, not width.

Can you descirbe what you think time is, other than a unit of measurement?

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Re: Downloads

Post by skyfish »

HI Greg,
Well this is the download section so here goes...
Time has been considered the fourth dimension. What exists beyond this moment of right now? Do you exist 1 minute from now? The vedas say it is us, the observers, that create material reality...but this interaction does not take place at the level of ego. This whole thing is not just a scientifc question, but brings into focus the very nature of what it means to be human and consciously aware. This is where it gets a little metaphysical. This does relate to quantum mechanics at point of wave collapse into particle. We are the observer intertwined with the observed, partners in manifesting materiality. We are connected to brahman, which is eternal and conscious and is that from which all arises...all matter and energy....all is one...united in the aether. I would say that brahman is a good description of the quality of the aether, and also represents the dimension of time. From a BB perspective, it is also the "pressure" mentioned in Dr. Brown's shading concept and that is why we are talking about time travel and the omega and antigravity....Dr. Brown knew this too! This IS all connected...not either/or.

Here is something I caught a glimpse of:
the aether is accessible from all points in space and time at once...try visualizing that! Gave me a headache! If you can let me know! :)

Have you ever read Tesla's autobiography? In his preteen years he was plagued by intense periods of mental imagery. So intense that he could not distinguish it from reality. He struggled with it but was finally able to control it. Later he was able to visualize entire laboratory experiements and test run them in his mind, before doing it for real. Was he downloading or what??? lol
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Re: Downloads

Post by AM2 »

Mr. Fish wrote:This is the download section, so I don't thnk scientific evidence is necessary.
Your thoughts and downloads are most interesting - especially the material about fractal antennas.

If I have learnt anything from Mr. Schatzkin and Mr. Mikado, then it is that the greatest challenge and most exhilirating victory is when we will be able to establish a solid scientific fundament, evidence and fully functioning, replicable (sic!) technological implementations for all these downloads.

Which are important and should be written down, even if they are currently just inspired intuition.

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Re: Downloads

Post by skyfish »

Thanks AM,
Kevin knows...fractals...I am stuck in fractal land since pbs show!
Every time I am in nature...all fractals! The message manifest in the material all around us!
A perfect fractal antenna would receive all frequencies at once.
You must see the pbs special on fractals. Relevant.
Your downoads are also interesting.
I don't want to be a horse...I want to be a skyfish! lol
Now if we are dead set on established scientific evidence, how do we collect evidence on the creator? I do not want to start another religion....just devisive and doesn't sound lke fun to me.
Not everything is of the intellect. Krishnamurti said our ability to think is finite...dead...crystalized and in the past, and I do see that as true. The thought process is always one step removed from the moment of creation.
He also said our ability to experienc is infnite. I am still "going into" that end in sight!
Some things may be more than just inspired intuition.
The best evidence I can come with, for this forum, to support the ideas about the aether, consciousness, quality of time, responsible for gravity, is the work of Dr. Brown.
Again...antigravity, time travel, omega...that is what this is all about..all connected...manifestations of the same thing. Not seperate.

The best input I could offer is to suggest that everybody reads the upanishads, meditates and has the experience of samadhi. You too Mikado! That would clear up a lot of things!

I am not interested in writing a book. It has all really already been written. I do not expect any material gain. I am just having fun, sharing what has been realized long ago and trying to relate it
to the present in the hope that it is of value to some. Besides...I just have to unload this stuff and here is probably better than Paul's inbox! :D

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Re: Downloads

Post by AM2 »

Mr. Fish in the Sky, a great post. And every word more than relevant, but the following points were especially interesting.
A perfect fractal antenna would receive all frequencies at once.


He also said our ability to experience is infnite.

The thought process is always one step removed from the moment of creation.
I will definitely take a look at the PBS-documentary on fractals!

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Re: Downloads

Post by Trickfox »

Bandwidth should be: DC to daylight.
Timespace equation:
w=(-1)to 1/2 power times t
Delta w=(-1)to 1/2 power times Delta t

(interval of proper distance)squared=(delta x)squared+(delta y)squared+(delta z)squared + (delta w)squared.


Trickfox :roll:
The psychopropulsier (as pointed out in the book The Good-bye man by Linda Brown and Jan Lofton) is a Quantum entanglement project under development using Quantum Junctions. Join us at
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Re: Downloads

Post by skyfish »

You and this thread were the main reason for me returning....this subject line is relevant.
Have you read Tesla's autobiography? He was downloading!

Yes, always one step removed. Some are stuck in thought and think all they are is their thoughts, their intellect. Like living in a mansion but relegating yourself to one room.
No wonder some go bonkers.

I was just watching another PBS show....about our secret space program! Pretty cool!
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Re: Downloads

Post by skyfish »

OK trickfox...when will it be built? Could we just use the earth?
Did you check out
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Re: Downloads

Post by AM2 »

Mr. Fish wrote:Have you read Tesla's autobiography? He was downloading!
Yes. And he was one of the best downloaders.

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Re: Downloads

Post by AM2 »

Last edited by AM2 on Sat Nov 29, 2008 7:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Magician
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Re: Downloads

Post by Trickfox »

you mean this?
The psychopropulsier (as pointed out in the book The Good-bye man by Linda Brown and Jan Lofton) is a Quantum entanglement project under development using Quantum Junctions. Join us at
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Re: Downloads

Post by htmagic »

skyfish wrote:I cannot agree that all is electrical. The electrical quality arises from a finer subatance than electrons, the aether. All em is just waves IN the aether. Time is more than just a unit of measurement. What name would you give it? The vedas call it brahman...and they really described it quite well and they were so much wiser than you or I. Sanskrit was an interest for some reason! lol

Let's remember Thomas Townsend Brown was a sailor, long before he joined the Navy. If you've never been out on a sailboat, do it. You'll enjoy the peace (no engine) and it's just you, the ship, the wind, and the waves. As the boat plows through the water, it creates a wake.

Neutrinos pass through everything nearly unimpeded, but most all the neutron detectors that I've seen involve a large tank or body of water (or some other liquid) for the neutrinos to pass through. And what are our bodies composed of? Mostly water with some minerals and electrolytes (think ions). That, coupled with little spiral antennae (DNA) and the left/right hemispheres of the brain and central nervous system and we have a rudimentary detector for those little elusive particles that collect consciousness.

Now going back to the boat, maybe we plow through the aether like that boat, and when we do, we create a "wake" through that aether, interacting with the neutrinos (part of the aether). Now we know neutrinos are related to electrons and protons. And we read elsewhere that electrons and photons are related. So maybe this displacement (as like the draft for a ship) in this aether could be the "aura" that Kirlian photography can pick up or some can see?

Now Dr. Brown studied magnetohydronamics which is the study of fluid motion in a magnetic field. He also worked with fluid flow. He also talked about the Omni Plasma Continuum (OPC).
Paul S. wrote:That's offered just to give you some context for what follows. On April 7, 1984, Brown wrote an entry entitled "The Omniplasma Continuum:"

The use of the word "plasma" may be a bit misleading in that it is not the plasma of conventional physics. It is not "hot" in the accepted sense of matter in the 4th state. I use it to imply interacting containment in a kind of "sea". The word continuum implies the infinitely vast extent of that containment.

But the name is appropriate in my understanding of what may be going on. It is synonymous with the "C" field and, perhaps also, the reconstituted "aether"

OPC, as we shall call it in the future, is then conceived as consisting of particles of energy (Perhaps call them minor quanta, gravitons, gravitinos, neutrinos or what have you!) in rapid random motion or agitation. It is essentially present throughout all of space and matter. It exists within molecules, groups of molecules and the regions around and between possibly even to the consistuents of matter. As such, we may well consider OPC to be the re-constituted "Aether."
So in this sense, when Dr. Brown talked about the Omni Plasma Continuum (OPC), the plasma is not the 4th state of nature, but fluidic in nature, like blood plasma. And without the aether, what do you have? Nothing!

Tesla said the aether behaved as a gas and others said a crystalline solid and I say all of it, not either/or. It just depends upon how you interact with the aether will determine how it behaves. Viktor Schauberger saw this and so did Wilhem Reich, just as was mentioned by Kevin B a year ago. ... 305#p10305

And I amaze myself because I forgot about my post on Wilhem Reich. ... 921#p17921

And I can't keep up with you guys fast enough. Glad to see you're up and at 'em, Mr. Trickfox. Cool antenna, Mr. Trickfox, but an implant? Too much like Big Brother and George Orwell here for me to be comfortable....

Speeding through the Universe, thinking is the best way to travel ...
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Re: Downloads

Post by Mikado14 »

skyfish wrote: The best input I could offer is to suggest that everybody reads the upanishads, meditates and has the experience of samadhi. You too Mikado! That would clear up a lot of things!
Hello Mr. skyfish,

I assume that you are giving me sage advice to meditate, yes, I should do that more. However, perhaps you should read up on this forum more on what I have posted. I have had downloads all my life. Thirty years ago I was building and built from my downloads. I chose a path after being harassed that was for my family. I turned my back on it all for man wasn't ready, not too sure he is yet. Not to be repetitive here but in 2005 I had a NDE. I suffer from amnesia of a sort from cranial thrombosis. I have gaps in my memory. About a year after this event, a relative came to me and asked me about something I built many years ago of which I didn't remember. I started searching the Internet and I was led here. I never knew who Dr. Brown was.

Can one person here say that they have ever proven a download? Further, tell me if they ever built anything from a download and then it worked? I am being as sincere with these questions as possible for I would really like to know so that I don't feel so freakin' alone and a freak!

Every drawing I posted are from downloads, and for you AM, the triangle is from over 30 years ago.

I listen very intently to your downloads Mr. skyfish. I see similarites to what I have had. I don't know all the names you say and this and that and I find it curious that "Oh gee, there is a name for that?" or " So, that is what that is called." for things that I have taken as natural. What you and the others talk about with names and descriptions I take for granted...and I am not alone in this.

There are times I wish I could quote like you and Mr. Griffin on such things and even my young Jedi AM but then I prefer to take what is given to me and use it wisely.

Like you said Mr. skyfish, this is the download section. I live this everyday, whether it be hawks that bring possible life saving actions or just a moment of clarity of answer for direction. One thing I do know, downloads are open to interpretation by the subject. They never give more than the vessel can handle but there has been those that could not handle it.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy