Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

"The Man Who Mastered Gravity" was published in March, 2023. Use this space to share your thoughts, comments, praise and/or cries of outrage.
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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Henry, I will certainly take a look at your Trickfox links later. Some I remember seeing, like Role Based Access Control, and thinking that it seemed similar to the Role Based Access Control Systems built into financial and other resource management software, but many of the other links passed me by.

Raymond was/is a sweet, sweet soul and I am honored to have one of his "psychopropulsiers."

Thank you for the additional information on Virginia McCulloch and Casolaro. What is called The Octopus is just one tentacle of the whole thing, but it is not one I am inclined toward, but if you are, Fred Alvarez's daughter once posted somewhere on one of the Townsend Brown forums, maybe this one, as "Desert Fae."

Last edited by Jan Lundquist on Tue Mar 12, 2024 5:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

Boy, we are getting far afield here... (or so it seems to this tired old rabbit-hunter).
Jan Lundquist wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 5:25 pm Fred Alvarez's daughter once posted somewhere on one of the Townsend Brown forums, maybe this one, as "Desert Fae."
It wasn't this one, a search produces only this post as a result.

If it was the 'Cosmic Token' we'll never know because that one has gone the way of the Dodo.

Mikado's 'Quonset Hut' is still online, but you can't search unless registered and... no, thanks.

But I did find it amusing that somebody has posted there back in January, though it does't look like anybody is paying any attention.

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear Jan,

Thank you for helping me understand the nature of that photo. I never realized that those guys where from East Germany. For some reason, I thought they where the French intelligence operatives who worked on proving the Biefield-Brown effect in Project Winterhaven...

Anyways, I have attempted to look on the Cosmic Token forum for the person you mentioned in connection with Trickfox.

I don't know if its just technical difficulties on my end, but I can't access the forum at all!

However, playing with the internet archive, I found this: ... um.php?f=1

And I can see the names of some of the posters and thread topics as well!

Something caught my eye and that is the user called "Grimalkin".

In Trickfox's "lesson_1.wmv" YouTube video, near the very end, he holds up his cat and says, "He says he wants to talk to Grimalkin"... (Minute 5:17 out of 5:46)

I had NO CLUE what that meant, but I guess now that little mystery has been solved!

I think also that there is a very good statistical chance that this Grimalkin person is the same one that you mentioned was being mentored by Trickfox? I see that the name "Peetee le Trickfox" is his handle on the Cosmic Token thread archived above... Do you remember if this is all right?

I believe it was with a user on this exact forum where Trickfox shared the entropy-reversing cooling probe design. When Mark Moody first introduced himself in the new member thread (the first time), Trickfox wrote THIS:


Quotes below...

So...Mr. Moody.... Is that a big toggle switch that you turn on to generate your high voltage instantaneously? What sort of short pulse electromagnetic frequencies are you emitting when you make those contacts close together? Do you have a radiation monitor or spectrum analyzer to guide your safe experimentation with high voltage transformers?

I have a Tektronics 496P so with the correct waveguides I could tell you if you are creating dangerous harmonics and a perhaps I could design a "Soft-Start Circuit" to eliminate your problems,.....But OH....You probably need the proper design for a multipurpose transformer and A pulse shaping electronic control circuit with an auto spark-quenching circuit hey?

How about calculating the force necessary to reach over unity?

Are you reversing the second law of thermodynamics? Sort-of pushing back ENTROPY ITSELF A BIT!!!

What if we decided to put on a REAL INTERESTING show of the energy control aspects of this High Voltage science?

What if I could turn off the center of a long light bulb filament while it shines red on both sides of the exact spot where I am cooling it. (Through the glass) What if the calculated and measured energy used to produce the high voltage of my cooling probe is lower than the energy required to keep the bulb lit.

Let me send you a link to some Private Data in a PM OK?



I am not sure that I understand your ASSERT program.
And I am wondering actually what connection this has with the work of Townsend Brown?
I will not PM you because I prefer the sort of up front nature of the forum here and don't want to get too much going on in the background but I have to say that I don't really understand your .... (tough word to use and please accept it in the gracious way I mean to express it).....agenda .... in posting all of this. I understand that this program is sort of your intellectual baby from the looks of it.

I get a little confused though. Won't you need the complete support of the National Reconnaisance Office? They are the one that controls most of the communication satellites. Or do you envision a private group that could do all of this? This is a major security program from what little I understand of it and even though you take pains to keep it from seeming sinister there is something worrysome and " Big Brotherish" about it.

Its tough to look hard at a program that obviously you have spent a lot of time in ... but where are you actually going with this and what are your expectations? Especially in regards to Townsend Brown. I know that there must be a link up here somewhere. Its future thinking for sure ....... MarkC



So I've omitted the long stretch where Trickfox describes his "ASERT" protocol, which I have noted already is simply the RBAC method but mixed with the technologies of Michael Riconosciuto and Thomas Townsend Brown... Also I would like to note that I am assuming that this "Mark Culpepper" account belongs to Mark Moody and the quote above is his own response...

I think that "Puzzle Palace" book that Trickfox mentioned might contain more clues into his invention but I cannot access it on Amazon or Google Books...

I remember very distinctly when the Cosmic Token forum was open. There where some threads related to The Octopus on there. But then all of the text of each comment was removed and the threads where empty blank skeletons. Somebody was definitely messing around with it. I only saw that thanks to the r/TownsendBrown subreddit where someone posted about Kitselman and said that he advanced the math of orthogonal functions in some way. They also posted a direct link to that Cosmic Token thread and back then the whole thing worked smoothly. I noted that Trickfox also worked on mathematics using orthogonal functions, but probably in a different capacity then Kitselman... Sadly, I spent about 5 minutes on that forum and gave up, foolishly thinking I could return later if I needed anything else...

I researched into Kitselman more after that and found this website:

Note this quote here regarding his work again:

"1960-78 research, lecturing and publishing (as before). Study in field of electrohydrodynamics (based on work of T. Townsend Brown, Oliver Heaviside and Sir James Jeans) with a view to identifying GRAVITY as a second-order dielectric phenomenon, development of continuum transmission as a means of making predictions, computing motion of pipe hanging 18,000 feet in Mohole Project, (*) computing osmosis processes, etc."

I wonder what the author means by "identify"?

Anyway, I know that Robert Booth Nichols owned a ranch out in Kingman, Arizona. Two men, Fritz Werner (1953) and Bill Uhouse (1963), both described a UFO incident there, I think exactly on the property that Nichols later bought. Uhouse described the exact same incident as Werner, but ten years later, wherein he said the crashed saucer was examined by him at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base...

That weirdly dovetails with Paul's post on here:

... Do you know if Kitselman or Brown had any involvement with any of the Arizona saucer legends???
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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

One again, that's an awful lot to unpack in a single post... for now, just this:

Henry_Yang wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 6:50 am Anyway, I know that Robert Booth Nichols owned a ranch out in Kingman, Arizona. Two men, Fritz Werner (1953) and Bill Uhouse (1963), both described a UFO incident there, I think exactly on the property that Nichols later bought. Uhouse described the exact same incident as Werner, but ten years later, wherein he said the crashed saucer was examined by him at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base...

That weirdly dovetails with Paul's post on here:
Correction: I didn't post that, that's one of Jan's.

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Jan Lundquist »


Grimalkin was another cat loving poster, not the math student I mentioned earlier. Mark Culpepper and Mark Moody are not the same individuals. As a young teen, Mark Moody corresponded with Brown toward the very end of his life, and, I believe, has continued his BB research independently throughout the years.

Bill Uhouse spoke of the Kingman AZ UFO incident. Harry Drew spoke and wrote about it, adding many details (but no aliens) to the story. It appeared to me, from a letter I once saw and knowing a bit about how the "family code" worked, that Townsend was also in the area around that time. The seemed even more likely to me, after Drew found out that three experimental radar stations "just happened" to be operating in the area on the evening of the crash(es).

I think you mentioned The Skinwalker Ranch, earlier. It is in Nevada, and though I have never mapped it, I have wondered if it is anywhere near the Pyramid Lake Ranch, once owned by the Kitselman family and operated as a dude ranch for folks wanting quick Nevada divorces. Linda's husband George, who knew Beau from his visits to Catalina, told me that he (Beau) wanted to turn the ranch into a hippie retreat where folks could trip on the psychedelics of their choosing, but his wife and mom shut that idea down quickly.

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Re: Remembering Trickfox – the psychopropulsier.

Post by Jan Lundquist »

I was still a forum newbie, when Trickfox began his psycopropulsier project. He was looking for testers and I contacted him and volunteered, perhaps through this forum or perhaps through his website.

Linda brought the device to me during our first f2f meeting.

It is an electronic circuit packaged in a 2" round metal pillbox, similar to the one shown here. ... metal-pill

The device was supposed to deliver a buzz alert the owner to the significant "power moments" during the day, and the user would therefore be able to maximize the energetic benefits. For the most part, the buzz seemed random, but I do recall that mine was noticeably more active when I was on my way to a presentation given by a Chi Gong master at the Institute for MentalPhysics in Joshua Tree.

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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

Henry_Yang wrote: Sun Mar 10, 2024 11:17 am I was always under the misconception that the Farnsworth fusor achieved fusion through heat, which accelerated the electrons, and then the main electrode confined them to the center of the cage, wherein they where forced on a single trajectory that forced them to collide and get smashed apart, generating even more heat and etc...
Henry, I sincerely appreciate your interest in the fusor and how it works. I have been reviewing some recent correspondence with Richard Hull, who is basically the Den Mother to the Cub Scouts, and though we were discussing something else he offered up this explanation of how a fusor works:
Richard Hull wrote:The fusor is a hot fusion device! It involves high velocity probabilistic collisions in velocity space. This means a million little individual hot fusion events where the quantum tunneling is supported in a relatively cold mixed accelerated deuteron plasma with a hail of fast and slow neutral deuterium atoms. The probability of fusion in a well done fusor is known to be non-zero via quantum tunneling.
Henry_Yang wrote: Sun Mar 10, 2024 11:17 amIf heat is just a byproduct, then you are absolutely correct that electrostatic cooling is a viable method of removing that byproduct and protecting the fusor at that.
I don't think you're entirely off the mark. So far as I know (which is honestly not a lot compared to what Richard knows from first hand experience) when current is applied to the cathode it does warm up to the point that it emits electrons, much as the cathode in any conventional vacuum tube emits electrons by getting 'hot.' But at this point in the process we are not talking about 'super hot' as in solar-level plasma temperatures.

Much of what gets written about fusion comes from the perspective of the tokamak or laser approach, i.e. the imperative to create a hot plasma and contain it. They make a big deal of it when some new temperature threshold is reached. But this is the experimental environment where fusion is induced by external forces.

The elegance of the fusor, as I understand it, is that it concentrates the particles in a way to causes fusion (as Richard infers in the paragraph above) and that generates the super hot temperatures at the very center of the reactive core, but not very far beyond.

Frankly it's a wonder to me that they keep spending billions to try to 'wrap hot jello in rubber bands' - when the fusor so clearly demonstrates that there is a way to get the 'jello' to wrap itself.

I hope that offers more clarity (as opposed to more confusion).

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Paul, do you know if Farnsworth ever left a device hidden in a cave in the desert?

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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

Jan Lundquist wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 6:38 pm Paul, do you know if Farnsworth ever left a device hidden in a cave in the desert?
Uh, no, that's a new one for me.

Now whaddya got??

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Nope, just a trickle down, story from Linda. (Sis, if you are reading, please correct me on any of these "I remember" jaunts, if I misquote, or misunderstood.)

I don't know why I think the perpetrator was Farnsworth, not Townsend, but I do. The device was supposedly he worked on that humans were not ready for.

Cut to MentalPhysics, early oughts, long before Linda and I met. For an introduction to the place, see

The Astrologer and I were friends with Paul Burkett, the last of the founder's original disciples from LA, before the purchase of the Joshua Tree property in 1941. Dingle Me did so at the urging of his friend Yogananda who had a retreat center here. Their mutual friend Ernest Holmes visited both places.

Paul was with Dingle Me the day he bought the land, and with him, often as the center was being constructed. He once mentioned that Dingle Me told him there was a cave on the property that he had closed, and that it would be opened when the time is right.

So, of course when I heard Linda's story I wondered if Dingle Me had provided the cave for Farnsworth? Did Farnsworth ever visit the high desert?

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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear Paul,

I was trying to find a quote from Trickfox regarding the TTBrown loudspeaker, which you posted pictures on your website of in 2005:

Anyway, at first I couldn't find the quote, leading to me picking up a bunch of other ones. Now I might as well dump the whole list on this thread. The original one I wanted initially is at the very end of the list, which is the from the order in which I tracked it down.

Anyway, Trickfox wanted to reverse entropy with this technology. He added a Bragg cell into the scheme, which is a device that release on a quartz crystal and its oscillations through sound waves.

He mentions quartz again in conjunction with the sidereal radiation of the moon. The oscillations change due to the outside gravity effect.

When he posts a picture of the cooling probe part (not yet applied to the Bragg cell) you can see the image link ends in METC...

METC? As in the Modular Energy Transfer Catalyzer used in explosives??? Or as in the Multiple Explosives Transitional Container???????

Why the #### did Michael Riconosciuto name BOTH of these things with the same ####ing acroynm?

Ok, let's assume Trickfox posted an image of the Modular Energy Transfer Catalyzer. The link is dead and the image is gone so we forever have to assume this.

So Trickfox applies this particular METC to the quartz and reverses thermodynamics. And then claims the technology is essentially the same as the Brown loudspeaker.

Look at the last quote regarding this speaker. He says that the wave angles are shifted out of order. Does this mean that the waveform has an entirely new geometry? Or carries new forces? Perhaps the enigmatic Biefield-Brown force???

Anyway, I've been trying to connect this with the Farnsworth Fusor, but I believe that they can only be loosely connected through plasmas. Perhaps the loudspeaker device can stabilize plasmas or ionic wind discharges in ways that can be ultimately useful for fusion? If only we knew what Trickfox was getting at with that...

Now begin Trickfox quote list (this is like the third time I have done this, lol)..........
Thr cooling Probe used on Bragg cell chanalizers presents a much more useful apppication of this high voltage control technology. There are several dozen novel applications planned but the most important to me personally is the possibility of temporarilly reversing the second laws of thermodynamics to cause a truely strange time manipulation process. I call it "looping the singularity".

viewtopic.php?p=16666&hilit=bragg+cell& ... 44c#p16666

I find it interesting that there is some very basic technology at work here but unlike what I've been looking at recently, -all of it is far from being related to computers and artificial intelligence. In fact most of the science revolves around what the mind itself can do with a little help from external stimuli. for example Psycho-active drugs, hemi-synch devices, and several other psychotronic gadgets which may also include T.T. Brown type "electrostatic speakers" generating supersonic and subsonic frequencies slightly out of phase from orthogonal angles.

He's right about everything Mikado. The only thing he has not said anything about is "the origin" of the EMF force and it's directivity with relationship to the phase angle of the planar surface and passive or parametric values "inductive and capacitive reactance". In a sea of EMf noise we call the universal background radiation, how does one single bipolar junction sort "information" out from the rest of the background and manmade cacophony of frequencies. Perhaps, The answer lies in the reaction of heterogenic organic dielectric materials themselves.. Just a shot in the dark for me....

With all due respect to Mark Bean, Mikado, Gregg Vizza, Richrd Hull, and others, PLAYING with high voltage corona discharges and demonstrating "lifters" is child's play compared to some of the science research which I may, or may not have been involved in. (I'm still qualifying is as a "maybe" since I was only allowed to witness the results of the "exotic communication devices", and I never witnessed any of the other dangerous "STUFF" as Morgan would say.) "In the rear..with the gear"...... "treated like a mushroom"...."a magic Mule perhaps?" finding out YEARS later that my superiors were caught up in a lot of political skulldugerry. ( it's a sore spot that I'm trying to forget)

The quartz oscillator assembly was located at the Bell Telephone Laboratories at the time of these experiments. The four ring crystals in their individual temperature-controlled 'ovens' are mounted under hermetically sealed bell jars to avoid the effects of ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure changes. The vacuum tube oscillator circuits are immediately below the bell jars; and the control, monitoring and power supply equipment in the remainder of the space.

One of the most interesting results of these cooperative experiments was the measurement of a periodic variation in the rate of the pendulum clocks in phase with the lunar daily cycle. The amount of this daily variation is very small, being only a few tenths of a millisecond, but readily observable in comparison with a stable rate standard that does not vary with gravity.


Peter Wright was England's best acoustic intercept specialist to ever write on the subject in public. I was stunned by his technical descriptions of using a simple long wire as a microphone. He was a master at translating sound into electronic signals. There is no doubt that such a person would have had connections with the lab mentioned in this post. All of this is technically close to Dr. Brown's own work on gravity and acoustics by way of the famous speaker/fan/otherdevice.

Here is the Trickfox version of the "cookie cooling" T.T. Brown fan:


The information about how to change reality is hidden and twisted into the curle of a vector function which describes the scalar of the field.


Ok.... so.... if you visit the above site, be advised that you are leaving cookies on that person's server. He is none other than an Ex Leutenant Colonel of the Army Psyops division. The man has a Phd in philosophy so he's not a novice folks. He also claims the tittle of High Priest in the Temple of Set, which has been compared to Anton LaVey's Church of Satan. In fact Dr. Aquino has admitted picking up the mandate from the Church of Satan. I have read everything this man has written. It was very informative and revealing and it clealy helped me to understand the principle mentality of secret societies and how they make use of hedonism, sexuality, and psychological effects brought on by drugs, and Psychotronic devices. Aquino's MINDWAR document ( an official US army publihed abstract) is very revealing in that it makes reference to equipment resembling electric field generation devices and high voltage generators. Once these high voltage Fields are modulated (in a similar fashion as Dr. Brown's speaker)with a subsonic delta or theta wave generator, they are capable of producing definitive effects on the human mind at a distance (and without the subject being aware of it). At a recent mentalist's demonstration five subjects were told to sit quietly in a row of chairs. Each of them holding a key which was given to them by the mentalist. There was a padlock hanging from a chain directly in front of them. only one of them had the correct key to open the lock and the five test subjects were told to sit quietly until one of them had a definate urge to get up and unlock the padlock. The five individuals sat quietly for a full five minutes before one of them finally jumped up and exclaimed that he knew for sure that he was the person with the correct key. Of course that feeling was carefully directed to his head with a focus high voltage field which has subsonic phase modulated theta and delta waves in it.

I assure you that this kind of experience is very real and there is a Dr. Persimger up here in Canada who has been trying to experiment with solenoid coils located in certain strategic areas on the head. I ordered the coil kit and started to experiment myself however I never obtained the same results as the effects we created using a modulated version of Dr. Brown's fan. We raised earth ground with a 50 Kv power supply modulated by a $10,000.00 Makintosh Tube amps. The "Ramsters" never got over that one.

The trickfox no longer plays with such toys, however a valuable lesson was learned at the time. Those high voltage arcs have a way of creapimg up on you and zapping you real well if you are not carefull and the room air gets a little more humid than it should.

Bottom line here is that shitzophrenia is a totally subjective experience in a universe of unknown powers and secret societies.

Trickfox :twisted:

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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear Jan,

Thank you for sharing the information about the psychopropulseur device. Trickfox said he gave them out to three people on an old post here, but never really said who.

If you have more details to share about its internal operation, I would love to here about that also. Trickfox said that he used Gallium Arsenide in the early designs, and considered a Porazzo transducer as well. Turns out that the Porazzo transducers where not all they where cracked up to be, and the company that made them was sued for fraud.

I've sorted through many of his old comments and believe the device had something to do with what the Russians called the Bioplasma theory, in which p-n semiconductor junctions are related to the thermodynamics of all the ions inside of us. These free ions supposedly made a plasma. A very new age idea in line with hippie beliefs and most consider it pseudoscience.

IDK how he designed the circuits but it would be very very cool if they indeed operated on a quantum principle like that...
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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Henry, we are going through our Swedish Death Cleaning phase. I love to say that, because it sounds ultra dramatic, but it is what happens as folks reach their mid-seventies or so, with a collected life time of possessions that their kids will be left to deal with after they are gone. As I go through this process, I am sure I will come across the Psychopropulsier. When I do, if I can open it without damaging it, I will take some pictures of the circuit for you.

I thought it might have operated as a random number generator, with a buzzer triggered by non-random trends, but would love to know more about it.

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Re: Remembering Trickfox – and Threads from The Old Forums

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear Jan,

Having a photograph of the mysterious circuit would be absolutely wonderful! And I could give a much better evaluation of the technology with a clear shot of what it looks like. Thank you so much for your kind offer to share it!

Dear Everyone,

I have found more reasons why I think Raymond Lavas wanted a Bragg cell to experiment with. Quartz is perhaps a special material to observe electrostatic heat transfers in. Initially, the experiments where done in porous surfaces. Never really did anyone think to use a nonporous surface aka glass!

Heat-transfer enhancement with electric fields
by KG Kibler, HG Carter

"We have studied the enhancement of heat transfer in gases by inhomogeneous electric fields in some detail'. Our results show that this effect, which, for convenience we call electrocooling, is simply an ionic drag phenomenon (that is, the electric wind of Chattock) in which the convective heat transfer coefficient is proportional to the fourth root of the induced corona current."

Here Kibler did not use a nonporous surface and it was up to Michael Riconosciuto to try it for the first time.

"Electrostatic Cooling: Science Fact or Fiction?"
by Michael Riconosciuto

"There was a major DOD/DARPA interest in the capability to athermalize the materials in high power laser optical components. This is the reason that most of my proof of principle research was conducted with laser grade optical materials. One of the first thoughts that struck me when experimenting with the wing pin welding process was that the bulk thermal transport effects appeared to violate Joule's law of heat flow. This prompted me to obtain a large slab of IR-TRAN-2 laser glass. For experimental purposes I had numerous thermocouples imbedded throughout the bulk of the glass slab. I placed this slab of glass on the surface of a laboratory type hot plate. The heating top of this hot plate was only one inch thick. I had it drilled out to place numerous thermocouples throughout its' bulk. I also took the heating coil element from a kitchen type hot plate and mounted it in a custom case. This case had provisions for the use of both contact thermocouples and a view port on the underside for the thermograph. Both of the hot plates were powered through an isolation transformer, and the temperature regulated by a Variac. A series of experiments were conducted with different electrode configurations and grounding arrangements. It was determined experimentally that by "appropriate modulation" of the high voltage field that the electrostatic heat transfer effect could be enhanced by several orders of magnitude. The voltage and current inputs to the hot plate and the voltage and current supplied to the electrostatic cooling probes were monitored during all the experiments. The uniformity of the bulk cooling effect was immediately confirmed by repeated experimental demonstrations. Measurements of radiated and convected heat flow away from the glass slab did not come anywhere near accounting for the BTU loss required for the temperature drop of the slab. The total heat dissipation actually measured in the experimental set-ups could not be immediately reconciled with the Second Law of thermodynamics, Joule's Law and Fourier's theorems on heat flow, and the Conservation laws of physics. Additional theoretical work had to be performed."

IR-TRAN-2 laser glass was the first non-porous surface to be used and Michael Riconosciuto was able to get access to a large slab of it from either Hercules research or the Cabazons. I don't think these same materials where available to Kibler or to most researchers at the time at all.

Now Trickfox likened the whole thing to TTBrown's loudspeaker. There is a similar patent to a similar device from a Dr. David M. Tombs in the UK in 1955.

Massless Speakers Part 3
Dr. D.M. Tombs and the Corona Wind Loudspeaker, 1955

"The physical basis for this loudspeaker is the ion or corona wind effect. It could be considered a true ionic or ion loudspeaker, as there is a corona discharge plasma produced (seen as tiny points of light on the electrodes) but the main effect is that of ions being driven through the air from a high voltage potential and colliding with air molecules. A more recent study also suggests that electrons may have a direct effect (Nature 2018). One of the primary promises of this technology over plasma is that it can be made to produce frequencies over the full audio spectrum. It lends itself to using multiple points (or wires) to create more surface area and therefore can move more air allowing lower frequencies to be produced than plasma tweeters. The major disadvantage would be ozone gas creation, for which it is very efficient."

Back to the ionic wind explanation, which Michael Riconosciuto effectively dismissed with his glass experiments. Quoting from RexResearch again...

"The analysis and understanding of the electrostatic cooling effect was accomplished by starting with a series of obvious experimental measurements in order to lead to the complex mathematical physics principles that were anything but obvious. The initial analysis of the numbers for the operation of the wing pin welding process (less the 20 watts power to the electrostatic probes) would lead one to suspect a violation of the second law of thermodynamics is being claimed here. The control of such a large amount of thermal energy in and around the weld zone and throughout the bulk of the wing pin, with less than 20 watts of electrical power, is a very fantastic claim. However, it is no less fantastic than the postulated explanation given by Dr. Kibler, the senior scientist for General Dynamics, attributing this phenomenal rate of heat transfer to a "electric wind"."

So Trickfox agreed that the effect was not ionic wind but that these would only ever become evidence with quartz. I know Bragg cells don't ALWAYS use quartz but I think it is a good assumption that the standard quartz versions are the ones he wanted.

This may be related to his statements about orthogonal functions and the Phasorphone device, which was forcibly classified by the NSA in 1977. If I can find that book he mentioned in his comments, Puzzle Palace, then I will bring that content immediately back to the forum on here. It's an old book though, so I think my library may not likely have it...
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