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Re: Downloads

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 10:20 pm
by AM2
Mr. Fish wrote:
It was discovered by A. L. "Beau" Kitselman; a genious that was a famous theoretical mathematician and one of the foremost scholars of Sanskrit. It involves invoking a person's Aumakua or guardian angel for the purposes of healing them. There are different modalities that the angels use to help people including something we call "fire" which is wave after wave of euphoria and extasy that brings a person to the edge of being able to handle it.

Fire....sounds like kundalini to me! Serpent fire!

I think I would have enjoyed the company of Mr. Kitselman.
What makes you think that the "fire" spoken above is kundalini? There is a text of Dr. Kitselman's which goes into detail about the phenomenon of "fire". But judging from Dr. Kitselman's words it is evident that simply equating "fire" with Kundalini is not accurate. The lack of in-depth consideration can lead to confusion, instead to clarity.

Above all the best way how to approach such things is to learn them. In Huna they usually train people in person as far as teachings such as the Aumakua therapy is concerned. In Dr. Kitselman's text though it is indicated that any average, sane person can do this therapy - at least the beginning stages.

The above example is the reason why I am so protective and careful with the Kitselman-material. Things can be easily misunderstood. Now, I do not claim to know everything - even about Dr. Kitselman's public work. Far from it. I am just a student and try to retain a healthy amount of self-critical distance.

The concept of Aumakua is something extraordinary and if I would ever meet with Ms. Brown or/and Ms. Kitselman in person then this subject of E (Dr. Kitselman called it also E) would be right at the top of the discussion list.

End of June I received an inner intuition that the idea of Aumakua or E might somehow be connected to the "Rain on the Window" papers. This download is at the top of my list to investigate with utmost care and caution.

Such things though are only discussed face to face, since they are delicate and cannot be just jumped upon.


P. S. Above it is said: "There are different modalities that the angels use to help people including something we call "fire" which is wave after wave of euphoria and extasy that brings a person to the edge of being able to handle it."

These waves of euphoria are experienced with some people during the process of downloads in my opinion (but then I may be wrong). I can see it in Ms. Brown and in Mr. Fish too. Others also might have this sensation, but in Ms. Brown and Mr. Fish it is most obvious. Although Mr. Mikado despite his reserved attitude revealed it recently - cannot find the darn post to prove it right now.

While you charge forth boldly Mr. Fish, Ms. Brown flaps her wings like a hummingbird ecstatic, because it found a new exotic flower. Everyone experiences it differently, I think.

I should also add that during downloads other people may experience different phenomena. Finally you should realize that the above is exclusively mine understanding on how Dr. Kitselman's material can be applied to downloads.

Judging from Wagner's music the old Richard also experienced such things <g>. Here you can find one of the best interpretations of his work in my opinion (it has everything - the saga of the Nibelungen, Tannhaeuser, ...) <g>:

Re: Downloads

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 10:27 pm
by skyfish
AM wrote:

The lack of in-depth consideration can lead to confusion, instead to clarity.

Mr AM, wouldn't believe just how clear I am on this.

Re: Downloads

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 10:43 pm
by Linda Brown

The "Menehunes" played a great part in my Mothers experience on the Islands. I don't know if you were able to read the chapter about her years on the Islands and even if you had I don't know if Paul ever really mentioned the " arrangement" that she had with the Menehunes. She and I would walk a great distance to a little grocery store ( more than a couple of miles I think, at least it seemed a LONG LONG way for me because I was only three or four at the time. I can remember tagging along behind, taking my own sweet time investigating things on the trail and Mother was always very patient with me. I guess that our trips to the grocery were a special treat for her too. She pulled a little wagon and we would fill it to the top .. with me in the middle for the trip home and I would eat guavas that I had collected on the first leg of the trip. On the way home she would always pause to drop a piece of bacon on a little intersecting trail " for the Menehunes. As sort of a thankyou for letting her pass and taking care of us. You have to remember that she and my brother ( then about 15 were there all alone. Dad helped plant a garden and then he was gone for most of the time. I am sure that Mother was feeling vunerable.

Paul has heard about this story from one of the Catalina Islanders that mother confided with .... so he may have a slightly different version of this story but I hope that he will remember it. One evening very late the moon was at its fullest and Joseph and I were soundly asleep when Mother heard a beautiful voice singing ... and then others joining it . She listened to it for quite a while, marvelling at the beauty of it and how far the sound must have been travelling. The closest other homes were at the grocery shop area and Mother figured that IVy and her husband were having a party. The next day we walked up there again and mother mentioned .... trying not to sound hurt ... that she had heard the wonderful singing from the party .... ( hard not to wonder she said why they hadn't invited her to their party ...) The Hawaiians got sort of wide eyed at the story ..about the singing and one finally volunteered the thought that all of them were having ... there was no party ... the voices that Mother had heard were the " ancient ones" and that meant to them that Mother was a singularly blessed and honored person .... She always told me that was one of the singlemost spiritual moments in her life. I don't remember if that made the first draft or not. Linda

Re: Downloads

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:16 pm
by skyfish
A wonderful story! A precious sharing. When I brought up menehunes I had a feeling that it would strike a chord with someone.
I loved the islands. Growing up in Ohio, I did not know just how much I would love the ocean. I am a fish!
I was in or near the ocean every free minute I had. There is a spirit, an energy there.

That energy is a mafifestation of the creator, brahman, prana, is all different facets of the same quality of the universe. It has existed for all of mankinds history and accross all cultures and has been called many things. It does manifest in varying degrees in different individuals based upon various factors. The oldest source of information I found pertaining to it, is the Vedas...especially the upanishads....which are near and dear to my heart and soul. It is a natural part of all of us...connected...a oneness.


Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:47 pm
by AM2
Could there really be a connection between Dr. Brown's best friend and Gerry Vassilatos?
by Linda Brown on Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:33 am


I understand completely your interest in Gerry Vassilatos, There are strands to his writing that are strangely familiar to me. Almost as if there is a thread of absolute truth woven into his story about my Dad and I think thats what bugs me the most. I would love to be able to talk with him and discover who his initial source was. I have imagined ( and I think I am quite right) that his main source was Dads best friend ... Beau Kitselman.

If thats the truth then that opens a whole bag of things to investigate.

And it would be certainly nice to be able to be in contact with this person. I am still wondering if this is not simply a pen name for someone else entirely. Has anyone ever met this writer in person?

I have to give it to him, when he decided to disapear himself he did a very nice job.


Source: ... 095#p13547
Ms. Brown, what prompted you to say that you believe being quite right with the assumption that Mr. Vassilatos' source about Dr. Brown could be Dr. Kitselman? There was a pretty amount of certainty in your voice when you said this?

Why do you think so?

As far as contacting Mr. Vassilatos, has anyone tried to write to Adventure Unlimited Press and Borderland Research, where his two or three books appeared?

At the Amazon-website it is said: wrote:About the Author

Gerry Vassilatos is a high school science teacher who lives in New York City. He is the author of The Lost Science, another forthcoming book from Adventures Unlimited.
Why not try to find him via the phone book or other publicly available information?


Re: Downloads

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 12:10 am
by Trickfox
There is a text of Dr. Kitselman's which goes into detail about the phenomenon of "fire". But judging from Dr. Kitselman's words it is evident that simply equating "fire" with Kundalini is not accurate. The lack of in-depth consideration can lead to confusion, instead to clarity.

Above all the best way how to approach such things is to learn them. In Huna they usually train people in person as far as teachings such as the Aumakua therapy is concerned. In Dr. Kitselman's text though it is indicated that any average, sane person can do this therapy - at least the beginning stages.

The above example is the reason why I am so protective and careful with the Kitselman-material. Things can be easily misunderstood.
May I assume that this is the reason you have chozen to avoid sharing the material you have found with respects to the Vega Curve calculator?
Do you now also have a copy of "The Time Teachers"?
And your wisdom about this "easily misunderstood" text related to either of these two books, -or are you speaking of other works by Kitselman?

I was just wondering about this issue of "being protective" because I believe I understand what you mean however I just wanted to be clear with you in that I agree completely with your thinking on the issue.

Oh.... and did anyone notice that we just past the 20,000th post in this forum??? :roll:



Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 1:19 am
by Mikado14
AM2 wrote: wrote:About the Author

Gerry Vassilatos is a high school science teacher who lives in New York City. He is the author of The Lost Science, another forthcoming book from Adventures Unlimited.
Why not try to find him via the phone book or other publicly available information?


That was printed in 1999.


Re: Downloads

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 1:31 am
by skyfish
Gerry Vassilatos....two phone listings in New York.

In regards to your book about Mr. Kitselman, rest assured that I will be in line to buy it when it does come out.
In light of his interest in the metaphysical and his relationship with Dr. Brown, I am sure it will be fascinating!


Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 2:28 am
by Mikado14
I find the fact that there are two phone numbers as perhaps helpful but you should know that it is a common name and secondly, he may not wish to be bothered for I am sure with his other book and articles he publishes, he is well aware of Paul's book.

Perhaps it is best to let a sleeping dog lie, if he wishes to wake up, he will.

I do know that I would not appreciate anyone finding my number, which is impossible, or finding my location. You just may be greeted by a very grumpy old man with dimentia or a slow moving old lady.

Just a thought


Re: Downloads

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 3:12 am
by skyfish
My number is not impossible to find...but if you intend to come over, please call ahead so I can tidy up!...and leash the hounds! lol

Unleash the hounds

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 3:30 am
by Mikado14
skyfish wrote:My number is not impossible to find...but if you intend to come over, please call ahead so I can tidy up!...and leash the hounds! lol
You may assure the hounds that they will not have to be leashed.


Re: Downloads

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 3:45 am
by skyfish I won't tidy up either!

Re: Downloads

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 3:55 am
by skyfish
This should be on the download thread...
Fermat's Spiral Mandalas
The buddhist mandala cermony is fascinating...and beautiful.
The mystical meaning is also very interesting.

And...I am sure we have all seen patterns like these in our minds eye...??? ... a=N&tab=wi ... n%26sa%3DN


Re: Downloads

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:17 am
by Mikado14
skyfish I won't tidy up either!

Re: Downloads

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 9:45 am
by AM2
I know that Vassilatos is a controversial topic and considered as not the most reliable source by this forum. Still, I cannot but wonder at some of his interesting ideas. wrote:The messages engraved in the heart of certain discoveries and inventions, many times, may take years of earnest search to unlock. I believe this to be so because we perceive that Space Itself is Intelligent; and any Ray of Discovery which is sent into any sensitive recipient sends within itself deep messagings into new foundations from which it issues forth.
Is the man talking about downloads or what? And "Space Itself is Intelligent"? Now, where did we hear that already <g>?