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Preface - Down The Rabbit Hole

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:41 pm
by Martin Calloway
Taking this discussion one chapter at a time I guess. I noticed that Victoria had weighed in on Chapter 23 and I thought .... what a good way to break our comments up .... Just pick one of Pauls "Chapterettes" folks and jump into whichever that happens to be. That way we can switch topics by simply switching Chapters ... that way it stays within the topic? Work? ... anybody for the first ?.... "Preface ... Down the Rabbit Hole." Not yet? Well, its here when you need it.. Martin

Re: Down the rabbit Hole

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 1:57 am
by Trickfox
Martin Calloway wrote:Taking this discussion one chapter at a time I guess. I noticed that Victoria had weighed in on Chapter 23 and I thought .... what a good way to break our comments up .... Just pick one of Pauls "Chapterettes" folks and jump into whichever that happens to be. That way we can switch topics by simply switching Chapters ... that way it stays within the topic? Work? ... anybody for the first ?.... "Preface ... Down the Rabbit Hole." Not yet? Well, its here when you need it.. Martin

"Doctor" Brown

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 3:51 am
by Victoria Steele
Right Trickfox ... a classic example of "clustering".

I found it interesting when Paul says "Nevertheless Townsend Brown, or Dr. Brown, as those close to him still like to call him, despite his lack of academic credentials (and thats another story in its own right, which we'll get to eventually) ......

Oh Boy. Another thing I have to wait for Paul, <g>.

I doubt that Mr. Brown himself promoted a fraud on people around him.Somehow, from what I have read so far, he doesn't sound like he was ever intentionally promoting a fraud. Misunderstood maybe but not a fraud. But why would people around him choose to call him Dr.? It sounds like it was a symbol of respect but that still doesn't answer WHY they chose to call him that.

And of course it doesn't help that other SO CALLED biographers have been referring to him as "Dr. Brown" for years. Many fresh readers then automatically assume that he had gotten his doctorate.( So Paul ... I am sure, when you get around to it ... you will tell us that "other story in its own right?)


Why "down the Rabbit Hole"

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:01 am
by Mark Culpepper
Paul ,

In this preface you explain how you got involved in this book project and I couldn't help thinking that you seem to have responded to a mysterious clue much the same way that Nick Cook responded to a magazine left , (also mysteriously) on his desk .... So is it just me ... or does this seem a little coincidental? Or not? Your thoughts? Mark

Splash ... the right pond

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:46 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Paul, Raymond, Martin, Victoria and others that might have been watching this little fish find its way . WHAT A RELIEF! The right pool!

Here is what I wanted to say here .... In the preface Paul mentions his first message by a mystery E mailer ... who among other things ... says .... "Where did all the R&D go? If you go OUT IN THE DESERT ABOUT 125 MILES SOUTHWEST OF LAS VEGAS. " Now .... I have learned while working with Paul that when a mystery message comes "across our bow" as he says ... its probably pretty important to really pay attention to what is ACTUALLY said ...... I looked first at that message and AUTOMATICALLY assumed that this E mailer had meant AREA 51 .... cause ... thats where Everybody was seeing mysterious lights, blue and otherwise at a place that had fences around it and armed guards but which for a long time ... didn't exist ... OK, Ok ... not going there because its not important for this discussion. What IS important is that maybe the EMail meant EXACTLY what it said .... 125 miles SOUTHWEST of Vegas. I don't know just yet where that is .... but I have a feeling that it will tie into other information out there. Thank you so much folks for this stimulating conversation. I'm going for a map now. Back soon. Elizabeth

Re: Why "down the Rabbit Hole"

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:06 pm
by Paul S.
Mark Culpepper wrote: In this preface you explain how you got involved in this book project and I couldn't help thinking that you seem to have responded to a mysterious clue much the same way that Nick Cook responded to a magazine left , (also mysteriously) on his desk .... So is it just me ... or does this seem a little coincidental? Or not? Your thoughts? Mark
I think "not" is probably the correct answer, as in "it may seem an odd coincidence, but I suspect otherwise."

If indeed it's not a "coincidence," then the bigger mystery is how Cook's instigator would have known that I would respond in the same way. Maybe he/she/it didn't actually know, just figured I was a likely candidate for this assignment and, lo and behold, they got it right.

Whatever the convergence, it's not an obvious connection, but I do hope that in "the fullness of time" and as the story unfolds, I'll be able to convey my own suspicions on just what the common elements might be in the bug that got planed tin Cook's ear the bug that got planted in mine.


Re: Down the rabbit Hole

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:11 pm
by Paul S.
Martin Calloway wrote: I noticed that Victoria had weighed in on Chapter 23 and I thought .... what a good way to break our comments up .... Just pick one of Pauls "Chapterettes" folks and jump into whichever that happens to be. anybody for the first ?.... "Preface ... Down the Rabbit Hole." Not yet? Well, its here when you need it.. Martin
I like this idea well enough that, as I see discussions spring up for individual chapters, I will add a link to that specific discussion at the end of the chapter page. I've done this already for the "Preface" and will do so for the others as I have time during the day.


Re: Down the rabbit Hole

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:00 pm
by Paul S.
Yo, Trickfox, can you tell us what you mean when you use the word "stochastic" in this context?

I am familiar with the use of the word in reference to equities technical analysis, though I can't say that I have a very firm grasp of what it means in that context, either, so I can't correlate that understanding to this context.

If the rest of us had a better idea just what a "stochastic analysis scheme" is, we might be able to contribute more to the program.


Re: "Doctor" Brown

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:23 pm
by Paul S.
Victoria Steele wrote: I found it interesting when Paul says "Nevertheless Townsend Brown, or Dr. Brown, as those close to him still like to call him, despite his lack of academic credentials (and thats another story in its own right, which we'll get to eventually) ......

Oh Boy. Another thing I have to wait for Paul, <g>.
Since what we're talking about in this particular area is the "Preface" to the book, I think I can safely say that whatever I had to say about Brown's "academic credentials" has already been addressed in the chapters about Cal Tech and Biefeld. I have not come right out and stated "Brown never graduated from any college" (although that is the case) because I don't feel obligated to dwell on the "negative" even if it's obvious. I'm trying to write about what did happen, not what didn't happen, and since graduating from college didn't happen, I haven't written about it.

However, I should add that I was called to task a bit after posting chapter 22, in which the professor at UofPa addresses his visitor as "Dr. Brown." A couple of readers were rather quick to belabor the point that Brown was not an actual, academically credentialed "doctor."

I have never tried to claim that Brown "was" a doctor, only that people close to him rather reverently called him "Doctor." I think I have made that point from the outset -- as Victoria seems to confirm with this post. So I really don't think that I'm in any trouble for overstating "Dr." Brown's credentials.

If there was any lapse on my part here, it was in the presumption that this professor would have called his visitor "Doctor" when the professor probaby was a "doctor" and might not have been inclined to bestow a title he had worked hard to achieve on somebody who had not undergone similar rigors. Of course, I was not in the room at the time (although Linda was, maybe she remembers?) so putting that particular title in the speakers mouth was indeed a bit presumptuous on my part as a reporter.

If any body's gonna bust me, it's not for calling Brown "Dr." but for the journalistic excess of implying that somebody else might have called him "Dr." when I really have no way of knowing if that was the case. But the critics in this instance were so anxious to defend the institutions that bestow these credentials that they completley missed the real infraction here.

Since nobody has busted me on the real error I might have committed, I'm going to leave it as it is until I get around to the re-write.

So, that's my story and for the time being at least I'm sticking to it.


Of course "they" got it right

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 7:46 pm
by Angela Bloomstrum
Another bright colored fish jumping over to enjoy this pool ... to Paul ... You said that you felt that you had some how been chosen for this particular assignment. OF COURSE you were chosen .... somehow they got it right? OF COURSE they got it right. We have been talking here, and in other spots about an INTELLIGENT FORCE. It knows what it is doing .... even if you don't. You have that same intelligence ... you have much to recognize in the mirror ... as everyone does .... just look again ... what do you see now? There is a purpose to all of this. Angela

Re: Down the rabbit Hole

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 9:20 pm
by Trickfox
Paul S. wrote:
Yo, Trickfox, can you tell us what you mean when you use the word "stochastic" in this context?
I'll be happy to share what I understand, but know all of you that I am but a humble student of this universe, what is amazing is that I see myself in another parallel universe also. in that universe I am allready an acredited proffesor perhas I have another age, but in all other senses, I am still a student.

I see so clearly that my deepest friend are people who's faces I have never seen and who's voices I have never heard, they are simply distant eyes reading a computer screen.

I am thousands of miles away from them and I feel like I'm hugging them anyway. I have allways loved to look at UNKNOWN RANDOMNESS. I don't know why.

Puthoff/Harary/ may call it "remote viewing", I propose that we call it "high definition reverse entropy" once we are all in agreement with the math!. (note how high definition is replacing television)

Now ONTO the matter at hand; We are in the rabbit hole "an Einstein Rosen Podolski Bridge of sorts"

"STOCHASTIC is synonymous with "random". The word is of Greek origin and means "pertaining to chance"(Parzen 1962,p.7) It is used to indicate that a particular subject is seen from point of view of randomness.")

STOCHASTIC ANALYSIS at first seems like a perfect waste of time. This is like saying "Chineese" is a perfect waste of time because I don't understand it.
Deterministic philosophy states that something is either RANDOM or that It IS NOT RANDOM. If this is true, why waste time trying to analyze it.

After all, there is no such thing as "blond little girls who watch white noise on TV late at night just to see if they could hear voices".

That's just a movie and it's not real.
What you seeing is on the other side of a TV screen.
That screen is simply a bunch of information in electron/photon form.

Now supposing that you saw the movie I'm talking about, but in this new senario, the movie is playing on the TV that someone else is watching. the movie itself becomes part of yet another movie that you are watching.

All these events by themselves can be considered random event if they had occured seperately in time. go ahead work it out!
-The movie itself was randomly created.
-Someone specific watching the movie that was created
-Someone using the tense scenario of the little girl saying "There here!!"in yet another movie of which the challenges of information about the mysteries of life are explored in the new milenium.
-And now our own exploration of the rabitt hole.

This is what Post-Quantum Physics, (note here the term P/Q and specialy "Q") this is what its all about.

The issue or uniting factor in our group structure is a clustered fractal which has crosslinked with the original big bang. A growing structure of Global concsiousness guided by a gentle flowing spirit that uses nature's hick-ups to remind us that parallel dimensions exist and that we can look in the mirror to see this dimension through the looking glass.

Here is another simple fact that everyone in this group has allready figured out.

I am Trick_Fox but I am also "Tomp-Renard" , yup someone tipped my hand and now I am tipping it back to you.

The answer to the most natural paradox is that all paradoxes are simply funny answers. The only paradox that is not alowed in our universe; -is the paradox that states that no paradoxes are alowed.

"Strange loops" "godël axioms".

Does a fox play tricks, or did I trick the fox into a trap (a symetry in truth)

In French "Tromp" means "Trick", and "Renard" means "Fox"

We are all going down a rabbit hole, but good news.....

It's not a "BLACK HOLE",....... IT'S A "BROWN HOLE", and that is exactly the right path to take, for it leads simply to adventure, which of course-to us- is infinite.



Nothing actually by chance

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 9:37 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Hello Paul and all ...

Responding now to Angelas last post (and welcome to the pool)

If you read this section over carefully over Paul seems tobe saying that he was actually DRAWN INTO this book writing project ....And knowing his experiences and mine and speaking from my point of view alone here. Nothing seems to have happened by sheer chance.

He was presented with an interesting Email ... out of the blue ... He responded to a website on the Brown family and he E mailed the creator of the webite (Hi Andrew) asking what he called "benign questions" ...."How did you come by the material you present? Who in the family represents the estate" How did you HAPPEN across it in the first place?.

Now, notice .... a month goes by ..... (by all rights, Paul should have forgotten that he had even sent out those questions ... most of the time that would have happened .....but when he did get the answer finally from Andrew .... Paul wrote "the TIMING COULD NOT HAVE BEEN BETTER")
(having to do with the fact that his first book had just then been published and now he was free to move on to another project.)

Andrews answer (remember Andy? ) was "I met Townsend Browns daughter BY CHANCE ......back in the mid 80s and became good friends with the family over time. Again the operative words BY CHANCE.

I know that it might be hard for a person to come face to face with what SEEMS to be EVIDENCE that there is a force here that is not only guiding things .... but TIMING things. Now I know it is often so subtle that it is easily overlooked, but like Townsend Brown, when you SEE it at work .... then that tiny subtle energy becomes in your view the all encompassing, all knowing thing that it actually is. Kind of hard to dismiss the elephant in the parlor.

Comments? Negative? positive? Somewhere in between? Jump in ..... the waters fine. Elizabeth

Brown rabbit Hole

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 2:30 am
by Victoria Steele
Oh Trickfox I really like that . Down the "Brown" Rabbit Hole as opposed to a Black hole .... Yes, I agree with you. I get the same feeling that you have mentioned. This is going to be an interesting trip alright.

Your comments are interesting and deserve some thought before I answer but know that I am slowly mentally chewing. Victoria

Re: Brown rabbit Hole

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 4:16 am
by Trickfox
Victoria Steele wrote:Oh Trickfox
The French term is; "double-entente"

I love it when you catch my sciolisms,.... here is another.

what is the resistance "color code" value for the computer language icons "0" and "1"?


Much more on CODE later


between the waves

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 1:52 pm
by Angela Bloomstrum
A response to Trickfox on that last. Guessing the answer to that would be brown.

As, the space between one wave and the next
One breath, and the next
One heartbeat, and the next

The space between. Angela