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Re: strange similarities

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:25 am
by Langley
Victoria Steele wrote:I immediately recognized the work of H. P. Blavatsky, thanks kevin and was drawn to this part of her biography. Gee . who does this sort of sound like?

I apologize for this contribution in advance. (pressed buttons and all that)

Atomic Bomb
Splitting the atom to create a destructive force.

This story is most often quoted as being the first reference to the idea of an atomic bomb.
...not wise to wreck incautiously even the atoms of a molecule... grain of matter contains sufficient energy... to raise a hundred thousand tons nearly two miles...

"The agent I will employ has cost me all life to discover. It will release the vast stores of etheric energy locked up in the huge atomic warehouse of this planet I shall remedy the grand mistake only to a degree which it would be preposterous to call even microscopic; but when I have done what I can, I am blameless for the rest. In due season the whole blunder will be cured by the same means that I shall use, and all the hideous experiment will be over, and everlasting rest or quasirest will supersede the magnificent failure of material existence. This earth, at least, and, I am encouraged to hope, the whole solar system, will by my instrumentality be restored to the ether from which it never should have emerged. Once before, in the history of our system, an effort similar to mine was made, unhappily without success."

"I stand," he cried out in a strident voice, raising his arm aloft, "I may say, with one foot on sea and one on land, for I hold the elemental secret of them both. And I swear by the living god--Science incarnate--that the suffering of the centuries is over, that for this earth and all that it contains, from this night and for ever, Time, will be no more!"

A great cry rose from the people. "Give us another day--only another day!"

But Brande made answer: "It is now too late."

"Too late!" the people wailed.

"Yes, too late. I warned you long ago. Are you not yet ready? In two hours the disintegrating agent will enter on its work. No human power could stop it now. Not if every particle of the material I have compounded were separated and scattered to the winds. Before I set my foot upon this rock I applied the key which will release its inherent energy. I myself am powerless."
From The Crack of Doom, by Robert Cromie.
Published by Not known in 1895
Additional resources -

This novel bears a number of similarities to the works of writers like Blavatsky, writing about the etheric nature of the world and the universe

I have heard that the nuclear weaponeers of the inner circle cited Blavatsky as a justification for the nuclear test program. ie that aided by the effects of mutation engendered by atomic detonations, a superior human would arise.

Such an undertaking was a Dark Art, indeed with an inner circle.

This is not to state that Blavatsky would have counternanced such a hijacking of the principles of which she wrote.

It is in this light, ie at a spiritual level, I see Dr Brown in competition with sections of government, industry and military. I see this as a driver to his actions such as teaming up that guy from Los Alamos.

That is, he was competing with those forces on a spiritual and moral basis.

Thanks for indulging me. Im a single minded critter.

More links: ... l3_No3.htm ... story.html
and as for the application of the Dark Side to this: ... essay1.htm
Nuclear weaponeers did see themselves as Adepts and saw no need to justify themselves to mere mortals, for in their view, what they were doing
was for the good of the civilisation and the species. However others of equal standing disagreed. The uses to which technology is put is a moral and spiritual issue......

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:34 pm
by Griffin

Amen, brother!

You're getting down to the heart of the matter in an important respect. Although there may have been a certain cycle of necessity operating in the nuclear madness, which those I call the Visitants recognized and factored into their agenda, what you describe is true. I will be developing this thesis further, g.w. May the light side of the force be with us.

As ever,



Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 2:04 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
In our research of the life of Townsend Brown we have been given the opportunity to read many papers which have remained quite private. In one of those papers, repeatedly, Dr. Brown uses the phrase

"returning, returning, returning."

and in response to your mention Langley of " The Crack of Doom"

I must admit upon seeing those words over and over I have wondered the response ..... to what? to what? to what? Elizabeth

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 2:34 pm
by Griffin

You deserve an answer, and the best I can give, from my perspective, is -- returning in a natural cycle to a renewed Golden Age, as it has been historically called. It's all about cycles, as Townsend well knew. C.G. Jung would concur. The catch is, we still have to go through the final transition period to get to it. I will further develop this thesis as well in my book.

As ever,


Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:11 pm
by flowperson
Elizabeth...Perhaps we will be the first generation to come to realize the necessity for all of life to return..."back to the future, back to the future, back to the future".

flow.... :wink:

premature questions perhaps

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:23 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake

I have some questions for you drawn from this last post. You were responding to something Langley had said just earlier...

"You're getting down to the heart of the matter in an important respect. Although there may have been a certain cycle of necessity operating in the nuclear madness, which those I call the Visitants recognized and factored into their agenda, what you describe is true. I will be developing this thesis further, g.w. May the light side of the force be with us."

The " Visitants" you mention. Should I assume that you are speaking of an entity here that is not of this particular planet?

You say that the work of Townsend Brown focuses for you as part of your theory so I thought that it might be interesting for us to know what that particular theory might be. Nutshell type, if thats at all possible. I understand that you are not ready to go for the details but a broad brushstroke on the canvas would be appreciated. Elizabeth

visitant agendas

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:36 pm
by grinder
Yes, I agree with Elizabeth. I would like to know more about your take and meaning with the word " Visitant" and theres Morgans favorite word too I think " agenda".

You have told us very little about the area of interest your site will cover.
Are you looking into UFOs? , abductions?, crop circles? animal mutilations? black helicopters? MJ12? and all that? If so I will be interested to see what you have to offer that will be new. Stikes me that you are going to have a tough go at developing REALLY new information because most of us know how crowded that area is. Should be exciting though.

Will you be tangling with Moore and Vassilatos and maybe the Woods? Or information from Dr. Stephen Greer? Or am I off base entirely here?

What it is...

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 6:20 pm
by Griffin
Ufology, at present, tends to be rather a swamp. So the old dismissal of the UFO phenomenon as “swamp gasâ€

ONE question

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 9:05 pm
by Trickfox
I have but one question for you.

Is this your first book?

BTW everyone. I have finished the "Time Teachers" and it was very difficult to absorb, however, -worth the effort. It makes me want to see the Vega Curve Calculator that much more now that I understand Beau's main philosophy works. (there was practically no math in this book)


Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 9:39 pm
by kevin.b
All the world has scoured the physical evidence, and found nothing.
Don't do what all the sheep do ( or else you will just chase after them, reynard ), look in the metaphysical realm.
I do.
Its invisable, until you look with your non physical abilities.

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:27 pm
by Langley
Griffin wrote:Langley-

Amen, brother!

You're getting down to the heart of the matter in an important respect. Although there may have been a certain cycle of necessity operating in the nuclear madness, which those I call the Visitants recognized and factored into their agenda, what you describe is true. I will be developing this thesis further, g.w. May the light side of the force be with us.

As ever,

There was/maybe is something very off at the Centre. They were hiding something there that while connected to the bomb was something different.
Dont know what, but in the march to bomb, something else was discovered or was discovered to be 'controllable' or rendered as a 'technology' via bomb related techniques. I cant pin it down. Dont know enough. But I would think it wasnt a purely military thing, that it extended into the Corporate world. And that these dark side "Adepts" exist/ed there as well as leading industrialist movers and shakers.

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 12:06 am
by flowperson
Hi Trickfox...The Vega Curve Calculator book is listed on Amazon but is currently shown to be unavailable right now.


I know Flow

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:11 am
by Trickfox

I know that its not available. I've been trying to get it for over a year. I got the time teacher yesterday, but its a copy of the original manuscript and it comes directly from Suzette Kitselman. (Beau's daughter) She told me she would try to find a copy of the Vega Curve Calculator from her storage place in San Francisco when she does go up north. She lives in Santa Monica. (I use to live there too in the late 70s and early 80s)

I'm almost positive that some of Beau's work was on Elyptic Curve Mathematics which has to do with cryptography and information theory at the level I'm working on.

Speaking of this subject, has anyone seen the tv miniseries called THRESHOLD which deals with first contact and a sort of invasion by multidimensional extraterrestrial being which uses communication theory to inbed itself into the mind of innocent earth people (even doing so through a video recorded scene). It does have some rather poor scripting but guess who plays one of the crazy scientists again?

Brent Spinner (less the long hair he had in Independance day) is again playing the role of a scientist researching extraterrestrial technlogy.
Threshold learns that the aliens are attempting to rewrite the DNA of the human race using, in part, an audio signal that somehow alters some people's body chemistry in such a way that they become alien themselves. Central to all this is a fractal triskelion pattern that keeps appearing -- in blood, electronic signals, and even the pattern made by city lights. Its significance has yet to be revealed, though Arthur Ramsey interpreted it as representing a DNA pattern in a triple helix formation (like the alien DNA).
Interesting plot me thinks
similar to the invading "mitogenic radiation" theory as proposed in recent ufo conspiracy channels.

Why does any of this "ET INFLUENCE" have to be nefarious anyway?

Maybe some of us WANT to be influenced by Extraterrestrial communication signals!

his name again!

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 4:20 am
by Elizabeth Helen Drake

You and Brent Spinner as just destined to meet I think.

I mentioned his role to Andrew Bolland just a couple of days ago, (or he mentioned him to me first, can't remember) but we both thought of you Trickfox and your idea of blissfullly being left, undisturbed, with your research .... Just like Brent Spinners character was in ID. ( What was the line? They don't let us out of here much" Or something like that.) I remembered that you had once said that was your idea of the perfect situation, and we laughed about that!

And today someone returned my tape of Independence Day ( which had been borrowed so long I forgot who I had lent it to!). Odd, I thought of Brent Spinner again and you of course! Just gentle nudges.

Keep plugging awayTrickfox, And things will find their way to you. Elizabeth

Re: premature questions perhaps

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:56 pm
by Mikado14
Elizabeth Helen Drake wrote: You say that the work of Townsend Brown focuses for you as part of your theory so I thought that it might be interesting for us to know what that particular theory might be. Nutshell type, if thats at all possible. I understand that you are not ready to go for the details but a broad brushstroke on the canvas would be appreciated. Elizabeth
I too would be curious with this and also, How many times did you interview Dr. Brown and approximately how long did it/each last?
