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Re: what?

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 7:57 pm
by Mikado14
grinder wrote:Mikado? Can you explain what you really mean by " smoke and mirrors" . I mean I have heard the expression but in this instance what are you referring to? and what are you really saying? Help me out here because right now the only thing I can come up with is the caveman " What?"
Some call it a "vision quest". Of the term "smoke and mirrors", one of the words is figuratively and the other is literal.



Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:40 pm
by grinder
OK says the Caveman staring into the flames. grinder

regarding Trumans trip

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 9:08 pm
by twigsnapper ... i192_3.htm

smoke and mirrors Mikado means something different to me. <g> twigsnapper

Re: regarding Trumans trip

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 10:07 pm
by Mikado14
twigsnapper wrote: ... i192_3.htm

smoke and mirrors Mikado means something different to me. <g> twigsnapper
Mr. Twigsnapper,

And usually, it means the same to me as it probably did to President Truman. Or would that be a Copperfieldian act of having them watch the left while the right is busy? or, even perhaps a Claude Rains impersonation. (how does one type a cheshire cat grin?)



Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 10:33 pm
by Radomir
I spend a weekend painting the kids' room and miss all this. Took me an hour just to catch up on everyone's impressive contributions from the past two days. Less time for me to respond, however so I'll make this brief:

Mark: I'm with you, the statement from Mr. Twigsnapper about standing on someone's pants just made one moment from that shadow world really concrete. Far more directly than in the movies where someone would be presented with a tasteful brown envelope with the blackmail pictures--oh no, reality is brought home by someone actually standing on the tactical high ground of your undershorts. Ouch. You might call that a "highly persuasive bargaining position."

It was interesting what he said about people of course not staying "turned" after something like that--you'd get limited allegiance once they were under the thumb of that kind of influence. But these would be ones where a different sort of argument would not be likely to sway their allegiance on a more reasoned or emotional appeal. Thus the resort to another form of --more direct-- persuasion.

Trickfox: if anyone would know about listening devices on this forum, it would be you.



Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:05 am
by greggvizza
grinder wrote:Hey Mikado,

I think that you are being a little harsh here. I understand what Langley was trying to do here, but your statement lends the thought that he perhaps has another agenda going to put us off a certain track.
I appreciate what Mikado is doing. If something is known to be wrong and can be corrected, it should be. We wouldn’t want forum members believing errors. That has the potential of leading people astray.

There is a proverb: "Do not correct a scoffer, lest he hate you; Rebuke a wise man, and he will love you."

One of my greatest moments on this forum was when Paul challenged me on a statement that I made. I loved it. From that day forward I have been a different person. It may take a little more energy to research what is you are going to rattle off but it is so worth it because it increases the signal to noise ratio.
Paul S wrote:"Gregg, what is the basis of that assertion?"

"I'm not disputing your conclusion, I just want to make sure I can follow your logical reasoning to it. We need to make sure the wagon is sturdy, because we want to get alot of people on board.

Link to Paul challenge thread: ... ight=#1669

Accuracy is important, "we have got to make sure the wagon is sturdy".



Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:39 am
by twigsnapper
You might ask “Why did Truman decide to go to see MacArthur?â€

Re: indeed

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 2:51 am
by Mikado14
twigsnapper wrote:And yes Elizabeth, The Navy got what they wanted out of the deal.
If I take that to mean what I think it means.......son of a bitch!

But then I ask myself, "would this man, who has always told parables, stories, and oblique statements be this direct?" or "has he stopped doing HIS Claude Rains impersonation?"

Hell, I don't know, sometimes I don't even know what day it is.

I'm going back down my rabbit hole tonight....move over Neva.


stunned on this end

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 3:24 am
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
I guess when you ask and ask and ask for information you ought to be prepared for it when it dumps in your direction.

Thankyou Mr. Twigsnapper for the name. I know that you are letting me do the legwork now. Its a whole lot better than chewing on nothing.

However, I have to say. I sense here that this was a really big deal here. And its still a big deal, and this is about as far as we are going to get in this avenue, isn't it? Everything else is going to get very, very dark, isn't it? and I am asking myself, do I really need to know what the results of this meeting were? The Navy got what it wanted? Well perhaps I can figure out exactly what it was that they were after precisely. It sure wasn't the " flying saucer carnival type thing" as the FBI described it. It was something that was not mentioned then and hasn't been mentioned since.

I am confused too Mikado. But maybe my answer lies in something that happened today. I was out enjoying the sunset. Lovely here. Suddenly two big Apache ( I guess, they had the long refueling lances in the front) flew over. High tailing it somewhere. And all I could think was how thankful I was that they were ours...... and maybe thats where I should go with this mentally. We have already been told that there are things out there that we don't know about yet. If they have Navy sailors on them ..... yea! Elizabeth

up late, again

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 8:25 am
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Can't sleep....................

Not only a select group of Admirals in that room but the President of the United States too!.

And still no scientists? Why was that? If the President was going to see something of grave value wouldn’t he want a scientific advisor along at the time. But who was that for Truman? Teller? Or someone like him? See the problem?. I guess it was not so much of seeing something that needed explanation. .Perhaps it obviously worked or not. The technicalities of it could be worked out later after the president had seen its capabilities. Because of security no scientist showed up because no scientist was invited. The thing would obviously work, or not.

And remember now. Truman had the National Security Act behind him. This Pearl Harbor development (and any trail leading to it could be wiped off the face of the earth, For as long as Truman wanted .... or those after him ..... required!)

Forgive me if its taken me some time to react to this information.

I have been dealing, hands on, with this “ Pearl Harbor Demonstrationâ€

matters not

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:00 pm
by Martin Calloway
I read about that Wake Island meeting in some historical accounts.. after reading Mr. Twigsnappers post. There was a Big Hoopla about the President going to see MacArthur at the time. MacArthur, I guess, did not want to come all of the way from ( he was in Formosa? )at the time. Long flight to Hawaii from there. Would have meant flying at night and I do happen to know that it was true that MacArthur would not fly anywhere at night. (Somehow that makes me smile for some reason.)

And I guess logistically it was just better to meet at Wake. So someone decided it would be a good publicity move to go there for the meeting. Out in the absolute middle of NOWHERE. Well, once invited, the General couldn't really say no, even if he wanted to. I mean, if the President was willing to come that far .

But this Hawaiian agenda? Smoke and Mirrors! as Mikado said! A David Copperfield move if ever! For everyone else it would clearly just be a "layover" but it MIGHT have been the Main mission.

Fascinating stuff here Paul! Where else are you going with this?

And what does all that mean actually? Well its the nexus of the story about Townsend Brown, thats what I think. Its where all the elements of the story come together to paint what really happened here!

Paul, if you can prove this up IN ANY SMALL WAY then you have planted your flag on the point where all the discussions about Townsend Brown will meet from here on. Not the Philadelphia Experiment myth. That was more smoke. This is the real deal here. You will put a pin at the intersection and be able to say " Here it is" Not anywhere else on the glode. It happened HERE.

Pretty important chart if you ask me.


beginning to understand

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 2:04 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
I am beginning to understand the importance of charts Martin and also of locations.

Just found this which answers the question I think of who set this meeting up. WATCH FOR THE WIND IN THE TREES, Paul.

"On Monday, October 9, 1950, the President dispatched a message to General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, USA (Commander in Chief, United States Forces, Far Eastern Command, and Commander in Chief, United Nations Command), informing him that he urgently desired to meet with him on either Saturday, October 14th, or Monday, October 16th. The President suggested Honolulu as the place for the meeting"

Notice the parameters of the meeting. Kevin will agree with me, or any good Navigator. To get to a certain point TIME is an important coordinate.

and thanks to Mr. Twigsnappers lead and the Truman Library accounts I have found this:

T"he idea for that trip [to the Pacific for President Harry S. Truman to meet with the Commander in Chief, Far East, General of the Army Douglas MacArthur] originated with George Elsey [Administrative Assistant to the President] . . . . And, so he talked to some of the rest of us on the staff about it, we in turn talked to President Truman about it. I don't think he was ever enthusiastic about it. But we persuaded him to go. And I don't think he ever did really care to go, to tell you the truth. But he went, and George Elsey went out as the advance man to Hawaii. George had been a lieutenant in the Navy in World War II and when he went out to Hawaii he was dealing with naval people from Admiral [Arthur] Radford [Commander in Chief Pacific] on down and he would tell them what they had to do. I think he got quite a kick out of it. They did it up right."

That last rings with an irony that anyone could hear! Elizabeth

of course

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 3:58 pm
by grinder
You guys must know that if you print all this conjecture that the conspiracy freaks out there are going to drag out all those stories of " Truman at Roswell" and all of those " secret meetings" with Generals hiding grey aliens in the basement and stuff. And you add all of the people that just naturally had connections with Dr. Brown and somebody is going to have a freeforall feast of lunatic fringe ideas. So its important here, I agree, to stick to the facts as you can see them and as they can be verified. The wild ideas are going to spring forward in all directions from this!

But if you follow one step at a time .... without jumping to conclusions yourself .... perhaps those on the other end will reach all kinds of different conclusions. Maybe thats what is supposed to happen here? grinder

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 6:04 pm
by kevin.b
On the 18th of this month I posted Something about pressure.
For some reason it ended up on the greetings side of this forum, who knows anymore WHY.
Just to clarify WHY I posted the link to a song on youtube by Queen , called " Under pressure"
Because at the bottom of the deep blue sea we think we are under pressure, but not if you know what creates pressure, either negative pressure or positive pressure, they are both just opposites of the same .
I bet Dr Brown knew what pressure was.

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 6:51 pm
by kevin.b
Not that I am suggesting that many pop artists were spaced out on L.S.D, but, where do you think they gained their ideas from?
Out of the ether?
Whats yellow coloured?

That yellow stuff won't corrode at the bottom of the deep blue sea.
EHD, the link is to the Beatles yellow submarine.
Sky of blue, sea of green, as above, so below. ... above.html