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UPDATED - The Life of T. Townsend Brown - Book info

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 5:14 pm
by JZimmer
Greetings all,

On behalf of Paul, who is off somewhere doing something.... he asked me to let our readers know that a hard copy version of the book is now also available for on-line purchase on the following site. The cost of the hard copy is a bit high, but you too could be the first on your block to own a copy!

And by member request, also available

The Farnsworth book may be found at:

Get yours today!

Re: The Life of T. Townsend Brown - Book info

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 5:47 pm
by Mikado14
I couldn't help but notice that it appears that Paul has found a publisher:

Publisher: Embassy Books and Laundry

Not being very knowledgeable, does this mean a hardback copy and are the photos in color?

Printed: 572 pages, 8.5" x 11", perfect binding, black and white interior ink


Re: The Life of T. Townsend Brown - Book info

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:07 pm
by Rose
I saw that, too Mikado, and fondly recalled Twigsnapper's tale of the determined little girl who walked across Washington to visit her father.

But who is Ellen, who shares the dedication with Josephine?


Re: The Life of T. Townsend Brown - Book info

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:49 pm
by JZimmer
Hi All!

All photo's in the book will be black and white.

Re: The Life of T. Townsend Brown - Book info

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:24 pm
by Mikado14
Rose wrote:I saw that, too Mikado, and fondly recalled Twigsnapper's tale of the determined little girl who walked across Washington to visit her father.

But who is Ellen, who shares the dedication with Josephine?

I believe it is Paul's Mother.


Where's Elizabeth?

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:26 am
by Mikado14
I read the sample pages this evening at my lunch break and was wondering if there is any acknowledgment to all that Elizabeth did as Paul's research assistant? Inside cover? Foreword? Back cover? Did anyone notice anything?


Re: Where's Elizabeth?

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 9:44 am
by kevin.b
Mikado14 wrote:I read the sample pages this evening at my lunch break and was wondering if there is any acknowledgment to all that Elizabeth did as Paul's research assistant? Inside cover? Foreword? Back cover? Did anyone notice anything?

Asked Mikado 14.

Re: The Life of T. Townsend Brown - Book info

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:35 pm
by Linda Brown
Mikado and Kevin,

My dear knights ..... Elizabeth is here of course. Missing all of you on the forum desperately.

I took that name when we began this forum because I wanted some semblance of privacy as I was asking questions from total strangers about my families life and my Father particularly. I thought that it would be better to be " Pauls research assistant" and be able to ask tough questions so that people could answer honestly without being worried about hurting the feelings of the mans daughter. How do you possibly say " Oh the man was an awful such and such" looking into her eyes.

I never got responses like that. Though I think that some of you will remember EHD pleading with those out there to come forward with information .... good or bad .... about the character of the man. I worked hard in that position and I am proud of the time spent here on the forum and of the true treasures who may have been inspired to step forward.

So yes, Elizabeth is here and well and hopes that you will all understand why she did what she did.

And from " Browns daughter" herself..... I love all of you and miss you all so much........... Linda

Re: The Life of T. Townsend Brown - Book info

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 8:37 pm
by kevin.b
I didn't know what to say to mikado, thats the best I could think of.
I always figured,
Elizabeth=Queen of England.
Helen=Your lovely friend.
Drake=the hotel.
Whatever, I will, if ever needed lay my coat down for you to stride through any obstacle.
I KNEW from almost as soon as I came on here whom EHD was, and the number of times I typed Linda, did post a couple of times and hastily edited .

I am, your most obedient Yorky hobbit.

Re: The Life of T. Townsend Brown - Book info

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:39 pm
by Chris Knight
To All on the Forum,

At Linda Brown / Elizabeth Hellen Drake's request, I have set up a separate forum at

Linda asked me to create the separate forums for you whom she has come to know over the past six years, so as not to lose touch with you during this transition period. She will be moderating those forums and answering any questions you have as her schedule permits. Please allow her some lee-time, as her computer will be up and running within a short period of time.

Please note that the parallel forums are not meant to supplant these forums, or to make light of all of the time and energy all of us have put into helping Paul write his draft book. She simply wishes, at this time, to place some degree of separation between herself and the recent issues with these forums and the book.

The parallel forums use the same program as these forums, and I have tried to follow a similar configuration to reduce any confusion. Please feel free to contact me if you see any issues as I continue to tweak the codes.

Re: The Life of T. Townsend Brown - Book info

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:57 pm
by Victoria Steele
Kevin, I wish I had the knights that Linda has! I am not that much of a gentleman though and now that I finally have gotten in I have a couple of things to say.

Paul, did you know that your "EPIC FAIL" blog is the talk of some Washington circles already? I learned about it while at a cocktail party. outside of Leesburg Virginia. Some of you in the know already realize what that means!!!!!!!

ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FLIPPING MIND PAUL. Belly aching about not having the " details" of Townsend Browns work at your fingertips to print. WTF were you thinking about?

You'd better count your lucky stars that you didn't know anything classified. Someone loved you enough to make sure that you didn't have that material. Do you realize how big and handsome some of these guys in dark suits and talking into their lapels are? And how serious they are about their jobs/ Your files would have been confiscated. Your electronic records would have disappeared in an electronic snap. You would have been told to sit down and shut up or might have already lost that option and gone straight to housekeeping at some federal penn with the descendents of the Wackenhutt corporation standing at your door. AND YOU HAD THE NERVE TO WHINE ABOUT NOT BEING TOLD "STUFF". I can't believe how arrogant and stupid you are.

And .... get this folks.... he never told Linda he was going to do all of this. He just posted it all. The stuff about " Not knowing who to believe" .... or what to believe.... I took as a personal insult and I am not really in the heart of this crowd. I am lucky if I get to go to a party or two ......

I am not talking conspiracy crap here. This is just the way that it would have gone. This is reality! If Paul had posted something that was classified material they would have done their jobs and if I could have .... I would have helped them.

And now you have posted two versions of a book and there is not a nod to either EHD or Linda Brown? What kind of sniviling idiot are you? Books you say you can't believe in? And I see that they are going from 10 to about 60.00. Any of that going to Linda? Or did you conveniently forget about that too?

The oddest thing is that , from meeting her, I know that she was never interested in the money but she was hoping the very best always for you and for you to fold like an impotent and soggy pretzle, because you say you have had a mental breakdown. I just find that insufferable.

I know that you have caused her tears and thats hard for me to forgive.

So here is my advice to you dear Lady. Strip your saddle from him.... hes done.


Re: The Life of T. Townsend Brown - Book info

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:31 pm
by Mark Culpepper

How we all have missed you! Well, maybe not so much for Paul! But everything you said was so absolutely on the mark. I am somewhat familiar with those " cocktail parties". I bet you just looked splendid!

And you know, you get a bunch of... what did Paul call them? " Jock strap award" recipients in one place at one time and you give them something that they CAN talk about .... I'll just bet that Pauls " Epic Fail" was the topic of conversation.

Paul, if you are reading this, I am sorry that Blog is turning into the things personally that people will remember about you. Its not a pretty picture and you have to remember... some of these guys had the highest regard for Townsend Brown. He is a legend in some of those circles. Of course the outside would never know it and what a shame it is that you have given up on the project. Its not the kind of legacy that I thought that you would leave out there. Very disappointed. Funny how a guy can get such high marks and still fail the final.

My absolute and heartfelt condolences to you Linda. But something tells me... if you are heartbroken now it won't be for long. And yes, I will be posting on the other Forum too. Wouldn't want to miss what you say for all of the tea .... Earl Grey .... anywhere!!! MarkC

Re: The Life of T. Townsend Brown - Book info

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:02 pm
by Linda Brown

You put my little terriers to shame! Thankyou for pointing out the obvious to Paul though I am not sure that he will be in any mood to hear it.

Leesburg huh? Theres a little Bead Shoppe there which has displayed an interest in this project. Wondering if you all are still reading this? Hello to that doggie in the window.

You have all been wonderful here on the Forum. Thanks for thinking of me. Linda

Re: The Life of T. Townsend Brown - Book info

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:51 pm
by AM2
Truth IS stranger than fiction.

A very unfortunate course of events that we have all witnessed. Since I am not personally involved I perhaps cannot fully appreciate the pain that people who knew Dr. Brown felt.

Contrary to everyone else I still think that there is a way how to bring this project to a happy end. An ending which would do justice to Dr. Brown's memory. I believe that there IS a way how the heal the rift. And I already have an idea and perhaps even the necessary connections. The problem is that I do not have the proper means yet.

Both Mr. Schatzkin as well as Ms. Brown, Mr. Twigsnapper and the (late?) Mr. Morgan were crucial to this effort. Not everything is lost yet.

Due to my inappropriate (to put it mildly) behaviour in the past I perhaps enjoy a unique perspective in this respect. What Mr. Schatzkin did was not very wise. I may not agree how he handled the whole situation recently, but I nevertherless understand his frustration and anger. I know how he feels - subject to forces and persons beyond his control who are leading him down dark corridors without any light at the end. 6 years of constant hints and insinuations must be exasperating. It only took me 3 months after I joined the forum to "loose" it. If I would be in Mr. Schatzkin's place with my temperament, I would probably be running with an axe around by the time chapter 24 was written.

On the other hand I also understand Ms. Brown's pain and sorrow. She wants to do full justice to her Father's memory. Not out of personal ambition, but because of her love for her Father. I know how much she loved and still loves her Father. All the other "stuff" is entirely secondary.

It would be good for all participants of this endeavour to just rest and focus their minds on something else for the moment. In the meantime I will try to see what are the chances for my idea to be implemented. Let me tinker in my shop and see if I can pull a rabbit out of the hat.

Perhaps it is to soon for me to write this, but I still believe that the great rift can be healed and the project brought to its originally intended conclusion. Let us for a moment stop trying to be "clever", let us stop trying to coax reality along our wishes and expectations.

Some people on this forum greatly admire the new American president. They should remember that he achieved what he did, because he inspired people. People have to be genuinely inspired, inspired to the point that they do what they do out of sincere love and not, because they were charmed, pushed and tricked into it.

How did Heinz Guderian say? Ah, yes: "There are no hopeless situations, there are only hopeless people"

I still owe you an answer to a question Ms. Brown. I did not forget. I was only very busy with my studies and work - had to translate a rather difficult article from Chinese directly into German. Difficult in the sense that it contained a lot of Chinese religious and philosophical terminology and quotations written in classical Chinese.

Nevertheless, let me offer an "intermediary" reply to your question. What I would do if I would have the power to influence reality as we know it? Well, turn you into a squirrel, take you home, put you in my forrest and above all not share you with absolutely anyone else <g>.

Jokes aside, you will get the answer to your questions.


P. S. I wonder what did Mr. Twigsnapper say to all that has been happening recently.

Irish words of wisdom?

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:19 am
by Mikado14
AM2 wrote: P. S. I wonder what did Mr. Twigsnapper say to all that has been happening recently.
I too wonder what the ole Irishman would have to say. I can only imagine that it more than probably was very few words or a quote from Dr. Brown. Perhaps nothing more than a bit of wisdom from Jewish? folklore....

...."and this too shall pass away."

And to borrow from Red Dwarf Mr. Twigsnapper, have the goldfish shoals been nibbling at your toes? Perhaps you have been lying shipwrecked and comatose and drinking fresh Mango juice?

(the link above is less than a minute long and is for those of you who have no freakin' idea of what I am talking about)
