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Re: Downloads

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:32 pm
by AM2
Mr. T, your nurses might claim differently about your ruthless qualities. I imagine they hid your magazines long ago. But even so, somehow I don't think you are nearly so bad as AM paints you.
Ms. Rose, despite all bitting and neighing I have a great respect for Mr .Twigsnapper. If not for anything else, then just for what he did during WWII. I can only imagine what a difficult time it was then.

I had the fortune to meet one or two gentlemen who fought against the Nazis from the their havens in mountains and forrests - most of the time cold and hungry. Then there were the ladies working in pharmacies in German-speaking territories who were secretly supplying the resistance with medicines they stole from the pharmacies. One of them was captured by Gestapo and I believe also tortured. Later she married a mathematician who had a big library - one room reserved just for books on each of the three floors of his house. The lady always very kindly allowed me to spend hours among her husband's books.

As for my concerns, doubts and frustration expressed in strong words you might understand my position if we will ever have the opportunity to meet in person. Not that this would be any excuse for my actions.

And then unfortunately I have the peculiar talent to sometimes insult and attack people that I admire. Not all of them and not all the time, of course. I probably have more luck than brain in this respect, because I am still alive and in one piece.

Since Mr. (Kevin) B. started with poetry let me continue.
The Lilly

William Blake

The modest Rose puts forth a thorn:
The humble Sheep a threatning horn:
While the Lily white, shall in Love delight,
Nor a thorn nor a threat stain her beauty bright
Where's the Lily? <g>.


Brahman Unlimited

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:37 pm
by Griffin
It might be well to mention that the term Brahman has meanings like "the vastness, the all" and is a neuter term, not categorized as either masculine or feminine. This concept can be applied, imo, in other positive religious-spiritual or quantum science contexts. These Vedic terms need not be limiting in their meaning and application, as they are inclusively descriptive of shared ultimate reality when reflected upon.


Re: Downloads

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:02 pm
by skyfish
Hi Griffin,
Yes, ultimately neither masculine or feminine, but is often referred to in the upanishads as him...and eternal is always a quality. Quantum science does have some parallels.
The transformational experience is a cross cultural phenomenon. Joseph Campbell said that the purpose of this life is to experience eternity here and now.
We can hear or read the description of a person, but that is not the same as meeting the person.
There is very good reason that SOME were interested in sanskrit, and it was not just to be involved in a philosophical discussion.

Re: Downloads

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:42 pm
by kevin.b
I have the strangeness to share Willian Blakes birth date, I resemble him,
If I could write, I would write as him,
If I could paint , I would paint as him.
Am I him?
Whom be thee?

Re: Downloads

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:44 pm
by AM2
Mr. (Kevin) B. wrote:AM2,
I have the strangeness to share Willian Blakes birth date, I resemble him,
If I could write, I would write as him,
If I could paint , I would paint as him.
Am I him?
Whom be thee?
For sure, I am somebody who greatly appreciates both William Blake's poetry AND painting. Just look at his poem "And did those feet in ancient time"! I believe it serves as the text for the unofficial English anthem. Some interpret the poem as a sarcastic pun, which I think is not correct. I think it represents Blake's ideal.

This ideal certainly deeply resonates with me. And then is it really Albion or rather Avalon <g>?
William Blake wrote:And did those feet in ancient time,
Walk upon England’s mountains green
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On England’s pleasant pastures seen
And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark Satanic Mills?

Bring me my Bow of burning gold;
Bring me my Arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold:
Bring me my Chariot of fire!
I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In England’s green and pleasant Land.
Ah, yes, William Blake was also a mystic! So somebody here will be especially drawn to his work. Now who could that be? <g>


P. S. Mr. B., I once heard that Oswald Mosley and the British fascists badly misused this great work of art, when trying to adopt the hymn as "their song". Is this true?

Re: Downloads

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:36 pm
by greggvizza
Trickfox wrote:Discard all Newtonian notions, re-examin Maxwell/Coulomb law to determin a unforseen relationship for "FORCE" based on dielectric constances. INVENT---or re-invent the math relationships using "proton mass" as the natural reference. Pay particular attention to Rieman's conjecture and the convergence theorem (Zeta function).

A high quality upload.


Re: Downloads

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 12:37 am
by skyfish
OK...this keeps popping up...I have a notion that when EHD posts....I should listen.

Help me move this stone...

From EHD,
Though I think that most of the good people here on the forum are already cracking the last part of the puzzle. We haven't been talking about DNA structures for the pure fun of it, though there is that too!

And it was posted in the download section... : )

So, DNA is a warm trail...

OH NO...DNA IS FRACTAL!!! Here I go again!!!! me! lol

And dna came from...

Leesburg...a transmitting sight?!?!?! To whom...what??? Receivers/recorders... were placed all over the world....
Point of contact...

Leesburg....dna....receivers...transmitting sight? contact....

Back into the subconscious...let it percolate some more....

Did someone say quantum tunneling? I am glad you brought that up. That is good evidence for the aether. It also shows us the scale at which the transition from wave form into material takes place....aether into matter....particles spontaneously appearing and and out of the aether.

I brew my own loose leaf green tea...and honey! so very good! Save the bees!

Re: Downloads

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:33 am
by skyfish
This one will not leave me alone either...
And of course I have come to the realization a very long time ago that what I interpretted as a " dream" so long ago wasn't a simple dream but something far more important. In any case it was a SHARED experience

A waking experience, sleeping experience....altered state? A shared experience...dream like quality....

Leesburg...nothing to do with a saucer....receivers...antennae...transceiver....dna...

Kevin, have you been to Leesburg?


Re: Downloads

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:02 am
by htmagic
skyfish wrote:This one will not leave me alone either...
And of course I have come to the realization a very long time ago that what I interpretted as a " dream" so long ago wasn't a simple dream but something far more important. In any case it was a SHARED experience

A waking experience, sleeping experience....altered state? A shared experience...dream like quality....

Leesburg...nothing to do with a saucer....receivers...antennae...transceiver....dna...

Kevin, have you been to Leesburg?


He might not have but I have been there. The FAA has a facility there and I was involved in an asbestos removal there. Thank God I'm not there anymore, not because the place wasn't beautiful but I didn't want to be in an asbestos containment in summer in Tyvek suits and a full face powered air purifying respirator (PAPR). And it was about 90°F+ during the time!

There is much I'd like to say but don't have much time to do so. Look before the resistance cross. Dr. Brown's original works in 1937 used an electrometer. The readings are reversed for an electrometer and later on the resistance cross, the 16h ST is a minimum not a maximum as measured before. So pay attention to the devices used. Dr. Brown talks about the original resistance measurements with one copper wire 120cm long. Since 2.54 cm/inch, we're talking a leg less than 48 inches long (47.244 in). Pg 50 he talks about thrust minimum when the electrometer reading is highest. Later he describes the resistance cross.

On Pg 53:
Dr. Brown wrote:Phoned Mt Wilson Observatory to get Ephemeris for 1892. Mrs Henderson reported on 8-21-73 the lunar phases as indicated above. The peaks occur 6 days before full moon in each case. These peaks seem to coincide with instrument minima. In this case, then, the instrument increases torque as resistance (of copper) increases. This is exactly opposite to what might be expected if torque is a function of current.
Now he is back talking about the electrometer.
Dr. Brown wrote:Page 59 To my knowledge, there is no accepted method for measuring the electrostatic potential of the Earth. There is no reference potential. It would be like a mono-polar voltmeter. In the literature, the work of Prof. Fernando Sanford (Prof. Emeritus of Physics, Stanford Univ.) comes to mind. Shortly after 1900, Prof Sanford published "Terrestrial Electricity" (Univ. Series Math. And Astron., Vol. II, No. 1, L.C. QC 806.S3 AS 36L56, Vol. 2, No. 1). In this volume, as I remember, Prof. Sanford conducted investigations with a quadrant electrometer and obtained some striking evidence of lunar electrostatic effects. I am trying to locate this reference at the present time. Sanford reports that it is out of print. L.A. Public Library has misplaced its copy. My program for the immediate future is to concentrate on the possibility that the electrometer is indicating resistance changes. I will be looking for other research and other evidence that include resistance changes which are not accounted for. This is especially important if these changes accompany any of the lunar cycles or are correlated with sidereal time.
Page 60 99. Torque and Resistance Change in the Brown Sidereal Radiation Recorder.Catalina Island; Aug 19, 1973. Since the instrument scale is inverted, and since an increase in torque requires an increase in total current, it necessarily follows that an increase in instrument reading (instrument units) means an increase in resistance. Considering the 1937 (Ganesville) records: (1) Resistance is maximum 2 hr after moon crosses upper meridian
(2) Resistance is minimum at noon, Solar time.
(3) Resistance is maximum at 16 h ST
(4) In all annual charts, "instrument units" parallel "resistance" in direct relationship. If the resistance if a conductor is related to absolute electrical potential and if the potential of the Earth changes, then�
Then what? It just trails off. I went to Andrew's site and then and they both trail off. Missing data, anyone?

Finally, I wanted to learn more on the Hercules constellation. I found this:
The constellation Hercules is smack in the middle of many famous constellations. He is bordered to the north by Draco the Dragon, to the northwest by Cygnus the Swan, and to the northeast by Bootes the Herdsman. Lyra the Lyre with her bright Vega star flanks Hercules' west side, while the Northern Crown, Corona Borealis, resides on his east. To the south, Ophiucus the Serpent Bearer and his serpent, Serpens, look up to the great Hercules.

Major Stars:
Hercules, in his diamond shape (some believe the constellation resembles a swastika-oops!), has four major stars that make up the four corners of his body. Herculis Zeta, Eta, Epsilon, and Pi are considered the "keystone" stars of Hercules, though they are not the brightest or most massive; they simply hold the corners of Hercules' body and make him easier to find in the night sky.
Now I highlighted Ophiucus the Serpent Bearer and the Serpent is the 13th zodiac constellation. There are 13 zodiacs, not 12 as normally thought. The Serpent is the missing zodiac. There is also a passage in Revelations that talks about the Serpent and it could be a vague reference to this constellation and the "star" wormwood (brown star) which hits the earth. This angle is an extreme southern angle which NASA already admitted may be difficult to detect until it is too late. It would also be with the sun behind it which would be difficult to detect anyway.

Interesting points from all here. I guess we all have been getting heavy downloads...


Re: Downloads

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:33 am
by skyfish
Hey Magic!,
I have done the tyvek, respirator on a hot day thing. Just about the worse!
These peaks seem to coincide with instrument minima. In this case, then, the instrument increases torque as resistance (of copper) increases. This is exactly opposite to what might be expected if torque is a function of current
OK...if these are fluctuations in the aether, then that is affecting the characteristics of em energy...
As has been said before, the aether seems to be liquid...and also have an elasticity. Em energy is a waveform in the aether so if the aether is a little "denser" or less...compression, decompression...that may explain the variations.
Hercules, in his diamond shape (some believe the constellation resembles a swastika-oops!),
This is interesting...

"Serpent is the 13th zodiac constellation" ....thought I was a fish...maybe I'm a snake! Hey...skysnake!!!


Re: Downloads

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:53 am
by skyfish
I want to point out...if it has not been already...
The fluctuations Dr. Brown was recording...not really gravity waves...the constant pressure of the aether is gravity....but waves created by celestial events...and a natural flow were what he was recording.
The fluctuation in the aether is nature's Biefeld Brown effect. Fluctuations in aether affect em, conversley powerful enough fluctuations in em affect aether/gavity.
In our physical bodies we have an aether the scale smaller than subatomic particles.

Re: Downloads

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:57 am
by skyfish
That is our point of connection to the aether. The very small.
Smaller than an eye of a needle. And the ego cannot enter...must be childlike..only our aether portion...returns to the aether, the eternal....the illumination.
The gateway to eternity is a speck....a speck and infinity at the same time. The alpha and omega.

Re: Downloads

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 9:41 am
by skyfish
Just found and read the jornals thread...

from EHD

"So .... anybody want to talk about the last thing that TTBrown mentioned in his first notebook ..... I'll quote, in case others haven't gotten there yet .... "Entire water body is the Cathode envelope and is DRIVEN astern. Ship (dielectric) is DRIVEN forward." I think the date on that entry was 1955 ... the same year Einstein died? right? or am I off a year? And the note is also that TTBrown was in Leesburg Virginia at the time.

Am I seeing " The Hunt for Red October" in those words? .... or is it just my hopeful imagination? Note .... there would be no moving parts .... watch the movie folks, if you havent seen it in awhile ..... sometimes things of importance are mentioned and then left in plain sight.

Leesburg Virginia ,by the way .... shows up several times in the story of Townsend Brown. The family returned to that (used to be little) town right outside Washington DC..... I visited there a couple of years ago while doing some research for Paul. Its a charming town but we both have wondered ... what was it about the place that prompted travelers such as the Browns to return ?.... over and over.?.... anybody out there have any ideas ... or perhaps knowledge of the family there in those years? "

This was asked in 2006...2 years ago...and still waiting....a patient person indeed!
These were asked more recently in this thread. Soooo...this IS significant. I am still pondering it....

How does caterpillar drive equate with contact....a communication device....I still consider elf for military application...comm device....can anybody see the forest?

Hey 1955...I was born in 1956!
>( { )">

Re: Downloads

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 11:17 am
by htmagic
skyfish wrote: Hey 1955...I was born in 1956!
>( { )">

I too was born in 1956! I'm a Leo. So are you a Sky Serpent or are you still Skyfish? :wink:


Re: Downloads

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 2:27 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
And no wonder its tough having to wait for some other comments to be presented!... sometimes you even have to wait for people to be born! <g>

Help me out here Skyfish. I think that I am seeing some of my comments quoted in your texts but because there is no link to names even I am getting confused and I can just imagine how hard it is for others. Grab some quotation marks ... or change the color ... or something because all of this is confusing enough.

And don't count on me remembering what I said so long ago! Anyway ... lets try to make it as easy as possible for others to follow what is happening here. Even those born in 1956- or 1955! <g> Elizabeth