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Re: Thomas Townsend Brown Effect

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:59 pm
by Mikado14
skyfish wrote:Mikado,
FTM...had to refresh my memory on that one. It took me to this post from Linda. Just like it says. When you bend space, you also bend time. Space and time are united in the aether. The aether is common to all dimensions of space. That is what can be manipulated. That is why it is accessable to all points in space at once. That is why I think it is e=st. The energy in the dimensions of space times the dimension of time. I know that is a little nonsensical. It is an infinite quantity, but then maybe time and space are not infinite, but who knows. I guess you could say that gravity is a dimensional phenomenon. That is what M string theory suggests. It also suggests that it resides all around us at a scale the is smaller than particles...that particles are made up from vibrations in this medium. It has a time quality too. Ever hear that infinity can be accessed at the scale of the very small? The quantum probability ocean. Forwards, backwards, the ocean does not care.
You raise an interesting concept. Let us just be open here before I go further. I understand that you receive downloads as do I but let us just realize that what we both see may not be the 100% correct interpretation therefore, we may both be correct in part. First, your statement - The aether is common to all dimensions of space. - I couldn't agree more. Next statement - That is what can be manipulated. - couldn't agree more. Next - When you bend space, you also bend time - mostly agree. Now this next statement - Space and time are united in the aether - my take is that they are manifested as a result of the aether. Now this next statement - I guess you could say that gravity is a dimensional phenomenon. - My take is that gravity is manifested as an effect of the aether but it is a weak force that is manifested in all dimensions simultaneously. But then we are both getting this from somewhere so who knows?

Your formula - e=st - I am having a bit of difficulty with. I believe I see where you are headed, at the very least, a general direction. "e" of course you mention is Energy, "s" is space and "t" is time. Breaking these variables down E is a force whether it be Watts or ergs or any thing in between. S is space and has dimension or distance and is measureable, whether it be square or cubed and will be a measureable area. T of course you mention is Time, another measureable quantity. These factors don't normally go together for in essence you have Energy = Space X Time which could on first blush be similar to E = m c<2, in that Mass can be either viewed as density or a volume in a given area and that velocity has time has a unit within it and this can be considered a Force equation and is very similar to Newton's F = 1/2 m v<2 and Lorentz is needed in between. I suppose I am asking here how you derived and extrapolated your original equation. and what are the unit of measurement for each, "e", "s" and "t"?

Just a few thoughts,


Re: Thomas Townsend Brown Effect

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:13 pm
by Linda Brown
I just wanted to say how nice it is to see you guys discussing all of this. You know that as a student ... I think I sat out in the hallway during the class ..... but there is a spark growing here and I love seeing it. Thanks to both of you... to you Mikado for being just a little less " tough" and to you Skyfish ... for realizing how important it is to make the effort to spell a name right <g>/ I see a VERY interesting future for the two of you. Just try not to chew on each other too much! Good morning, by the way. Linda

Re: Thomas Townsend Brown Effect

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:16 pm
by skyfish
Good morning to you too, Linda and Mr. Mikado,

Linda wrtoe:

Just try not to chew on each other too much!

Don' worry Linda. Were just like a couple of puppies!
And yes, my typing is not perfect. I get on a roll and my fingers get ahead of me. You should see my hand writing! lol

Mr. Mikado,
Thankyou! Yes. We are attempting to describe the same elephant I believe. Terminology may not be perfect.

Common to all dimensions of space...check!
Can be manipulated...check!
Space and time manifest as result of aether...check!
Gravity manifest as a result of the aether,
And importantly, all dimension simultaneously.
Doesn't that represent unification?

If you grab the tail, you get the whole cat! lol That is a quote from some famous physicist...can't remember who at the moment...

Linda, this IS the new paradigm. We know how to, now! Materials and configuration are just variations on this central theme. It's all here under our noses! ALL of it! Here now!

Time? A conecptual challenge. It is a measurement we use, true. it has also been referred to as the 4th dimension. In M string theory it is referred to as the 11th dimension. What if it is real "stuff"? What if it is the quantum probability ocean. ZPF? The aether? That from which all springs. It would follow that if you modify it, you manipulate time AND gravity AND space. It is stuff and a measurement. The measurement in hours etc. is just for our reference, a human creation. It has been said the in the ZPF there is enough energy in the volume of a coffee cup to boil off all of the oceans on earth.

I see that as the energy available in the dimensions of space times the energy available in all time, the aether, for that point or area of space. It would apply to the totality of the universe. That would be the connection to Stochastic Electrodynamics, where it is stated that there is infinite energy at every point of space. Incredible amount of energy is available....mind boggling.

That is all there is. Energy, Space and Time. Trinity? Triangle? They are all united in the aether. All manifesting from the aether. And they dance! The interactions create aether flows and waves, em energy, gravity and all matter we observe. But all manifestations of brahman! The sages of old really did experience this, downloads if you will. They were the masters of downloads, as I am sure you know.


Re: Thomas Townsend Brown Effect

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:25 pm
by skyfish
Hey...just wanted to mention this too.
As I mentioned earlier, I was fortunate to email with Frank W.
When I finish his book I will email him again. No guarantee he will reply, but I would just love to get him to look a little deeper
into Dr. Brown's work.

I have also had the good fortune to exchange a few emails with William Lyne, the author of Occult Ether Physics.
He is sceptical of Dr. Brown, but has a very interesting description of the ether and shines light on Tesla's work in this area.
His theories do not agree with the BB effect, but very interesting reading. Some very good Tesla info.


Re: Thomas Townsend Brown Effect

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:29 pm
by twigsnapper

truer words were never spoken, no matter who said them!
"If you grab the tail, you get the whole cat!"

And the thing is, once you have grabbed the cats tail ( Mikado, you listening?) You had better danged well not let go until the matter is resolved. <g> twigsnapper

Re: Thomas Townsend Brown Effect

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:44 pm
by skyfish
Mr. twigsnapper,
Do you like to fish? Sometime you draw the interest of the smaller fish,
sometimes the big fish shows up.

Don't let go of that tail!


Re: Thomas Townsend Brown Effect

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:13 pm
by skyfish
And Mikado,
I think about what Frank said. e=mc^2 is for a particle at rest! Just at that single instant. Einstein wasn't a big fan of the quantum realm.
"God does not play dice with the universe"... and all that. I don't think he was on board with ZPE.

Re: Thomas Townsend Brown Effect

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:50 pm
by skyfish
I guess another way to look at it is like this.
e=mc^2 is for a particle at rest. Does that include time?
If the aether, zero point field, has a measurable energy level, that would kind of quantify time in terms of energy.

It would be e=mc^2 which would represent the amount of energy in the dimensions of space,
times the energy level of the zpf. I have seen figures somewhere on zpe, and it is a lot!
Does that make any sense?


Re: Thomas Townsend Brown Effect

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:06 pm
by skyfish
Hey....doesn't the cat have to out of the bag before you can grab it's tail???!??!?!?! :lol:


Re: Thomas Townsend Brown Effect

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:39 pm
by arc

You have an interesting train of thought going. The e=st is a bit harder for me to visualise but I get your reference to space being the aetherial beginnings that all else originates from. The concept that there is actually no “matter” as such and that it is all just collections and concentrations of energy also comes out. This is also proven when you add enough energy and get something like the sun. You rewrite some of the physics to account for plasma.

There is another aspect that we need to consider, think of the model of the atom “as we presently understand it”. A central core consisting of protons and neutrons and quarks and etc etc, a lot of “stuff” in there and the LHC may just show us more. This core is supposedly surrounded by orbiting electrons in various numbers and layers. The model has a few interesting aspects in it. Consider two positive charges, they will naturally repel each other and not sit happily side by side, but according to the atomic model they are literally squeezed together in the core of the atom BUT it is by ANOTHER FORCE, the “Strong” force. So now pondering this for a few seconds we see
Electrons repel each other
Protons repel each other
Electrons and protons attract each other due to electrostatic attraction forces (now you need to carefully define just what is electrostatic force! and is it a totally balanced mutual attraction or ~~~)

But there is something else “the protons bound together by the STRONG FORCE”. We have another player in the field and it is an unknown actor a ghost force (much like Lindas father, an elusive entity with records and tracks carefully removed)..... Our simple positive and negative dual force world has a hidden third force that is immensely all pervasive and is not a positive or a negative, so what is it. ( since the other forces end with "tive" could we call it an "active", or because its located in the core of the atom "centrive" ) its influence is “strange” it holds protons together and I suspect it is the actual cause of the electrons also living in discrete energy layers.

It also makes sense (at least to me) if you consider the structures we see in nature, the triangle is the base structure with the strongest mechanical actions. Two people sitting on one side of a seesaw with only one on the other side~~

Re: Thomas Townsend Brown Effect

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:27 pm
by FM No Static At All
Aether is the structure, or the infrastructure in which matter exists. It is formed by the spin induced by that cubic lattice of aether space, but it is NOT the creative force behind matter, it is the structure in which matter resides. The formation or creation of matter exists in another form of energy, one which created the aether. I call it the conscious energy, the divine collective of intelligence that created the form AND the function of the universe (and all other universes) outside of the construct of space and time.

Here we are delving into the cause and effect, and it is within this realm that we will find the answers when we begin to ask the right questions. The wave has to be formed before it collapses, so where does the wave begin? What provides the energy to form and maintain the aether?

Aspden et. al., refer to the aether and describe its form and function, within the context of a structure in which matter exists. But what creates the aether and maintains its form? I feel that intelligence, consciousness as an energy form would be the likely candidate. Not the ELF waves of thought as it relates to the physical being, but thought in a wave form that is consistent with the frequency of that "cosmic consciousness" which many have tapped into and received downloads from.

Often times we are too busy with other frequencies, and become unaware of these other transmissions, because we are not accustomed to tuning them in. They are not "normally" part of our daily scan for information. Somewhat analogous to the selectivity we apply to watching television or listening to the radio. We know we have the capability to scan from one end of the frequency spectrum to the other, but we limit our scan to particular bands, like the bookmarks or favorites in our browsers.

Often a trauma or shock seems to "awaken" certain phenomena within us humans, giving us abilities that seem to transcend the normal range of perception. Occasionally, we discover conscious methods to induce such abilities, through meditation and relaxation, along with rf or acoustical frequency reinforcement. Rarely, people seem to be naturally tuned into these "download bands" much as it seems that Dr. Brown was.

For me it is a matter of letting go, that is removing myself from the anchor or tie downs, and being free to roam the bands which are normally outside of the scans I am normally tuned to. and sometimes there is a "hit" which is anomalous when compared to what we normally deem perception. Mr. (Kevin) B. is so tuned to these other bands, and his senses are adept at determining other localized frequencies or vibrations.

For applications of this knowledge in practical research and development, it would seem that we would want to revisit Maxwell, prior to the Heaviside and Lorentz edits, utilizing the quaternion equations developed during the time that an "ether" was a considered component in physics. Equally relevant is the works of Tesla, relating to an "infinite voltage wave front" in relationship to the aether, and how/why they operate to produce matter and electric, gravitic, magnetic, and nuclear radiating forms of energy.

We may also learn from Gabriel Kron and the tensor transformation mathematics he developed and wrote about during his tenure at General Electric in Pennsylvania. For me, it is only logical and natural to see a connection between him and Dr. Brown. Whether or not they collaborated or even met, may be conjecture, however their similarity in physics research seem more than mere coincidence. The synchronicity of their having been in Philadelphia area, specifically GE, is too much to take lightly. While I struggle through some of Dr. Brown's papers, I am overwhelmed by Kron's works. But I have a gut feeling that I am on the right path here to understanding basic physical constructs that are not taught in classic electrical engineering or quantum physics classes and lectures.

Re: Thomas Townsend Brown Effect

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:29 pm
by skyfish
Hi Arc,
Interesting observation!

I just love wiki:

The strong force is thought to be mediated by gluons

Quarks and gluons are the only fundamental particles which carry non-vanishing color charge, and hence participate in strong interactions. The strong force itself acts directly upon only elementary quark and gluon particles

Quantum chromodynamics....I just like the sound of that!

M string theory says that these quarks etc, are made up of small vibrating bands or rings of energy. Even suggests a dimensional component...which is what I think the aether is....a dimensional component, represented in our material universe as something that resides at the scale smaller than these particles....and this medium is actually what gives rise to these particles. So again we have a sign post to another interaction. I think the different colors might represent the particular dimensional component. The aether is the foundation for all.
And there is the metaphysical stuff too!


Re: Thomas Townsend Brown Effect

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:35 pm
by skyfish
Very well put!
But the aether path seems kind of obvious, doesn't it? Why did we take that turn?
That part REALLY sticks in my mind. WHY WHY WHY We have been like fish in the ocean denying the existence of the ocean!
Water??? Where???? lol


Re: Thomas Townsend Brown Effect

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:06 pm
by arc
The deeper this goes the more and more it looks like the "Matrix trilogy"
The other version of this concept that I enjoy watching is the film called "The Thirteenth floor".

I remember Twigsnappers mention of the film The Golden Compass, another cross-boundary thought provoking film, and whoever made it has an enormous sense of humour, placing the ancient sumerian sign on the side of the crate.

Re: Thomas Townsend Brown Effect

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:10 am
by FM No Static At All
skyfish wrote: But the aether path seems kind of obvious, doesn't it? Why did we take that turn?
That part REALLY sticks in my mind. WHY WHY WHY We have been like fish in the ocean denying the existence of the ocean!
I feel that the aether is ignored because it has not been shown to have any real significance in light of classic science. Things such as atom bombs and nuclear reactors can be developed using Einsteinian and Newtonian Theories, which have become foundational dogma for all scientific research in the mainstream.

Anomalies such as the Beifeld-Brown Effect probably reside within the context of aether physics, and may be conceivable through quantum mechanics with a description of aether's role in supporting the effect. However, once we began to delve into the cause of the aether, then we cross into the realm of creation, not the particle creation which is a result of aether and that "infinite voltage wave front" spoken about by Nikola Tesla, but into the realm of "the force" where the energy of thought communicates intent on creation itself.

We all have heard of or possibly experienced "mind over matter" events which on the surface defy all logical and scientific analysis. Yet we accept that our experience and the memory of it are realty, and while we cannot find a way to explain it, we do accept it as truth. Heisenberg stated that our observance of an event influences the outcome of that event, so here at least we have a physicist who, admits that on some level, our conscious observation influences an outcome.

We have spoken about vibrations and resonance. We have determined to some extent, that we live in a Universe made of frequencies of infinite variations of amplitude, wavelength, which are propagated by various methods throughout the cosmos. Our dear friend and resident Hobbit, Mr. Kevin B. is further gifted with the skill of visualizing the "morphogenetic" fields and Ley lines of energy that permeate the planet and each of us in our own "aura fields" of energy. Colors that represent wavelengths of light can be detected and photographed via Kirlian methods.

The primary cause therefore of the existence of the universe, is the realization of being, the thought of "I am" being primary cause. All that there is in reality, physical or imagined, comes from the primary principle of "I am." That is the lowest common denominator in creation. From my own manuscript, "To be was inevitable, and the proof is that we are" comes the cause for being. We are then the cause of creation. We are all a part of the whole of creation and through that "birthright" are therefore accountable for creation. So why do we refuse to own up to it?

Sacred geometry, Fibonacci sequences, the frequencies of the planets, stars, of each of us, is all part of the whole, and when we are ready to receive the information, we will. I feel we have merely forgotten how to communicate with each other and with others throughout the cosmos, because we have been conditioned to be as we are now. Most of what is attributable to "human nature" is really nothing more than learned behavior. We are taught how to act as well as how to react to certain experiences, based on the experiences of others. Did you learn that fire was hot because your mother told you so or when you burned your hand on the hot stove? I would venture to guess that most of us learned by the latter method, although the former was given to us often, we still had to experience it before we "got it."

Work with the harmony of nature, use its natural frequencies and reinforce those resonances to perform the tasks of kinetic and electromagnetic force. Locally, and at the place where it is required. Manipulate the forces of nature as a force of nature, individually and in concert with others of aligned intentions, and you can move mountains or build pyramids. You can create peace and love in a world that so desperately needs it.

The aether vibrations may be what some call strings, ignoring once again that an aether exists, instead preferring to create a virtual science to write a mathematical equation to bolster, and to create an experiment that can be measured by the equation and further bolstered by the postulations. Ignore the fact that Michelson-Morley only proved that the local aether moved with the mass, not that a stationary form nullifies its existence entirely. Einstein did not deny the aether, he just felt that it was not significant in context with Relativity. But in a unification theory it became a task to formulate without aether, but with so little known of its nature due to the politics of physical scientists even at that stage, those few brave souls who dared traverse the treacherous depths of aether science were ridiculed, and then violently opposed. We are still in that stage now, although there may be signs of movement closer to acceptance.

It is my feeling that aether science may open the doors to understanding more of what scientists like T. Townsend Brown, A. L. Kitselman, R. Sarbacher, N. Tesla, and a plethora of others have known for many decades. I further feel that this is science that is ancient, and may have been known and passed down for millennia. We are merely rediscovering what was hidden and now we have to learn anew and then go forth with an enlightened path to blaze.

Now it seems as if I have been guided back to a question that became a forum discussion topic. The question of hidden science and technology. So long as there is reason to need something that is basic to requirements of living, we will have crimes and wars. Take away the inequalities in quality of life, and you will have no violence from the unprivileged. Look at all life with appreciation for its beauty in appearance, complexity of design and functionality, the ability to enhance life even when it becomes sustenance.

Live each day in appreciation and with gratitude, with unconditional love for life in all of its many forms. Consciously think of ways in which you can serve others and be a positive support in their lives. Do all that, and all things will be good, and the wonders that remain cloaked will begin to emerge to support the services that we are performing.

Or allow them to remain in the hands of those who would only exploit the technology for weapons or hide it to exploit the masses. Or just do nothing and let someone else do something to make your life better.

If you don't like the way the world looks I suggest that you look at the world differently.