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Chapter 15 " A Rare Force of Nature"

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 4:43 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake

I just noticed that this little chapter has no post of its own and it really deserves to be mentioned and discussed because it shows the spark that was generated between both couples. (A spark that lasted for lifetimes.)

And the expression " A rare force of nature" was how Josephine described Townsend Brown and I believe that Linda would have agreed that the description came to fit Morgan too.

Take a look at this chapter folks if you want some real insight into the relationships involved here. Elizabeth ****************************

An edit written, lets see months and months later... Here are the chapters I invite you all to read ,or reread . They are really lovely chapters and say much about Townsend and Josephine Brown. Give a quick browse
for Chapters 15 and 16. It helps to understand the love that they shared together when things got so difficult for them in the fifties. ... ature.html ... laway.html..........


Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:12 pm
by kevin.b
Elizabeth Helen Drake,
Just read these two chapters again,
I didn't pick up on your words about a spark that lasted for lifetimes.
You were right, they are a delight to read again, and Dr Brown telling her about his dreaming, with talk of time travel.
The forum seems to be catching up?

It would be interesting to dowse where Dr Brown slept in his family home when this dreaming was occuring
In Cornwall here in the UK there are several ancient villages,(carn euny ) they have been unearthed and researched , and you can wander around them.
I have done this in my own way, every house was precise , every doorway exactly how the matrix is.
The most interesting was a house sited where two circulations overlapped to form a vesica pisces, I sort of knew this is where birth occured.
The whole village was as one with nature, living with it , I was mesmerised wandering about there.
I soon realised that if we keep ourselves, especially the young precisely located , that we will absorb the information that we desire, especially when the flows increase at night , and the sun is not pulling them off the planets surface.

thats so interesting

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:52 pm
by Victoria Steele
Thankyou so much kevin for bringing these chapters up to our view again. You are so right. When things got tough for Josephine and Townsend its so good to see the emotions and the strengths that they found in their earler relationship.

And you used a word of course that vibrates for me big time

Vesica Pisces.

Thank you! Victoria

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 8:47 pm
by kevin.b
Victoria Steele,
Because of what I detect with dowsing, I am very very interested in sacred geometry.
I detect at certain spots, many such spots in fact, a vesica pisces arrangement , it is formed where polygons overlap, not circles as normally drawn.
Everything is created upon straight lines, the content upon the lines smooths out .
I sense this area as very femine, and is why I PMd you about your choice of word.
I don't doubt the word, just how in this time and age it will be possibly wrongly thought.
Creation is the female side of our dual aspect, perhaps our ultimate creation will have both male and female perfectly fused into one?

I am humbled to be able to place myself precisely upon the point where the vesica pisces shape is formed, I do so regurally, and just relax and think.
There is an ancient stone circle near where my shop is called the rollright stones, there are two points in the centre of the stone 89 inchs apart, one has 55 lines crossing through it, the other has 34 lines crossing through it, the geometry of this is staggering, but to me simple, flows from all the lines alignments cascade into these two points as well as emitting from them and twine together in a DNA spiral fashion, creation occurs at these zero points where frequencies collapse and coalesce together.
We are products of this, children of this planet, she is alive and I know her well.

They have called her a witch, I like this witch.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 10:08 am
by kevin.b
Many years ago, I had an affair with a lovely lady.
We walked one day into an hillside wooded area, the ground was thick with bluebells, we both immeadiately remembered been there before together.
We had been much younger and could remember rolling down the hill before any trees were there.
The memory was very intense and clear, there was other times when I saw her as a viking girl with platted hair and such.
We were so alike , it couldn't last.
We may have actually been the same person in the past?

That is hard to comprehend, at the time I couldn't, but if you can begin to consider that we are all ONE, litterally, constantly expanding in numbers.
That this ONE is always recirculating and been added to, that the ingredients are constantly been altered due to the inputs been varied by resistance out in space.
At every locality of points where many lines meet, they draw out with four dominant areas of concentration, roughly at ninty degrees around a circle to each other.
As you follow a flow into this area, it either carries straight on, or circulates and exits to the left or right, thus the flow becomes three.
Additional inputs from many other lines feed these spots to enable the three flows to gain up in potential.
I can see how this is depicted as the father , the son and the spirit.

We may therefore split into three new souls ( for a better word )
as we travel along these flows, travelling outwards until a suitable young male or female is encountered, then to be re-born, with three chances?

We are never exactly the same as our parents, perhaps they just provide the hardware, the other part is a traveller?