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Ultraviolet is after violet

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:42 am
by Trickfox
Elizabeth, are you thinking the shift towards violet and ultraviolet light frequencies, or is it magnetic negative(blue pole) and Magnetic positive (red pole). Ultraviolet lasers are made with Laser diode trippler (potassium dihydrogen phosphate) thus the idea is increase the frequency (and shorten the wavelength).


John Hutchison

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:12 am
by greggvizza
Thought you all might find this interesting. Enter this auction number into eaby:



and I notice

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 4:43 am
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
And I notice no one has bid anything yet? Am I right? interesting. Elizabeth

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 5:05 am
by Chris Knight
Perhaps Mr. Hutchinson is following the example of Mr. William Moore into a quiet retirement ?

I'd bid a couple of dollars, but $5,000 seems a bit steep....Wait....What's that ?....My wife tells me it's $5,000,000 ?!!!

Awww well, I'm out.... :wink:


Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 5:40 am
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Unless there has been alot of action in the last couple of hours ..... the asking price is four million, but the bids .... the last time I looked ... amounted to 0. Sets forth an interesting scenario . Perhaps someone is waiting for the very last moment? But the sales price of anything is what someone is welling to buy it for and what someone is willing to let it go for ....... and it seems right at the moment that there is a pretty big gap between. Elizabeth

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:12 pm
by flowperson

Thanks for the Beckwith links. As a long time believer in what might have really happened to create the Philadelphia Experiment myth, it was interesting to read on the real work that led to the "initial" shift incident, and then to wonder about how Mr. Moore et al concocted their tales from that and presented it as factual material.

As a long-time student of the dynamics of how mythology is created and perpetuated into the future, it was very enlightening to go to a source of one of the more powerful contemporary mythologies that is generally accepted in principle. There's lots of information there that could lead one to envision a "universal field theory based upon force lines" that agrees with kevin b's assertions that all he does in using his unique abilities is to "follow the lines". The "Matrix" films also come to mind. Isn't it interesting how art tends to prepare "those who watch" for the realities of the future?

You might also be interested in knowing that there was a fairly good "B" film version made titled, The Philadelphia Experiment, which was released in 1984. If you can find a copy it is worth watching. Great "rainbow" special effects, although the bit tying the experiment to happenings in the Nevada desert years later doesn't seem congruous to me. But hey, whoever said movies are supposed to make sense, when all they're meant to do is to entertain us ?

flow.... 8)

It's all pseudonyms

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:08 am
by greggvizza
I had posted the following on this forum about a year ago. I am re-posting it here again for those that weren’t able to read the first time.

The Philadelphia Experiment was written in mostly all pseudonyms by someone from Pittsburgh PA (my home town). The main character is Dr Franklin Reno.

On Rout 8 north of Pittsburgh you come to an intersection marked by a road sign Franklin 8, Reno 4. Go to Google Maps and type in “Reno, PAâ€

regarding coming to conclusions

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 5:20 am
by twigsnapper

I really liked your comment on the “ two degrees of separationâ€

Re: regarding coming to conclusions

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:09 pm
by Mikado14
Several things come to mind...
greggvizza wrote: To really top it off, when you do an internet search for Philadelphia Experiment you get a million pages of BS. Its is almost like someone is deliberatley generating massive amounts of noise to cover the true signal. Now anyone who looks it up will come to the conclusion that the story is a myth.

twigsnapper wrote:What I am trying to tell you is that you really deserve to look harder at the information that has been put in front of you. Suspend, if you can, any assumptions. A disinformation expert knows how to lead hounds away from a foxes den. Many important things can be appreciated in a foxes den .... but if you get anxious it is easy to be led away by the call of a well placed horn on a hilltop, and while the rest of the pack streams away, sometimes it counts well to pause a moment. Wise foxes know what is important and what needs to be guarded. And a wise hound knows when to look again.
If you reread what gregg has said he may have been inferring "other" individuals who may research the "Philadelphia Experiment" on the Internet and it may not have been his conclusion.

In reading what you have posted, Mr. Twigsnapper, your "wisdom" also holds much water, so to speak.
twigsnapper wrote: Even he (Carl Allen) complained to Moore (and I believe that Andrew Bolland is in possesion of those original messages of complaint. You might ask him about it) .While Allen was being presented as the key witness in the account he also was complaining vigorously to Moore that Moores SOURCE was supplying disinformation. Of course Moore never mentions that there were other sources involved, does he?

And the end result? Helping a good researcher like Cook miss a good target. Hounds over the next hill when things of value are still in hiding.
So the conclusion it is to find a researcher who is deaf and cannot hear the houndmasters horn. This must be the reason Paul was chosen for he appears to be not so easily led.

But could that also be due to the connection with Farnsworth or is it something else?


yammering hounds

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:02 pm
by grinder
You know, I can see what Mr. Twigsnapper means though. Do you realize how many people have spent so much time and effort following up on items that were mentioned in the Philadlphia Experiment? What would have happened I wonder if their ears had been deaf to that particular Huntsmans horn? What might have been noticed?

And when you get a guy to write the story of Townsend Brown you do have to get someone who is not particularly deaf but at the very least he has to be immune from all of this previous disinformation. Paul was like the perfect choice. I take it that he is stubborn. He is going to do things his way , things have to be proven to him and I don't think that the man leads too easily. And he is sort of the tough Eastern mentality with a strange blend of the sailor. So he is open, but he still won't buy into the easy shit.

I think that there was a time in the mid fifties when people tried to talk about these new developments. Cook mentions that there was a moment where big firms were looking at what was called the " G Engine" I think. And then all of the sudden it was if someone turned the switch off.

Everyone has always assumed that the switch was turned off on poor old Dr. Brown. The consensus was that whoever controlled the information had somehow maybe stolen it from him and then shut him out. Stuff like that. I just read what Elizabeth has posted on the new forum discussion site and she seems to be saying that she believes that it was part of a plan, maybe even developed by Brown himself. ?????????????

And I am thinking. You know, that makes more sense actually than almost anything else so far. But how do you prove that something like that???????

Well, I guess you have to SEE the possibility of it first, huh?

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:23 pm
by greggvizza

I also have respect for your wisdom, and I, admittedly, am not in possession of that quality myself. You read my naivety clearly. I have not spent any time in the black world nor the military. I use my real name on forums, there is nothing in my background that would be of any interest. The closest I came to a security clearance was while working on a few sytems for nuke plants during my Westinghouse employment. They treated everything as though it were classified but it wasn’t. Nothing in that industry is truly worth classifying. Nothing in that industry can dissolve space-time, its not worth the trouble to hide it. Also, since it is so difficult to do, it is sort of self policing; no one is going to refine uranium to weapons grade in their garage.

As Mikado14 mentioned; you may have misunderstood my last sentence. I was trying to convey the fact that there seems to be orders of magnitude more noise than signal when trying to research the Philadelphia experiment. I always assumed that it was deliberate jamming.


Re: It's all pseudonyms

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:37 pm
by Paul S.
greggvizza wrote:Funny how TT Brown’s name was not disguised in the book.
You know, I hadn't really thought of that. Isn't that interesting? Gee, I wonder how that happened?

Interesting, too, that in a chapter AFTER "The Force Fields of Townsend Brown," Moore reverts to referring to Brown as "the scientist in question."

Why refer to Brown anonymously in THAT context when he as already been identified previously?

Thanks for the posts, Gregg.... good stuff.

And thanks, grinder, for the strokes. It's nice to know that somebody sees the method in my madness...


Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:59 pm
by Gewis
I think the biggest and most important difference between Nick Cook and our own Paul is that Nick Cook was chasing antigravity. Paul is chasing T.T. Brown. Nick had the entire field open, and was following the horn, as Twigsnapper put it, where ever it led him. Hunting a target is a lot more effective when you know what your target is. :)

It could be that this Brown business is a distraction from still something else. Who knows? Don't laugh too hard, Twigsnapper. I know how you like your secrets.


Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 5:37 pm
by twigsnapper
Ah, everybody loves and has secrets Gewish, even you.

And you are an astude observer. Is there something that still needs protection? Something out in the open yet totally hidden? Something that will require an amount of hornblowing on far off hills? Of course. This is, remember , an ongoing process here. The end is not in sight. The hunt is not over. But just think how much can be learned in the middle of it!

Faces and places someone said to me once.( A lady I hold in very high regard. She was walking on a beach and had told me in her own way what she saw for the future. My own Oracle of Delphi perhaps!) And like the ancient Generals I put my forearm across my chest to show respect, and kept her words with me. Oddly in the last couple of years everything that she told me has come true. No explanation for that.

How valuable might that be to a military system? How much might they want it? How far have they explored so far? How far into secrets do you want to go?

Students of history and modern myths might want to look up a gentleman by the name of Puharich. Add some other names and faces, such as: Hal Puthoff, Steven Greer, Josh Reynolds ...... and see if there is any connection with a sweet scientist just looking for his decoder ring.

Is that a horn in the distance? Perhaps. Is it worth looking at? Well, if you don't forget your way home! twigsnapper


Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 4:31 pm
by Radomir
Elizabeth wrote:
Maybe someone can let me know what you think on this ...... I was researching something a long time ago (can't even remember what it was I was after now, darned) but the information came up that a negative charge displayed itself as blue ... (or red) and a positive charge displayed as the other color ... blue or red. (I say that because I can't remember the content of the article and therefore can't remember which it was for each charge. And I vaguely think it had something to do with the Northern Lights. So does anyone out there know if this is true? That these particular colors are displayed.
I'm pretty sure I ran into this in the Callum Coats' books of Viktor Schauberger's writings. I'm not at home right now so I would have to check through them to be sure which it might have been. For instance in his replication of the Lord Kelvin's Thunderstorm demonstration, I believe there was reported a glow of those two colors above and below the apparatus, though I can't recall if it was blue above and red below or the opposite.

This would support your recollection that the colors do have something to do with the state of charge.
