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Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 9:57 am
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
I am opening this new post pool to encourage all of you to post entries here that may not fit anywhere else, founded in ideas of our conciousness now and perhaps in the future. I get to start first.

I found this thought very interesting and I want to share it with you. ... 1585424838

"random mad thoughts
3:00 PM PST, January 5, 2007
Thought I would throw in some random mad thoughts and notebook jottings - inside my mind, I often conduct a metaphysical dialogue. Here are some snippets:

Any civilization that has reached the stage of interstellar transport will be beyond history, as we now conceive it. There might be another level of "galactic history" that is nonlinear and interdimensional. It would be a "history" of different interactive matrices, where forms of nonmaterial consciousness intersect and interact. This physical plane would be just one field or format for these interactions.

Such a shift from our current linear time is difficult - perhaps impossible - to conceptualize from our perspective. The mind certainly cannot "grasp" it - we can only experience it. Dreams and non-ordinary states give us hints. Dreams are intriguingly atemporal - in a dream, you can sometimes change the past of the dream while progressing deeper into it. Perhaps that is a clue to the true nature of time.

If time is multivalent, history is also.

If God is infinite, and we are aspects of God, then there is no limit to our possibilities of being and experiencing. This was William Blake's insight about "the doors of perception". One has to grow into this understanding through limitation - consciousness has to evolve through developmental stages, through density. It is like we have been planted in linear time, to blossom, eventually, outside of it."

Now there is something wonderfully elegant about that post. Thanks Paul for heading me in this direction. Appropriate timing.

I especially liked the last line. "It is like we have been planted in linear time. to blossom, eventually. outside of it."

Comments anybody? Elizabeth

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:26 am
by flowperson
Hello Elizabeth:

I pretty much agree with where you're headed here. If you haven't already availed yourself of the Zechariah Sitchin books on the origins of the biblical land of Shinar ( Iraq) I would strongly suggest that you do so. I don't agree with his "ancient astronaut" asssumptions to explain the foundations of this primal western civilization, but would prefer to explain it all with Paul's FTM conjecture made in LasVegas. Lots of things in ancient, and modern, legend and mythic symbolism points to such a probability.

The resurrection and return of G-d figures aren't unique to the myths concerning the "rainbow feathered serpent" as Q was called in Central American foundation myths. There were also such G-ds in Egypt(Osiris which means rainbow), Atrahasis in Caanan ( Lebanon, Palestine, Syria) and several others, not to mention the promise of Jesus' second coming. The presence and prevalence of pyramids on most continents now also points in this direction, IMO.

I would also strongly recommend reading many of the several books by the late Joseph Campbell, generally acknowledged to have been the most knowledgeable mythology expert of our times. He did a quite popular PBS series in the 80's, The Power of Myth, with Bill Moyers. He also consulted extensively with George Lucas when he was writing and filming the Star Wars mythologies. I think tapes of the Moyers series are still available through reputable libraries and likely also on the net. It and it's companion folio book are excellent places to begin the study of this material.

Lastly, I strongly suggest that you locate a copy of Robert Heinlein's final novel from 1980, The Number Of The Beast. It's not what you think. It's about an engineering professor at Utah State that invents a computer controlled, interdimensional, non-linear, time and space travel craft, and then proceeds to take his entire family on an odyssey throughout the universe, wherein it blinks in and out of existence instantly everywhere in the universe upon his whims. Remember that Heinlein was awarded medals by NASA, in the mid 80's I believe before he died, for being the most influential author in America concerning the direction of NASA"S efforts in space. His book, Stranger In A Strange Land, is also enlightening.

flow.... :wink:

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:45 am
by wdavidb

Yup, you got that right....

It would appear that on the whole we are going in the wrong direction, which is difficult for many people to understand.

Yet, during the last century we managed to find a reason to standardize light speed, as the measured fluctuations were causing much frustration and dis contention in the ranks. Of course this quieted the rumblings from within, but did nothing to solve the puzzle, as the puzzle was neatly put aside in favor of a constant constant.

Many might see this as a rather insignificant measure, but the problem is; we base our modern science on this seemingly misunderstood event.

If the speed of light is not constant, as many were beginning to suspect, it would change the context of our most basic perceptions and shatter the linear illusion.

Now, how could this be connected to so many other issues, including but not limited to scientific, spiritual, economic and political considerations?

Oh boy, have we got a tiger by the tail.

If the speed of light is not constant and the universe is simultaneous you are talking about a huge shift in consciousness and to some extent the liberation of the earth's population from the linear method of accounting.

Yes, interstellar space travel would put us beyond history, but in achieving this lofty goal we would have changed the world forever, as nothing would remain unchanged by such an event.

I recently put an interesting post on the gravity control forum concerning the necessary math required to navigate universe and have updated this under the heading, basic concepts.

No, its not rocket science math, that's for sure, but it sure is simple.

At the present we use terms such as seconds, meters and grams etc., but what if we allowed those terms to be limited to their proper usage and used a set of numbers as the terms describing the various conditions of universe, such as 1 & 0 ?

What if every system of universe from atoms to stars were measured by the same term of reference such as 1 & 0 ?

If the relative differential of each system corresponds to a non-linear value greater than 0 and less than 1 and each of these differentials was different and no two were the same would this not be a simple way to evaluate a whole raft of data associated with the dynamics of each system?

And on top of this, would this not allow for a foolproof method of navigation, in terms of interstellar transport? (the non-linear method)

rainbow associations

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:43 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
This is a section where we are allowed to think outside of the box , right? Which means I don't necessarily have to make rational "sense" particularly to anybody at this exact moment? And you all will give me that freedom? Mark C once did a very nice job of "free association" in one of our earlier discussions and so following his lead I would like to try that.

Here is what has been Vibrating for me. Follow me if you want, don't expect rationality.

The word Rainbow. The first thing that comes to my mind is William Moores use of the word in his "Project Invisibility: The Philadelphia Experiment" He said that the "project" was code name "Rainbow" ... of course in my studies I have realized that "Rainbow" was also the code word for plans set up for the entry of the United States in World War II. These were contingeny plans "IF" we were attacked. Look it up folks.

Then of course I think of the Philadelphia Navy yard where "Project Rainbow" was supposed to have happened and what I see instead is a Navy submarine, the same one that Paul "happened to mention" in his demonstration in Las Vegas. Her name was the " Cutlass" and if you look her up you will discover that one of the "projects" she was involved in .... oddly .... was called " Rainbow." It was supposed to have something to do with the color of the paint that they used below decks but as Pauls sources might concur, that was hardly the issue.

And now here come references to Rainbows in myth and ancient times and then I remember a story about Linda Brown "rescuing" her Dads lab notebooks several years ago from a dangerous situation. After securing the notebooks safely from someone who was not supposed to have them she stopped to fill her gas tank and, relieved finally to have them in her posessesion she was thinking of the significance and the importance of having them back when she looked at the street sign above her RAINBOW AVENUE. Word came back to Paul eventually that she had thought ...... "Is this the start of Project Rainbow ...... NOW"

Talk about trying to follow a "timeline" when the rest of the story doesn't play by those rules.

Just my particular notes from the rabbit hole. Elizabeth

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:30 pm
by kevin.b
The word Rainbow describes something that is always there but is not visable to our retina.
A series of events have to be in place for the always present to be visual.
That involves water vapour, refraction of light.
Abbot suger, who I have mentioned , spent most of the French economy on jewels, not through greed, as most think, but to see his god.
He invented gothic architectutre and introduced light into the precisely positioned cathedrals.
Then he hunted the world for the correct jewels and colours that would allow him to see what is always present , but not visable to our retina.
If you have the correct refraction , things could become clearer ?

rainbow windows

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:44 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Thankyou Kevin. Excellent thought. Elizabeth

Sitchin et al

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:44 pm
by Mikado14

Since Sitchin has been mentioned, did you ever look it up when I mentioned it before? You never commented, just wondered what your thoughts were. The book title was the Twelfth Planet.

Since this is outside of the box and the rules are that you can post without explaining yourself, or insulting anyone, and purely ask questions, here goes.

You have Paris, Bahnson and Decker, in that order. There is no secrecy to "Townsend Brown and his Flying disks". In his study at Ashlawn, he had the Electrostatic Speaker that was, at one point, shown to Teller. Pretty open if you ask me. So what did he do that was secret?

You have Meithe up in Canada at AVRO. Probably had lunch with Wilbert Smith from time to time. And let's not forget Sarbacher. What did they have in common?

Now what about Kitslemen (sp?)?

Birds of a feather......

I think Trickfox is rubbing off on me...<g>


what was secret

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 4:05 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Yes, I got to Sitchin after you mentioned it but found I had already been there through an association with events for me in Rittenhouse Square. Its a small world Mikado. Happy to talk about it with you some day. The Lion at Rittenhouse has always been special.

Paris, Bahnson and Decker in that order. That certainly cuts it to the quick.
Whats secret? It wouldn't be secret if I could answer that. obviously. Connections? Certainly.

I could go back earlier though. What about drawings of the identical ship which eventually came to be known as " The Adamski Scout ship" ... On Townsend Browns desk in 1955? Mention of "Adamski" in his lab notebooks in those years. What about the model of that same prototype on his desk again at the Bahnson lab? The picture of it on the blackboard behind him in the lab movie. People even have pictures of it on the Internet asking " which came first " Townsend Browns model or the Adamski " Flying Saucer". Would it interest you to know that Adamski was recorded as visiting the Bahnson lab?

Connections? Thought you might enjoy all that but I don't think it comes as any surprise. Elizabeth

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 8:33 pm
by Trickfox
wdavidb wrote:At the present we use terms such as seconds, meters and grams etc., but what if we allowed those terms to be limited to their proper usage and used a set of numbers as the terms describing the various conditions of universe, such as 1 & 0 ?

What if every system of universe from atoms to stars were measured by the same term of reference such as 1 & 0 ?

If the relative differential of each system corresponds to a non-linear value greater than 0 and less than 1 and each of these differentials was different and no two were the same would this not be a simple way to evaluate a whole raft of data associated with the dynamics of each system?

And on top of this, would this not allow for a foolproof method of navigation, in terms of interstellar transport? (the non-linear method)
IMHO this explanation is somewhat correct however some of the terms you are using confuses me completely. I think you are TRYING to describe Orthogonal functions, and the dyadic system, but you are correct in one aspect.....THERE IS "ROCKET SCIENCE MATH" to describe it. It only becomes relative in any discussion involving ENGINEERING or experimentation.

"Non-linear method" means A THOUSAND or more non-euclidean geometries. As soon as something becomes "non-linear", that is not the end of the subject. It becomes the begining of a more difficult subject. You can choose to ignore the rest of it, but I assure you that it does not mean it's irrelevant. Perhaps if you began looking into "elyptic curves" like fibonacci (Kevinb do you hear this) and "Golden Ratio" or Eugene Salamin's work on PI, just maybe you can get beyond the term "Non-linear".

But then that would require an interest in looking at someone else's work of course. I'm just wondering if you are interested in doing that, or are you just going to lump it into the "too difficult" bin and rejecting it as irrelevant.

Tell ya what..... I'd be pleased to show you all these wonderful things I've learned, because I KNOW you would just LOVE IT. I'm afraid in the end you may end up changing a few of your writtings over it. This is a bit like bitting into the apple of the knowledge of good and evil. Once you take a bite, you get hooked and there is no turning back.

Allways a pleasure to read your posts anyway David. It keeps reminding me that I don't have all the answers myself.


thirty dollar room

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 8:57 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Oh, Please Paul, can I tell the thirty dollar room riddle of Dr. Browns. Please oh!

Its about the only point-counter point I can give to this discussion. Yet, you are probably saving it for somewhere in the book. Maybe some of you already know that riddle so I'll just use the punchline " So where did the other dollar go?" and leave it at that. See, I can get lost with a simple riddle. Trickfox, I appreciate all the math language. Better you guys, than me!

I submit that any one of us could pick just one of the mysteries represented here and launch ourselves off on a lifelong quest for the answer to that individual mystery. And Dr. Brown just seems entirely surrounded by them. So I just skip happily across the top, making notes for later.

All of your forum posts (Kevin, David, Trickfox, everybody!) are wonderful! If I don't respond its just because I haven't figured anything halfway worth saying yet. Thats why I have resorted to riddles that I probably can't even tell. Elizabeth

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:28 pm
by kevin.b
Four Mexican bandits rob a bank,
They hide out in the dessert in a cabin,
Its square with a table in the centre , with four chairs round it,
In the centre of a wall is a door, the opposite wall is all mirror.
They wear large sombrero hats,
They play cards at the table until the heat dies down.
A mexican sheriff tracks them to the cabin,
Kicks the door open and with both his guns in his hands says,
" stick em up you FIVE",
Why did he say FIVE.?

trick question?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:44 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Well, I am assuming that the sheriff is seeing himself in the mirror. Or is that too easy?

No word to the negative from Paul. So I challenge you to answer this.
(I pick cowboys going to a rodeo .... Pick whatever you want)

Three cowboys are travelling to a rodeo. They check into a motel after a hard days drive. The sign says $30.00 for a room so each of them digs into his jeans and comes up with ten dollars which they pool and give to the desk clerk. Later on that evening the manager comes along and notices that the room should have been 25.00, not 30.00 .... so he gives the clerk five single dollar bills and makes the suggestion that he could keep two dollars from the five if the cowboys said it was OK. Long walk to the room, special service etc. The cowboys thought getting a rebate was great and let the kid keep the 2.00 tip. ........ later one of the brighter cowboys got to thinking. Lets see he pondered. We each got a dollar back. Which means that we each paid 9.00 for the room , instead of ten. Three times nine ..... is .... twenty seven ..... the kid has his two dollar tip .....thats ..... twenty nine ......WHERE DID THE OTHER DOLLAR GO?

A riddle from Dr. Brown. His response was ...... black projects


3 rooms for $25.00

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:16 pm
by Trickfox
Reversing the argument and leaving out "the ratio".......

Yea ok..... You can go ahead and play with that illusionary argument if you want Elizabeth, but that won't work in "Binary" will it now? If that motel desk clerk was a computer instead of a human being there would be nobody left to scratch their heads over the 3 rooms for $25.00. The computer would simply force the irrational argument out of the transaction at the start.

The integers were invented by man. Confusion arrived as soon as a "Ratio" was introduced. I'm sorry Elizabeth but you cannot couch your argument in the inability of the human mind to see clearly beyond Rational groups.

As best as we can tell the existence of the "non-dyatic ratio" can be dealt with using Orthogonal concepts. This is exactly what David is arguing FOR at the moment in his last post about space navigation using 0&1 only.

Yes, we live in this myterious world where 5 divided by 3 = 1.6666666(never ending). Now you can go ahead and throw your arms up in the air and give up, but you are forgetting that this is a very old argument which has a certain degree of resolution in Orthogonal functions.

YES there is a way to toss out the PI function, along with Cosine, Sine, and Tangent functions. BUT THAT'S NOT THE END OF IT.

GUESS WHAT!!! there is a whole NEW area of math dealing with this at the Binary level. It is precisely because of these new math principle that we have been able to resolve highly complex "natural" phenomena, which has led to wonderfull new medicine and technology. There is no denying the fact that if we given up mathematics as soon as we came across the non-rational numbers, then we would still be living in caves.

But hey..... I open minded enough to listen to anything that is consistent and non-contradictory.


In mathematics, a dyadic fraction or dyadic rational is a rational number whose denominator is a power of two, i.e., a number of the form a/2(to the power of b) where a is an integer and b is a natural number; for example, 1/2 or 3/8, but not 1/3. These are precisely the numbers whose binary expansion is finite.



Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:32 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Trickfox! I don't undrstand a word of what you just said. Leaving out the ratio? Thats a tad convenient?

The only thing I know is that when an outside agent is introduced into the equation that dollar disappears.. If the clerk hadn't taken his tip ...... everybody would be square. the guys would have their five dollars back and they could divide it any way they wished but they would have all of their refund. He took those two dollars and in the taking of them ...... that dollar went somewhere else and I defy you to find it...... artificial intelligence or not.

You want to try to explain it to me in terms that all of us can understand? This is a great challenge to you remember. I luv ya but a big mathmatical dust up won't work here.

So, can we try agin? Elizabeth

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:42 pm
by kevin.b
Elizabeth Helen Dake,
I respect your Dr Brown more and more.
The head of the black projects was the hotel manager.
The masses were the loser but didnt comprehend.
I love threes and nines.
If Dr Brown quoted this he knew about nines.
3x3nines is twenty seven, which leaves three.
The manager pocketed the third dollar.
The loser was the masses, the messanger was happy because he got two dollars.( I am glad that you have edit on here )

The answer to my little riddle is;-
Keep It Simple Stupid.
Dont look for the complicated , when it is simple.
Answer = down a bit,

He Couldn't count.
