Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

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Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Post by Trickfox »

I appreciate everything you wrote thus far Nate. Your material seems more pertinent than a lot of the pasted conspiratorial nonesense we all hve contributed over the years. You are correct of course. If any of the material you have founds shows an active participation by Dr. Brown, then it deserves to be posted in this forum. I'm speaking on behalf of myself at this point however please wait for Linda and Paul to give you their opinions as well.

The psychopropulsier (as pointed out in the book The Good-bye man by Linda Brown and Jan Lofton) is a Quantum entanglement project under development using Quantum Junctions. Join us at
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Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Post by natecull »

You are correct of course. If any of the material you have founds shows an active participation by Dr. Brown, then it deserves to be posted in this forum.
That's just the problem -- it doesn't. If there were clear links it would be easy. Hence my frustration, really, and I'm probably venting improperly. It's material that's a couple of connections away, and *might* show patterns, but then again might not. It would be nice to have a place to gather it all *somewhere* but where, I'm not sure.
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Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Post by Linda Brown »


If I could hug you right now , I would.

I know this is hard. We are dealing with something here that does not play by all of the standard rules and yet somehow it reaches out and inspires all of us on an individual basis ... then it sometimes seems to just " leave us hanging" with unanswered questions and with golden threads that seem so important to us but for some reason we just can not get others to see and appreciate. I got into a WHOLE lot of trouble with Paul once because I used the phrase " Can't you SEE it? " just once too many times for his current frame of reference. He thought that I was belittling him or perhaps talking down to him but that wasn't the case at all ( as I hope he understands now). My comments were borne out of pure frustration that what information had collected ( almost uncontrolled ) in my head just was not finding an outlet that accepted it or even saw it. So I know exactly what you mean in your message above .... where is the person who will direct the traffic? Thats the most mysterious thing about this process. There is no traffic cop. It makes it all pretty harrowing but thats the truth of it. The best we can do is sort of hope that we can steer the information into some sort of lane system!

Heck ...Even thats not the whole description of the way all of this seems to work. There are those damned "park and ride" lots where the car gets left while the passenger hops a fast moving train in another direction. But we all love that car!!! We want it to get into the city too! But thats just not the way it works. Some material just has to wait til later!

Sometimes WONDERFUL THINGS that have been "inspired" and brought up here on the forum just barely even get a nod of recognition. Then they just seem to drive off and park in a corner of our private little parking lot here. Like the Lear Steam Car. THERE WAS A REASON THAT WAS BROUGHT UP ..... but , trust me ... the timing is just not right for the moment. WAIT FOR IT. Sometime in the future some other person will haul new material in here and all of a sudden someone will say ..." but we have talked about that already!" and BOOM here comes the driver finally to take the car into the city ... now that there is a need for it and parking space maybe ...I think that you all understand. Its all a matter of time and only time will really tell the whole story.

Just so that you know that you are not alone ... hugs .... Linda
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Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Post by Linda Brown »

The hug extends to you too of course Trickfox. Fond memories of someone very dapper in his black suit .... poppy in his lapel ... and tennis shoes. More fun than I have had in a very long time!! ... I remember .... hugs again. Linda
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Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Post by AM2 »

Last edited by AM2 on Sat Nov 29, 2008 8:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
Linda Brown
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Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Post by Linda Brown »


I am not that familiar with your " Captain Trips". Perhaps Paul has heard of him. I cannot speak for any knowledge that Mr. Twigsnapper may or may not have. I would guess, seeing the period involved that he probably has had some passing dealings with the man perhaps.

This is indeed an interesting quote, I have noted the <g> behind it so my comments are in that vein
"Or is it simply that our mysterious Irishman is embarrassed to admit tripping with the original "Captain Trips" in the wild 60's <g>?"
Remember the old saying about the sixties ... especially the " hippy era" ... If you remember it .... You probably were not there."

My impression though even though you didn't even ask me?) Mr. Twigsnapper was a little busy with other things at the time ( putting Morgan in a better mindset ( that of survival) being one of them ..." running" operatives of such quality as Charles Miller and perhaps Helen Towt earlier on .... shuttling between the states and the Bahamas and then San Francisco and London and points everywhere else.... If there was anything he did during that time there might be PLENTY he would not want to talk about but ... I don't think that drug use or embarassment has anything to do with it.)

I have to go for awhile but I am not really entirely finished with this thread of conversation other than to say that .... YES... perhaps there were also plenty of moments that information was kept from sticky fingers. Linda
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Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Post by Linda Brown »


You said
"Ms. Brown, you have described the current situation regarding the material gathered at this forum very accurately. Unfortunately you forgot or deliberately omitted an important fact. Some subjects are being intentionally ignored or attention being diverted from them. I am not talking about politics or some tinfoil theories on how aliens will come and have us all for dessert in 2012 (or will they, Mr. Twigsnapper <g>?) . I am referring to topics like Dr. Beckwith's work, Dr. Corum's ideas, the original "Captain Trips", Dr. Willis Harman, etc. When any of these subjects is being raised, then certain members of our forum behave like a skunk farted in an elevator and then silently hopped away on the next floor. There is admittedly a lot of disinformation present, but I doubt that it is the main reason for avoiding these topics."

SO. Your question is? Linda
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Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Post by AM2 »

Last edited by AM2 on Sat Nov 29, 2008 8:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
Linda Brown
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Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Post by Linda Brown »

I figured I was being baited.
No problem.
For myself ... the names you mention are not personally known to me. That does not mean that I may not have met these men .... but to my concious knowledge no bells are ringing.

You ask what connections my Dad would have had with them and of course I see many possible crossovers which need more research ..... I know that Dad had connections with some at SRI. I know personally that he had an interest in the remote viewing project that was being developed there , as well as some work being done on plants ( run begonia, run very far away <g>)

Noetic is a word I associate with DeChardin. But beyond smothering an impulse to go up to the Novato area to check the current situation out ... I have not that much knowledge of what they are all about.

So I am not much help but I still think that you have uncovered a VERY fertile field here, especially when you start touching on comments that really do look like " fingerprints of the Caroline Group" Especially when you run across the comment " Two angels". Been well established through our research anyway that most "Caroline operations" are run in groups of two.

Another question? Happy to help but please help me keep on course. Oh, you asked about who had an interest in Egypt before I got the ring. That would have been me. I was a fanatic. ( Mainly because I had been having some very interesting dreams about a " girl walking down a pier..." I may have already told Paul about this ... if not ... it was what kicked me off in this interest and during the time I was about 9 to 12 I read everything I could get my hands on about the ancient civilizations of Egypt. My grandmother Brown had travelled there as a young girl and I had some of her notes and a picture of her on an Egyptian donkey and that just tickled me to death for some reason ... anyway ... Dad knew about that ... also knew that I had had this vision of a pure black horse the day before she was brought into our lives ... so I guess after he bought me that particular mare he figured it was time to also give me that ring. It was old when he gave it to me.... that was the charm and the magic of it. Linda
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Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Post by AM2 »

Last edited by AM2 on Sat Nov 29, 2008 8:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Post by natecull »

"Captain Trips" is an interesting figure in the whole drugs/psi/intelligence underworld (and especially the music industry and pop culture from the 1960s). I may have posted this link before:

These guys are coming from the "MKULTRA survivor" mythos, which is a rabbit hole perhaps one hop away from Townsend Brown (there's at least one possible link through the writings of Stan Deyo, with his claims of Air Force hypno-learning in the 1960s and his association with one of the Maxfield brothers from Navy atomic medicine who he claims was also involved in MKULTRA: ) Neither of those allegations have come anywhere near being proven, though, as far as I know.
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Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Post by Linda Brown »

AM the best of my knowledge ... it was Dads idea.

The only other strange connection there might have been at that exact time was that Dad was working hand in hand with Agnew Bahnson at the time and I understand that he had a ring that he considered special to him. ( Correct me if I am wrong here , those of you reading this and knowing more about it... but didn't Agnew have a special ring he claimed had been given to him by the " Brothers". Now I never knew anything about it and Dad and I never talked about it and I have no real idea what it was that Mr. Bahnson meant by : The Brothers" but given the time and his association with Adamski, I can only guess.

But as far as I was concerned it was just a ring that meant something to him ... and he gave it to me so that it could meant something to me on one of the most important days of my 12 year old life ... the purchase of my first horse. Linda
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Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Post by kevin.b »

Linda Brown wrote:AM the best of my knowledge ... it was Dads idea.

The only other strange connection there might have been at that exact time was that Dad was working hand in hand with Agnew Bahnson at the time and I understand that he had a ring that he considered special to him. ( Correct me if I am wrong here , those of you reading this and knowing more about it... but didn't Agnew have a special ring he claimed had been given to him by the " Brothers". Now I never knew anything about it and Dad and I never talked about it and I have no real idea what it was that Mr. Bahnson meant by : The Brothers" but given the time and his association with Adamski, I can only guess.

But as far as I was concerned it was just a ring that meant something to him ... and he gave it to me so that it could meant something to me on one of the most important days of my 12 year old life ... the purchase of my first horse. Linda
Ask Descartes,
Leibniz recognised , & 4'8'6'20'12 that was left to the G.F.R.C
The BROTHERHOOD of the rosy cross, which mr twigsnapper asked what I knew about, a lot now, thanks to Magus Incognito.
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Re: Secrets of the Aether, The Aether Physics Model

Post by Junglelord »

Check this link Kevin. ... 898#p20898

My quest to identify geometry of nature and to relate structure and function with a proper understanding of natural process and fractal relationships is missing something in modern math. APM showed me what I had been looking for since about the year 1996, a quantum structure system based on pi and phi and e. I found this Harmony Mathematics to be a natural extension of that thought process. Cheers.
Concept of the Harmony Mathematics
The golden ratio along with the numbers of pi and e have to occupy the prominent place in mathematics.
Thus, the neglect of the golden section and the harmony idea is one more strategic mistake not only mathematics but also theoretical physics. This mistake originated a number of other strategic mistakes in the mathematics development.

Concept of the Harmony Mathematics

The humanity became aware of a long time that it is the participant and the witness of huge number of different "worlds" surrounding it. And their own laws act in every from the "worlds". First of all there are the "mechanical world" and the "astronomical world" where "Newton's gravitation laws" act, the "electromagnetic world" where "Maxwell' equations" act, the world of "living nature", the world of "information", the world of "business", the "social world", the world of the "Art" and so on.

And the human science created the corresponding mathematical theories adapted very well to modeling of processes flowing in that or another "world". And this was the answer of mathematics to the "social need". The calculus created for modeling the "movement processes" and "gravitation laws" of mechanical objects was the brightest example of this. The electromagnetic theory created by Maxwell for modeling of the electromagnetic processes is the other brightest example.

We have described in our Museum a big number of examples where Fibonacci numbers and golden section play an important role. And the botanic phenomenon of phyllotaxis is the brightest example of this. And there arises a question: possibly there exist some "Fibonacci's world" subjected to Fibonacci numbers and golden section? Most likely the world of plants, animals and the man as the biological object is "Fibonacci's one". Recently the Ukrainian architect Oleg Bodnar showed that the geometry of living nature is the hyperbolic one. At that the growth processes are subjected to the hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions (we will tell about Bodnar' discovery more in detail). But possibly is the "world of business" the "Fibonacci world" too? And the highly unusual investigations of the American scientist Ralf Elliott ("Elliott's Waves") confirms this.

And like to the fact that the investigation of the "movement problem" brought into creation of the calculus, the most important mathematical apparatus of modern mathematics, and the investigation of the electromagnetic phenomena brought into the "Maxwell's equations", the modern scientific discoveries based on Fibonacci numbers and golden section demand on development of the corresponding mathematical apparatus adequate to the studying physical phenomena.

We showed in our Museum that the Fibonacci numbers theory was supplemented recently by some new mathematical results (the generalized Fibonacci numbers following from Pascal Triangle, the generalized golden ratios, the hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions being the extension of Binet's formulas to continues domain and so on). The algorithmic measurement theory being the generalization of Fibonacci "weighing problem" and also Bergman's number system and its generalization, "Codes of Golden Proportion", which, in essence, is the new number definition, play a special role in Fibonacci's field. These new mathematical results extend the topic of Fibonacci numbers theory and demand on systematisation of these new Fibonacci directions in the framework of some general idea. And just such attempt to systematize the different "Fibonacci's theories" was made by Prof. Stakhov in his lecture "The Golden Section and Modern Harmony Mathematics" delivered by him at the Seventh International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications (Austria, Graz, July 1996).

The hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions are the heart of the new phyllotaxis geometry (Bodnar's geometry), which presents by itself the brilliant confirmation of the effectiveness of the Fibonacci and Lucas hyperbolic functions for simulation of biological processes.

Thus it follows from this consideration at least two important modern applications of the Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio theory namely:

Simulation of biological processes (Bodnar's geometry).
New computer theory (Fibonacci and "golden" computers).

As is well known the classical mathematical analysis based on the pi- and e-numbers was developed as the mathematical theory for simulation of mechanical processes (Newton's theory of gravitation). From comparison of the classical mathematical analysis with the Harmony Mathematics it follows that the latter, based on the golden ratio, is the interesting complementary to the classical mathematical analysis, its extension for simulation of biological and informational processes. Thanks to this approach the golden ratio along with the numbers of pi and e have to occupy the prominent place in mathematics.

Applications of the golden section in the Art are widely known. The Harmony Mathematics generates the new geometric proportions (the golden pi-ratios), which will be quite applicable to the art works. One may assume that the progress of the Harmony Mathematics will be able to influence to the progress of modern art.

Table 1.

Foundation of the "Classical Mathematics"
1. Euclidean number definition, natural numbers, number theory
2. Classical measurement theory, irrational numbers
3. Fundamental mathematical constants, the pi and e-numbers, elementary functions

Foundation of the "Harmony Mathematics"
1. New number definition based on generalized golden sections, generalized Fibonacci numbers, Fibonacci numbers theory
2. Algorithmic measurement theory, new number series following from the algorithmic measurement theory
3. Golden section, generalized golden sections, hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions

The main mathematical ideas and theories that underly the Harmony Mathematics:

1. Investigating the diagonal sums of Pascal triangle, the author came to the generalized Fibonacci numbers or Fibonacci p-numbers (ð = 0, 1, 2, 3,...), generalized the well-known Golden Section problem and developed the concept of the Generalized Golden Sections or the Golden ð-Sections (ð = 0, 1, 2, 3, ...) [2]. The author formulated a new scientific principle, the Generalized Principle of the Golden Section. This one includes in itself as special cases the "Dichotomy Principle" (ð = 0) and the classical "Golden Section Principle" (ð = 1) that came to us from the ancient science [3]. The Generalized Principle of the Golden Section underlies the following mathematical theories, which form in total the "Harmony Mathematics":

2. Algorithmic Measurement Theory [4] is a new direction in the mathematical measurement theory. In its origin this theory goes back to the problem of the best weights system choice (Fibonacci, 13th century). Its basic result is an infinite number of new, unknown until now measurement algorithms and new positional methods of number representations. They have practical and theoretical interest for modern computer and measuring systems. Fibonacci measurement algorithms based on the Fibonacci p-numbers, Fibonacci codes and Fibonacci arithmetic are one of the unexpected scientific results of the algorithmic measurement theory.

3. Theory of number systems with irrational radices is stated in author's book "Codes of the Golden Proportion" (1984) [5]. These number systems are a principally new class of the positional number systems that changes a correlation between rational and irrational numbers and concern to foundation of number theory [3]. New theory of number systems has fundamental interest computer science and can be used for creation of new computer projects. The ternary mirror-symmetric arithmetics [6] that is a synthesis of the classical ternary notation and Bergman's notation is one of the new results in this field.

4. Hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions [7-9] are a new class of hyperbolic functions. The Golden Section is the base of these functions. These functions have a "strategic" interest for theoretical physics if we take into consideration a role of the hyperbolic functions in Lobachevsky's geometry and Minkovsky's geometry (hyperbolic interpretation of special theory of relativity).

5. Fibonacci Matrices [10] that are based on the generalized Fibonacci numbers and the "Golden" matrices that are based on the hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions are a new class of the square matrices that have theoretical interest for modern matrix theory.

The "Golden" Projects:
1. New coding theory [11] that are based on the Fibonacci and "Golden" matrices can become the basis of new information technologies.
2. New theory of computers [4, 5, 6, 12] that is based on the Fibonacci codes and Codes of the Golden Proportion.
3. New theory of metrology and measurement systems [4, 5] that are based on the "golden" resistor dividers.
4. A reform of mathematical education based on the Golden Section.
5. Museum of Harmony and the Golden Section [13] ( as unique collection of all Nature, Science and Art works based on the Golden Section.

Concepts of Harmony Mathematics

"Harmony Mathematics and its Application in Modern Science"

Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, Professor
Gennady Shypov (Moscow):

In 1996 the author delivered the lecture "The Golden Section and Modern Harmony Mathematics" [1] on the 7th International Conference "Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications" (Austria, Graz, 1996). This lecture was repeated by the author at the meeting of the Ukrainian Mathematical Society (Kiev, 1998) and then at the seminar "Geometry and Physics" of the Theoretical Physics Department of the Moscow University (Moscow, 2003).

Prof. Stakhov's lecture is irreproachable both under the form, and under the contents, that is, satisfies completely to the "Golden Section Principle". The most impression is the fact that such serious mathematical research is executed by one person. Results of Prof. Stakhov's researches have fundamental importance for development of mathematics and a computer science. Prof. Stakhov work is executed at so high level, that quite deserves its promotion on the Nobel Prize.

Professor Alan Rogerson,
the scientific supervisor of the International Project
"Mathematical Education of the 21-th century"

Museum of Harmony and the Golden Section

Mathematical Models of the Hyperbolic Worlds

Knots and Everything ... /index.htm

From Euclid to Contemporary Mathematics and Computer Science
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla

Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.