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Re: Downloads

Post by Trickfox »

For some reason, I am being drawn into observing the actions of domestic animals these days. I was absolutely fascinated by Nora the cat playing piano. There seemed to be a genuine interest by the cat to creat sounds that would please her master. There is definatly something mystical happening when we see animals playing with things JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT.

As far as the LHC experiment is concerned, I'm still of the opinion that the so called "God particle" will NOT be so easy to create or observe. We are likely to see the evidence of a MICROCOSMIC black hole expanding temporarilly.

Will we be able to stop it or control it?

Exciting times we live in don't you think?

The psychopropulsier (as pointed out in the book The Good-bye man by Linda Brown and Jan Lofton) is a Quantum entanglement project under development using Quantum Junctions. Join us at
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Re: Downloads

Post by Griffin »


Quite right. “TreeIncarnation” -- we might say, to borrow a term.

Yes, this sheds some additional light on our age-old connection with the sun. The seven rays, too.

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Re: Downloads

Post by Griffin »


Maybe that cat could play some Buji Wuji at the Avalon Ballroom, like our old friend LeRoy.

Yes, I do think.

As ever,

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Re: Downloads

Post by skyfish »

Trickfox wrote:
There is definatly something mystical happening when we see animals playing with things JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT.

Yes...the divine spark in all living things...the creator loves to play!

Faster than light, but back in Einsteins universe when the wave collapses....relativistic....yes...that is the line of demarcation:
before particle=non-relativistic
particle form/matter=relativistic

BB Effect manipulates nonrelativistc medium...quantum ocean.
Recent measurements indicate that the speed of information exchange takes place at least 200,000 times faster than the speed of light. You can go places at that rate! 548 light years in one day! Pack your suntan lotion Mikado! the way...maybe you are just a casual dresser with conservative tendancies! :)

Thanks to John Bell, the Einstein-Podolsky-Paradox has been demonstrated to be true: that the Wave Function collapses instantaneously, even across cosmological distances, which violates the postulate of Special Relativity that nothing can travel faster than the velocity of light. Quantum mechanical effects are therefore "non-local," i.e. they ignore space, but only, of course, until the Wave Function collapses: after that, we are back in Einstein's universe again.

in a book called The Matter Myth, by Paul Davies (a physicist in Australia) and John Gribbin (a writer who was trained in astrophysics at Cambridge). For instance, Davies and Gribbin say on pages 110-111:

I believe that the reality exposed by modern physics is fundamentally alien to the human mind, and defies all power of direct visualization...
The realization that not everything that is so in the world can be grasped by the human imagination is tremendously liberating...

This would require that the nature of consciousness, with its attendant phenomenal objects, be part of the structure of reality and not just a psychologistic adaptation in the human species.

Linda Brown
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Re: Downloads

Post by Linda Brown »


Excellent and helpful posts! I especially liked this quote!

"I believe that the reality exposed by modern physics is fundamentally alien to the human mind, and defies all power of direct visualization...
The realization that not everything that is so in the world can be grasped by the human imagination is tremendously liberating...

YEAH..... as in ..... we don't have to come up with an answer for EVERYTHING do we????
Sometimes we just have to wait for the .... whats the expression ... fullness of time????

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Re: Downloads

Post by skyfish »

Linda, bright and shining star...

Yes! Exactly...the fullness of time..but we can know that... and the universe is ready! It will take a new vision.
The melding of our core with the oneness of the universe...and the knowledge that wiil impart to the human race.
A new paradigm.
We had horses when I was young. My sister loved them.

Now...this is the download section so here goes....
Mikdado, get your skepticals on.

Magic me out here....
You know I keep saying that the infinity symbol will not leave my minds represents something....I sense power...
So....stumbled on this.... ... arth&gbv=2


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Re: Downloads

Post by htmagic »

skyfish wrote:Magic me out here....
You know I keep saying that the infinity symbol will not leave my minds represents something....I sense power...
So....stumbled on this.... ... arth&gbv=2



I looked at the link you supplied and this caught my eye.
Somewhere else here on the forum, someone recently posted that a magnetic current runs from the sun to the earth. So I think this depicts that. The earth is surrounded by the van Allen radiation belts and the magnetosphere which shields us from the cosmic radiation.

So when I looked at that image, this link jumped out as sort of a cosmic haha: wrote:Are Galactic Magnetic Beacons "Micro Black Holes"?
Black holes are the most fascinating features of space time yet discovered, regions where mass is compacted so densely that the values literally go off the scales and physics breaks down. Now it seems that these galactic vacuum cleaners aren't just gravitationally attractive - they're magnetic too.

Magnetic fields are generated by moving electrical charges - this is one of the fundamental electromagnetic effects laid out in Maxwell's laws (and also why resting your credit card on top of your computer case after a shopaholic clicking frenzy is such a bad idea). While these ID-erasing charges you're used to are simply electrons driven along wires, the same effect applies to the significantly more serious effects around a black hole.

A rotating black hole is one of the most violently deforming things that can happen to space-time. In an effect known as "frame-dragging", the spinning singularity doesn't just pull objects, it drags spacetime itself (and everything in it) as it turns. This region contains material being pulled into the black hole, which has been heated and ionised by continual collisions and so is charged. Now you have your moving charges and hey presto, a magnetic field.

This is particularly interesting in application to micro black holes that are believed to be scattered throughout the galaxy, inconveniently remaining invisible because of their small size and that whole "even light cannot escape" thing, which will always make something hard to see. Whether radiation or other effects from the generated magnetic fields will make them more detectable remains to be seen - as a recently postulated advance, the effects (or even acceptance) of this model remain to be seen.

This research, by researchers of the Pakistan National University of Science and Technology, is an excellent demonstration of just how rich the subject of black holes is: a combination of highly advanced relativity and first year student electromagnetism leading to a new, and hopefully observable, effect.

So don't put your credit cards near a black hole - though if you find yourself in a position where you can, Starfleet will probably take care of replacing them for you.

Posted by Luke McKinney.
So apparently we have all three legs of Mikado's triangle here.
So maybe the capstone on the pyramid is a black hole???

Speeding through the Universe, thinking is the best way to travel ...
Linda Brown
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Re: Downloads

Post by Linda Brown »

Magic Bill,

Maybe and maybe not <g>. One thing that I do feel is that the " Capstone" is somehow a "different situation" than you might expect. Those who had a better handle on the concept, (even though they have gone before )left sort of a clue to all of that even on our dollar bill. Take a look at the pyramid. Note that the " capstone" has a space between it and the balance of the structure. Of cours the " all seeing eye" is apparent .... but what about the space in between? What do you all think THAT means? Just a question! I don't know either! Linda
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Re: Downloads

Post by htmagic »

Linda Brown wrote:Magic Bill,

Maybe and maybe not <g>. One thing that I do feel is that the " Capstone" is somehow a "different situation" than you might expect. Those who had a better handle on the concept, (even though they have gone before )left sort of a clue to all of that even on our dollar bill. Take a look at the pyramid. Note that the " capstone" has a space between it and the balance of the structure. Of cours the " all seeing eye" is apparent .... but what about the space in between? What do you all think recently THAT means? Just a question! I don't know either! Linda

OK, this statement was very interesting. So I had to check the back of a dollar bill.


But you are talking about the Great Seal, so here is the image:


Now this shows a four sided pyramid versus Mikado's 3 sided pyramid (I'm going to keep calling this as you are the one that brought this to our attention first). But the capstone IS interesting. It shows a glowing eye. It is levitating about the pyramid as you have stated. It is also like a glowing disk talked about before.

The pyramid is uncapped which represents the country was not yet finished at that time. The pyramid is dark on the west. We had not even begun to explore the West when this country was founded so that side remained dark. It is also dark on the west because there is Light from the east. In the Bible, it talks about the Light coming from the east which is reported to be Christ during the rapture. It is also interesting to note that in this forum, certain information on the Upanishads has recently been shared to illuminate us. Another light from the east? Is this another cosmic haha?

Hmmm, this represents the "All Seeing One" whom we refer to as God. But we have called it other names on this forum including the Akashic Record and the Cosmic Consciousness. So is the combination of all three legs on Mikado's pyramid an entrance to the glowing disk, the All Seeing One?

So what is in the space in between? No thing!!!
Another cosmic haha

P.S. I just wanted to add, look at the top of the pyramid. The platform at the top is light and is being illuminated from above. The ones at the top of the pyramid would receive the download of light from above...
Speeding through the Universe, thinking is the best way to travel ...
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Re: Downloads

Post by skyfish »

Don't know if you folks have seen this...

Col. Corso told an interesting story... Found this diagram from him....ufo obvious power source...note the infinity loop at center of coil in craft.....???

Drawing power from the earth's magnetic field???

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Re: Downloads

Post by skyfish »

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Re: Downloads

Post by skyfish »

Though this dark flow was detected only in galaxy clusters, it should apply to every structure in the known universe, Kashlinsky said. ... low_2.html

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Re: Downloads

Post by htmagic »

skyfish wrote:Something similar... ... iring.html

I'm the one that showed you that link. But have you seen this? wrote: Superconductivity phenomenon occurring in many electrical conductors, in which the electrons responsible for conduction undergo a collective transition into an ordered state with many unique and remarkable properties.

These include the vanishing of resistance to the flow of electric current, the appearance of a large diamagnetism and other unusual magnetic effects, substantial alteration of many thermal properties, and the occurrence of quantum effects otherwise observable only at the atomic and subatomic level.


Despite the existence of a successful microscopic theory of superconductivity, there are no completely reliable rules for predicting whether a metal will be a superconductor. Certain trends and correlations are apparent among the known superconductors, however some with obvious bases in the theory and these provide empirical guidelines in the search for new superconductors.

Superconductors with relatively high transition temperatures tend to be rather poor conductors in the normal state. For many years, no superconductors were known among the noble metals, the alkali metals, and the alkaline earth metals. However, cesium and barium have been found to be superconducting under high pressure or in disordered films.

There seemed to be some resemblance to Ed’s suggestions. So, with a layman’s education on physics, I informed the professor that maybe the steel has been converted into a superconductive state from the possible aforementioned magnetic effects allowing for a perpetuating electric current. He looked at me crazy.

I consider this similarity very interesting and worth investigating. One difference is Ed’s device seems to be able to access that circulating current.

The device weighs 25lbs. and is currently sustaining its own weight (work?) by the bar with a stand (similar to how I am holding it in the picture).
So basically power is applied in the coils and the keeper attached. Then the power is disconnected and the coils essentially shorted. Edward (Ed in the article) Leedskalnin claimed that the magnetic current would keep running as the keeper was on the device. Once the wires from the coils are put to a bulb the bulb will not light until the keeper is removed. It could be days, weeks, or months later, the light is as bright as it was demonstrated initially. And now he checked and there is current running through the device.

This is a U-shaped version of Stan Deyo's toroidal coil. Except this one has a keeper for illustration. If you made this circular and wound wire completely around it, it would appear to be almost identical...

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Re: Downloads

Post by skyfish »

Great post! Perpetual motion? Maybe just tapping pre-existing energy pattern created by the aether interacting with the petrovoltaic earth....the field we can "see" just the product of a rotating petrovoltaic mass interacting with aether...creating sacred geometry. Earth has iron core...fields connect at earth's core. Creator made caduceus coil ?
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Re: Downloads

Post by skyfish »

Sleep? Who needs sleep!

Symbols...what do they mean....
