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Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:17 am
by Mikado14
I'll give you another thought,

...but first, something entirely different...a question.

Who first started using the Alice reference? Morgan or Paul?

If it was Morgan then I would tend to agree with you.

If it was Paul, then that flight has not taken place yet from it's starting point in the future, therefore, Morgan is still alive to depart at that time reference.

OR......the ship gets built in the future and the operators go back to get Morgan to take him to 1936. That means that the departure to go back has not yet occurred. When it does occur, the operators will pick up Morgan at a specified time and continue to 1936 to complete the loop.

Now guess which half-assed, half-baked idea I am subscribing to? I would have better odds at a one-armed bandit in that would happen.


PS: What do you think Mr. Trickfox, should I start designing a Cheshire Cat squadron logo?......<g>

end of the beginning

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:18 am
by Griffin
This story hasn't ended -- but it may be the end of the beginning, to borrow from a famous statesman and wartime leader.


mentioning Alice

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 4:17 am
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Actually Mikado the first time I saw the reference to Alice was the FIRST LINE of Pauls book. I don't know whether Morgan inspired him in this but in his Preface: "Down the Rabbit Hole" .... he wrote

"Unlike Alices Adventures in Wonderland this is not a fairy tale. But at times it seems like one, so it seems fitting to begin by saying " Once upon a time there really was a person named T. Townsend Brown."

And now that we have come to the end of the book it really is wonderful to read that first section. but I find this part hauntingly special


And of course, "managed to remain hidden"thats a very interesting point to ponder. Elizabeth

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 8:29 am
by kevin.b
Elizabeth Helen Drake,
You OK?
What a strange few days, here in the Shires of England, zero point , they hunt for, there is no zero.
Nothing dissappears, it re-appears in a different state, alter the state, and go with the flows to where the altered state exists.
It will be hidden in a present state, the key to the lock is within this book.

The positioning upon a framework of precise dimensions, is where the dimensions will vortex together to exchange content.

Responding to Vince White's Front Page Comment

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 5:30 pm
by Linda Brown
(the following message is offered in response to a Comment on the front page of the website posted yesterday by one Vince White. The original Comment is here: ... insta.html

This response will also be posted to the front page, although anybody wishing join the discussion is encouraged to do so here in the forums. Newcomers, please remember to follow the registration instructions at the very top of the forums Index page.)

- - - - - - -

Dear Readers and Friends:

Those of you who know me will realize that I have been trying very hard to stay well centered during the writing of this book.

It’s an attitude that Paul and I talked about very early on ...We knew that we would have to tread a very narrow path through a very dark wood. . ( I have to award Paul the prize, through all of this I think he has been the one better centered, better focused.... I have had a tendency sometimes to go off in different directions in search of answers, always looking, always investigating, always on the hunt. Sometimes running into dead ends ... But eventually I have found my way back to the center spot and to his good company). ... I believe this is the way our association in this project was meant. There were times I am sure that he looked at me and thought .... "uh oh ... there she goes again."

But that is what you end up doing when you have patrolled the edges as Paul said ... and secured a vision ........

I realized though this morning that the vision I had secured for myself during these various "patrols" was not what it should be!

And it took a post by Vince White to do that for me. Whoever you are Sir ..... thank you.

I suddenly saw that ship and then I remembered many things that I have read through my life and the words "Dyson's Dock" hit like a sledgehammer and then the current story of the " Doomsday Project" where people are saving seeds for the future .... and I realized that I had assumed the worst for mankind ... a seed saving project indeed but doomsday is not what it is all .... seeds needed .... for another place .....and suddenly the plants and the water and the sand all make sense. I just wasn’t able to look far enough ahead.

I think that there will be some who will read what Paul has written and be totally thrown by what looks like two different worlds living side by side. And Paul has been able to capture both. Even the title of his book speaks to this. Paul has been able to capture a very carefully detailed account of a mans life. Letters. Interviews, notes ... all name specific dates and places and all well documented. No biography could have been better researched. But then there is the other side of the story which reads so much like a fantasy that I am sure there will be those who will doubt the truth of it, or even his sanity.

My only response to that is to quote something that was left for me years ago. I took it when I first read it as a science fiction story. The pages were full of the adventures of people who could easily move from one dimension to the next ... and the description of a special place and a special shining ship. It was filled with advice about what to do and what to look for .... and at the end of it came the words ...." Daughter, these words are as true as the rain on the window above your head"


Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 7:45 pm
by kevin.b
Linda Brown,
What an honour to address you as such.
Your father wherever he is, which ever dimension he is recording, must be bursting with pride at You.
What an example he and your mother set, and you have shown you are a chip of the block.
I personally want to thank you for this book, the improvement in my understanding of the universe and hopefully in myself has been uplifted by this book, its contributors, Pauls wonderfull grasp of words , but more than anything else, YOU.
I thank you for my children and grandchildrens future and continued prosperity, in the hope that others in this strange world involved with your fathers works, show a fraction of the courage and humanity that you have and are demonstrating , it has poured through the pages of this inspirational work.
my home is open always here in England to you and your family, if there is a puddle on the ground, my coat will be thrown in it for your gracefull self to step through it.
I cannot express the emotions involved , you are a star of the universe, shining ever so bright, the daughter of one of Americas finest.
Shine on you crazy diamond.


Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 8:17 pm
by Linda Brown
Thank you for your kind thoughts kevin. Linda

putting my cape down too

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 8:32 pm
by Mark Culpepper

I agree with everything that kevin has just said. Consider my cape down too.

I have so many questions pent up to ask. Don't even know where to start. Wanted to ask you so much when you helped Lisa with her horse but refrained knowing that you were there for here. But OH! It was hard to keep from asking those questions I still have. Now that the book has reached this point will you be able to talk with us a little . It would mean much.

And Mr. White... what the heck is a Dysons Dock? Going to the Internet, Reporting back..... anything that Linda is impressed with needs to be looked into I figure.

My deepest honor. MarkC

Dysons Dock

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:24 pm
by Victoria Steele
Well Mark, there is this: ... nvironment

Work done my Linda Moulton -Howe

Backs up much of what Paul has already said but you are right, I had never heard of Dysons Dock either

"That’s correct. Now, this comes from March 9, 1992, Aviation Week & Space Technology. That is the reference for this and you will recall that twenty-one Northrup B-2 ATV stealth bombers have been built at the cost of $2.2 billion per aircraft. The Northrup engineers who worked on the program were getting really disgusted that the technologies associated with the B-2 were not being trickled down into the commercial airline industry. That’s why they came forward." which seems to go along with what Mr. White has mentioned to us.

Linda! I am so pleased that you have spoken up after all of these months of complete silence. I have wondered how difficult that must have been for you. Or will it be more difficult now? There are so many things all of us want to ask I am sure!

And I am sorry about Morgan. I never got to meet him but I saw him through what Paul has written and from your own journal entries so I think I got enough of a dose of the man to appreciate him. And, even after all of these years I just think that you must still be very much in love with the man. So I am sorry for your loss. Insignificant words, I know. Just needed to be said. Victoria

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:41 pm
by Mikado14
Since Elizabeth has failed to do it, I will.

Welcome to the forum Linda and I agree with your assessment of Paul, he has done an excellent job to date but now the hard part......the dreaded rewrite.

I will now diverge.

If Morgan could go back to 1936 and save Dr. Brown.....why couldn't he save his sister?



Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:02 am
by AM
Dear friends,

for more than I year I have been following the wonderful work that Mr. Schatzkin has been doing and also the excellent discussions exchanged at this forum. Usually I prefer to remain in the background and let others talk, but this time my fingers itch too much and I have to add a few of my thoughts.

I did not expect this marvelous book to end so soon and now might be the last chance to express what is on my mind.

Before I do that, let me say that Mr. Schatzkin you have truly been doing an extraordinary work, which has is an inestimable service to all of us who are intersted in the Truth. Perhaps I may seem naive or old-fashioned, but I believe that Truth is so valuable that it should be pursued, because of itself and not, because one hopes to get something from it.

Further I would like to say how deeply impressed I was by the post made by Dr. Brown's daughter Ms. Linda Brown. All the readers of the book - present and future - owe you a big THANK YOU, because without you this book would be impossible to write. Ms. Brown, your father was a truly good man - not just, because of his inventions, but above all, because of his integrity, kindness and honesty. Without these even the most intelligent man, will only remain great. In the end though what matters most is not greatness, but goodness.

Then of course there are all the wonderful posters here and the invaluable Mr. Twigsnapper. Mr. Twigsnapper, your words: "The only person without an agenda of some sort is generally dead" occupy a place of honour in my collection of quotes. If ever the Delphic oracle re-opens it's doors, I am positive that Mr. Twigsnapper will be a most worthy successor.

Although I do not know anyone of you here personally, I still feel as if in the company of old friends, when I come to read your insightful remarks.

Despite the fact that I am a university student of Chinese and Sanskrit (in the context of Comparative Indo-European Linguistics) and therefore not very much versed in the technical area, I have felt a deep affinity with Dr. Brown. When I was only 8 years old I read the book by Charles Berlitz "The Bermuda Triangle" and then came through it to the infamous book by William Moore with the title "The Philadelphia Experiment". This was also the first time that I heard of Dr. Brown and since then this enigmatic man has been always at the back of my mind. When the old website was up providing his articles and patents in pdf-form I was frequently visiting and saving these files. The format of the website was excellent and I wish it would be like in the old days!

Finally I would like to address a few topics, which have been a terrible itch and I have been somewhat surprised that they were not debated more deeply. I hope my words will stimulate the discussion in this direction. If I beat the proverbial horse of time travel too much, then please forgive me.

1. Why did not anyone here at the forum mention the work of Dr. James S. Corum , especially his text "Tesla's Egg of Columbus, Radar Stealth, the Torsion Tensor, and the 'Philadelphia Experiment' ?

(ABSTRACT: By calculation, the magnetic field required to reduce a ship's radar reflection to less than 1 percent at L-Band (1.5) GHz is in excess of 15,0000 A/m. Fields of this magnitude would appear to fulfill the requirements of a "Philadelphia Experiment" by creating green mist and cavities in salt water as well as magnetophosphenes and Purkinje patterns in humans, particularly if driven at frequencies in the range of 10-125 Hz, as was available from synchronous generators on WWII electric-drive ships. The authors “offer this little study in the spirit of an engineer and some physicists having some fun, looking at published statements, attempting to stay within the bounds of engineering technical propriety, and saying, ‘What if?’”)

I know that the Philadelphia Experiment has turned out to be a skillful disinformation ploy and forgive me if I beat this proverbial dead horse so much, but I still think that the above text might contain some valuable data. And please do not forget that Dr. Corum also worked for "No Such Agency" among other! What is the role of Dr. Corum in all this buzz about time travel? Is there any connection to Dr. Brown and his research? Or is it again the old blend of truth and falsehood?

2. Why did not anyone pay attention to the brilliant work of Gabriel Kron and his contributions ( ... briel1.htm)? If I missed a post, where he has been mentioned, then I beg your apologies. Mr. Twigsnapper, can you perhaps help us out, if Gabriel Kron and his theories had any connection with Dr. Brown's work and the possibility of manipulating gravity, time and space?

3. Then there is of course the text by Robert W. Beckwith with the title "Levitation, Teleportation and Time Travel" brought to our attention by Mr. Gregg Vizza. It is truly a great shame that it has not been discussed more deeply! Yes, I am aware of the problem with the small light indicator labeled "teleportation mode". It does sound silly. But why throw the baby out with the bath? Mr. Twiggsnapper later made a curious remark on February 13th 2008:

"As I have warned before though, watch out for the cow paddies in your way. Note this blending of interesting information...............

'In the "Philadelphia Experiment" in the 1940s, the test ship, the minesweeper IX97 (originally the yacht "Martha’s Vineyard") and its personnel were "blasted" into this strange realm, instead of making a gentle, controlled entry. Nicola Tesla, virtually on his deathbed, had instructed the scientific team involved how to do this. (See Bob Beckwith’s book "Hypotheses" – Beckwith was a GE scientist on the team). The results of this experiment, which produced inadvertent time travel from the experimental ship’s location to another location and back and produced horrendous results (crew members were fused through the deck etc.), are slated for de-classification in 2002, according to private sources.'"

All this may be another diversion, another red herring accross the path. If you can Mr. Twiggsnapper, please elaborate more on this. I am very well aware that the classical recipe for disinformation is a sprinkle of truth and a ton of falsehood.

4. I was also somwehat surprised that no in-depth discussion was conducted on the following seminal quote made by Mr. Schatzkin from August 15th 2007:

"And I'll add another one to your list: Often in our correspondence, Morgan has alluded to a sense of "urgency" surrounding this entire undertaking. I often wonder if he's frustrated that it's taking me so long. Aside from that, I have to wonder as you do: what's the hurry? Why... the sense of urgency?"

Then the remark made by Mr. Twigsnapper on October 14th 2007:

""They Are US"

A wise and perhaps comforting thought. Explains the careful almost maternal care of the human race here by this other intelligence, if you happen to look at it this way, helping us all of the time to develop to our fullest potential.

But is that all there is out there? When I say " out there" I mean just that. Another place, another dimension. Couldn't there be another entity out there which would have no regard for our civilization or our very lives? What was it that the Alien in Independence Day said in response to a humans question " What can we do to make peace with you" ( or something like that, haven't seen the movie in a long time.) What can we do? The answer was simple .... "Die."

And you say that wouldn't happen that some thing so advanced would treat other life in a more beneficial way?

Well, the Columbus men were much more " advanced" than the simple native Islanders they found when they landed in the Bahamas. Fifty some years later the remaining Indians of that tribe were being hunted and killed off. They were replaced, by the way, by slave labor from Africa. Their nature had been too peaceful and soft to be able to defend or even survive the yoke of slavery."

I am not ready to see you put your cautionary tale away kevin. I think that we have to grow up pretty darned quick because I believe, as you have sensed, that there are REAL dangers out there which will challenge us soon. And I think that grinder will go along with me when I say that we need the biggest headstart than we can get."

I know that certain things should perhaps not be spelled out too explicitly, but if there truly exists this great danger and the sense of utmost urgency, then it would be good to deepen the discussion on this topic.

Are there truly malevolent extraterrestrial or other-dimensional entities intent on harming or subjugating the human civilization? I think we already have enough problems here on planet Earth itself i.e.: the peaking of oil and gas-production, top-soil depletion, enviromental pollution, Arctic and Antarctic ice melting, over-population etc.

I am not a mathematician, but in my modest opinion the more a system is heterogenous, complex and inter-connected, the more weak points exist where things can go wrong. And in such systems there are no bell-curves, but Power Laws sway hold. The number of vulnerable points and systempunkts increases exponentially with the complexity, heterogenity and inter-connectedness of the system.

Just look at the looming financial and economic crisis, which is well underway in the US and will spread around the globe. The alchemy of ATM's, CDO, credit default swaps, etc. obviously does not work as imagined and will not enable everyone to ride on the horse of prosperity in the sundown of nirvana.

My post is already too long, but I still hope it will stimulate the discussion additionaly.

Wishin you all the best,


Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:20 am
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Andrew M and Mikado'

I am always such a big help here with these questions. But here is my poor take. Regarding the question of why Morgan could save Dr. Brown but not his own sister ( which was his heartfelt wish) .... I don't know. Need to find the answer to that.

To Andrew M ...

I think that you are one of the people who we have been waiting for actually. And your questions are questions that only you could have asked. And its well worth taking each one of them apart at the seams and investigating each fully. My answer ( mine alone, not speaking for anyone else here ...) is simply .... "I don't know these men, have not studied their work ... needed to have you bring them to my attention."

I hope that we will be able to work together ( please) to open discussions on each. All these closed doors of information that need not be closed any longer!

Thank you for joining us and thank you for the contributions that you will bring. I am trusting that Paul will keep these lines of communications going because this forum has a voice that needs to continue. Especially with the help from our newest members and the continued support and interest from our stury " old timers!" Elizabeth

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:23 am
by AM
P. S. Mikado, you could not have said it better with the following words:

"If Morgan could go back to 1936 and save Dr. Brown.....why couldn't he save his sister?"

This is exactly what was on my mind the first time that I have read this chapter!

Let me for the sake of convenience again quote from chapter 76:

"Dr. Brown asked Morgan, “If it turned out that it would be possible to travel in time, what would you chose to do?”

And Morgan said he would “go back and save my little sister,” who had tragically drowned in a swimming pool accident a couple of years earlier.

When Dr. Brown explained that there might be “some natural rules against that,” Morgan pressed him further: “Is time travel possible?” he asked.

“Yes,” Dr. Brown answered, “I believe it is possible. In your lifetime.”"

Which law enables Morgan to change the course of events and save Dr. Brown and yet prevents him to save the life of his little sister? This is the crucial question.


Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:26 am
by AM
Elizabeth, thank you for your warm welcome.

I joined at the very end, because as I said I prefer to stay in the background, but this time the fingers itched too much and I also feel the presence of a lot of kindred souls here.

I am already thanking in advance to all others extending a welcoming hand.


Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:32 am
by Mikado14
AM wrote:P. S. Mikado, you could not have said it better with the following words:

"If Morgan could go back to 1936 and save Dr. Brown.....why couldn't he save his sister?"

Which law enables Morgan to change the course of events and save Dr. Brown and yet prevents him to save the life of his little sister? This is the crucial question.


I will attempt, perhaps feebly, to explain it since you have asked.

First off, Dr. Brown would have recognized Morgan as a younger version of the individual that saved him. With this said, Morgan was needed to be goomed in order to do so and thus preserve the timeline that he was on.

If Morgan were to go back and save his sister, this would have not only created a new timeline but would have altered what made Morgan he was known to Dr. Brown.

In all actuality one must ask the question, what happened in the timeline where Dr. Brown died?

What would the timeline be like if Morgan went back and saved Dr. Brown but then decided to save his sister?

The more you go, the more scenarios, the more the paradoxes.
