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Linda Brown
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Post by Linda Brown »

Since you mentioned weapons systems and advanced DARPA like designs I am going to mention this here but I suppose if we continue this discussion we should meet in another thread which might be more appropriate.

Though again... crop circles ... might be pretty much on the mark too,

I just got my flyer for the new " UFO Crash Retrieval Conference" which is going to be held in Las Vegas during the early part of November.

Now here is the interesting thing. For those who have theirs or who want to check out their website

My point is. Look at the presentation and you can see where they are going with their mind set. The fron page screams

ACCESS UFO FIREPOWER ( firepower????)


See what I mean?
Alot of familiar names and faces. People on the " tour" Apparently Richard Dolan is close to finishing the book he mentioned years ago ( the second one) and the first has been I guess a success ( they say it has sold nearly 100,000 copies... which I guess is good) BUT

Most of them are singing the same songs. If I can find someone who is saying something different I might just go and sit in the back. Linda
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Post by Griffin »


Your query about the Star and Crescent has produced an interesting exchange. I would like to emphasize the feminine component in all this again, not only to observe Mr. Twigsnapper’s advice to “remember the women” -- always a good practice to observe -- but to add some weight to one side of a severe imbalance. We live in a dualistic world and I think that working to find balance amidst this can be quite important, especially when anything gets too far out of balance. One of the problems in our world, in my opinion, has been the male dominated power and influence imbalance -- which is fortunately slowly but surely being corrected. I think this subject of balancing symbols is important enough to warrant some further discussion. Excuse the length, folks, or scroll on by if it doesn’t interest you.

Christianity and Islam, the so-called patriarchal religions, have both suffered from an overemphasis on the masculine principle, as you know Amalie. The Source of the Force, a term I tend to prefer, or the Godhead, the All, the Vastness, the Eternal One, the Great Spirit -- whatever term serves best -- is ultimately all embracing and beyond narrow categorizations like gender. I think most theologians, when pressed, would tend to concede this. But in the duality of manifestation there are definitely feminine and masculine principles present. Even in the Chi/Aether/Stuff there’s Yin-Yang, positive negative at work. These are best expressed as complementaries in balance. But for too long in history, the feminine has often been suppressed. C.G. Jung saw the psychological and spiritual dangers of a severe imbalance between these principles or archetypes. When a severe imbalance has been present, God/Innate Cosmic Wisdom/Nature – as you like -- will provide ways of achieving a progressive balancing process.

I like to consider the Star and Crescent as a more feminine symbol and a counter-balancing presence -- even if not consciously realized -- amidst the masculine dominated practices that are evident in Islam. History supports this interpretation of this symbol. Although widespread in various cultures, it is conceded that the Star and Crescent became a pervasive Islamic symbol through its adoption by the dynasty of the Ottoman Turks. This image had been used in some instances by the Turks before their conquest of Byzantium. But Byzantium’s symbol had long been the Star and Crescent and was featured on their flag. Just as the Ottomans had adopted so much else from the Byzantine culture, they began using this symbol on their own flag. They had adopted the brand, so to speak. It is said that an Ottoman Sultan was prompted in a dream to adopt it. Now it is used on the flags of many Moslem nations and I hope it stays there and thrives.

Where did the Byzantines obtain the symbol? The evidence points to a source which even preceded Christianity in Byzantium. The city of Byzantium was already using this symbol on their coinage and flag in the 4th Century B.C. The crescent moon was a symbol of the patroness of the city, the goddess Artemis. The star may have represented Venus, often close to the moon and with feminine connections as well. It seems to me that it may have also represented the city itself. In Christian times, the Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Heaven, took over the role and symbol. She is often pictured standing on a crescent moon, probably most famously on the image of “Our Lady of Guadalupe.” Catholics have sometimes been criticized by male Protestants for “Mary worship.” I’m not Catholic, but I believe they definitely did the right thing in this case. Yes, there are associations to Isis, Artemis and other goddesses -- as there should be in a continuing feminine empowering lineage, in my opinion. There are lovely representations of Mary in the beautiful architectural masterpiece, the Hagia Sophia -- originally a Byzantine Christian church, then a mosque, and now a museum. Sophia means wisdom -- the wisdom of God in this case.

So, whatever the influence of the masculine moon god may have been at times, let’s not slight the historically traceable and much needed balancing influence of the feminine principle as represented by the Star and Crescent. I wish it every success in becoming more appreciated and pervasive as time goes by.

As ever, still transmitting,

FM No Static At All
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Post by FM No Static At All »

Bulwark wrote: Good morning!
I have a question since you edited your post. If Dr. Brown realized the "SYMMETRY" in nature, can you explain why "ASYMMETRY" is enhancing the effect and the effect of what? And what level are you talking about?
I know you directed this to HTMagic, but I would like to offer a possibility here. Symmetry is observed in physics based on the fact that classic physics discounts aether physics entirely. I find that this is a gross error in understanding how the universe works, and I think that like Nikola Tesla, Dr. Brown was fully aware of the underlying structure of matter being in that aether.

We base our symmetrical view of nature as described previously, however the interesting phenomenas observed almost exclusively are the result of an asymmetry in experimentation. Why then, does classical physics ignore this? I feel that it is the very nature of the aether that will provide the energy that changes the paradigm, and that it is suppressed with purpose.
The nation of Islam, I agree, where is the geographical location of this? Is there one? There is no race of Islam and to state so than one could say the nation of Christianity, this is ludicrous thinking. I further see elsewhere here that some are falling into the trap of good vs evil, be very careful of travelling that road for that is the description of a jihad. It depends on what the definition of good is and who is saying it. Who among us has the right to say what is right and what is wrong? What is the measure of that? Is morality a religion? or is it religion driven? No matter how you view it, there's a dark side to each and every human soul. A while back I remember mentioning that we all wish we were like Obi-Wan Kenobi but for the most part there's a bit of Darth Vader in all of us. This ain't no either-or proposition. We're talking about dialectics, the good and the bad merging into us. You can run but you can't hide. Which one will emerge today?
I mean no disrespect to anyone, however my feelings regarding any religion is such that I see it as merely a method to enslave people. Religion externalizes the good/evil as a god/devil (god plus "o" is good, while devil minus "d" is evil, hmm... no accident there I am certain!) We are told to have faith and trust in "god's will" instead of being accountable for our own actions. We are told that is we do not surrender ourselves to the will of god, we will surely burn in hell.

The "nation of Islam" is a great way of extending beliefs across sovereign national borders as aggressive expansionism, in the name of something holy. Jihad or holy war against the infidels. The Crusades and Inquisition, spreading Christianity through aggression across the continents. And while Judiaism never seemed to go out and recruit and convert, today Israel is seen as the aggressor, and accused of "genocide" toward the Palestinians.

If you were like Obi-Wan, would you use the power of the force to harm others? What if those "others" would do harm to you or your friends or family? I don't see it at all as an either/or situation. It's more a matter of where you are coming from. If you are coming from anger or hate, then any action taken is from the "dark side" although the very description of dark is merely the absence of light. If you are coming from love and compassion for fellow humans, then your actions while they may produce the same end result, is based on the "light" and therefore it cannot be less than serving the highest good of all concerned.

Crop Circles:
Obviously many are hoaxes. There are however, many others that exhibit strangeness, in that they cannot merely be written off as hoaxes due to the phenomena associated with them. Not only the complexity oft he designs, but the molecular changes to the crops and the fact that although they are bent quite severely, the crops themselves are not damaged, as can be seen in many of the rope and board hoax circles.

Are they instructions? Are they records of historical events? Are they plans to build a spaceship? Do they contain "sacred geometry" or mathematics that can explain much about the universe that we have missed in our own sciences? Just like UFO reports, many can be explained as hoaxes or earth technology. Some may be "Blacker than than black" secret technology, that is being kept under cover for "national security" reasons.

Classified technology, even the research and development is compartmentalized and the scientists themselves work on parts of the whole. The public face of this technology is shrouded in partial truths, partial lies, and mixed well enough so that the average person cannot discern which is which. I would like to think that there are enough astute persons within this group, who can separate the wheat from the chaff.

If crop circle formations that are no hoaxes, originate from an "off world" source, then the question is "why?" What reason is there to send these coded messages and to whom are they directed? It seems that if we are to decode the messages, we have to know:

1. Who is sending them?
2. Why are they sending them?
3. To whom are they being targeted?

Fred a.k.a.
FM - No Static At All
'The only reason some people get lost in thought is because its unfamiliar territory.'
Linda Brown
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Post by Linda Brown »


Here might be a different thought.

What if those " messages" are not even for us?
What if they are meant from an " off world source" to an "inner world source"
What if we just happen to be noticing the transmissions but can't figure them because they are not even meant to understand them.
Maybe we have a "Need not to know" at the moment. I am sort fo familiar with being treated that way so I recognize it faster perhaps than others.

Who is sending? To Whom? For what purpose?

Suddenly I remind myself of a fish looking up at that strange hull in the sky.... trying to figure .... what in the heck is that thing? .... But until the fish can get a better vision does it need to know about .... uh.... rockets to moons or microwave ovens or .... cows in a pasture .... or ..... or .... or.... See what I mean. Sometimes the gap is just too wide..... for this exact moment anyway ..... Did I just make any sense at all? I can hear my Dads words ....." sometimes I feel like a fish flopping on a pier .... hoping, just hoping to be able to flop back into the water." Linda
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Post by Bulwark »

htmagic wrote: I'm talking about the Biefeld Brown (BB) effect. I do not wish to go into detail because Paul covered it well in his book and also in this forum. Please use the search feature to learn more. As for the next level, I was talking about the deeper than black, B2 bomber, military aspects, classified nature of this work. Also, did you bother to read the PDF I linked to? Could you not see where the military carried Dr. Brown's ideas about simple capacitors into the electrokinetic microactuator arrays that DARPA is looking at?
Hello there!

I don't wish to sound condescending as you appear at times but I joined this forum long before you did and prior to that I was a long time lurker and started reading the book when Paul was on maybe chapter 10. I am well aware of what he has written and his explanation (no offense Paul) is well written for the average person. As to the PDF you posted, I most certainly did go to it and what you saw is not what it is about, it is essentially a way of surpressing turbulence electrokinetically. I like to dabble in physics but only take it with a grain of salt. Amazing how science changes with the times and who is in authority. I find who is in authority is who writes the science - perhaps that is changing.

Who would be a man must be a non-conformist - Emerson
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Post by amalie »

Dear Linda,

No much need for UFO firepower

"Why " because US would not include Russia for the missile defense bases in Europe.

Easy really, if co-operative and usable space security structures are not obtained , by default there will be alternative military escalations. It is the same everywhere.

I wonder how Trickfox is , perhaps in surgery already.

Love Amalie
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Post by amalie »

Bulwark you said ...

"The nation of Islam, I agree, where is the geographical location of this? Is there one? There is no race of Islam and to state so than one could say the nation of Christianity, this is ludicrous thinking. I further see elsewhere here that some are falling into the trap of good vs evil, be very careful of travelling that road for that is the description of a jihad. It depends on what the definition of good is and who is saying it. Who among us has the right to say what is right and what is wrong? What is the measure of that? Is morality a religion? or is it religion driven? No matter how you view it, there's a dark side to each and every human soul. A while back I remember mentioning that we all wish we were like Obi-Wan Kenobi but for the most part there's a bit of Darth Vader in all of us. This ain't no either-or proposition. We're talking about dialectics, the good and the bad merging into us. You can run but you can't hide. Which one will emerge today?"

Definition of dialectics .
"any systematic reasoning, exposition, or argument that juxtaposes opposed or contradictory ideas and usually seeks to resolve their conflict" I will try and answer you at the level at which you have written at. You are wrong, nations and cultures do actually exist, although though they are not identified in the same way as physical objects .Such nations and cultures also have particular affinities which is what a lot of international relations is about. Moral conditions also exist, again not in the same way as physical objects .There is such a thing as good and there is also such a thing as evil, it is not all the same, there is right and there is wrong. We have to make choices all the time, and we have the reason and the ability to do that. The dark moment in each soul , does not mean that good does not exist.

If you want to merge good and bad and declare that nothing has any value and that cultures and identities do not exist, that is your personal choice, not a universal condition and nothing to do with dialectics, which focuses upon argument not upon cover up . But none of the arguments indicate that good has become evil or evil good , simply because of superficial belief . Good and evil stand outside of "belief" because they are properties that are linked into the actual and verifiable status of the individual .

Regarding the current Islamic world view, something is very, very wrong , evil if you like . Far reaching reform is needed within the fundamentalist systems, because despite the continuing belief in the morality of such systems they are exceptionally brutal, ignorant and repressive and give rise to significant and unnecessary suffering, and to a dangerous idealism for violence and extremism.

"Oftentimes, to win us to our harm,
The instruments of darkness tell us truths;
Win us with honest trifles, to betray us
In deepest consequence."
William Shakespeare, Macbeth

FM No Static At All
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Post by FM No Static At All »

I get what you are saying Linda, and do agree with it somewhat. But if they are not meant for us, then why are they placed where they are most visible to us? Like the lines drawn in the Plains of Nasca, they would seem to be directed towards those that would view them from above. So I am not convinced they are meant for those that live in the "Inner Earth."

As far as we are not meant to understand them, I get tingles when I view certain ones, like I "know" this pattern, and I begin to feel that it's more than just pretty patterns. It has a meaning although it seems as if the meaning is just beyond my grasp at the moment. And then I read or see something somewhere and I get that cosmic "Aha!"

Perhaps in the world of the fish, looking beyond the surface of the water is similar to "need not to know" for once that fish is up there, its fate lies in the person at the end of the hook. are we nothing more than those fish, waiting for harvest? Then again, perhaps your father felt that way when dealing with the different representatives of the "military-industrial complex" who seemed to be hooking him and reeling him into their agendas. Perhaps it was TCG and his many friend's such as Kitselman, Sarchabcher, and Stephenson, that allowed him to cope and to see "It will be alright," and to "go forth" in spite of the others poking and prodding him? Perhaps?

"They" can only beat us when we are caught up in fear and conflict. When we immerse ourselves in love, enjoy our friendships, appreciate the beauty of the world around us, we are in effect, shielding ourselves from the external controls of the "Manipulators."

Fred a.k.a.
FM - No Static At All
'The only reason some people get lost in thought is because its unfamiliar territory.'
Linda Brown
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Post by Linda Brown »


Have all of the "messages" been put where we humans can find them easily? I think that you have misunderstood what I tried to say.

First, when I said " Inner Earth" I did not necessarily mean " beneath the crust" I meant more " of this Earth ... a part of this Earth, as we are. And its my own concept that this "force" is historically benevolent toward us. We are all one ... I would like to believe.

And perhaps this particular" intelligence network" has a deeper understanding of the character of the rest of the universe, that it is in fact aware of various " Off worldly forces". Perhaps it has been here all along and which (for some still unknown reason) we humans are not aware of quite yet. This is an ancient concept so it should not be unfamiliar with most of you.

If we are part of that "intelligence network" here on Earth, what then do the " Plains of Nasca" mean? Some have speculated that they could in fact be markings or directions ( as the Hummingbird) ... or perhaps many things that we can't understand ourselves. The figures are not visible from the ground yet ground bound humans probably made them. Under what direction ? And toward what purpose? My point here is that we have been " in partnership" with another intelligence for thousands of years. And that intelligence and we are connected. Understand that this is my considered opinion.... and I understand that there will be many who will have alternate viewpoints.

Are we nothing more than fish waiting for harvest? Now thats a good question.

If there is a " space trawler" out there somewhere, would we be treated differently than we treat the fish in our oceans? Do we have any special regard for them? If we have our own agendas and the fish don't count, then why in the world would we think that we should fare any better?

Not to be an alarmist but I have gotten many hints through the years that there might in fact be " something" out there in the depths of space that would treat us like that " space trawler" and once it hits the "fishing grounds " of our atmosphere I wonder how we would fare against it? I wonder sometimes too if some of the urgency in all of this "information bubbleup" is because time is growing short and we need to know who we are and who is also standing here with us before we come face to face with a REAL threat.

Sounds a little bit like the scenes from Independence Day maybe. I actually thought that was an extremely accurate movie of the possibilities of the future. It all played out just about the way it might go... I would prefer to be in a situation where such a thing never even contemplates the visit.

Right now we have the luxury of being our own worst enemy but I wonder how long that might last? Linda

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Post by amalie »

Dear Crop Circle,

Thank you all so very much for the lunar inputs, back to the drawing board for me .
I hope I will be able to manifest something helpful at the conference.

I am very sorry to seem so against the Islamic world , but it has made me so very miserable for such a long time, to see how this sublime civilization has been turned by the theologians into something totally unrealistic and regressive.

Change always comes, because it is inevitable and essential, but to find the extra-ordinary inner circumstance from where a better potential can arise is a difficult task.

Easier now because we are more . More awake , more intelligent , more able and we have more compassion for each other.

Perhaps crop circles are manifestations of our own particular mathematical propensities .

Caused by subtle bodies of charged ions, that coalesce from the continuous broadcast of human activity and the outflows of a collective and quantum informed perceptual base, into the charged levels of the atmosphere.

It would make sense that these electronic and microwave manifestations become more apparent and more mathematical in nature , as we clue into the very obvious and mathematical levels of the silicon and atomic universes .

Were the lines of Nazca designed or manifested from similar human interactions, humans reaching for an unknown and finding that the unknown will reciprocate within a subtle physical phenomena and that even human activity is part of that profound organic matrix.

Does this sort of process happen all the time, as we donate our electronic impulses into the magnetized and potent returns of the planetary body . As one continuous body should we be so surprised if the world around us reflects our inner dimensions

The Dalai Lama once said that the energy of consciousness and material energy are different energies, but that the subtle mental energies were the leading factor and that they dominated, led out, designated and created the apparent material situation.

I am sure this is very true, and that we do actually manifest the world around us from within ourselves, at all levels in all sorts of ways.

So might we not be the agents that are now manifesting crop circles as a part of our mysterious journey through space and time, does there have to be anything else apart from what we are ?

Eventually we might manifest as a space faring dynasty of sorts I am sure , human evolution is a double sided conundrum , we wish to become and we do .

Best Wishes

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Post by Trickfox »

The only thing needing open heart surgery so far is my laptop. I'm sorry I'm late folks. I had a complete system crash last night, and this morning I was in a paninc to reformat my hard drive and reload my operating system.
As for my own open heart surgery....Well it appears that I won't need it after all. (everyone cross your fingers cause I'll know more by Monday). Doctors have come back with better than expected test results on my heart valves. Tomorrow I'm undergoing MIBI (stress tests under nuclear imaging). If these tests are good and the cardiologists come to an consensus, they will unclogg one or two of my arteries with stents, and put me through an excercise shedule with plavix treatments for a year and I can wait another five to six years before again contemplating the open heart surgery.
Extrordinary luck, or mystical intervention....take your pick but the trickfox will be back at work in five days.

More in a few hours..


OH if anyone wants to reach me call 418-525-4444 room 11608 Call late in the evenings ( say 7:00 to 9;00 PM EST) I've got nothing else to do anyhow.

The psychopropulsier (as pointed out in the book The Good-bye man by Linda Brown and Jan Lofton) is a Quantum entanglement project under development using Quantum Junctions. Join us at
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Post by Bulwark »

amalie wrote:Bulwark you said ...

"The nation of Islam, I agree, where is the geographical location of this? Is there one? There is no race of Islam and to state so than one could say the nation of Christianity, this is ludicrous thinking. I further see elsewhere here that some are falling into the trap of good vs evil, be very careful of travelling that road for that is the description of a jihad. It depends on what the definition of good is and who is saying it. Who among us has the right to say what is right and what is wrong? What is the measure of that? Is morality a religion? or is it religion driven? No matter how you view it, there's a dark side to each and every human soul. A while back I remember mentioning that we all wish we were like Obi-Wan Kenobi but for the most part there's a bit of Darth Vader in all of us. This ain't no either-or proposition. We're talking about dialectics, the good and the bad merging into us. You can run but you can't hide. Which one will emerge today?"

Definition of dialectics .
"any systematic reasoning, exposition, or argument that juxtaposes opposed or contradictory ideas and usually seeks to resolve their conflict" I will try and answer you at the level at which you have written at. You are wrong, nations and cultures do actually exist, although though they are not identified in the same way as physical objects .Such nations and cultures also have particular affinities which is what a lot of international relations is about. Moral conditions also exist, again not in the same way as physical objects .There is such a thing as good and there is also such a thing as evil, it is not all the same, there is right and there is wrong. We have to make choices all the time, and we have the reason and the ability to do that. The dark moment in each soul , does not mean that good does not exist.

If you want to merge good and bad and declare that nothing has any value and that cultures and identities do not exist, that is your personal choice, not a universal condition and nothing to do with dialectics, which focuses upon argument not upon cover up . But none of the arguments indicate that good has become evil or evil good , simply because of superficial belief . Good and evil stand outside of "belief" because they are properties that are linked into the actual and verifiable status of the individual .
You totally may have missed my point but then that is what this world is. Many different perspectives standing on the top of the mountain. One person sees a beautiful valley and another looking in a different direction only sees an empty plain. It all depends on where you are standing. I find it curious from some of the responses that everyone only proves my point and most of all my dear, so have you. Does the nation of Islam exist? I asked for a geographical location when in reality, it exists in the hearts of those who choose to let it in, just as Christians or anyone else who looks for a belief system.

As to the good/evil concept I was mentioning and your mentioning of the meaning of dialectics. I thank you for that definition and I was speaking of the internal conflict that most individuals are faced with and your own posted definition only reenforces my statement (any systematic reasoning, exposition, or argument that juxtaposes opposed or contradictory ideas and usually seeks to resolve their conflict), to reiterate, the contradiction of right/wrong, the juxtaposition of such and the resolution of the internal conflict one goes through when thinking about keeping the wallet with 10 $100 bills found or do we turn it in? We all have it within us and again, you missed my point but the measure or amount that resides within the soul of each of us can only be ascertained by our actions which are measured by those that observe us therefore, what is perceived as good by one can be perceived as bad by another. Who are any of us to judge for judgement is relative to who is judging. I did not pass a judgement, I only made an observation, whom between us has made a judgement?

Who would be a man must be a non-conformist - Emerson
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Post by FM No Static At All »

Linda Brown wrote: Have all of the "messages" been put where we humans can find them easily? I think that you have misunderstood what I tried to say.
Yes, I do think that all "messages" are places within our reach. Those that are buried, have been hidden not because the messengers placed them there, but others that understood the messages hid them from plain sight for their own purposes.
First, when I said " Inner Earth" I did not necessarily mean " beneath the crust" I meant more " of this Earth ... a part of this Earth, as we are. And its my own concept that this "force" is historically benevolent toward us. We are all one ... I would like to believe.

Are we a "part of this Earth" in that sense, or are we actually part of what is "out there" and we are merely tourists/visitors who may have extended our stay beyond that of our hospitable hosts? The second part of this I wholeheartedly agree with, we are all of the same and a part ofthe whole. We are one, yet we are constantly being divided and misguided by those that don't want us to realize that connection. That is how I feel about religion and government, as it has developed into such a divisive methodology.
And perhaps this particular" intelligence network" has a deeper understanding of the character of the rest of the universe, that it is in fact aware of various " Off worldly forces". Perhaps it has been here all along and which (for some still unknown reason) we humans are not aware of quite yet. This is an ancient concept so it should not be unfamiliar with most of you.
Perhaps it has to do with beliefs and that phrase I keep repeating to myself as much as to the forum. "What are we pretending not to know?" I am certain that any intelligence group would have to be aware of any off world forces. With all of the technology that is public, and with all of that which remains "black" it would be naive to think that visitors from other worlds would not be known to some. But I do feel that more people are becoming aware of the possibility that we are not alone, and are questioning their own beliefs. And I feel that is a healthy think to do, for it will lead to an opening up for many, to see possibilities beyond those beliefs.

We are all connected to that universal consciousness. Some of us seem more or less connected, and perhaps that is only because of our awareness of it. And Maybe others are "gifted" and feel that connection as part of their awakened consciousness, which others are seeking in the quest for enlightenment.
Are we nothing more than fish waiting for harvest? Now thats a good question.

If there is a " space trawler" out there somewhere, would we be treated differently than we treat the fish in our oceans? Do we have any special regard for them? If we have our own agendas and the fish don't count, then why in the world would we think that we should fare any better?
Maybe we are being culled. Maybe we have been harvested by other species, who regard us as nothing more than we regard the fish. It would merely be Darwinism extended beyond the confines of Earth. It is why I do not subscribe to the either/or context of good/evil in the way most people do. In some "myths" we were bred as slaves. The Nazis viewed themselves as superior members of the human species and sought to eliminate other races deemed inferior. They used many as slaves until they were no longer useful, then destroyed them.

And I do not feel you are being an alarmist as this scenario has been depicted for quite some time. The Time Machine movie showed a similar situation, where the Eloi were harvested as slaves and food for the Morlocks. I too have received communication that something lies outside our current perceptions. I felt that there are several threats of sorts, and it will be a matter of trusting that inner voice and knowing the benevolence of those that are truly here to help us, that will determine our ultimate fate.

It may be that at one time, we weren't even fish to "them" but merely insects, that occasionally annoyed them and they just brushed us off or exterminated us by the thousands (millions)when they felt we were being pests. But at some point we developed more, and instead of just being pests, we became food, and then became labor. And perhaps the next step in our growth is to be just like "them" but we also can choose to be different. We can choose to respect all of life and not simply look at other creatures as food or pets, or slaves.

Perhaps our Independence Day is just over the horizon!

I truly appreciate the way you look at things. I feel that there is much more that you know that you have yet to allow yourself to see. Or perhaps you ccannot express it in words. Language does have it's limitations.

Fred a.k.a.
FM - No Static At All
'The only reason some people get lost in thought is because its unfamiliar territory.'
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Post by Martin Calloway »

Everyone on this thread. There are so many really fruitful discussions going on right now here that its hard to even address just one or two but these are the thoughts that resonate with me.

First of all. Great going Trickfox. Can't keep a good man down. Maybe you are just supposed to take the next five days and observe what is happening around you. It ought to be interesting.

Bulwark and Amalie. So much there I guess I will save my comments for another time when I have had a chance to think more on it.

Fred. You keep asking the question " What is it that you are pretending not to know" ... which leaves me with the thought that you might think similarly to the way I do. That we all are invested with certain abilities which for some reason we seem to delight in denying. Is this what you are meaning? I think that the " little voice in the back of our heads" sometimes gets together with that thing that others have called the " minds eye" and suddenly we see and understand far more than we could ever explain to others. Its not that we conciously realize that we know so much and then hide it ... we just don't realize that we know what we know. <g> Its scarey to know too much. Puts you outside the safe and comfy boundaries of our lives. One of the scariest sentences to anyone ever is " You will never be safe in your world again" And I guess when you move beyond being ignorant of things then you also have to come face to face with the dangers.

But I guess that could be said of any intelligence gathering service... whether it is the human mind or an organization. Half of the time they don't know what they know either .... and they do a pretty good job of denying what they do know, once they get it halfway figured.

I have figacting with each other. Watch out for the things that Linda Brown says. She works on about ten levels I think. And many people get entirely different things from her messages. Just an observation I have figured this by watching this forum develop and interact. What she says to one person sometimes has real big meanings to others.

I often wonder if she ever gets tired of speaking to rocks <g> Because I sure feel as dense as one sometimes! Martin
Space Cadet
Posts: 90
Joined: Sun Jan 21, 2007 4:14 pm
Location: Alaska


Post by Bulwark »

Linda Brown wrote:Good Morning Alaska! Bulwark,

I wondered the other day if you are seeing an increase in tourism now that a prospective Vice President hails from there and the newscasters have been flooding the airways with such beautiful vistas. The place has a certain charm for those who would prefer to be sort of the " end of the lane" neighbors. More room for foxes and such. BUT then there is the weather. Once they develop and start to constantly use electric powered and silent snowmobiles ( or something even more interesting)...... pretty enough country and certainly out in it........ lights of neighbors are creeping closer and closer in my neighborhood. I might even be interested. The idea though of screaming through the forrest is not the most pleasant image. And thats just me, without the machine. <g> Still ... alot of room... no neighbors ..... and the ones that you have are bound to be tough minded. And the others are a bit of both , like you Bulwark. A pure romantic and someone tough enough to live under those conditions.

Of course I hope that everyone checks into the debate tonight. I think that both standing there will recemtly gpme through a crash course .... one to say all the right things. one to keep his mouth shut when he needs to. Should be interesting to see who has done their homework the best.

Good Morning Everyone. Linda
Hello Linda Brown.

I must confess to something here, when I first began to lurk upon these pages I suspected that you were Longboard Lovely since there were times she signed off as LindaB...hmmmm not too far a leap to make that "B" into Brown. Turned out to be a leap too far. I also remember when I asked Elizabeth Helen Drake if she was Paul's wife....hmmm, let's see, strike two. I have given up on guessing anymore for when you swing that third time, I would be like the Might Casey in Mudville.

As far as tourism from our lovely governor being the Vice Presidential candidate I would have to say no, way too early. Here in Skagway there are many cruise ships that dock here. Many are for the surrounding area and for excursions on the White Pass and Yukon to the summit and on to Yukon Territory in Canada. If our governess, is that correct? That comes to mind, do we call her governor or governess?...inside joke, won't go any further. What I was getting at, if she makes the VP seat I suppose it will improve our tourism. We have less than a 1,000 residents here but there are usually over 400 cruise ships that dock here in a year. Better expand that dock.

As far as the scenery? I wouldn't trade this for anything.

Now I must really get going to watch the governor in the debate and to contemplate what strike three will be.

Who would be a man must be a non-conformist - Emerson