A place to engage extended discussions of things that come up on the website. Anything goes here, as long as it's somehow pertinent to the subject(s) at hand.
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Post by htmagic »

Hello Kim,

Welcome to the forum. Tell Mikado that we miss him.
I hope he comes back to check in from time to time.

Arc, the Cornell site you linked to is very interesting.
Look what they had under antigravity: wrote:1. arXiv:0803.2864 [pdf]
Title: Exact 'antigravity-field' solutions of Einstein's equation
Authors: F. S. Felber
Comments: 3 pages, 3 figures; this version adds new material, figures, improvements
Subjects: General Physics (physics.gen-ph)
2. arXiv:0710.4316 [src]
Title: Can the new Neutrino Telescopes and LHC reveal the gravitational proprieties of antimatter?
Authors: Dragan Slavkov Hajdukovic
Comments: This paper has been withdrawn by the author. Full version replacing partial results is at: arXiv:gr-qc/0612088v2
Subjects: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)
3. arXiv:0706.4171 [ps, pdf, other]
Title: Local dark energy: HST evidence from the vicinity of the M 81/M 82 galaxy group
Authors: A.D. Chernin, I.D. Karachentsev, O.G. Kashibadze, D.I. Makarov, P. Teerikorpi, M.J. Valtonen, V.P. Dolgachev, L.M. Domozhilova
Comments: 17 pages, 1 figure
Subjects: Astrophysics (astro-ph)
4. arXiv:0706.4068 [ps, pdf, other]
Title: Detection of dark energy near the Local Group with the Hubble Space Telescope
Authors: A.D. Chernin, I.D. Karachentsev, P. Teerikorpi, M.J. Valtonen, G.G. Byrd, Yu.N. Efremov, V.P. Dolgachev, L.M. Domozhilova, D.I. Makarov, Yu.V. Baryshev
Comments: 11 pages, 1 figure
Subjects: Astrophysics (astro-ph)
5. arXiv:0704.2753 [ps, pdf, other]
Title: Local dark energy: HST evidence from the expansion flow around Cen A/M83 galaxy group
Authors: A. D. Chernin, I. D. Karachentsev, D. I. Makarov, O. G. Kashibadze, P. Teerikorpi, M. J. Valtonen, V. P. Dolgachev, L. M. Domozhilova
Subjects: Astrophysics (astro-ph)
6. arXiv:gr-qc/0702142 [src]
Title: Concerning production and decay of mini black holes
Authors: Dragan Slavkov Hajdukovic
Comments: This paper has been withdrawn by the author. Full version replacing partial results is at: arXiv:gr-qc/0612088v2
Subjects: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)
7. arXiv:gr-qc/0701168 [src]
Title: Antigravity as the basis for a New Interpretation of the Planck Length
Authors: Dragan Slavkov Hajdukovic
Comments: This paper has been withdrawn by the author. Full version replacing partial results is at: arXiv:gr-qc/0612088v2
Subjects: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)
8. arXiv:gr-qc/0612088 [pdf]
Title: Black holes, neutrinos and gravitational proprieties of antimatter
Authors: Dragan Slavkov Hajdukovic
Comments: This new version is four times longer than the first one, and consequently contains much more results
Subjects: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc); Astrophysics (astro-ph); High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th)
9. arXiv:physics/0607102 [ps, pdf, other]
Title: Modified Newtonian dynamics as a prediction of general relativity
Authors: Sabbir Rahman
Comments: 28 pages, Latex
Subjects: General Physics (physics.gen-ph)
10. arXiv:gr-qc/0604076 [ps, pdf, other]
Title: 'Antigravity' Propulsion and Relativistic Hyperdrive
Authors: Frankliln S. Felber
Comments: 4 pages, 4 figures, 2 video clips. To be presented at 25th International Space Development Conference, Los Angeles, 4-7 May 2006
Subjects: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)
11. arXiv:astro-ph/0603226 [ps, pdf, other]
Title: Non-Friedmann cosmology for the Local Universe, significance of the universal Hubble constant and short-distance indicators of dark energy
Authors: Arthur D. Chernin, Pekka Teerikorpi, Yurij V. Baryshev
Comments: 10 pages, 1 figure, submitted to A&A
Subjects: Astrophysics (astro-ph)
12. arXiv:astro-ph/0602102 [pdf]
Title: Hubble's law and Superluminity Recession Velocities
Authors: Leonid S. Sitnikov
Comments: 7 pages, 3 figures
Subjects: Astrophysics (astro-ph)
13. arXiv:gr-qc/0602041 [pdf]
Title: Testing existence of antigravity
Authors: Dragan Slavkov Hajdukovic
Subjects: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)
14. arXiv:gr-qc/0509105 [ps, pdf, other]
Title: Physics of Gravitational Interaction: Geometry of Space or Quantum Field in Space?
Authors: Yurij Baryshev
Comments: 9 pages, to be published in the Proceedings of the 1st Crisis in Cosmology Conference, AIP proceedings series
Subjects: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)
15. arXiv:astro-ph/0506070 [ps, pdf, other]
Title: Co-existence of Gravity and Antigravity: The Unification of Dark Matter and Dark Energy
Authors: Xiang-Song Chen
Comments: 3 pages, no figure; discussions added that low-energy gravitons can also serve as both dark matter and dark energy; references added
Subjects: Astrophysics (astro-ph)
16. arXiv:hep-th/0506067 [ps, pdf, other]
Title: Ultra-large distance modification of gravity from Lorentz symmetry breaking at the Planck scale
Authors: D.S. Gorbunov, S.M. Sibiryakov
Comments: 28 pages
Journal-ref: JHEP 0509 (2005) 082
Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th)
17. arXiv:physics/0506017 [pdf]
Title: Zero-point energy of vacuum fluctuation as a candidate for dark energy versus a new conjecture of antigravity based on the modified Einstein field equation in general relativity
Authors: Guang-jiong Ni
Comments: 11 pages,1 figure
Subjects: General Physics (physics.gen-ph)
18. arXiv:gr-qc/0505099 [ps, pdf, other]
Title: Exact Relativistic 'Antigravity' Propulsion
Authors: F. S. Felber
Comments: 4 pages, 3 figures, changed format only, attached 5 AVI files (animated exact solutions of black holes incident on initially stationary payloads)
Subjects: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)
19. arXiv:gr-qc/0505098 [pdf]
Title: Weak 'Antigravity' Fields in General Relativity
Authors: F. S. Felber
Comments: 4 pages, 4 figures, changed format only
Subjects: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)
20. arXiv:gr-qc/0411096 [ps, pdf, other]
Title: The warp drive and antigravity
Authors: Homer G. Ellis
Comments: 6 pages, AMSTeX, 1 Encapsulated PostScript figure
Subjects: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)
21. arXiv:gr-qc/0411064 [ps, pdf, other]
Title: Symmetry relating Gravity with Antigravity: A possible resolution of the Cosmological Constant Problem?
Authors: Israel Quiros
Comments: 3 pages, no figures, revtex
Subjects: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)
22. arXiv:hep-th/0409112 [ps, pdf, other]
Title: AdS and stabilized extra dimensions in multidimensional gravitational models with nonlinear scalar curvature terms 1/R and R^4
Authors: Uwe Guenther, Alexander Zhuk, Valdir Bezerra, Carlos Romero
Comments: 28 pages, minor cosmetic improvements, Refs. added; to appear in Class. Quantum Grav
Journal-ref: Class.Quant.Grav. 22 (2005) 3135-3167
Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th); General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc); High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)
23. arXiv:physics/0407092 [pdf]
Title: Principle of relativity in physics and in epistemology
Authors: Guang-jiong Ni
Comments: 15 pages
Subjects: General Physics (physics.gen-ph)
24. arXiv:astro-ph/0310048 [ps, pdf, other]
Title: The very local Hubble flow: computer simulations of dynamical history
Authors: A. D. Chernin, I. D. Karachentsev, M. J. Valtonen, V. P. Dolgachev, L. M. Domozhilova, D. I. Makarov
Comments: LaTeX, 10 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&A
Journal-ref: Astron.Astrophys. 415 (2004) 19-25
Subjects: Astrophysics (astro-ph)
25. arXiv:physics/0308038 [ps, pdf, other]
Title: A new insight into the negative-mass paradox of gravity and the accelerating universe
Authors: Guang-Jiong Ni
Comments: 6 pages,no figure
Journal-ref: Rel.Grav.Cosmol. 1 (2004) 123-136
Subjects: General Physics (physics.gen-ph)
And those are just the first 25 of 42!

Speeding through the Universe, thinking is the best way to travel ...
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Post by arc »


I fully agree with you about Mikado.

Isn't that a great site, I just wish I could understand the maths!!!... but at least I can read between the lines on some of it... following in the footsteps of giants...

I am surprised at the volume of material that is now available, and being made available... This gives me hope.
Perhaps the Internet will accomplish some good, other than online shopping.

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Post by htmagic »


The Internet has finally opened the storehouse of knowledge to the average person. As long as you have a computer and are willing to search for something, you can study a problem, search a solution, and ask for help from folks all around the world.
As for the maths, go to a math site and start learning!

Time for me to check out eBay! :wink:

Speeding through the Universe, thinking is the best way to travel ...
Linda Brown
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Post by Linda Brown »

Great pointand you are right. All of this information, which seems to be bubbling in our direction now, or at least bubbling to the sufvace so that we can see it , would never have been noticed before because we had no way of retreiving the information and then sharing it. I know that this is just one of the situations where the phrase " Just wait for it" has more of a meaning.

When I first read what we call the " Rain on the Windows " papers ...... I was just a kid and I KNEW I was reading something that had been written in 1944. Much of what was said in those papers made no sense to me at all. But he wrote of a "network" of communications that would draw people together as if they were "Islands in a sea of the past" Sometimes I look at what is happening here and I recognize exactly what was being mentioned.

Some things of course remain a mystery. But then I remind myself, I just have to wait for it but then be aware when those things finally present themselves. Like the writer who took it upon himself to write to me ( after already jumping through some hoops which might have deterred others). My standard response would have been a cordial slammed door in his face but there were just some things that he "happened" to say in his first letter to me that opened doors for him that he never at the time even knew were closed. Another case of
" wait for it, wait for it, wait for it"

Paul. Remember the gentleman that Morgan mentioned with the office at NRO. He was going to contact you sometime in the future. I think that you asked for the name and I believe that Morgan told you ... something akin to ... "Later, He diesn't know who he is yet." Thats exactly an example of having to wait for the right situation to develop... and its been a couple of years already. I mention this because I think that one of these days and probably sooner than later you will hear from him. I can remember that another speaker at that UFO conventioned mentioned a particular man from the NRO helping him out with some information but we never followed up on that or we lost the trail but I expect thats a thought that you should put at the top of your head so you don't have to dig so hard for it when that call comes. Maybe we don't have too much longer to wait for this one.

Amazing world isn't it? Linda
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Post by Rose »

Hey, y'all....
I've been much more of a lurker than a poster these days, but I am feelng called to repost an October 7 Webbot alert. First, the background, then the update, which will be of particular interest to forum members:

If you are not familiar with web bots you can get a bit of background at

This a summary of what the web bot project designer and his cohort say is coming down the pike. If you are a Coast to Coast listener, you may have heard him on the show last night.

* whatever “it” turns out to be that is coming on October 7 will make it a date in history you will remember like 9/11.

*The emotional intensity of this event will last until February 19, 2009. In comparison, the post-9/11 shock lasted about 10 days. This event will herald four months of high emotion.

* Consumer society is expected to collapse by mid November.

* A large earthquake may strike the Northwest around December 10-12, 2008.

* Winter in the Northeast is likely to be very cold, causing some schools to close, and then later to reopen as shelters for people who can’t heat their homes. Language suggests that the shortage will either be caused by supply, cost of fuel, or both.

In general, they recommend developing as much self-sufficiency and ability to live off the grid as possible.

From last night's show:

They spoke about strange disappearances next year, in which people, including those in power, will vanish without a trace into interdimensional doorways.

Additionally, an object they call a "coherer" -- some type of reverse-engineered or left-behind time/dimensional shifting artifact is currently in the possession of people who are concerned for their lives.

Interesting, eh?

Let us pray that their predictions are way off, but in the event that they aren't, be safe and be prepared.
( ... als-for-75 or

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Post by htmagic »

Linda Brown wrote:When I first read what we call the " Rain on the Windows " papers ...... I was just a kid and I KNEW I was reading something that had been written in 1944. Much of what was said in those papers made no sense to me at all. But he wrote of a "network" of communications that would draw people together as if they were "Islands in a sea of the past" Sometimes I look at what is happening here and I recognize exactly what was being mentioned.

Amazing world isn't it? Linda

A "network of communications"? I read that and my hair stood up as only one that had access to the future could have even possibly known about that in 1944. Even the ArpaNet from which the Internet was invented (by DARPA, NOT Al Gore) was not even a gleam in someone's eye yet!

But then Rose's post really made my hairs stand up on end! Although food is a necessity, water is even more so. Time to get my rain barrels in shape...

Rose, the link for Coast to Coast has some links for the show via real or Windoze Media but you have to be a subscriber to access those...

Speeding through the Universe, thinking is the best way to travel ...
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Post by amalie »

Hi there Rose and htmagic

Where is all this destruction happening, in a " parallel universe " perhaps ?

Not unlike the one at our own discussion forum ...

I like the idea of infinite universes, each remote and cosmic particle of this one, connecting into an infinite no of alternative universes.

That way you could locate the big bang that made this one, but that exercise would perhaps only inform you, that the closed loop is infinite in all directions and that all is somehow contained within all at the latent pre-bang and sub-atomic levels (the ones that are consciousness only).

All expands into all as well, in all possible directions like holograms and fractals. So that the continuous expansion, dissolution and reemergence of the manifestation of infinity is an ongoing process that happens for our dimension against the probability of an actual and verifiable space and time.

I wonder if the Mayans were talking about this or about some other and parallel universe. Jose Argulles said that we were "excited DNA " and that our "technology extruding DNA" was excited by the light emanated by the sunspots which were the holographic messengers from the heart of the universe or the Hunab Ku .

Science tells us each millisecond trillions of positive/negative cosmic particles steam through us , if we are just a cosmic hologram, then these particles may be the digitally enabled medium that give us all sense of an apparent world and of a universe to live in.

I feel the main thing we could do just now would be to seek to access the intelligence of the many alternative universes in order to by pass this particular style of human evolution which seems to take have taken us all into some very nasty detours.

Looking for big happenings on October 7th , thank you for the "heads up " !

I did see some of the dehydrated food supplies you recommended at the local Costco and thought they might come in useful, I think I will go on-line and get some for my son, who is living in some kind of "retreat "up on the hill here and would perhaps like a few extra rations to tied him over.

Best Wishes

FM No Static At All
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Post by FM No Static At All »

Okay this is the "Woo-woo" stuff for sure, but I am compelled to share it. My father was born on October 7th and we used to say in all humor, "A day that will live in infamy!" using FDR's quite regarding the December 7 attack on Pearl Harbor. I do not consider myself a psychic, but I do often have premonitions and intuitions. I am feeling something happening, but usually I don't get strong feelings until it's right upon me (us.)

But I do have a plan. Many of you that have known me for a while and are in contact with me, will soon learn of my plan, and why I want to carry it through NOW! I still am forming the words to sya, so please stay tuned.

Fred a.k.a.
FM - No Static At All
'The only reason some people get lost in thought is because its unfamiliar territory.'
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Post by arc »

I do not believe our destiny lays beneath our feet... it lays beneath the stars
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Post by Rose »

I am all ears, Fred.

Anyone else see the out of the box thread? "Networking islands in the sea of the past!"

Sorry, Magic. If it gets downloaded somewhere free, I'll let you know, but sometimes carries notes of the broadcast.

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Post by htmagic »


See my post after yours. My spidey senses are tingling. Especially when I just saw this post sent to me via email. Paul, it IS political but I believe it MAY have a connection here. Anyway, the email goes like this...
Rec'd from a good Christian friend, not sure of the validity of it.

Can this be true???? Have you heard this yet????

For what it's worth!?! --

On or about October 5th, Biden will excuse himself from the ticket, citing
health problems, and he will be replaced by Hillary. This is timed to
occur after the VP debate on 10/2.

There have been talks all weekend about how to proceed with this info.
Generally, the feeling is that we should all go ahead and get it out there
to as many blog sites and personal email lists as is possible.

The 'health problem' cited in those articles was aneurysm. Probably
many of you have heard the same rumblings.

However, at this point, with this inside info from the DNC, it looks like
this Obama strategy will be a go. Therefore, it seems that the best
strategy is to get out in front of this Obama maneuver, spell it out in
detail, and
thereby expose it for the grand manipulation that it is.

So, let's start mixing this one up and cut the Obamites off at the pass -
send this info out to as many people as you can - post
about it on websites and blogs - etc.
So October 5th will be the Obama announcement and your cataclysmic event is the 7th of October. If the email is true and Hillary joins the Obama party as his VP, then Obama's ratings are sure to shoot through the roof. Especially when Obama appears to be leading McCain right now in the polls anyway.

Well, Obama wants change and the powers that be (PTB) do not want change. They like crashing the market and getting richer than their wildest dreams as they pick up bargains all over the place like gold nuggets in a stream bed. So the PTB stage an event like a 911 but even worse because now the world is hardened to seeing the 911 videos. So now we have an event worse than 911 where the people will reel for months. Maybe the entire grid goes down so that means no electricity, heat (except from a wood or gas stove), no water (no pumps to move them unless under diesel backup that will run out), etc. How long will gasoline and diesel last without power to pump it? See what I mean? And with something as bad as that, the Government would enact FEMA and they would invoke Marshall law. And the elections would be suspended as we would be in a "war against the terrorists." Staged just like 911 but worse. (Especially when you consider that 911 was done by our own people. Sure 2 planes hit the towers but jet fuel will never bring down the building as it went down. And the small building dropped the same way without any plane hitting it.) These people have no qualms about doing it again. So be alert and be watchful. Stock up on dry and canned food and plenty of water. I would be ready just in case.

Now that seems like a pretty bad scenario and it could be. But I believe it could be averted. And I believe that is what Fred was alluding to. Now Fred, since I set the stage for your plan, why not outline it for us all to review? I DO believe things could change and the Internet could play a part in it. This is the only hope that the common man appears to have. United we stand, divided we fall. Let us focus on the task at hand and usher in a new era, a new paradigm, and a new way of doing business.

Back to you, Fred...

Speeding through the Universe, thinking is the best way to travel ...
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Post by FM No Static At All »

Here is another post related to the Coast2Coast AM show with the Time Monks web bot story. ... monks.aspx
The Law of Attraction says what you focus on will manifest itself. So what I am proposing is an exercise in group consciousness, focusing on peace and love. You don't have to believe in it, you don't have to understand it, you only need to allow yourself to experience it. Feel it rather than just visualize it. What does a world of love and peace look like to you? see it in your mind's eyes. Allow yourself to dream on it. spend no energy on what can happen, instead imagine what you want to happen.

May the love and peace I feel, manifest itself in all of your lives also.

Fred a.k.a.
FM - No Static At All
'The only reason some people get lost in thought is because its unfamiliar territory.'
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Happening whether or not...

Post by Griffin »

Yes, and it is increasingly happening as time goes by -- believe it or not.

A great thing about biography is its tour of time and genealogy. Did someone mention multi-generational?

As ever,

Linda Brown
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Post by Linda Brown »

I think some of you on this Forum might remember a discussion about someones vision of a rider on a grey horse. The rider, is carrying a banner and he looks right at you and then swings his arm in three long sweeps with the banner fluttering in the breeze. The message comes across without words. Once for those who have gone before, Once for the present, Once for the Future ..... And then he points the Banner off to the horizon and the message comes to me as clear as a bell..... GO FORTH.

Whatever is out there. I intend to GO FORTH...... Difficulties I am sure but a good future is out there for all of us. All we have to do is see it and claim it. The future will be what you imagine so please choose wisely. Linda
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Post by kevin.b »

I love that word, and KNOW how important it is, and as this link is to a man called Brown, not our Dr Brown, but this transmutation method is very important, remember that You are blobs of water?
fibonacci is king