A place to engage extended discussions of things that come up on the website. Anything goes here, as long as it's somehow pertinent to the subject(s) at hand.
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Post by Langley »

rhull wrote:I really never wanted to be here as the discussions left science behind and brought forth bluster and hype in many postings. These are things that are taken on faith and are not demonstrable fact.

I have worked for about two years now on lifters and I have made any number of them under my role as head and director of Electric Spacecraf, Inc. ( A North Carolina corporation). After making an aerodynamic balance and testing the lifter against power input, I would have to put the entire concept in the class of one of the most worthless and inefficient aerodynamic devices I have ever worked or experimented with! The power to lift ratio is an abomination. The things only lift themselves in air. Furthermore, air breakdown, at lift voltages, spoils the show. They are a great amusement, however, in the same category as the Tesla coil, the fusor and other devices that consume vast amounts of energy and go no place special outside of doing some really cool stuff intellectually.

It is nice to know the faithful reside somewhere as we realists see a bit of hard times ahead with any number of very bitter pills to be swallowed.

Richard Hull

P.S. The induction run train spoken of early goes back to the discoveries of Faraday and Gibbs long before Tesla was even born. The concept of allowing Tesla credit for things he never had a hand in is rather common. I hold Tesla in no greater esteem than Faraday or Gibbs. They made their contributions, yet were very human with any number of flaws any reverance granted them is only in the context of what they contributed scientifically.
Thanks for sharing Mr Hull. At least you had a go. The patent granted to Tesla in regard to his high frequency motor powered via inductionby a remote shielded cable was sufficiently novel an unique to warrant the patent.

As for the basic science of TT Brown and its usefulness, thanks for your opinon based on your observations.

On the other hand others who have experimented have observed (perhaps the same results as you) and judged otherwise regarding usefulness.

It comes back to individual conclusions. And science and society.

In 1945 conventional science denied that radiation played any role in the effects of atomic weapons

"Laurence then went on to offer his own remarkable editorial on what happened: "The Japanese are still continuing their propaganda a.....Thus, at the beginning, the Japanese described 'symptoms' that did not ring true."" NewYork Times, 12 Sept 1945.. as instructed by General Groves.

Er, radiation does exist.

Its usefulness is moot.

The energy density of space may be useful. It does exist.

It could be that the difference between matter and energy is this:
That mass is energy confined to a locus. Hence the importance of spin vectors in the description of the particles. How space inter acts with energy is crucial, it is dawning upon me, in understanding whats going on here.

Conventional explanations are at times quite deceptive. Science is never free from political considerations.

Faraday did not invent the shielded cable nor the HF motor in the relevant Tesla patent.
FM No Static At All
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Post by FM No Static At All »

Ah, Mr. Langley such gems you have uncovered in the coals of propaganda. I beg you to review the works of Dr. Harold Aspden and his published books, Physics Without Einstein, Creation The Physical Truth, and also Physics Unified
It could be that the difference between matter and energy is this:
That mass is energy confined to a locus. Hence the importance of spin vectors in the description of the particles. How space inter acts with energy is crucial, it is dawning upon me, in understanding whats going on here.
The above is a copy of Fig. 23 taken from my book 'Physics Unified'. The grid lines are notional and represent a cubic lattice structure. Their significance is that their intersection points define the location of an aether lattice charge (the quon). A 3x3x3 cubic array of such charges form a 'photon unit' and will nudge the surrounding charge system at a frequency which is four times that of the spin of that photon unit.
Note that angular momentum Iw corresponds to energy E of Iw(c/2r) but that the rotation of a cube will disturb surrounding aether at a rate four times greater, because a cycle in the pulsation rate is completed for a 90 degree angle of rotation. Therefore the photon radiation frequency f will be 4w/2π and E will then equal (Ic/4r)πf. We have now Planck's radiation law E=hf and can see that h is I(c/4r)π). Now substitute 36mod2 for I and look for a way of eliminating mo.

You need not look very far because that restoring force rate of 4πe2/d3 stretched to a distance of 2r gives the force that balances the centrifugal force set up by the quon in its orbital motion at speed c/2. Nor need you worry about any such thing as relativistic mass increase here, because the synchronizing constraints set up by the quon interactions oblige the quons to retain their basic rest-mass. We are not dealing here with a solitary quon which has to store its own added kinetic energy in its mass system. Accordingly, you can write the equation:
mo(c/2r)2 = 8π(e2/d)(2r/d)2

From this one sees that (36)πmod2(c/4r) is equal to 288π2e2(r/dc), this being h. This can be then be simplified by writing:
hc/2πe2 = 144π(r/d)

This is the reciprocal of the fine structure constant, usually denoted by the Greek symbol alpha, and our achievement at this point is that we can evaluate it if we know r/d, as we do from our calculations so far, but provided we can be sure that the zero energy potential condition governs the quon state. To explore this we need to take our analysis a little further.

Starting with the equation just deduced we now replace r by its value h/4πmec and we replace mec2 by 2e2/3a, where a is the charge radius of the electron. This takes us to the relationship d/a=108π which we used earlier in Tutorial No. 7. Then we go a little further and write an equation:
moc2 = e2/3b
which incorporates an important feature of this aether theory. The formula of J.J. Thomson requires the radius of the charge to relate to mass-energy by a 2/3 factor rather than the 1/3 factor used in the above equation. However, the quon is rather special. It is the only particle where mass is 'seen' on its own in the E-frame. The fact is that when an electron, for example, is studied in its motion in laboratory experiments it is moving along with its 'graviton ghost mass' as well and so the electron mass, as expressed by the J. J. Thomson formula is really the combination of these two mass components. The quon, however, plays its role in the E-frame jitter motion with its 'ghost' mass transferred to the dynamic balance of the G-frame.

We combine the equation just presented and:
mo(c/2r)2 = 8π(e2/d)(2r/d)2
to obtain:
d/b = 96π(r/d)2
which is the other equation we utilized in deriving the correction term for the finite volume of the quon charge in Tutorial No. 7.

At this stage we can progress to determine whether the quons orbit at a larger radius r than needed for the absolute minimum zero energy potential condition. The determining factor here concerns how the quon itself might be affected by the ongoing particle transmutations that feature in the ever-active underworld of the aether. Key to this is the charge volume occupied by the quon charge in relation to that occupied by the electron charge. The charge radii of these two particles have the ratio b/a, where b has the value just given in terms of d and where a is d/108π. Therefore, we can compute the charge volume ratio as being the cube of (9/8)(d/r)2.

Now, suppose we declare that this quantity has to be an odd integer, so that we can have transmutations whereby energy injected into the quon can convert it into an electron plus a number of electron-positron pairs. This is just an assumption but I am guided to it by the fact that it is an appealing thought, given that the aether is a charge plenum, to regard the volume of 'space' occupied by charge as being conserved when particles exchange energy in creation processes. I see space, energy and time as the fundamental physical dimensions and, just as energy is conserved, so it may be that 'space' is conserved in a sense, whereas time is universal owing to that synchronizing action between the quons.
I still haven't learned how to get character to maintain their proper superscript forms, so forgive me for that. You can read the entire text at

I am going to sleep on this for a while. I have to dream on how the energy of thought plays a role in creation itself.

Fred a.k.a.
FM - No Static At All
'The only reason some people get lost in thought is because its unfamiliar territory.'
Linda Brown
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Post by Linda Brown »


When your mind is full of such things, keep a notebook close to your bed, Often when you wake you will have a clear concept and a good answer! But write it down qquickly! The nature of that memory is that it burns away like early morning fog.

Dad always did that and later sometimes expressed amazement at the problems which had been solved so well in his sleep. He told me that he felt that the mind is the ultimate computer, whether it saves stuff on its own and delivers it to you when you need it, or it is receiving information from elsewhere and then just passing it on ... Dad said he didn't much care as long as he got his questions answered and could go on to the next thing.

So while you are working on that <g> (goodnight!) here is something for you Mikado. You said this in a very old post.....(talking about the " Adamski saucer")

"Elizabeth Helen Drake wrote:
The drawing that you are looking at was done by a man by the name of Thomas Nottingham Williams, a commercial artist and friend of the Townsend Brown family. I believe that those original drawings were actually rendered BEFORE Townsend Brown spent time at the Bahnson lab in 1957/58."
NOW THAT is the link I needed. I will bet that they not only were done before Bahnson but prior to the patent on the "Flame Jet" and before Dr. Brown achieved 100%+ lift."

You are rightMikado. That particular drawing was rendered by Mr. Williams in late 1955 or early 1966.I remember when it was first brought out to the farm outside of Leesburg. Dad used it in a subsequent report on " Electrohydrodynamics" which eventually was used first by " Whitehall Rand" and then " Electrokinetics" ( Martin Decker)in 1962-1965.

And you are right that that this was before the lift went beyond 100%. Beau Kitselman flew out to join Dad in Alexandria Virginia during the summer of 1960 and mentioned the activities of that summer in his booklet " Hello Stupid" which he published in 1962.

I am just mentioning this because that particular design. The " Adamski scout ship" was always a favorite of Dads. He drew it in his notebooks and of course had models built ( I am sure that you all have seen the pictures of the little one that he kept on his desk)

Many have wondered which came first. Adamskis sighting or Dads design. I think actually the jury may still be out on that one. Linda
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Post by Linda Brown »

correcting myself here. For some reason the edit section has dropped away from my screen ... You know of course that I meant that the drawing was done in 1955-56...... Linda
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still out there

Post by Griffin »

Hello Linda,

Yes, I agree. The jury is still out, and should be for lack of a more complete set of evidence. A new trial to include new evidence is needed. My book will include this new and, I believe, persuasive evidence regarding the Adamski Affair and related matters -- including your father's change of model types. At least one important item is officially corroborated, while most of the rest has to be conjectural although it is strongly circumstantial, IMO. There's a chain of circumstances involved that cannot be short-handed here. I've said before that the Adamski photographs came first and provided the design for your father's model change, as he himself stated to me. But my book will present the evidential weight that my statement lacks by itself.

I know I could borrow a phrase from the White Rabbit: "I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date! No time to say hello, goodbye! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!". That date is my book's completion, and somehow it keeps receding. Maybe it's the telescope. Things seem to keep popping out of other rabbit holes, too. But I still have my head and it hasn't exploded. Like everything else, time flows. Well, so do I -- and I'm on it.

As ever,

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Post by Langley »

FM No Static At All wrote:Ah, Mr. Langley such gems you have uncovered in the coals of propaganda. I beg you to review the works of Dr. Harold Aspden and his published books, Physics Without Einstein, Creation The Physical Truth, and also Physics Unified
It could be that the difference between matter and energy is this:
That mass is energy confined to a locus. Hence the importance of spin vectors in the description of the particles. How space inter acts with energy is crucial, it is dawning upon me, in understanding whats going on here.
The above is a copy of Fig. 23 taken from my book 'Physics Unified'. The grid lines are notional and represent a cubic lattice structure. Their significance is that their intersection points define the location of an aether lattice charge (the quon). A 3x3x3 cubic array of such charges form a 'photon unit' and will nudge the surrounding charge system at a frequency which is four times that of the spin of that photon unit.
Note that angular momentum Iw corresponds to energy E of Iw(c/2r) but that the rotation of a cube will disturb surrounding aether at a rate four times greater, because a cycle in the pulsation rate is completed for a 90 degree angle of rotation. Therefore the photon radiation frequency

I am going to sleep on this for a while. I have to dream on how the energy of thought plays a role in creation itself.
FM, I freak out with figures. However, I am very glad you understand it. I think we can take it that modern conventional thought holds that E and M are convertible. That one becomes the other. Even perhaps that they are the same stuff. But that though isnt really encouraged given that only form of the equation is widely publicised. The E = form. The M = isnt.

How it is that energy becomes mass is the question in my mind. How is it that particles result. And it seems it is to do with the fabric of space and the forces which imbude it. I doubt I will ever fully comprehend.
Victoria Steele
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Post by Victoria Steele »

The math amazes me and confounds me at the same time so I am glad that there is someone else out there who wants to investigate all of those math possibilities. Blessem all.

I just have a knack for noticing other strange things. Like. Did very many of you realize that this particular thread ( Notepad for random ideas) is just now a few days over two years old? Look at the number of pages we have generated during that time! 103? I don't know why that astounds me, but it does.

Maybe because most of the responses are so full of quality of the thoughts behind them and so lacking ( most of the time) in pettiness and flame throwing. I really have to admire that in a group and I guess now is as good a time as any to note what might seem obvious... we seem to beproven now generally to be a tolerant group. (Though I am sensing through this last exchange with rhull that the forum has its more prickly side too. That usually doesn't show up until tread upon. I am proud of that and curious to see what happens in the future.)

Rose says that we will probably have to get used to the approach of the "trolls" now and I love that thought. Come out, come out ... wherever you are! Come to challenge us!We will all learn alot from the exchange! I think this forum will conduct itself graciously but I doubt that we will fold at the lightest troll breath ... so come out , come out from under your bridges and lets see what you have to say. Victoria
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Post by htmagic »

Victoria Steele wrote:<SNIP>
I just have a knack for noticing other strange things. Like. Did very many of you realize that this particular thread ( Notepad for random ideas) is just now a few days over two years old? Look at the number of pages we have generated during that time! 103? I don't know why that astounds me, but it does.

Maybe because most of the responses are so full of quality of the thoughts behind them and so lacking ( most of the time) in pettiness and flame throwing. I really have to admire that in a group and I guess now is as good a time as any to note what might seem obvious... we seem to beproven now generally to be a tolerant group. (Though I am sensing through this last exchange with rhull that the forum has its more prickly side too. That usually doesn't show up until tread upon. I am proud of that and curious to see what happens in the future.)

Rose says that we will probably have to get used to the approach of the "trolls" now and I love that thought. Come out, come out ... wherever you are! Come to challenge us!We will all learn alot from the exchange! I think this forum will conduct itself graciously but I doubt that we will fold at the lightest troll breath ... so come out , come out from under your bridges and lets see what you have to say. Victoria

That's funny! But the more amazing thing is that we have over 15,643 posts as of this minute! And as you stated, it is amazing of some of the material that I have come across in this forum. I have looked at life in a new way as a result of this book and this forum. I now look for signs of the "Universal Consciousness" or the "Nervous System of the Cosmos". It is amazing what we can do as a group if we put our minds to it. These thoughts can create events and circumstances that we cannot explain as rational scientists. We need the "mythical bullsh*t" that Linda talks about and others. We are all connected...

Speeding through the Universe, thinking is the best way to travel ...
FM No Static At All
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Post by FM No Static At All »

Langley wrote:FM, I freak out with figures. However, I am very glad you understand it. I think we can take it that modern conventional thought holds that E and M are convertible. That one becomes the other. Even perhaps that they are the same stuff. But that though isnt really encouraged given that only form of the equation is widely publicised. The E = form. The M = isnt.

How it is that energy becomes mass is the question in my mind. How is it that particles result. And it seems it is to do with the fabric of space and the forces which imbude it. I doubt I will ever fully comprehend.
I am certainly no mathematician, but there are those among us who are and can grasp the equations and follow thrrough wit testing the postulations for validity.
Matter forms as the energy condenses, and it certainly involves spin. Thoughts are energy and as we think we place that energy into the universe where it becomes part of the creative force. The Aether is energy that can best be thought of akin to liquid crystal. It is fluid in the sense that even light can pass through it without measurable decrease in velocity (Michelson-Morley) Yes it can also seem solid, like a wall the holds a particle in its place.

It provides the equilibrium and balance of mass and energy as we know it. And as Dr. Brown discovered it also provides the gravity dynamics as well. In reading Dr. Aspden it can be understood that all of the forces can be unified by virtue of aether and its qualities.Just as there is strong and weak nuclear forces, gravity may be dual in nature as well. Gravitons and supergravitons are created via aether. That which binds particles into atoms and mass and that which holds us to the mass of the planet.

What is called strings in String Theory can be attributed to fluctuations withing the aether, constantly working to provide balance and create. Evidently it also has a frequency at which it resonates in its "steady" state. Tesla discovered that it was a very high frequency. The aether creates protons. It provides the forces of electromagnetism and electrogravity by virtue of its structure and qualities of resonance and spin. Yet it may be secondary to the primordial energy which created it.

Much of aether physics was abandoned with E=MC2 and Relativity. But just because you can make a bomb without considering it, does not imply it does not exist. Einstein never denied the existence of aether, he just did not consider it in his theories. But I truly feel that that was not a mistake on his part, but was deliberate.The aether factor contains the power of creation itself, and Einstein was a pacifist who knew that such knowledge would only enable destructive forces one can hardly imagine. And Atomic Bomb would be a mere firecracker compared to a device that could literally rip apart the fabric of matter.

And Ms. Brown, I have the notepad besides the bed. When I have such dreams I usually awaken and contemplate them as I have my coffee. Having written notes to refer to is most supportive of those contemplations. The hazelnut coffee helps a bit too.
Htmagic wrote:That's funny! But the more amazing thing is that we have over 15,643 posts as of this minute! And as you stated, it is amazing of some of the material that I have come across in this forum. I have looked at life in a new way as a result of this book and this forum. I now look for signs of the "Universal Consciousness" or the "Nervous System of the Cosmos". It is amazing what we can do as a group if we put our minds to it. These thoughts can create events and circumstances that we cannot explain as rational scientists. We need the "mythical bullsh*t" that Linda talks about and others. We are all connected...
Did you mean mystical BS? Actually I feel that yes, we are all connected and that mystical bullsh*t is just a label that those who cannot rationalize the idea of connectedness puts on it and separates it from part of physical science. Thoughts do create and collectively we are all creating individually and as a group.

"To be was inevitable, therefore we are. It begins with the realization of consciousness, the thought. And the first thought being, "I am." From the realization of self all things are possible.

Fred a.k.a.
FM - No Static At All
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Post by htmagic »


I just thought this was an interesting article. I'm reposting the entire article and the link as you know how things disappear on the web. wrote:
Champaign, IL — Now you see it, soon you might not, researchers at the University of Illinois say.

In computer simulations, the researchers have demonstrated an approximate cloaking effect created by concentric rings of silicon photonic crystals. The mathematical proof brings scientists a step closer to a practical solution for optical cloaking.

"This is much more than a theoretical exercise," said Harley Johnson, a Cannon Faculty Scholar and professor of mechanical science and engineering at Illinois. "An optical cloaking device is almost within reach."

In October 2006, an invisibility cloak operating in the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum was reported by researchers at Duke University, Imperial College in London, and Sensor Metrix in San Diego. In their experimental demonstration, microwave cloaking was achieved through a thin coating containing an array of tiny metallic structures called ring resonators.

To perform the same feat at much smaller wavelengths in the visible portion of the spectrum, however, would require ring resonators smaller than can be made with current technology, Johnson said. In addition, because metallic particles would absorb some of the incident light, the cloaking effect would be incomplete. Faintly outlined in the shape of the container, some of the background objects would appear dimmer than the rest.

To avoid these problems, postdoctoral research associate Dong Xiao came up with the idea of using a coating of concentric rings of silicon photonic crystals. The width and spacing of the rings can be tailored for specific wavelengths of light.

"When light of the correct wavelength strikes the coating, the light bends around the container and continues on its way, like water flowing around a rock," Xiao said. "An observer sees what is behind the container, as though it isn't there. Both the container and its contents are invisible."

Currently simulated in two dimensions, the cloaking concept could be extended to three dimensions, Xiao said, by replacing the concentric rings with spherical shells of silicon, separated by air or some other dielectric.

The researchers' optical cloaking technique is not perfect, however. "The wave fronts are slightly perturbed as they pass around the container," said Johnson, who also is affiliated with the university's Beckman Institute and the Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory. "Because the wave fronts don't match exactly, we refer to the technique as 'approximate' cloaking."

SOURCE: University of Illinois
Now given the fact that some of the metal particles will reflect the light and not be totally invisible, I suggest use of "transparent electronics" that can be made as clear as optical glass. Then there would be no problem and one could achieve invisibility at visual as well as microwave wavelengths.

So once this is done, I surmise that there can be cloaking performed on a ship or FTM to render it nearly transparent to visual and microwave frequencies (radar). So Mikado, maybe the FTM is real and you haven't seen it is because it was "cloaked"! Maybe we have all 'seen what is in plain sight' and couldn't recognize it as it is cloaked? :!:

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Post by Mikado14 »

htmagic wrote: So once this is done, I surmise that there can be cloaking performed on a ship or FTM to render it nearly transparent to visual and microwave frequencies (radar). So Mikado, maybe the FTM is real and you haven't seen it is because it was "cloaked"! Maybe we have all 'seen what is in plain sight' and couldn't recognize it as it is cloaked? :!:

What is happening is not what you talk about. I posted a picture a long time ago of one and you missed it except for one.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy
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Post by FM No Static At All »

htmagic wrote:Now given the fact that some of the metal particles will reflect the light and not be totally invisible, I suggest use of "transparent electronics" that can be made as clear as optical glass. Then there would be no problem and one could achieve invisibility at visual as well as microwave wavelengths.

So once this is done, I surmise that there can be cloaking performed on a ship or FTM to render it nearly transparent to visual and microwave frequencies (radar). So Mikado, maybe the FTM is real and you haven't seen it is because it was "cloaked"! Maybe we have all 'seen what is in plain sight' and couldn't recognize it as it is cloaked?
I did put this up a few pages ago, but since you brought it up here Image
CORVALLIS, Ore. - Researchers at Oregon State University have created the world's first completely transparent integrated circuit from inorganic compounds, another major step forward for the rapidly evolving field of transparent electronics.

The circuit is a five-stage "ring oscillator," commonly used in electronics for testing and new technology demonstration. It marks a significant milestone on the path toward functioning transparent electronics applications, which many believe could be a large future industry.

A report on the findings has been accepted for publication in a professional journal, Solid State Electronics. The research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, Army Research Office, and HP. Recently, OSU also licensed to HP the rights to market new products based on this work, which provides the university a partner to help scale-up and commercialize the technology.

"This is a quantum leap in moving transparent electronics from the laboratory toward working commercial applications," said John Wager, a professor of electrical engineering at OSU. "It's proof that transparent transistors can be used to create an integrated circuit, tells us quite a bit about the speeds we may be able to achieve, and shows we can make transparent circuits with conventional photolithography techniques, the basic patterning methods used to create electronics all over the world."

Collaborators on the work at OSU include Wager; Doug Keszler, professor and head of the OSU Department of Chemistry; Janet Tate, a professor of physics; and Rick Presley, who as a master's candidate in electrical engineering at OSU has been at the cutting edge of a new electronics industry.

Transparent electronics, scientists say, may hold the key to new industries, employment opportunities, and new, more effective or less costly consumer products. Uses could range from transparent displays in the windshield of an automobile to cell phones, televisions, copiers, "smart" glass or game and toy applications. More efficient solar cells or better liquid crystal displays are possible.
Seek and you shall find, ask and you shall receive!

Fred a.k.a.
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Re: NOTEPAD for RANDOM IDEAS - Capacitors and the Ark of the Cov

Post by htmagic »

Folks, I feel fortunate to have fallen down the rabbit hole and met the gang that hangs out in here. I finally met Neva and gave him (or her?) a hug as I scurried off in one of the rooms down here...

Thomas Townsend Brown got started in electrogravitics as a result of the Coolidge tube. This in essence was a asymmetric capacitor. Then I started thinking about other capacitors and what Mikado said that unified the triangle. Thanks man! I owe you some ribs for that one! I was scratching my head on that one and the hairs were falling out (and not being replaced!).

The Ark of the Covenant (AOC) is essentially a Leyden jar type capacitor. Its construction is described in the Bible and Eric von Daniken ( described some scientists that tried to recreate it and were forced to dismantle it as lightning bolts started flying around the lab as it collected a charge. The AOC is described in the Bible as being the 'mouthpiece of God' where he communicated to the high priest in the holy of holies on the Day of Atonement. So if we do have electrogravitic communication with the key component as a capacitor, it makes sense that the children of Israel could have been in communication with 'those topside' that said they are 'God'. And if that is true, I'm OK with that.

But I also learned that the AOC was not in the Middle East as suspected but in an unusual location far across the sea in a small emerald island which is reported to be one of the 10 lost tribes of Israel: ... reland.htm

Now it appears that Dr. Brown had a set that could operate on similar frequencies. So I wonder if with his machine he could pick up the signals of other communicators operating in that same frequency range? A receiver can be detected with proper instrumentation. Look at the radar detector detector that the cops in Virginia use. They have a detector that can detect if someone is using a radar detector "illegally" in their state. Same principle applies here. I wonder if he could detect the location of the Ark of the Covenant and if the Caroline group now has control of that item? If the AOC was safely hidden away until it was "rediscovered" by the children of Israel, this would give them the impetus to rebuild their Temple on the Mount (now occupied by a Muslim mosque).

Thoughts anyone, (especially from an Irish Mr. Twigsnapper)? :wink:

P.S. Did you feel the hounds would ever get there?
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Post by htmagic »

FM No Static At All wrote:
htmagic wrote:Now given the fact that some of the metal particles will reflect the light and not be totally invisible, I suggest use of "transparent electronics" that can be made as clear as optical glass. Then there would be no problem and one could achieve invisibility at visual as well as microwave wavelengths.

So once this is done, I surmise that there can be cloaking performed on a ship or FTM to render it nearly transparent to visual and microwave frequencies (radar). So Mikado, maybe the FTM is real and you haven't seen it is because it was "cloaked"! Maybe we have all 'seen what is in plain sight' and couldn't recognize it as it is cloaked?
I did put this up a few pages ago, but since you brought it up here Image
CORVALLIS, Ore. - Researchers at Oregon State University have created the world's first completely transparent integrated circuit from inorganic compounds, another major step forward for the rapidly evolving field of transparent electronics.


Transparent electronics, scientists say, may hold the key to new industries, employment opportunities, and new, more effective or less costly consumer products. Uses could range from transparent displays in the windshield of an automobile to cell phones, televisions, copiers, "smart" glass or game and toy applications. More efficient solar cells or better liquid crystal displays are possible.
Seek and you shall find, ask and you shall receive!

Thanks for the repost. Your article is exactly where I saw the transparent electronics. I just linked the two subjects together and came to that thought of how the cloaking could be done. It wouldn't be totally invisible as there would be a slight index of refraction for the glass but it would be close enough to avoid obvious detection and almost impossible to see while it was moving. If you knew where to look, you might see a slight distortion at the edge but your eyes could dismiss that just like the wavy lines on a hot desert road as the hot air rises from the pavement and the mirages you get there...

Speeding through the Universe, thinking is the best way to travel ...
Mr. Nice Guy
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Post by Mikado14 »

We need to make a call to Wonder Woman and she can tell us of her airplane.

Think she has a rest room on board?

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy