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submarines standing by

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:43 am
by Victoria Steele
All interested

I read the chapter which talked about Dr. Browns experiences on the S48 (Chapter 26, A Seagoing Sailor at Last) and noted the mention of Dr. Vening Meinesz. One of the things that I found sort of strange was the fact that this scientist from the Netherlands would have the political pull to "arrange" for the use of a US submarine. Some of the other readers made the comment too .... duh, HUH?

So I thought that I would open a post where we might be able to talk about that sort of strange anomaly , you know , the "turtle on the fence" bit . Though this is , a US sub taking a research project along for a ride ... as its PRIMARY mission. Now that has to be strange.

And I would have left that thought alone until it came up in another post that a US sub ( The Seaview) showed up in Avalon Harbor to take some of Dr. Browns sensors for a ride. AGAIN .. the anomaly! Dagnabit, What the heck is going on here folks?

So, is there anyone else out there that knows more about the Seaview coming into the harbor? Or anyone know anything about the Seaview herself? Victoria

speaking of submarines

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 2:57 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake

Believe me. I have asked myself all of those questions. Over and over. And now that you have brought them out into the light ... here are some of the thoughts I had while asking those questions.

I am afraid if we go too much further with this subject that we are headed into a pit ... Its too easy at this point to run into and use all those "weasel words" that Paul hates so much ... (and then he will get all in a huff because he is trying to stay on this thin line of being able to substantiate as much as humanly possible) ... and I know both of us respect that ... I doubt that you or Mark or all of the other readers wants this discussion to slide into the pit of all that rampant rumor mill (ala Moore and others) .... so discussing that a certain sub may have visited the Island ... should stand just there for a moment.

We have Georges back up that he visited the sub tender tied next to the sub ... Linda has told Paul that a "contingent" from that sub took one of Doctor Browns "sensors " on board for a " deep water test" ... so there are TWO testimonies to the fact that there was a sub involved.

We should try to get even more back up. You understand how important is is to be sure that the ice of this story is thick enough for Paul to accept. Do you see how hard this process can get?

So, I ask any of our readers out there! Do you remember a submarine visiting the Catalina Harbor in the mid seventies? From the research that Paul has followed up on he believes that her name was the "
Seaview" and that she was a special "deep diving submarine".

Anybody out there remember her being in the harbor? Thanks ! Elizabeth

Deep diving submarines

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:39 pm
by Chris Knight
Hi All,

Here's some of the information we know from Paul, the forums, (and my two cents worth). I'm only writing what you already know. You can make your own assumptions:

1) While Brown was in the Navy he invented methods for electromagnetic mine sweeping, and was considered a man of impressive intellect.

2) His (petro-voltaic) sensors were intercepting some form of radiation.

3) The radiation appeared to be extremely penetrating through rock, electromagnetic shielding and water.

Furthermore, to bring it down to level we are more familiar with:

4) This "radiation" appeared similar in nature to the signal developed by his electrostatic loudspeakers.

5) The upper end of the loudspeaker response was higher than Brown could measure.

6) The loudspeaker could be tuned to send and/or receive signals.

So put the same scenario in the sensors (go to the electrogravitic communication section at to get some more information) and you have:

7) An extremely penetrating signal that is not attenuated by seawater or great distances, very high velocity (the actual velocity is a matter of discussion, but at least the speed of light), and can be "broadcast" at extremely high frequencies in a manner that ordinary recievers (technology) cannot intercept.

The question is:

What one technological development could assist the Navy of the world superpower in maintaining a fleet of submarines (deep and otherwise), spread all over the world, to keep everyone in communication and on the same page?

We're just talking about submarines now since that is the topic.


What do you think one might hear if one made a receiver?


"So it could be used as a communication system, huh&quo

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 10:09 pm
by Victoria Steele

I looked up Chapter 2 (No Moving Parts) and ran across the question that Morgan asked Dr. Brown, after seeing a demonstration of the fan/loudspeaker and grasping very quickly what the implications were. Paul wrote ......... "Dr. Brown then explained that since the fan/speaker had no moving parts, there was no distortion and so the frequency range could go well beyond the range of any kind of conventional.loudspeaker. And he explained how the speaker could be constructed in set of matching pairs, One acting as a transmitter, the other as a reciever ...."

(You guys need to read the whole chapter. It is AMAZING!)

but then Paul continues with Morgan finally regaining his senses and asking Dr. Brown ....... " So ....... if there is no limit to the frequency .... you could use this as a communications device ..... you could send a signal with this ..... and nobody else would be able to hear it, huh?"

Am I wrong Andrew ?... is this the same technology, adapted of course to underwater technology? Or am I missing something here? I sense somehow that something is missing.

This question comes to my mindthough. If Dr. Brown developed the fan and it eventually (with Mr. Lees input), ended up as the "Ionic Breeze" WHERE DID THE FAN GO ... MOST ESPECIALLY WHY DOESN'T ANYONE MENTION THE HIGH FREQUENCY OF IT. I WOULD BET THE ANSWER TO THAT IS BECAUSE THE MILITARY IS ALREADY USING IT. WANNA BET?


Loudspeaker/communication system

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:14 am
by Chris Knight

Yes. Since the electrostatic speaker does not have a diaphragm, it does not suffer from inertial or doppler distortion. The frequency limitations are controlled by the limitations of the waveform feeding components.

To answer your second question - the dearth of public information on the speaker part of the system, especially the electrogravitic communication system, is interesting.


Black Holes of information

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 6:31 am
by Martin Calloway
Andrew and Victoria,

You will probably notice, as I have over the years, that when you get close to something that has been classified top secret , you end up with a sort of informational "black hole" where stuff goes in , but , nothing ever comes back out.

Andrew. There is really no other explaination of the , as you put it, dearth of information , is there?

Anybody else out there have a better reason why nobody seems to be able to find anything on this development? I would sure love to hear it. Martin

Another thought

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 6:45 am
by Martin Calloway
So, I have one more question. Just what was it, do you think, that Dr. Brown sent off on that submarine? Does Linda Brown know exactly? Or was this kept from her?

Just what was Dr. Brown doing there on Catalina? I am with Mark when I just can't quite buy the idea that he was trying to manufacture "nofog mirrors" (Actually, a pretty good little item, I have one myself ... but its hardly the type of development that I can believe Dr. Brown investing his time into) And if he did, why would he go to a remote area like that where there are logistic problems, freight problems. It smells like a cover arrangement to me, but then we are back to the question of WHY THERE.

And the other thing. I haven't spent very much time on Catalina but when I was there I got the distinct impression that it is very difficult establishing a business on the island without complete co-operation from the Santa Catalina Island Company. Finding a business address would have been difficult. (Folks reading this from Catalina, maybe I am wrong here so please correct me , if so but I always got the impression that housing was scarce as hens teeth and a business address would be as hard. Yet this man decides (Neenie says in a "long weekend") to move over ... and he .... just does.) How does that work? I want some of that magic too. Martin