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Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 8:14 pm
by Trickfox
Excuse me everyone but.... why is it that I get the feeling that one of the best stories ever developed around the idea of a FTM is the Carl Sagan scripted movie called "Contact". This is by far my all time favorite and common sensed reference to what the REAL FTM would be like.

The "Machine Consortium" as they were called in the movie must exist to explore this possible "Human Achievement".
right click on your mouse to "show picture"

The Future has happened already so obviously the possibility that the information for "conceiving and building itself" (as opposed to the physical device itself) is probably the ONLY thing that can travel instantaneously throughout the whole universe. (-at this objective moment in our consensual timelines).

When that "information" travels "backwards" (entropy is reversed) , it is then that "future remove viewers" can pick up on it and sort the noise and bad sicence out of it until the diamond like truth (supported by first order logic) presents itself to the observer. (in this case Jody Foster's character).

The experience became a "time interval independant event" experienced in a flash of a moment to all the scientists standing outside of the machine. But to the "one observer" inside the machine, the experience lasted several hours. (and the tease ending about several hours of recorded white noise on the data recorders that accompanied Jody Foster on her exploration of parallel dimension).

This all serves to demonstrate a very important issue.

The information is out there in the universe, and our wits need to grow sharper so that we can sort it out of the noise. It appears that the FTM is something which can be constructed. The rotating three axis superconductor design used in the CONTACT scenario is a very strong
first guess about the fundamental forces we need to harness to do this.

The message interception by Jody Foster is also a very important clue.... however.... people need to distance themselves from the concept of electromagnetic frequency, and start to try and grasp the potential for OTHER communication technology which could exist but remain completely
ignored by the mainstream industry.

After all. J.A. Barrett did make that same discovery himself back in 1900!!!

And you all thought perhaps that the men in black were kidding?

NO...NO...No... boys and girls.... This is not fantasy and you are in the rabbit hole completely now....

Now..... if only I could remember all the details I keep forgetting about in all the wonderful dreams I've been having in the past (including a few days ago).


Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 8:32 pm
by flowperson
Mark C. You are right on the money, IMHO.

flow.... :wink:

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 8:56 pm
by kevin.b
In this first link is a sketch with parallel lines, they create a polygon , almost a circle.
This is a very simplified glimpse of what occurs at each vortice point, but the centre lines go through the central point, the outer parallel lines create the mass, nine lines.

These links are discussing FIELDS,

I find that what is carried upon the lines accumulates ever so slowly into mass, if the content upon those lines was substantially increased, then the mass will not be capable of storing the input, and it will release, into a higher frequency, I think?
The frequency level will determine the time relative to position, and I consider nothing moves at all, none of this spinning planet , or circulating business at all.
Time may be limited to a specific length, similer to a circulation around a circle, so as the hour strikes , its all start again ,wow.
Thats why its always six o'clock, and they keep moving around and around, of course.
Thats why there is a green teapot?

Confusing , confusing.

Shape of Things Before My Eyes

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:36 pm
by Paul S.
flowperson wrote:Mark C. You are right on the money, IMHO.

flow.... :wink:
I think Mark has got the basic shape of the thing outlined.

It does boggle the mind, does it not?


Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:01 pm
by kevin.b
Mark C,
"I think we have already been on this ground "
You may never have uttered a more true set of words, or perhaps you may have uttered them many times?
It's always six O'clock.
Next time, I will remember more, thats why Elizabeth wants me to make notes?
So I can read myself.
I fink the wabbit hole just became stranger and stranger?
It all comes around again, of course, duh.

Re: Shape of Things Before My Eyes

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:41 pm
by flowperson
Paul S. wrote:
flowperson wrote:Mark C. You are right on the money, IMHO.

flow.... :wink:
I think Mark has got the basic shape of the thing outlined.

It does boggle the mind, does it not?

Hi Paul...I'm writing and transmitting my reply to you on an early and crude version of a "tablet of destiny". And please refresh my memory, or what's left of it. "Boggle" is a game isn't it ? However I've believed this truth to be operative in my life for a long time now.

flow.... :wink: :wink:

reading over her shoulder

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 1:50 am
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Perhaps Paul will remember this. Its an observation that we both made regarding some of the things that Linda Brown had written in her journals during the sixties. She often makes the comment in those early journals that she feels that someone is reading as she is writing! As if there was another entity reading the words as she is writing them. And sometimes she even modifys what she is saying to include that person. It is obvious that she feels this particular "Muse" at work. And she records how she takes those inspirations seriously.

Perhaps this is the year and this is the project where the importance of those journals have come full circle. Dr. Brown knew that of course. He is the one who bought those journals for Linda and encouraged her to write in them and for some reason that ability to make nearly daily observations stuck with her. But it must be endlessly interesting to see now that she very carefully answered questions which have been asked this year ..... in the 1960s. Did I just make any sense to anyone just then?

And you are right kevin. save your notes. You will not be trying to prove something. You will simply be put in a position of learning something. PLEASE save your notes. Everyone actually. Save your observations. Elizabeth

What he knew

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:39 pm
by Radomir
Townsend Brown looked down the street and saw the approaching cab, and then turned to his daughter and said, with the same calming tone that had settled her anxiety so many times in the past, “don’t worry, sweetie, everything is going to be alright.”
So, given what Mark C. has outlined, chances are good that TTB knew exactly what he was talking about when he said this.

It seems Paul might have already considered that when he wrote the subsequent lines:
In that instant, Linda knew her father was right. She didn’t know why, but her father had used those very words, in that very tone, a hundred times before, like there was something that he knew, something that he couldn’t tell her, something certain lingering in the background that assured her that everything would, indeed, be alright.

Kind of fills a body with a bit more confidence about the future, even as I would acknowledge many or all of us must put in significant efforts to ensure such a future comes to pass...

Good friends we have, oh, good friends we've lost
Along the way.
In this great future, you can't forget your past;
So dry your tears, I seh.

No, woman, no cry;
No, woman, no cry.
'Ere, little darlin', don't shed no tears:
No, woman, no cry.

Said - said - said: I remember when-a we used to sit
In the government yard in Trenchtown.
And then Georgie would make the fire lights,
As it was logwood burnin' through the nights.
Then we would cook cornmeal porridge,
Of which I'll share with you;
My feet is my only carriage,
So I've got to push on through.
But while I'm gone, I mean:
Everything's gonna be all right!
Everything's gonna be all right!
Everything's gonna be all right!
Everything's gonna be all right!
I said, everything's gonna be all right-a!
Everything's gonna be all right!
Everything's gonna be all right, now!
Everything's gonna be all right!


Eh! (Little darlin', don't shed no tears!
No, woman, no cry.
Little sister, don't shed no tears!
No, woman, no cry.)
Robert "Bob" Nesta Marley


Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 7:58 pm
by kevin.b
This chapter sure is a head scratcher, I just can't find any information on how a time machine operates.
And I doubt that they would be able to smuggle whatever one is aboard a submarine, right under the navy's noses?
Therefore it has to be what created the stealth capabilities, but not perhaps tweaked in a specific way?
Also if it is only a very specific area of the sub that travels in time, you must presume it would be centred upon the frogmen/women.

I wonder what people of thousands of years ago, would make of a frogman?
How would the frogman get back?
Would he need to build a device upon a precise point on the matrix, power the point up, and beam back?
The whole thing is mind boggling, how long could they be away, and yet only perhaps be away for seconds?
I suppose the best bit would be to go forward, as they may be expecting you, and have the kettle on?
They will know how it works, and can keep telling you, thus once you know the system, you can go back , and do what happened, you would have to, or it wouldnt have happened, But you have all the TIME in the world, so if you sleep in, it doesn't matter?
No wonder they wrote Alice through the looking glass?


Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:16 am
by Trickfox

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

You would be better off trying to build the time machine so that someone from the future could send you the details to finish it properly, since the best you can hope for is a condition whereby the information somehow leaks backwards like reverse entropy at the atomic level. The only thing we can do is try to sort it out of the noise of the initial big bang.

I call it; the "hiccup device". It's Like the black cat scene in matrix 1

Besides, That's an engineering issue isn't it.

I believe we are still in the "theorem" part so far: ... re=related


Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 4:38 am
by Griffin
I liked Michio Kaku's imagery of "dancing around the maypole" on the cylinder edge. The rabbit hops back and forth, but calls it a dance. Alice? She spins around intoning her mantra, "Curiouser and curiouser!" -- while Gryphon says, "What fun!"


Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:19 am
by kevin.b
Thank you for the links.
The first one with the cup of coffeee , I have thought out , but with many directions of rotation at once.
To achieve this in the past weeks, I have had to envisage all mass as fixed, whether it is or not doesn't matter.
Then imagine a general rotation of all space , in one predominant direction, but within that flow are 144 further flows.
The general flow is fluid, but the 144 are upon fixed points as is the mass thus formed upon them.
The geometry of the fixed flows induces apparent local rotation of the mass, if the mass is sited upon a point geometrically that will give a vortice rotation.( our moon will simply be sited in the vortice around the centre point of this planet, so will not appear to rotate, except in the vortice ..).
To the observer upon a rotating mass, or an observer observing another such mass, the line of sight will be down the rotations , and thus mass will appear to rotate and move.
Any rocket or such will be upon those lines , thus the mass will appear as far off.
Time then would be like layers in a book, the observer upon a page, he would need to travel along a vast spiral to get to the next page, unless he burrows through the layers, there will be pages above and below him/her.

The link talking of maypoles is very relevent to the vortice point.
I became very keen on maypoles about 18 months ago.
I am old enough to have danced around the maypole.
I was tracking a specific line, I peered over a wall where it went and noticed a whole lawn full of fairy rings, I went to the house and asked if I could check around them, it was a large manor house, and a glorious English country gent answered, he was fabulous, very keen about dowsing.
I explained and demonstrated the patterns that the fairy rings were utilising and absorbing, then pointed out a yonder hill where the line went through, he had researched the hill back through time as a roman fort and before that a henge, I explained my thoughts on such, then noted a large Oak tree in his grounds where the line bisected the tree.
He became very excited as he had researched the tree, it was planted at that spot, to commemerate the acsesion to the throne of Queen Victoria, previous to which it had been the precise spot that a maypole was errected each May day by the villagers, for all recorded history.
We went to the tree and it dowsed as a point of least resistance where 55 leylines centred through, a point where gravity will be less, so water will be higher up in the water table below.
They danced with many coloured ribbons around a maypole, slowly tightening around the pole , and captured one of the dancers, winding around and around the captured.
In my little hobbit opinion they were dancing to creation, in line with it, celebrating how they observed.
This has mostly been surpressed, by whom?


Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 1:42 pm
by James Barrett
Maybe just by ourselves kevin. Maybe there is a survival situation in place that allows modern humans to lock out that which is there for some Hobbits to feel and see. Like the Biblical cleft between the boulders. Something in place that protects our own mentality. So in effect we are our own key masters and we ALWAYS have had the ability to free ourselves, but we haven't known it. And thats alot to know. Perhaps all part of the emerging design. It FEELS like someone is hiding this material from us but really thats just a cop out. Its just us protecting ourselves.

I am no Hobbit but I think that I have my moments. JDB

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 3:47 pm
by flowperson
Hi...My take on all of this is no matter how we deface and despoil our home, whatever is was, and whatever was is.

flow.... :wink:

Re: You Sure?

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:16 pm
by Gewis
Paul S. wrote:
Gewis wrote:There are ways of computing this stuff. As it currently stands, none of that exists for Brown's work.
Which raises an interesting question: what do you suppose was in those notebooks that Linda and Morgan spirited away from Building #4 along with that peacock?

And... where are they.... NOW?


I was going to suggest that perhaps they've been "sent" somewhere in time. Send it to Eldridge Johnson in 1930. Who knows? But then this thought hit me:

If this device can time travel, it can also teleport (loosely). We often forget that the earth is not stationary. I'd be curious to know how you link two locations without really knowing where you're going. In a way, you might have to have a machine that anchors both points, a sender and receiver node. Most likely, the machine itself would be both sender and receiver. Otherwise, if your machine beamed you to the same point in space at almost any moment in the past and future, you'd be in outer space. Go far enough ahead or behind, and you'd be out of the solar system.

Alternatively, if the machine doesn't require anchoring of that sort, then it would take some really great calculations as to exactly when you'll end up so you can control exactly where you'll end up. That's a tough prospect, when you consider that it requires numerical approximation methods to deal with trajectories of more than 2 bodies in space. The further out you go in time, the less precise your calculations are. We do know where stars are headed, and we do know pretty well what the orbits of planets, but predicting 4 years out where to teleport your submarine in that thin sheet of water where submarines can operate? I highly doubt that capability existed in the sixties. I'd be surprised if it exists now.