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organizing better

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 6:44 pm
by ladygrady
You realize what a massive chore that might be JimZ. There are now over 14,000 messages on this forum! Over fourteen THOUSAND. Going for 15,000. Party time for sure when we hit that but you are certainly right! It is a mountain of information and not all of us have these super memories and this forum has gone on for years now.

Some of us have gone on to other interests perhaps, some of us , like Flow, have gone to the other side. I noticed too that I kept running into messages posted from Flow! I agree Linda. WONDERFUL and of course thats sad too but somehow invigorating and full of hope for this project.

And I agree. Its ( the information that wants to call attention to itself) is all sitting there in these messages ALREADY POSTED.

I am still fascinated by the visitor counts to certain chapters or subjects. As if some people, more people, are drawn to read certain things than other sections. Almost as if there is a urging somehow there which we all seem to be responding to. Cosmic Conciousness?

Paul called it that I think when he set up that special thread. Note that it hasn't been activated. Note that the " Conciousness" does not seem to be waiting.<g> grady

Slight twist

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 7:21 pm
by JZimmer
Good Twig,

But a few minor changes and you have it!

"Things happen on the way to the Funny Forum!"

Funny Forum Administrator

Yep, I do!

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 7:42 pm
by JZimmer
Hi GL,

Yea I realize what an effort it would be, but I don't think it is near as big as one would think. The power of computers and a smart architect can sometimes make a daunting task manageable.

At the risk of sounding conceited, I have successfully completed more than one project that I was told could not be done, so I have some (maybe misguided) faith that we could succeed in doing this. The key to making this relatively easy is to clearly define what you want to accomplish the first time. If you do a good job with the specs, the coding and stuff is easy.

My guess is we could get 80% organized easily, with 20% taking a lot of manual effort to figure out how to fit in, and of course make sure it's right. Without knowing how the current boards are powered, I can't guess at the time.

Jim Z.

Possibly SQL DB

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 8:38 pm
by greggvizza
JZimmer wrote:Without knowing how the current boards are powered, I can't guess at the time.
I think the most common way a phpBB is set up is with an associated SQL database. You would have to find out if this is how Paul has this forum set up. If it is SQL then you wouldn’t need to interface with the phpBB forum software, just the database containing the posts. Sounds like it would be easily queried and ordered.


Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 10:30 pm
by AM
Mr. Zimmer wrote:At the risk of sounding conceited, I have successfully completed more than one project that I was told could not be done, so I have some (maybe misguided) faith that we could succeed in doing this.
Don't forget that Dr. Brown himself was in the bussiness of doing the impossible. Therefore I think that with the correct approach and good expertise this could be done.

The following point has already been raised and it may really be redundant to repeat it here again, but still. What would you say to a kind of self-organizing system, where connected or otherwise related topics could be accessed from each point in the system i. e. if someone would happen to come accross older posts mentioning the work of Dr. Rauscher he would be also immediately referred to the newer messages and vice-versa of course.

Just a few ramblings here.


Re: Possibly SQL DB

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 11:08 pm
by FM No Static At All
greggvizza wrote:
JZimmer wrote:Without knowing how the current boards are powered, I can't guess at the time.
I think the most common way a phpBB is set up is with an associated SQL database. You would have to find out if this is how Paul has this forum set up. If it is SQL then you wouldn’t need to interface with the phpBB forum software, just the database containing the posts. Sounds like it would be easily queried and ordered.

What about MySQL or another Open Source DB engine?

And Ms. Linda, I do share your sentiments about horses racing so young, but I still get chills when they play My Old Kentucky Home at the start of the post parade. Big Brown captured the 134th running of The Kentucky Derby to remain undefeated. My wife and I watched and were crying like babies as we learned that runner up filly Eight Belles broke both front ankles and has to be destroyed.


poor baby

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 1:03 am
by Linda Brown
My heart fell too Fred when I saw her down like that. Immediately knew it was not a good situation. Been around too long I guess. Seventeen hands, Just three years old. Damn.

My daughter ( who is an excellent horsewoman by the way, been riding since she was three) spent a season as a " pony girl" at Los Alamitos track here in California. She knew that it was a tough business but was prepared to do what it took to get into the training business. She had a really good "pony horse" that wasn't afraid of any of those shoulder sharking young colts and they put in their time and she was a bold enough rider to handle all of them with polish. (She slept in the adjoining stall. You know what that is like. Sheer dedication. )Eventually she developed a liking for a really rank colt ..was getting excited about his promise. When he decided to he blazed the track. She took him to the post for one of his first races and when he raced past her on the sidelines he had broken both front legs and was trying to still run on them. Of course that didn't last long and he was "put down" just like that fine filly.

She knew that such things happened but she had to see it before she loaded up her horse and came home. Linda


Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 3:10 am
by Griffin
Twigsnapper, JimZim, and All-

" A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to The Forum"

"Things happen on the way to the Funny Forum!"

Yes, it’s good to christen a project with a name – like launching a ship. Who’s supplying the champagne?

Twigsnapper got us off to a good start, and JimZim came up with a good alternative. Here’s another possibility to honor the rabbit who is more or less leading the way, as time allows:

“Funny Things Happen Down the Rabbit Tunnel on the Way to The Forum”

For Branding purposes, though, something short, sweet and memorable is often best. I’d like to suggest “The Flow Forum.”

Your Mission Impossible – should you choose to accept it JimZim (and it sounds like you have) – is to make the Forum info more accessible and FLOW better. So, the “Flow Forum” project could be an appropriate Brand in all respects. We need a memorial to our Big Kahuna-Rastafari, Flow, who is now surfing the really big waves. Of course, it has to receive Paul’s blessing before any official christening.

As ever,


spirited spirits

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 3:19 am
by Griffin
Yes, Linda...

It's sad about the beautiful, spirited horses. Still, I believe that they are running free now as true spirit horses. We're all somewhat fragile physically as we do our best to run a good race. But there's hope for that too, in other possible applications of the prime vintage "stuff."

As ever,


Several answers

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 1:27 pm
by JZimmer
Hi All,

Going to respond in general to several threads here, so sorry if this is a long post.

First, just to clarify, because SQL database is available does not necessarily make this easy. There are a lot of issues, such as a good schema for the existing database being in place. Also, their probably would have to be changes to the existing boards.

Consider that the beast is not dead and is still actually growing. To do this effectively, you would only want one database after you "convert" the existing data into a usable index so you will need to keep the "Flow Engine" up to date. Last, AM's idea is a good one, and I had already considered the ability to do what he suggests and far more.

So, while I am not saying this is an impossible or even extremely difficult task, there are going to be some interesting hills to climb.

Ok, on to the "take ownership issue", I guess I have no problems with doing this, but well, there are a couple of things that need to be addressed first.

The main item is that I need to make sure that this is the wishes of those in control of all this, and while Paul is certainly someone who needs to say yes, I think that I need to feel that this is a sanctioned project. I’m not sure who the warm fuzzy needs to come from, but I unfortunately have limited time, and this is a big project (if done correctly) so I need to make sure my effort will be useful.

Next, most efforts in the SW industry fail because the goals of the project are not well defined and thought out before the effort starts. While I have ideas on what we can do and how it would work, the issue is that my concept of what has to be accomplished may not be the correct way to go, or what the groups feels is necessary. Everyone that is seriously involved here needs to provide input and as a group a consensus formed on how this would work.

I have other stuff, but this is getting kind of long, so I will stop here for now.

Comments welcome.

Jim Z.

P.S. Elizabeth, maybe this whole topic needs to move somewhere else. Just a thought :P

Re: Slight twist

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 3:09 pm
by Mikado14
JZimmer wrote:Good Twig,

saw that too

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 3:35 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
I saw that too Mikado. And I will stand in here too Jim and repeat " Twig?"

I expressed my concern to Mr Twigsnapper and he just laughed and said something about " As the twig is bent so grows the tree" so he took it very good naturedly but if we all came down so hard on others for being too familiar and ( not meaning to, I know) its still not right to let this slide by. Not intentional, I know, I really know, but it still leans toward a disrespectful attitude to one of the senior elders on this forum.

So I realize that it was a slip of the key and no offense was taken at all. All smiles here, know that Jim. No problem.

But from my end of it this is an opportunity to set some guidelines for future posts. .... "Mr. Twigsnapper ".... is just that on this forum. Until he himself tells us differently. OK?

And you are right here JimZ we probably should have another thread for this " Flow Forum" ( and I have taken to that name too, I hope thats alright with everybody ) but this whole expansion is a pretty large undertaking so I am throwing this back at Paul. You all know me, all this computer stuff is well beyond me. The biggest response you are going to get from me is ..." huh?" so I throw this back toward Paul .... Elizabeth

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 4:45 pm
by kevin.b
Nature doesn't operates in a linear fashion, even though I talk of dead straight lines, they actually form pathways where FLOWS travel into and out of spirals.
So many fabulous posts and links are almost hidden in the linear piled up fashion that this forum is laid out in.
If a FLOWING method of links across to PARALLEL subjects could be established it would be such a benefit, and show the trails and pathways that may otherwise grass over.
If You can do that Jzimmer, then patent the method, the whole world of forums could hugely advance, intelligence and hard work should be so rewarded.
Go forth , with the flow


Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 5:23 pm
by JZimmer
Hi All,

I have a comment here, and no disrespect meant to anyone. For me to call Mr. Twigsnapper, Twig is in no way disrespectful, it is a form of respect that to me is more important.

I have used my real name on this forum because that is who I am and it makes no difference if you call me Jim, or Jim Z, JimZim or Mr. Zimmer becasue all of those names are mine.

What makes the difference is how you say it. To me, using the short form of anyones name is more a greeting to someone I would call a friend, and that indirectly implies respect.

So, I will of course respect the opinions of this group and refer to Mr. Twigsnapper by his full title, but that is not me. Just know that there is no one in this group that I have more respect for!

Sorry if that is not acceptable, but I am who I am.

Jim Z.

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 5:35 pm
by AM
Speaking of Mr. Flow:
Although I never met him, I am very grateful for the above hint. Thank you Mr. Flow - wherever you are.

Those who have the eyes to see will see.


P. S. It seems that Herr Schwan is still alive - he must be 97 years old by now!