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overheard conversations

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 5:06 pm
by twigsnapper

I see that you had yourself quite a quake. Can see you with your rods in your hands, trying to stand in the midst of it ....... lovely thought actually.

And to everyone else I have a selection of other thoughts.

You know that most of my life has been spent “overhearing” what others have said. I still do that. Don’t go climbing walls or riding off into rocky hillsides anymore. More inclined to stay by warm fire.. I guess I still have my rather handsome ears on.

And this conversation which came over my desk this morning involved Linda Brown and a lady I will not name. She definitely will recognize herself.

The conversation centered around “ making choices” and the lady on the phone (LOP?) Said with some amount of concern “ But would you have gotten in that white car if you knew what you know now? Would you have made that choice?” And I noticed that the answer was slow in coming and finally resulted in the honest “ I don’t know”

Now LOP apparently has been given a choice to be involved in her partners lifetime passion for research (although at quite a distance) or not. And this is a decision to be carefully weighed

The point was made that at the time Morgan made his choice to let Linda get into that car he honestly was in an “either /or “ mental frame of mind and did not realize at the time that there might have been other choices available.

This “Project” thing involves many personalities and each has the ability to throw into it, or walk away from it, or perhaps many choices in between. It’s a matter of personal choice and comfort level.

LOP asked Linda if it was true that she had taken some sort of “ flight” and I thought Lindas’ answer interesting and appropriate. And after getting her permission to share it with you all I want to note her reaction.

She would not answer LOP. Linda told her that her conclusion was hers alone.

The answer you see is for each of us to come to on our own conclusion. Linda would not ( and I expect will never)share her opinion of what her experience actually meant to her and how she accepted it because she believes thats’ for each individual reading the story to see for himself/herself. She has said that the “truth” .... the “ reality” will be what they see in their own mind. And can comfortably accept.

Like watching a rock reform itself in front of your eyes. How do you accept that? A "flight " to different parts of the globe, a week away in one mind set .... back the next day in another mindset” . Was it a time travel experience? Was it a simple dream? Was it the delusion of an off center mind? Was it something else that only the person experiencing it could conclude?

Lindas response to LOP is that it was WHAT EACH PERSON NEEDS TO DECIDE FOR HIMSELF.

And an additional thought. My... all those bird names. You would need an Aviary to keep track of them all.


Re: overheard conversations

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 5:23 pm
by Gewis
twigsnapper wrote: And an additional thought. My... all those bird names. You would need an Aviary to keep track of them all.
Man, you crack me up. What do you suppose the odds are of lay people digging around the edges finding the path between Dr. Brown and these "birds"? Langley?

easy enough to find

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 5:50 pm
by twigsnapper
Well, one of the vibrating threads would have been William Moore. But then that thread was tied to a red herring ..... which was drug all about the neighborhood. It will take a pack of good hounds. But then I think I know of some fine animals who now know what the scent actually is. Will be interesting to see what they find " around the edges" <g> .

My, this is fun. twigsnapper

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:04 pm
by Gewis
As long as you're here, Twigsnapper, I have to ask,

Did you ever take a "flight"?

did I?

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:16 pm
by twigsnapper
Of course. Many. Safer than some planes <g>
But then ... I am an old man and have much to do and a short time to do it in ..... and being this age I am also perhaps quite daft. twigsnapper

Jimmy Buffett

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:57 pm
by Mark Culpepper
Strikes me that with this much comment on his songs that it would be interesting to see what Jimmy Buffetts reaction to this story might be. After reading his " Joe Merchant" book I have a feeling that he might recognize already some of your characters. Are you going to contact him Paul ?

"Elsewhere in that first letter, Morgan made the first of many references to another Jimmy Buffett song, a track from the Banana Wind album called “Only Time Will Tell.” The first verse goes like this:

Scales and clocks just can't be trusted
Keys and locks are destined to be busted
Metaphors were never made for keeping score
And I'm feeling for the sound of time

Feeling for the sound of time… listening for the sound of time… the sound of time… only time will tell… that, as much as any of the specific details he ever provided, was the recurring theme of my correspondence with Morgan......................

And I think you and Mr. Buffett might have alot in common after all. MarkC

"Flight" Envy

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 7:05 pm
by greggvizza
It's like everybody is doing it. It’s like all the rage these days. I am experiencing severe “flight” envy.


rocket ship? or something else?

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 7:31 pm
by Mark Culpepper
Wondering why it was that Morgan referred to Linda Brown as " Desdemona". I think I have a handle on his personality so this was worth looking up.... again we are talking about Jimmy Buffetts work ...

"Desdemona's Building A Rocket Ship
Desdemona's Going Away
Desdemona's Building A Rocket Ship
Blasting Off Today
She's Got A Passion For Cookies
A Crew Full Of Rookies
It's Going To Be A Hell Of A Blow
Desdemona's Building A Rocket Ship
And I've Got To Go

A Women On A Mission
Quite Familiar With Quasars
Her Heart Is In A Kitchen
But Her Soul Is In The Stars
Crystal Clear On Logic
But Short On Expertise
This Is A Very Ancient Puzzle
She Feels Herself A Piece

Thats not all of it of course but while we are all tuning into Buffetts words I find it interesting that the phrase " This is a very ancient puzzle' which I think are the exact ( or close) words that Morgan used in his message to Paul. Which turns my attention of course to what is said about Desdemona.

And you know. No one has ever said what Linda Browns " agenda" may be in all of this. We have all been so busy talking about her father and Morgan that we have skipped over entirely the quiet one in the equation. But you see, Morgan has given it all to us in the above. A woman on a mission .... I believe it .....A crew full of rookies ... yeah, I believe that too...... MarkC

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:41 pm
by kevin.b
Mark Culpepper,
My hobbit hairy toes are twitching about Mr Buffett, good and proper.
But respect overrides any of my thoughts, you have to realise that he is little known this side of the pond.
If the crew needs a navigator, count this little hobbit in.
And if its a single ticket, well ,what will be will be.

Been to a funeral of a friend today, he was ( Terry ) one of the true hippies, he came into the church in a whicker basket to ,
All right now, free.
Went out to,
All you need is love, Beatles.
The closing words were.
" There was never a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor will there be any future in which we will cease to be"
Sri Krishna bhagavad gita.
I felt as though I was at other funerals , all at the same time.

perhaps mistakes here

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:15 pm
by James Barrett
Perhaps there are mistakes here and to all true scholars I apoligize ahead of time. Here is something I learned years ago to translate so I am going to run it past my poor brain ... translating as I go. I thought of you kevin and could not let the moment pass.

" accgedyo 'yam adahyo 'yam
akledyo 'sosya eva ca
nityah sarva-gatah sthanur
acalo'yam sanatanah


This individual soul is unbreakable and insoluable, and can be neither burned nor dried. It is everlasting, present everywhere, unchangeable, immovable (yet everywhere) and eternally the same ( yet constantly changing).


Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:47 pm
by kevin.b
James Barrett,
bg 2.24
Perhaps that is what we are going towards?
And a realisation that we are all one.
The picture in front of me, is an illusion, I have seen it change, I cannot therefore be the same again, I KNOW its an illusion.

Can the picture therefore be changed at will?, or with a little help from my friends.

Re: did I?

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:46 am
by Mikado14
twigsnapper wrote:Of course. Many. Safer than some planes <g>
But then ... I am an old man and have much to do and a short time to do it in ..... and being this age I am also perhaps quite daft. twigsnapper
So Mr. Twigsnapper, since this forum is winding down, so to speak, or the sun is setting, what are your plans? Need a travelling companion? May I suggest one? How about Paul? Take him to meet Morgan. I think he will soon deserve it.

I'll give up my ticket for him. (you owe me Schatzkin...<g> if he comes through and I want to be the first one you talk to!)


Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:50 am
by Mikado14
Do you think it is possible that if Morgan faked his death once, that he faked it again?

Think about it, here is a man who may be coming out of remission and the Navy Doc wants to send him stateside. What better way to go and retire on some island in the Bahamas, Caribbean, Nassau or even Hawaii.

Just a idea?


Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:03 am
by Mikado14
A little more fodder for the forum:

IF Morgan did travel through spacetime. How does anyone know if he isn't here? Why not leave on the 27th, and go live a life time in the future and come back to fulfill destiny.


Cripes, I could come up with an dozen more half-assed, half-baked ideas. Anyone else seeing the possiblities?


might account

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 2:37 am
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Lovely thoughts Mikado.

And that might account for the discrepancy in the number counted on board that ill fated helicopter. That missing person ... counted once .... but not again. It might be a fanciful thought on my part or it might be reality. I Remember that Morgan said that there "a time to live, and a time to die," but I noticed also that he didn't mention which it was that he was choosing. It might be that he would eventually join his men as part of his own destiny. But I like to consider that perhaps there were other places he might have gone first. A Universe, a lifetime in just a few seconds perhaps.

And as far as we have our minds open to flights of fantasy perhaps, might as well enjoy ourselves. This is a rabbit hole remember. With a different set of rules.

The strange ship that was seen in Langleys territory in ( 1942?) .... which seemed to intentionally pace the bombers squadron that noticed it ( or fighters , I can't remember now) .... with the insignia of the Cheshire Cat on it certainly sounds like the work of someone we might recognize. Heck with what year it was! And it turned remember, into something that would have been called an " Unidentified Submerged Object"..... Or the minesweeper crews ... taking mines away from the path of approaching ships. Twigsnapper said any ship could be a minesweeper .... once ... and we all laughed over that .... but what if Beckwith is not the crazy person that some would like to say he is? What does that mean?

And then there is the old Cutlass. We never really got into that subject... but as you mentioned to me a while back Mikado ... the subject of USOs is also bubbling to the surface in the media. Just this week.

I remember that Morgan was asked ... " What would you do, if you could travel in time?" and I remember how Paul recorded his response. After Morgan realized that his first choice ( to save his sister) could not be realized I think that his answer was .... "do what I can to help .... and enjoy the experience"Something like that. Elizabeth